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Far Cry 3 PC performance thread


To anyone suffer stuttering, try to set v-sync on in the nvidia controller, and v-sync of in game.

That worked for me, i have a pretty rock solid 60 dx11 on my gtx 670 at 1600x900 ultra, except geometry and vegetation at very high.

I know post process has a huge hit, but the motion blur is really nice in this game and only works as well at ultra.


so i picked up this game today, and i'm still roughly around the early parts of the game ...but i just noticed that Dennis' beard, and the hair on his head, kinda have texture flicker ...or something of the sort.

this wasn't happening to his hair (from what i remember) when u first meet him ...but now, around the part at the beginning where he's driving me somewhere, i notice that his hair has like flickering textures. kinda like its glitching out.

using the latest drivers with a gtx680 4gig. running 1080p ultra settings with msaa disabled ...hbao.

haven't noticed any other glitches of any kind in the game ...temp on the video card is lucky to hit 50c. haven't seen any glitches in any other games ...ie, battlefield 3, crysis 2, etc, are alright.

i'm assuming its just an unfixed glich in the game ...or something to do with the current nvidia drivers.


Didn't have any problems on GTX680 2GB, latest drivers. The game runs at max everything (except AA) at around 50fps most of the time, jumps to 60 depending on what's on screen.

I initially had Vsync at 2 frames, which caused some pretty significant input lag, enough that I noticed it (and I don't usually notice that kind of thing), and the game also stuttered a fair amount. Turning off Vsync entirely not only upped the framerate and responsiveness, it also eliminated the stutter. And I rarely get any visible tearing.

Unlike Zimbardo, though, my 680 is cooking, runs at around 70C (which is effectively "maxed out", that's as hot as it ever gets).

Need to dig around this thread to figure out the post AA options, or else I'll just inject SMAA.


I get no stuttering on my Tri-Crossfire 6950 setup if I run the game in DX9 mode but the damn game CTD almost every time on a load screen (like after I die, on fast travel, etc).

This game is pissing me off.


ya i dunno what's up, but Dennis' hair/beard has little random texture glitches ...like you'll be lookin at his hair, and then you'll see a little random white flicker on one of the strands of his hair ...then it'll go back to normal, and then maybe a few seconds later it'll do it again in another spot on his head.

the rest of the game seems fine ...no graphic screw ups at all, so i dunno ...just one of those weird little things.

here's a couple other mentions of strange things occuring with his hair ...


ya i dunno what's up, but Dennis' hair/beard has little random texture glitches ...like you'll be lookin at his hair, and then you'll see a little random white flicker on one of the strands of his hair ...then it'll go back to normal, and then maybe a few seconds later it'll do it again in another spot on his head.

the rest of the game seems fine ...no graphic screw ups at all, so i dunno ...just one of those weird little things.

here's a couple other mentions of strange things occuring with his hair ...



Happens with Dennis and Daisy for me. Not enough to really matter.

I am more concerned about the Random textured skyscrapers that just pop up for no reason and scare the fuck out of me.

Pretty annoying, requires a game restart.


Maybe Ubi will surprise us with a stuttering fix without any heads-up. Same thing happened with Sleeping Dogs. The internet was full of complaint threads about the stuttering, but not once was there a confirmation from the devs that they were looking into it. And then one day, out of the blue, suddenly a patch comes with a fix.

Edit: what actually really amazes me is that now already 3 big PC games were shipped with stuttering. FC3, Sleeping Dogs and Deus Ex: HR. A scandal, if you ask me.


Edit: what actually really amazes me is that now already 3 big Ubisoft games were shipped with stuttering. FC3, Sleeping Dogs and Deus Ex: HR. A scandal, if you ask me.

Well, Ubi Soft might be happy to learn that Deus Ex : HR and Sleeping Dogs are in their portfolio now, Square Enix less... :)


Oops ;p I meant three Square-Enix games of course.

That said, Sleeping Dogs stuttering issues were really awfull at launch (never had issues with DX : HR personally).

For Far Cry 3, I only had the stuttering Issues in DX11, not in DX9, if that helps.


To anyone suffer stuttering, try to set v-sync on in the nvidia controller, and v-sync of in game.

