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Final Fantasy VII Remake shifts to internal dev under Mobius project leader

Idk why square continues to do this.

The reveal E3 giant bomb stream was so good. They go through and show last guardian is actually coming and Vinny's like "they finally got that noose off their neck" and then they announce FFVIIR and he's like "and put a new one right on" (commenting on Sony, not Square)

I just don't understand why Square, more than any other company it seems, always wants to announce shit wayyyyyy before it's ready. Seems like bad business putting everyone on the dev roller coaster every time. Wait until you have substantative material to show.
This remake is way too ambitious. I always wanted the same style of game with redrawn backgrounds, redone overworld, detailed character/enemy models, tweaked battle systems. All of that would be a tall order but would be a hell of a lot easier on SE then whatever we end up with in 10 years from now and chopped up into pieces. I guess I wanted a remaster. My only real complaint with the original and it applies to most of the ps1 library is the poor graphics. The transition to polygons from sprites was painful and mostly corrected with PS2 and above. Mods on PC can only do so much.

This might have been a good idea. It would have disappointed fans and SE staff who wanted to see FF7 reimagined as a blockbuster RPG for the current generation, and it wouldn't have projected as SE's tentpole release for a given year, but it would have come out, been easy to port to damn near any device, sold reasonably well, and maybe set up similar remakes (w/ the same tech) for FF8-9.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think they are making a mistake making this such a big production. I would really have loved to see redone prerendered backgrounds, new music arrangements, the translation cleaned up, and higher res models. Oh and better framerate. Pretty sure this game is going to be a big open world nothingthon where you can wander between Kalm and Rocket Town and collect rocks for Dino.

edit: OMG someone just posted the same thing


Lol they are going to bring Tabata on to get this one done too aren't they? They really need to get their shit together. You announced the game would be episodic so it comes out faster and yet 2 years after it has been announced we have nothing. Actually, they announced that work for the game started a year before they announced it so it's been worked on for at least 3 years now. You would think it would be easier to realize this game considering that it's a remake and not an entirely new game. Didn't Final Fantasy XV only take about 4 years for development after the reboot to come out?
I completely forgot about this.

Meanwhile, Eidos's games apparently under perform while SE takes all the credit for their older games and treats them like sale fodder.

I don't think SE has had a major big-budget game without massive issues since FFXI except for Dragon Quest. Ever since FFXII all their major games seem to go through Development Hell. SE has been a massive joke for years.

This isn't a valid comparison.
Your right: There's a bunch of PS1 games missing from that picture.


I'm actually really interested in what provoked this change.

CC2 should be more than capable of this kind of project. I wonder if Square-Enix's timeline was unrealistic, or if there were mismanagement issues.
It has to be. CC2 has earned the benefit of the doubt. If you look at both companies' track record, you see that CC2 has had no problem releasing their games. Square have been delaying their games since way before Final Fantasy XIII.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
It has to be. CC2 has earned the benefit of the doubt. If you look at both companies' track record, you see that CC2 has had no problem releasing their games. Square have been delaying their games since way before Final Fantasy XIII.

It's possible they were just making a crap FFXV-level game.


I completely forgot about this.

Meanwhile, Eidos's games apparently under perform while SE takes all the credit for their older games and treats them like sale fodder.

I don't think SE has had a major big-budget game without massive issues since FFXI except for Dragon Quest. Ever since FFXII all their major games seem to go through Development Hell. SE has been a massive joke for years.

Your right: There's a bunch of PS1 games missing from that picture.

Yet SE games still make money. FFXV contributed a large part to their growth. Hitman underperformed. Simple as that.


I mean an ideal situation for me would be square following up to them saying they're outsourcing some games and let CC2 take a crack at one.

CC2 are capable naruto storm 4 is on an ancient engine and looks incredible and Asura wrath was a spectacle on UE3 last gen.


I have no issues with them bringing more of the project into internal dev. If they are worried about timetable, quality etc. then do what you have to do.

That said they gotta do something about Nomura. KH3 should be in its way out and FF7R should be well into dev.


Strange situation. Not sure how to feel regarding Nomura. I've regularly defended him about Versus and KHIII to an extent, but this being the third major game in the last decade he's been director of and that has had a lot of issues with doesn't look good. Not sure I'd trust that CC2 could totally and solely be at fault either. I think Nomura has great ideas but he really doesn't seem to be the one to manage projects like this. I know Kitase told him he was directing FFVIIR​ and he was surprised by it but maybe he shouldn't be taking all of this on himself either if it's too much for him (which it really seems to be). This really makes me worry more than I have for KHIII now too.

