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Final Fantasy XIII confirmed for Xbox 360

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The_Inquisitor said:
Honestly, you guys all sound as if the PS3 is actually called the Final Fantasy Box III. As much as I love the series, I don't see it as the only reason I bought my PS3. We still get FFXII, we still get SO4, and I bet we are going to get FFXIII Versus exclsuive. This is not the end of the world as many of you have said.

I would much prefer a couple of new IP's over FFXIII exclusivity. But apparently you guys are hung up on one game that you can't see past that.

Yeah, total non-event and all that. It's just Final Fantasy after all.


Onix said:
Will there be a mandatory install for the 360 version? Etc?

This is my call. Especially with the disappearance of the Arcade version and the news that you can install the entire disc to the HDD.


Post Count: 9999
Tobor said:
No offense, but after today, is it safe to doubt anything? The other I was referring to is the DS.

Yeah ... forgot DS, good point.

As for Wii, I doubt it simply based on the the fact Square showed off remake footage on the PS3 a while back ... and that is what REALLY started sparking interest. Therefore, I'd think they'd be doing it on an HD console.

The reason why I don't think it would be on 360 (at least exclusively) is because:

1) They would have announced it as a double whammy (with FFXIII) at the conference. It would have been a complete back-breaker.

2) FFXIII isn't even going to the 360 in Japan. I can't imagine they'd bother doing a remake to only sell it in two regions.


Tabris said:
infact we're currently in the worst RPG development period since the NES for traditional RPGs.

The NES era is your historical low for JRPGs? The same era that saw the first installments in both the FF and DQ franchises?


Post Count: 9999
Zoe said:
This is my call. Especially with the disappearance of the Arcade version and the news that you can install the entire disc to the HDD.

Not sure if people will be enthused with installing a 3-disc game :p

But yeah, I'm pretty sure MS is going to phase out non-HDD 360's ... and installs will become more common on 360. Its simply a reality of optical-drive speed versus the amount of RAM.
Quazar said:
Yeah, total non-event and all that. It's just Final Fantasy after all.

I never said that. But we are on Final Fantasy XIII . Would you want sony to sacrifice Resistance 2, Uncharted, or any other of its new IP's if it meant keeping XIII exclusive?\

You are talking to a bit JRPG fan by the way. I am as starved as you :). I have a stack of PS2 and PS1 JRPGs I am currently playing on my 60GB. I agree Sony has dropped the ball thus far in the JRPG department. But I believe with the release of White Knight Story, and a couple of projects we haven't heard of tomorrow, things will look better.
Not sure if I posted in this thread since I kept 500'ing, but this is fucking amazing news :lol

Totally out of left field. I was just watching the Kotaku blog, and it said "Wait, Wada has one more thing"

For some reason, I had the huge vibe it had to be FF13 (what else did they really have that would be big news?) and BAM sure enough.

All of my roommates went nuts when I told them :lol It was craziness.


Onix said:
Yeah ... forgot DS, good point.

As for Wii, I doubt it simply based on the the fact Square showed off remake footage on the PS3 a while back ... and that is what REALLY started sparking interest. Therefore, I'd think they'd be doing it on an HD console.

The reason why I don't think it would be on 360 (at least exclusively) is because:

1) They would have announced it as a double whammy (with FFXIII) at the conference. It would have been a complete back-breaker.

2) FFXIII isn't even going to the 360 in Japan. I can't imagine they'd bother doing a remake to only sell it in two regions.

I agree PS3 seems likely, but I wouldn't count Nintendo out of the running. It could just as easily be none of the above, as well.


The_Inquisitor said:
Honestly, you guys all sound as if the PS3 is actually called the Final Fantasy Box III. As much as I love the series, I don't see it as the only reason I bought my PS3. We still get FFXII, we still get SO4, and I bet we are going to get FFXIII Versus exclsuive. This is not the end of the world as many of you have said.

I would much prefer a couple of new IP's over FFXIII exclusivity. But apparently you guys are hung up on one game that you can't see past that.

I missed it. Was this announced as multiplat yet?


The_Inquisitor said:
I never said that. But we are on Final Fantasy XIII . Would you want sony to sacrifice Resistance 2, Uncharted, or any other of its new IP's if it meant keeping XIII exclusive?\

You are talking to a bit JRPG fan by the way. I am as starved as you :). I have a stack of PS2 and PS1 JRPGs I am currently playing on my 60GB. I agree Sony has dropped the ball thus far in the JRPG department. But I believe with the release of White Knight Story, and a couple of projects we haven't heard of tomorrow, things will look better.

Sorry, I don't think they would have had to sacrifice any of what you listed for FFXIII. As I don't see it as a Sony decision to what SE wants to do with their franchise.


Not really suprising. Now about Met...G..r...S.....d Fo... errrr Five for 360. ;) These next few months may be even more interesting.
jaaz said:
I wonder how many sandwiches you can make while the 360 downloads the entire game to the hard drive...

A fucking picnic basket full.

Meme destroyed. It's just not funny anymore for some reason, that I can't quite put my finger on. :p


jeremy1456 said:
Star Ocean 4 was announced multiplat? Darn, guess I missed it. I retract my last post.

Nope, it wasn't and Duck has promised bannings for suggesting such until it actually happens.


Junior Member
Hcoregamer00 said:
Yeah, it should work both ways.

Get me Vesperia, and all those other ones for the PS3.

I have a feeling Vesperia is going to get Eternal Sonata'd.

In other words, it will be ported to PS3 but only released in japan.


