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Fallout 4 PC Ultra screenshots


A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I can't unsee those bump mapped windows.

With a PBR solution they should be able to do glass of some sort. They just don't.
Transparency is expensive and would require something behind the windows to look at. Looks like they've decided to have the windows covered by centuries of accumulated dirt and grime instead.


Transparency is expensive and would require something behind the windows to look at. Looks like they've decided to have the windows covered by centuries of accumulated dirt and grime instead.

They apparently also decided that a few extra polygons for the window frames was another cost too high.
It kinda looks disappointing for ultra specs. I don't see much difference with the PS4 version. I mean, it's not night and day. Welp, the frame-rate will differ for sure.

Anyway, it's not "ugly" as some say, it looks "good enough" just like the console version. Then again, a lot of you seem to be aware that the series is not known for its cutting edge graphics.


PC definitely looks better than the PS4 version, but it's definitely not by a great deal. Which is surprising, considering these are Ultra settings. The game looks good either way, so I guess I'll stick with the console version for a few years until the modding community hits it's stride.

It could definitely look better, but I'm much more bothered with the animation than the graphical quality. I think that's what makes this game look outdated for the most part. I do wonder why the running and movement animations look so dated, especially with the faces being a stark improvement over those in 3/New Vegas.


I think it looks good enough, it's certainly nothing special. It will be interesting to see how far I can downsample this with a 980 Ti while maintaining 60fps+. I think the first thing I'll be doing is tweaking the hell out of the configuration files, although I won't be touching uGrids...

Apparently the official mod tools won't be out until early 2016.


never left the stone age
Thinking about it, I'm OK with the graphics, should be easy to get 60 fps on my 280x.
Does Gamembryo not do reflective surfaces? That just occurred to me looking at those painted on windows.

They've had reflective water since Morrowind at least.


Are these straight from Bethesda? How can you run a Steam game before the release?
PC review copies? Unlikely this day and age?
Bethesda said there won't be a resolution and frame rate cap. While the screenshots looks nice, but not Crysis great it'll probably be easier to get 120+ fps. I can't wait to see Bloody Mess perk in VATs at 144fps.

Awesome! I ended up running Skyrim in 3D anyways so it didn't bother me at the time, but i'm not interested in that kind of 3D anymore, so i'm glad i'll be able to run this correctly.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I had high hopes for the PC version, but it still looks underwhelming out the of box.

It will take at least a year for decent graphics mods to come out, and maybe even longer for them to be well optimized :/

That's my issue with it. All those Fallout 3 and even Skyrim visual mods look amazing...but none of them actually did me any good. It's like, by the time they're available, I've long since finished playing. I'll load them up and remark at how cool they are but then proceed not to replay the game. So that's why this is a tad disappointing.


Anyone want to see anything specific from the final build of the game other than your normal gameplay videos; what is everyone interested in? Sorry, not really a fan so can't even tell what they are myself.
That's my issue with it. All those Fallout 3 and even Skyrim visual mods look amazing...but none of them actually did me any good. It's like, by the time they're available, I've long since finished playing. I'll load them up and remark at how cool they are but then proceed not to replay the game. So that's why this is a tad disappointing.

Yeah, pretty much this. We'll have to wait for several months to reach that fully modded game.
The earliest and easiest mods we can expect from the community are the sweetfx and enb mods. And I think I'm good with that.

Ugh that 'clean' look makes everything look like everything is made out of plastic.
Really not liking it.

Sweetfx can easily fix that day one.


Why are people upset that a Bethesda game which started development during last-gen and is wildly regarded as one of the most modder friendly franchises doesn't set the standards for open world visuals at vanilla release?

Are we supposed to be rioting because it's going to be a few months before we can start using Fallout 4 as a screenshot simulator instead of an open world FPS/RPG?
What platform you going for nanners?

Had the PS4 version preordered but I just built a new PC a couple months ago so I'll probably pick it up for that. My last PC was built for Skyrim in 2011 so it seemed only right to go big for this game.

Usually I prefer to play games on console if they are close in quality but I think the advantages of this on PC will be too much to sacrifice.


Gold Member
That's my issue with it. All those Fallout 3 and even Skyrim visual mods look amazing...but none of them actually did me any good. It's like, by the time they're available, I've long since finished playing. I'll load them up and remark at how cool they are but then proceed not to replay the game. So that's why this is a tad disappointing.

This is why its best to hold off until the mods are all available if this is important to you.

I want the best experience possible so will wait for ENB's, UI mods etc.


Gold Member
I'm so glad I don't value the same things as most of GAF seems to.
The game looks
  1. Colourful
  2. Better than previous games
  3. Fun

I'm not in it for the graphics, I'm in it for the game. If they made a choice to push the world design, quests, or anything else over graphics then excellent. They know people will mod the hell out of it and keep pushing cards for years, so why push that hard? Get the fundamentals down. As long as I can run this at 1080p60+ I'm happy.


Tears of Nintendo
Looking gorgeous in those shots. Better graphics than Witcher 3?
Not even close.

P.S. Animation quality will always be terrible in Bethesda's own games and this can only be fixed with mocap or with the help of moders (same goes for texture work). Bethesda just don't care that much about attention to detail, animation quality and texture work in their own games, there's only moders that actually care about those things more than the actual developers do. As we always say around here in Russia - laziness was born before man.
Not even close.

Close enough that I'm plenty satisfied, personally. On my PC, these graphics @ 60fps, plus maybe a bit of downsampling, and the kinds of ini tweaks that made Witcher 3 such a stunner on PC in such short order, will have me more than happy. Some ambient occlusion (forced or otherwise) should take care of a lot of the plasticky look and give the environments a better sense of place.

This game's graphics are going to age very very badly. Visuals are average at best.

I think that these graphics are a lot more competitive than Fallout 3 and Skyrim's were at the time, to be honest. I know I keep saying it but a little AO would go a long way here and I feel like once I can put that shit in my game it'll be looking just fine.
Am I the only one who can't see a damn thing here? I mean,... screenshots

Same here, I can't see a single picture.


Can we have these picture reuploaded on another host please?


The only reason one should dislike eating crow is if you were being a blatant hyperbolic ninny before all the facts were known. If, like me, you were concerned upon seeing the PS4 Just Primary Graphics screenshots with a stark lack of shadows, and expressed this concern in a calm, fair manner, but again like me, were far more encouraged upon seeing ultra PC settings screenshots, then eating crow should be like eating orgasm pie.
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