Does anyone know who actually made the decision to work with CC2 on VIIR? It's incredible it has taken this long to decide that it's not working out, especially if Nomura back in 2015 expressed doubts but who is the one that thought outsourcing work on this to CC2 was the way to go in the first place, and then took 2 years to cut the tie? You'd wonder a lot now about whether the episodic release will be binned for a full game or not. I remember a good few years back when people kept pressing Kitase over a remake and he said that it realistically would take 10 years to do so it's unlikely it would ever happen but my word his estimate seems to have been spot on.


I just want this remake to be of a high standard so this is good news

Motomu Toriyama, High Standard.

Choose one ;).

Yes, I'm actually serious in thinking that they are going to put Toriyama in as an assistant director now, maybe even replacing Nomura as the real Director. Nomura has proven multiple times now that he is not able to direct a large scale projects alone. Last large-scale game he directed alone was Kingdom Hearts 2 in 2005 of all things. I don't know what the reason for this is, but my guess is combination of perfectionism and fickleness of wanting to change things out of the bat.


I really don't care about the remake now, i haven't since it was announced it was going to be episodic.

I just want Kingdom Hearts 3 to come out before 2020 :(


I think they are making a mistake making this such a big production. I would really have loved to see redone prerendered backgrounds, new music arrangements, the translation cleaned up, and higher res models. Oh and better framerate. Pretty sure this game is going to be a big open world nothingthon where you can wander between Kalm and Rocket Town and collect rocks for Dino.

edit: OMG someone just posted the same thing

Of course!

I made the same argument a while ago, but gamers never learn and much less SE.

I've always believed this is going to be like the Evangelion movie remake series. That series was supposed to be a retelling of the anime series in the first three films with the fourth offering an alternate conclusion.

Instead after the first film was a pretty faithful remake the second had quite a few changes leading to the third having a wholly original plot.

I think the remake will start out the same but instead of retelling the same story exactly and having an ending most would already know I think the series will diverge in its second entry and onwards towards a unique conclusion. I don't see SE spending so much money on multi-entry series and having it have the exact same plot.


Square-Enix has this ability to make it seem like all of their big games are these absolutely monolithic, impossible, "the next great hurdle of the mankind" level challenges. It's like Square-enix is the person yelling "it's impossible!" and other devs are the persons saying "it's necessary".


Remember in 2015 when people thought it could come out in time for FF7's 20th anniversary? Remember when some folks insisted it had been deep in development for a long time already? Remember when people said CC2's involvement would ensure a speedy development? Remember when people said there was no way Nomura would fuck shit up again?

This whole FF7 project will be lucky to be done by its 30th anniversary, a decade from now. I mean, really, how many episodes do you think we'll get by then? How many console generations will this shit span in total?

p.s. happy 20th anniversary FF7!


Yeah you just go ahead and keep shifting all blame from this dude's more than clearly incompetent managerial skills.

Frankly I'm going to give Nomura exactly no benefit of the doubt whatsoever at this point. Zero. I'm just going to assume CC2 is getting the short end of the stick here.

What's even the point of Nomura?

Get people hyped , I guess


Strange situation. Not sure how to feel regarding Nomura. I've regularly defended him about Versus and KHIII to an extent, but this being the third major game in the last decade he's been director of and that has had a lot of issues with doesn't look good. Not sure I'd trust that CC2 could totally and solely be at fault either. I think Nomura has great ideas but he really doesn't seem to be the one to manage projects like this. I know Kitase told him he was directing FFVIIR​ and he was surprised by it but maybe he shouldn't be taking all of this on himself either if it's too much for him (which it really seems to be). This really makes me worry more than I have for KHIII now too.

Does anyone know who actually made the decision to work with CC2 on VIIR? It's incredible it has taken this long to decide that it's not working out, especially if Nomura back in 2015 expressed doubts but who is the one that thought outsourcing work on this to CC2 was the way to go in the first place, and then took 2 years to cut the tie? You'd wonder a lot now about whether the episodic release will be binned for a full game or not. I remember a good few years back when people kept pressing Kitase over a remake and he said that it realistically would take 10 years to do so it's unlikely it would ever happen but my word his estimate seems to have been spot on.

To be fair they could still be using the base of their work. They could just be shifting that part to internal dev to make sure they hit deadlines and stuff. They probably weren't happy with the pace of things over there.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009

I hear there's a special lookin' rock somewhere out in the field around this big rock, OHHHH. BADDA BING.