That worked for me, i have a pretty rock solid 60 dx11 on my gtx 670 at 1600x900 ultra, except geometry and vegetation at very high.

I know post process has a huge hit, but the motion blur is really nice in this game and only works as well at ultra.

Oh my got thank you that stuttering was killing me. I knew my computer wasn't THAT bad.


How do i fix the laggy cutscenes the opening video is running like 10fps but in game is good using a 7870 with 12.11/cap2? Playing on DX9


got the latest drivers for nVidia GTX 570 and the drivers keeps crashing on me. wtf...

Do you have a factory-overclocked card? I do and my drivers crash with nearly every DX11 game I've tried. I have to either switch to DX9 or use MSI Afterburner to lower the voltage of my card. No crashes at all that way.

(a lot of those factory-overclocked cards are fucky in some way)


Do you have a factory-overclocked card? I do and my drivers crash with nearly every DX11 game I've tried. I have to either switch to DX9 or use MSI Afterburner to lower the voltage of my card. No crashes at all that way.

(a lot of those factory-overclocked cards are fucky in some way)

i have this card. i guess so.


this usually solves any driver issues, might be worth doing if nothing else works

just uninstall drivers via control panel, run driversweeper, reboot and reinstall


cool, thanks
Checking in, got serious stuttering on my rMBP with nVidia 650M, 16GB RAM and 2.6GHz i7.. Running it on High with AA turned off, vsync on and shadows low (same result w vsync off too). And yes i have the latest nVidia drivers. Trying to play it at 1280x720 through my HDMI output for comfy couch gaming and not only is everything washed out on the TV screen (not FC3's fault, this is system wide), but every time I start the game, or try to change resolutions I get about one minute of a flashing screen before it finally gets going and then it puts the game in windowed mode and I have to hit alt-enter just to get to full screen.

Now I remember why I haven't played PC games in a fucking decade, lol. Back in the day it was fucking with your autoexec file to get the right combination of XMS and EMS your particular game liked, it was almost like a minigame in and of itself.

Also, one thing maybe some of you guys may know about, whenever I try to play damn near any PC game in a "borderless" mode aka not exactly full screen, I always see a sliver of the task bar on the bottom of the screen, anyone else experience this?


Where is the option to turn off HUD?

Edit: Thats it? The minimap still can't be turned off? Holy shit, lamest fucking thing ever. Fuck you, Ubisoft.


followed epmode's advice and got MSI Afterburner to underclock my video card to the preferred factory settings and it ran fine for an hour or two but crashed again during a stealth mission. fuck.

anyway, been reading about the latest nVidia drivers in the nVidia forums and apparently the latest drivers are shit. i don't have those crazy issues as other people in those forums tho. pretty disappointed with nVidia about the driver issue.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
How do i fix the laggy cutscenes the opening video is running like 10fps but in game is good using a 7870 with 12.11/cap2? Playing on DX9

I think the cutscenes are supposed to appear to be running more slowly. I get the same "issue" with a GTX 670 despite FRAPS reporting 60fps and have also noticed the same problem affects the PS3 version, too.


To anyone suffer stuttering, try to set v-sync on in the nvidia controller, and v-sync of in game.

That worked for me, i have a pretty rock solid 60 dx11 on my gtx 670 at 1600x900 ultra, except geometry and vegetation at very high.

I know post process has a huge hit, but the motion blur is really nice in this game and only works as well at ultra.

Does the ATI CCC also have something like this?
Finally found the vsync setting in my nvidia control panel and did as suggested, so no more stuttering, thanks for that. It also happened to fix my tearing with Mirror's Edge.

Also, the flashing was because I was mirroring the displays. Luckily, Steam's Big Picture mode can temporarily change your primary display and therefore I can turn mirror mode off, have the appropriate color settings for my HDTV and now I'm comfy couch gaming.

But I lost the sound to hotline Miami somewhere in that process, lol. Fix one thing and it breaks another. PC Gaming.


I feel like something isn't right. I have an i5-750 with a GTX460 and I can't even get a smooth frame rate on DX9 with everything on low. Shouldn't it run a little better than that? I realize my computer isn't brand new or anything, but damn. I did the NVIDIA control panel Vsync thing, but still not smooth.


