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Feminist Frequency condemns E3 Badge (Persona)

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What's wrong with Rise? She's a pop superstar, a teen idol.

I'd say she's dressed more conservatively than Britney Spears was back in 1999.


She has the right to find every last little thing objectionable. If people didn't react to her, that's where it would end.

That's quite the racist and misogynist caricature, good job.
You don't really know what misogynistic means do you?

That's cool. I get that it's fun to use big words.
The hyperbole about Anita 'picking targets that discredit her' is going a bit far.

It's a 140 character tweet. She was making observations on her walk around the show floor. She isn't making a huge deal about it.


This may be flogging a dead horse because it's called Feminist Frequency but have they/Anita ever complained about over-sexualization of males or do they think the female portrayal problem needs to be dealt with first?

There is imbalance to address, you can't deny that.


Wow... not cool man.

Back on topic, I'm not seeing an issue with the image. It's a Britney Spears homage in a game about pop stars.

It is about pop stars right?

the Rise character is a popstar/idol. While idols certainly do dress provocatively like she is in that badge, that really doesn't deny the sort of obvious objectification that is happening.

i still want this game.


Isn't that advertisement? And isn't Sarkeesian making snap judgements on a character based on appearance?
What's wrong with Rise? She's a pop superstar, a teen idol.

I'd say she's dressed more conservatively than Britney Spears was back in 1999.

See this is why this kind of thing is dumb

There is no context to make the proper assumptions about what she is trying to say

Im confused and all I can say is that she is against how japanese parade scantily clad women?

I dunno

Seems lazy
Opinions will be opinions. Rise looks pretty cool on the badge, and I feel she's a pretty great character in Persona.

she's also way better than chie
Why are they nitpicking every.single.thing nowadays? This is getting more and more absurd as time goes by, making her looks like someone grasping at straws.


I guess she's a Chie fan.

Jesus Christ it's as if some folks to think that the 'Happy Jew' is totally cool to use as long as your target isn't Jewish (and to be frank probably regard it as bonus points if she was).
I find her objection to the badge interesting because of Rise's issues within Persona 4 regarding overcoming the demands on her image. She should play P4.


I'm usually for Anita, but between this and her Dishonored comment, she's been off-putting recently. Rise on the E3 badge is a non-issue. She's a pop star, that's what pop stars wear. Ariana Grande wears shit like that all the time.

Everything will be shamed unless anita approves. Guess she is above criticism. What is wrong with a pop star dressing like a pop star?


What's wrong with Rise? She's a pop superstar, a teen idol.

I'd say she's dressed more conservatively than Britney Spears was back in 1999.

Well, there is the very real problem of sexualizing and objectifying teenage girls for commercial purposes (like pop idols) going back decades. Sexism is not that this particular image is offensive in any special way, it's the *normalization* of the image that's sexist.

Anyway, she's not wrong. And yeah, going "hmmm" is hardly "condemning".


Uhm.... I see nothing wrong with this anime character here :/
What am I missing?

Exactly. Creating problems where there are none. But if you try to call Anita out on it then you're sexist. The best thing to do is to just keep your head down and let it blow over.
Also seriously, this is just one fucking tweet. At this point the only people engaging in outrage and offense culture are Gamergaters themselves
Oh my god Grandma Sarkeesian, lighten up already!
Is she even aware of what the Persona series is and who/what Rise is?

Rise is an IDOL pop star and the whole IDOL phenomena is a very J-pop music kind of thing.
Rise is like Japanese Miley Cyrus but why has the latter never been attacked for her genuinely damaging antics?

On the other hand. That disgusting Jewish caricature was not required, basically gives Anita more ammo and is racist as hell.
That twitter account should be banned.


Whats wrong with the badge exactly? Anime girls are banned now?

What do these feminists want? Some bearded lady on the badge?
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