Maybe you could go get it? And then maybe I'll tell you where to find this thing you could easily find yourself if the world weren't quest gated, OH. BADDA BOOM

*game sells 90 million copies in america OMG THE EXPLORING*


What will be the excuse this time, as they're not using Luminous Engine and there is no evil FFXIV to steal Nomura's resources?
Idk why square continues to do this.

The reveal E3 giant bomb stream was so good. They go through and show last guardian is actually coming and Vinny's like "they finally got that noose off their neck" and then they announce FFVIIR and he's like "and put a new one right on" (commenting on Sony, not Square)

I just don't understand why Square, more than any other company it seems, always wants to announce shit wayyyyyy before it's ready. Seems like bad business putting everyone on the dev roller coaster every time. Wait until you have substantative material to show.

Honestly for such a large company alot of the final fantasy and kingdom hearts teams arent familiar with hd console development. Kingdom hearts for instance, reused ps2 assets for years and years where they could because they were not developing hd games, now that they are doing an hd kingdom hearts game they need to build everything back from the ground up. But doesnt change the fact that announcing a project ten years before its out is fucking assenine, and i wish square had realized that



I hear there's a special lookin' rock somewhere out in the field around this big rock, OHHHH. BADDA BING.

Maybe you could go get it? And then maybe I'll tell you where to find this thing you could easily find yourself if the world weren't quest gated, OH. BADDA BOOM

*game sells 90 million copies in america OMG THE EXPLORING*

At this point I'm thinking that I would have taken a Crash Bandicoot: N'sane trilogy treatment for this game, so to speak.


Damn, this was in the hands of the Naruto folks? I didn't play 3 or 4 yet, but 1 was a shell of a game (text story and a small hub town), and 2 was a big step up but still thin in a lot of respects. They are animation WIZARDS though... so it would have looked amazing for sure. But this still might have been a bit too far out of their reach.


I think it's so crap that square Enix is so trash at handling the Japanese side of the company, things being in development hell for years and yet the western side get no flak at all are taken away from projects and are being sold off. Imagine if the next tomb raider takes 10 years to come out, how insane that would be. But any large game square Japan announces that's a real possibility.


Well the read from this is indeed it wasn't going as smoothly as they wanted to they moved it in house.

No idea if this is good or bad though. One on hand you have FFXIV, which is a triumph for them and the dev team behind. On the other you have FFXV... Which had some issues to say the least.

I hope it turns out well. Good luck to the team.
I can't say I'm surprised. By now, I guess we can also reasonably assume that part of the problem lies with Nomura. I mean, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Kingdom Hearts 3 and this, what's the common denominator? Square-Enix really needs to get their shit together at the managerial level.
Kitase talked years ago about the potential nightmare it might be completely remaking VII. As mentioned in a post above, he even made the 'ten year dev' comment that many just assumed was another one of his '13%/1.3%/.13%' jokes from the FNC days. No one listened and people use the "see you in 2020" as some kind of joke, when a possible 6 year dev cycle isn't horribly unrealistic.

No wonder the guy didn't (I'm assuming) want to take on the 'Director' role. Kitase helped pump out three amazing FFs (VI, VII, & VIII) in a 5 year span. That was probably enough to convince him "Eh, let's try the Producer role instead going forward." :p

Nomura's situation kind of reminds me of what Konami did with Akira Yamaoka; i.e. taking a creative mind that is brilliant at his/her artistic craft and saddling them with much larger responsibilities because they become sort of a face for the entire team. The results tend to be pretty clear.


IMO, this never should have been a full blown modern remake. It should have been FF7 in 16:9, 1080p (maybe 4k?), cleaned up or remade pre-rendered backgrounds, new updated character sprites, and added voice acting. Done.

That isn't to say that wouldn't be a lot of work, but I would think it would have to be infinitely easier than a full blown modern remake.


Gold Member
I'm making a prediction on this -

The remake will never come out


They'll only ever do part 1.

& i'm seeing no indication that this is not a pretty safe prediction (short of seriously cutting back on the project: opting for stylized, rather than 'realistic', graphics, & sticking with the original combat mechanics) :) ...
So the three game announcements from Sony's E3 that people hailed as the second coming. One runs like shit on it's platform of release and the other two aren't dropping any time soon.

Don't fall for the hype, people.


So the three game announcements from Sony's E3 that people hailed as the second coming. One runs like shit on it's platform of release and the other two aren't dropping any time soon.

Don't fall for the hype, people.

Well, I thought the Last Guardian was amazing if that's what you're referring to, so you can keep the bitterness to yourself. I'll patiently await the final products and see how it all plays out :)
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