I feel like something isn't right. I have an i5-750 with a GTX460 and I can't even get a smooth frame rate on DX9 with everything on low. Shouldn't it run a little better than that? I realize my computer isn't brand new or anything, but damn. I did the NVIDIA control panel Vsync thing, but still not smooth.

it's probably the latest drivers' fault from nVidia. many people had issues after updating to the latest one. hopefully they'll fix it soon or you could roll back to an older driver. the support thread feedback is pretty long.


wanna update folks that underclocking my video card has helped a lot. played for a good number of hours today with no crashing. still getting some minor texture issues but very minor overall. game is gorgeous but it does stutter during the cutscenes from time to time.


as far as my performance goes, i find it best to use the in game vsync = 1 frame, with 1 buffered frame. turned off MSAA ...DX11 using HBAO and Alpha to Coverage = Enhanced.

1080p + ultra setting = getting 60fps for what seems like the vast majority of the time.

i seemed to be getting worse performance when i was using the Nvidia driver vsync ...so i reset my Nivida control panel settings to their defaults and went with the in game vsync 1 frame.

seems decent. using a gtx680 4gig and the cpu is an i5 760 @ 3.8ghz ...8gig ram.

awesome game ...love the world.


My specs

Phenom II X4 965
GTX 570
16 gb ram

I'm running it at 1080p and getting about 30 fps. I have it set to optimal which is pretty much turning everything to max.

Here's a video I captured earlier today. Fraps caused my framerate to go all over the place. With fraps off I get around 30 fps.



Seems to have settled down into a pretty good spot for me.

i7-2600K @ 3.4GHz (not OC)
GTX-680 2GB

1080p, DX11, Everything at Ultra except for PostFX, which is at Medium. No Vsync or MSAA, buffered frames at 1. Adjusted slightly in XML to add FXAA and motion blur to Post. For the most part, hovers right around 60fps, dips down to about 50 in busy areas. GPU hovers around 63-65 and isn't too noisy, but the fan is definitely working.

I did finally put my finger on what makes the game look a bit "flat" compared to some other games; the plants don't cast shadows. Only trees and herbs cast shadows. That's why the game seems to look its best in shadowed areas, like under the tree canopy, where the AO can do its work for shading, but you're not relying on actual shadows for detail and depth.
Where is the option to turn off HUD?

Edit: Thats it? The minimap still can't be turned off? Holy shit, lamest fucking thing ever. Fuck you, Ubisoft.

DX9/10: Locate and backup \bin\FC3.DLL, then open the original file with a HEX editor, I'm using Hex Workshop.
DX11: Locate and backup \bin\FC3_d3d11.dll, then open the original file with HEX editor.
Search for "showuielement"
In the next few lines you will see S.h.o.w.U.I.E.l.e.m.e.n.t.
Replace the S.h.o.w.U.I.E.l.e.m.e.n.t. with H.i.d.e.U.I.E.l.e.m.e.n.t.

Not a menu option, but I hope that helps, it's supposed to work.

Edit: Or just grab the files from here.


Seems to have settled down into a pretty good spot for me.

i7-2600K @ 3.4GHz (not OC)
GTX-680 2GB

1080p, DX11, Everything at Ultra except for PostFX, which is at Medium. No Vsync or MSAA, buffered frames at 1. Adjusted slightly in XML to add FXAA and motion blur to Post. For the most part, hovers right around 60fps, dips down to about 50 in busy areas. GPU hovers around 63-65 and isn't too noisy, but the fan is definitely working.

I did finally put my finger on what makes the game look a bit "flat" compared to some other games; the plants don't cast shadows. Only trees and herbs cast shadows. That's why the game seems to look its best in shadowed areas, like under the tree canopy, where the AO can do its work for shading, but you're not relying on actual shadows for detail and depth.

have you tried 'adaptive vsync' in the Nvidia control panel? i think that's what i'm going to stick with. that way, i get vsync'd 60fps most of the time, and the times it does drop below 60 its not as jarring as with full vsync. i guess i can deal with a bit of minor tearing at times ...and this way i can keep it set to 'ultra'.

it seems almost impossible to maintain a constant 60fps in this game through all situations without dropping the detail down quite a bit.