Ptaaty said:
why do people feel this kills Sony?

do most even care much for FF anymore? I am if anything an MS fanboy (but have a Wii and PS3) and I just don't know as many that care more about FF than stuff like MGS4.

Either lay off the drugs, or stop speaking on things that you don't know anything about. FF is a MUCH larger IP WORLDWIDE than MGS is by far. Leaps and bounds. Arguable the largest RPG IP of all the genre, and YES, MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people across ALL 3 REGIONS care about FF. Very freaking much. Its one of the actual few titles deserving of the tag "System Seller". So yeah, people care. And yeah, this is a big deal.

Epic announcement, and the boards of all gaming forums are going nuts. Hilarious
Quazar said:
Sorry, I don't think they would have had to sacrifice any of what you listed for FFXIII. As I don't see it as a Sony decision to what SE wants to do with their franchise.

Well it was a Sony decision money wise. :) Rather than pay off SE for the exclusive, they have the chance to re-invested in other companies. I don't know, I may be being a complete retard here over not caring about FFXIII going multiplatform, but I am excited more about new games.

I realize it is a pillar to many people of the PlayStation brand, but as many have said, the days of third party exclusives are waning.

Now to call myself a hypocrite, I eventually plan to buy a 360 and jump in. I have realized that you can't really go one console this generation.


jeremy1456 said:
I have a feeling Vesperia is going to get Eternal Sonata'd.

In other words, it will be ported to PS3 but only released in japan.
The fact that its a Tales of title (and past history of stuff like ToS) would lend support for your statement, if it get ported to PS3 at all.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Onix said:
360 version have less (or compressed) ... or will it span multiple discs ... or will both versions be paired down due to 360 size constraints?

Most likely. :(
SapientWolf said:
No, that would be an MGS4 port. The internet would tear itself apart.
I don't understand why that would be such a big blow. It's not as though Metal Gear Solid has always been exclusive to the PS. Are we forgetting that MGS2: Substance also came out on the Xbox?




The_Inquisitor said:
Well it was a Sony decision money wise. :) Rather than pay off SE for the exclusive, they have the chance to re-invested in other companies. I don't know, I may be being a complete retard here over not caring about FFXIII going multiplatform, but I am excited more about new games.

I realize it is a pillar to many people of the PlayStation brand, but as many have said, the days of third party exclusives are waning.

Well since you know so much about SE's charge for FFXIII please do let us know. Maybe it's just the fact that 360 sells a shit load of software so SE said we're going multi-plat with FFXIII.

In fact, since you know FFXIII was for sale. Tell me why MS didn't write the check from the beginning instead of the cash heavy support for MW and others to lead the charge in Japan? I'm not buying your Sony is so smart idea.


Puncture said:
Either lay off the drugs, or stop speaking on things that you don't know anything about. FF is a MUCH larger IP WORLDWIDE than MGS is by far. Leaps and bounds. Arguable the largest RPG IP of all the genre, and YES, MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people across ALL 3 REGIONS care about FF. Very freaking much. Its one of the actual few titles deserving of the tag "System Seller". So yeah, people care. And yeah, this is a big deal.

Epic announcement, and the boards of all gaming forums are going nuts. Hilarious
Indeed. This will really hurt PS3 hardware sales I believe.

A lot of RPG fans are still waiting for hardware prices to come down, and with the 360 getting cheaper, getting games like Lost Odyssey, BD, SO and the mother of all JRPGs, Final Fantasy, I think it will have a real impact on numbers.

Sony should have shat out the money for this game.


Did I mention it's time to cancel my Ratchet and Clank preorder yet?
These ytmnds are ripping off my infamous internet schtick... I'm flattered...
Steve Youngblood said:
I don't understand why that would be such a big blow. It's not as though Metal Gear Solid has always been exclusive to the PS. Are we forgetting that MGS2: Substance also came out on the Xbox?
It would be interesting to see a port of Metal Gear Solid 4 on the Xbox 360. But Microsoft would HAVE to announce a motion sensing controller for their system, because there are certain elements of the game that REQUIRE you to use the SIXAXIS.

I doubt a port is going to happen, though. The game has been VERY successful on the Playstation 3.
Steve Youngblood said:
I don't understand why that would be such a big blow. It's not as though Metal Gear Solid has always been exclusive to the PS. Are we forgetting that MGS2: Substance also came out on the Xbox?

He's right if he's already taking FF XIIII into account. A MGS4 port after this news would be demolishing for Sony (if another megaton doesn't get announced tomorrow that is...).

But I guess MGS 4 has been selling pretty well and things won't come to that.

Fuzz Rez

SapientWolf said:
No, that would be an MGS4 port. The internet would tear itself apart.

Well okay I'll give you that. But still this is big shock for fanboys and it's always hillarious to see how will they react to news like this.

"Square is traitor ! FFXIII on X0 ? So what it's not even big deal, true players are waiting for KZ2 and GT5 ! FFXIII is nothing :lol
Quazar said:
Well since you know so much about SE's charge for FFXIII please do let us know. Maybe it's just the fact that 360 sells a shit load of software so SE said we're going multi-plat with FFXIII.

In fact, since you know FFXIII was for sale. Tell me why MS didn't write the check from the beginning instead of the cash heavy support for MW and others to lead the charge in Japan? I'm not buying your Sony is so smart idea.

I saw Microsoft's sales slide, and it was helluva impressive. But after seeing Microsoft effectively pay off Rockstar you mean you really can't imagine Microsoft paying SE a little bit for XIII?

Yea, I can see it from your perspective though. It's just I have this nagging feeling that's not the only reason.
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