Rainy Dog

To anyone suffering from stuttering and crashes, feel free to try my below GamerProfile config. Took me hours of fiddling to lock it as close to 60fps as constantly as possible whilst still looking great and eradicating the crashes and stuttering.

The crashes were a nightmare as I kept running into areas of the game where it would freeze and crash every single time at that spot. Also kept regularly hanging when I entered the menu or looked at the full map. Eventually whittled it down to the textures setting, or TextureResolutionQuality="low" in the config to be exact. Having TextureQuality="high" is fine, just needed to be the texture resolution setting that had to be set to low. If you just change the Textures option ingame, it changes both those values. PostFX needs to be low as well, but everything else is pretty much as high as they'll go and my GPU is only a 7850 (though CPU is i7 3770k). Played it from start to finish clocking nearly 50 hours without any further crashes and minimal stuttering.

In your GamerProfile (C:\Users\your PC name\Documents\My Games\Far Cry 3), just paste the below over everything up to </RenderProfile> about halfway down. Then close and save it, right click and properties, and set as read only.

<SoundProfile MusicEnabled="1" MasterVolume="100" MicEnabled="1" IncomingVoiceEnabled="1" Language="English" />
<RenderProfile MSAALevel="0" AlphaToCoverage="2" SSAOLevel="6" SDSM="0" ResolutionX="1920" ResolutionY="1080" Quality="custom" QualityEditor="editor_ps3" Fullscreen="1" Borderless="0" UseD3D11="1" D3D11MultithreadedRendering="0" WidescreenLetterbox="0" UseWidescreenFOV="1" FOVScaleFactor="1.095" EnableSubResolution="0" SubResolutionX="960" SubResolutionY="540" VSync="1" RefreshRate="0" DisableMip0Loading="0" GPUMaxBufferedFrames="1" ShowFPS="0" Brightness="1" Contrast="1" GammaRamp="1" AllowAsynchShaderLoading="1">
<quality ResolutionX="1280" ResolutionY="720" EnvironmentQuality="high" AntiPortalQuality="default" PortalQuality="medium" PostFxQuality="low" TextureQuality="high" TextureResolutionQuality="low" WaterQuality="high" DepthPassQuality="high" VegetationQuality="veryhigh" TerrainQuality="high" GeometryQuality="ultrahigh" AmbientQuality="high" DeferredAmbientQuality="high" ShadowQuality="high" EditorQuality="" Hdr="1" HdrFP32="0" ReflectionHdr="1" EnableVertexBinding="1" id="custom" />
<quality GameDepthOfField="0" FXAALevel="0" id="low" />

The bottom bit from <Post> to </Post> is for personal preference only (removes distance blur effect and FXAA) and can be deleted if you'd prefer.


My specs

i5-3570 @ 3.9GHZ
2 GTX-670 2GB
16 GB Ram

Running at 1080P, DX11, FOV changed to 110 and everything is set to ultra except for shadow which is High. No MSAA or Vysnc but have it set to adaptive vysnc in the nvidia control panel. I've switched AO from HDAO to SSAO.

Even with 2 670's I see some dips to mid 50's in towns. Highest temp GPUs hit was 66C which seems quite high. For reference, while playing gw2, highest temp was 56C where I have everything set to highest except for shadow(medium) and maintain near 60fps.

Maybe I'll try DX9 and see how it goes.


For me it stutters every one second since the 1.04 (?) update, similar to Halo: Combat Evolved when played on 360. I played this maxed out at locked 30FPS and never had an issue previously.


Found the perfect solutions.

Playing completely without HUD and with holstering of guns when I don't want them showing.

Hardest difficulty, can't see health bars, have to count ammo in head, no enemy detection bars. Stealth becomes much more challenging and lifelike.

So immensely immersive, so beautiful.........*single tear*

GOTY 2012 material. Far Cry 3 becomes a true open-world masterpiece with a little tweaking.



Did you use a hex editor to edit the .dll file to remove the HUD Dennis? I'm about to give that solution a go, the "No HUD" mods I'm using at the moment still don't remove the entire HUD, you're still left with health/objective/crouch indicators...removal of the mini-map is a godsend but I just want to fuck the entire HUD off.
Found the perfect solutions.

Playing completely without HUD and with holstering of guns when I don't want them showing.

Hardest difficulty, can't see health bars, have to count ammo in head, no enemy detection bars. Stealth becomes much more challenging and lifelike.

So immensely immersive, so beautiful.........*single tear*

GOTY 2012 material. Far Cry 3 becomes a true open-world masterpiece with a little tweaking.

How the hell do you do mission objectives without the hud? do you just use the map? I might go hudless if that is the case...


Wow they temp banned my Uplay account because I entered my CD key too many times. I tried loading Far Cry 3 from the DX11 executable, which prompted me to re-enter my CD key in Uplay even though the game is on my account already. No worries I thought, re-entered the CD key and it said key was invalid or in use. So thinking I entered it incorrectly I tried again and BAM, insta-banned and can't log-in. Seriously, fuck these cunts.


Both the complete removal of HUD and the holstering of weapons are enabled by Hex editing.

Yes, I use the map screen if I need to check where I am going.

The one issue is that the button prompts are also gone for example "mash B" to shake off a tiger.

I have not had an issue with a mission that requires button prompts so far.

But I have made a backup of the original .dll file as well as the HUD-less modified .dll so I can always switch between them if a mission requires it.

It does make the game significantly harder without all that info......I love it! The world feels dangerous!


Out of curiosity. On the details page, for the latest Nvidia drivers. They claim there's up to a 38% performance increase in Far Cry 3 for the 680 card and a 6% increase for the 660. What if, like myself, you have a 670? Which most closely represents the increase in performance i'd see?
Riddle me this: My laptop is old. But it runs FC2 in Ultra and it looks pretty dang good. Any chance I could also run FC3 and expect it to look 'as good' as FC2? I assume the engine is different, so it won't scale down and it'll just look like ass and chug. But worth the question I suppose.

Rephrased: How is the scaling on this game/engine? For example, I played The Witcher 2 on this laptop and it ran just fine in Medium and looked good (imo). However, Call of Pripyat runs assy in most settings.


have you tried 'adaptive vsync' in the Nvidia control panel? i think that's what i'm going to stick with. that way, i get vsync'd 60fps most of the time, and the times it does drop below 60 its not as jarring as with full vsync. i guess i can deal with a bit of minor tearing at times ...and this way i can keep it set to 'ultra'.
Oddly enough, it doesn't really tear. I see it every now and then (every couple of minutes), but it's not constant by any stretch. Doesn't bother me enough to bother with Vsync.


Whoa. The fps I get is very disappointing. On ultra I get 20-30.

i5-2500k stock
Gtx580 3gb
8 gb RAM.

X2 msaa too. Ugh. Looks like I should turn some stuff down. I'm on dx11 too. Any idea what to turn down or off but still make it ok to look at? I read that Going to dx9 is ok and doesn't look too bad.


Maxing out everything in DX9 with post processing at medium should give you some very good performance and not look much worse from DX11 completely maxed out.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Just built a new computer with a GTX 670 inside.

Started playing the game for the first time just now. Not sure what settings to choose. I get tears if I don't select V-Sync. The game seems blurry as fuck though and bloomy, but I don't see an option to turn off the blur.


Found the perfect solutions.

Playing completely without HUD and with holstering of guns when I don't want them showing.

Hardest difficulty, can't see health bars, have to count ammo in head, no enemy detection bars. Stealth becomes much more challenging and lifelike.

So immensely immersive, so beautiful.........*single tear*

GOTY 2012 material. Far Cry 3 becomes a true open-world masterpiece with a little tweaking.

doi you still see the QTE prompts?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Also the beginning sequence had the audio completely out of sync by seconds for a little bit there. Wasn't sure if it was my new rig or something else. Plus there was an occasional audio glitch.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Haha wow holy shit. Before starting Far Cry 3, I was running Prime95 to benchmark my machine. I had 8 processes running. I exited out of it when I went to go play Far Cry 3, but I didn't realize it concealed itself still open on the bottom right.

It was running the entire time I was playing.
Haha wow holy shit. Before starting Far Cry 3 I was running Prime95 to benchmark my machine. I had 8 processes running. I exited out of it when I went to go play Far Cry 3, but I didn't realize it concealed itself still open on the bottom right.

It was running the entire time I was playing

You are lucky your rig didn't catch fire. LOL
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