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Final Fantasy XIII confirmed for Xbox 360

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Wow, this is just about the least expected of any announcement, though it does make sense given how much money they're probably pouring into it. Still I'm surprised Sony didn't have the money-hats to keep it exclusive.

Seriously, what exclusives does the PS3 even have now, apart from SCE stuff?


CitizenCope said:
Honestly people get so caught up in this. As a 360 owner I'll be playing Gears 2, Fable 2, Banjo, Prince of Persia, a new Geometry Wars, some more Scene it, RE5, RPG's up the ying yang, Halo Wars, Mercenaries 2 etc... over the next 6 months. Not too shabby.

People are putting too much emphasis on exclusives this gen since a lot of the multiplatform games are looking freaking awesome. But having all those other games helps... I could easily fill all my gaming time with just a 360, not sure if I could do the same with the other two yet.


I see >_>

i honestly didn't know final fantasy was that big of a deal, granted im not a big RPG fan so i shouldn't talk...

oh well im just in it for the games, none of this console war BS.


nib95 said:
I watched the whole thing on LiveWire. Unless you mean GoW2, Banjo, Fable 2 etc, which we all knew were coming. That essentially will be no different to Sony tomorrow showing KZ2, Resistance 2, SOCOM, Motorstorm 2, White Knight Chronicles, Little Big Planet etc. All stuff we've seen and know is coming.

Unless you are referring to the Video on demand stuff (I'm from the UK), I'm more of a hard copy man. Video on demand hasn't really even kicked off here. Avatars? Mii copy type thing? So what is the 40% you are referring to that I supposedly missed?

Alan Wake should have been there. And Splinter Cell Conviction and at least one or two other new exclusives. As is, exclusives wise we're not really sure what we'll be playing on the 360 in the first half of 09 beyond Halo Wars.

Yea, curse them for showing a fucking huge update for XBOX360 owners this fall and games we'll be playing the rest of the year. :lol :lol

Fuck 09, plenty of time for those announcements.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
ronito said:
The only way Sony can save face is FFVII Remake exclusive.


I am sorry, this is just getting sad.

The press conference is tomorrow, and doing this is setting yourself up for a HUGE disappointment.
nib95 said:
That's what I said. There was really very little to the conference outside of the FFXIII announcement (which means little to me as a multi-platform gamer). I wanted to hear about the lost exclusives (SC Conviction, Alan Wake), or new one's (Bungie? ME2? Bizzare?). I wanted to know what I'd be playing the beginning half of 09 (not just Fall 08). It's exclusives that separate consoles from one another, so while multiplatform titles are great, it's the exclusives that really shout. And the MS conference really lacked anything new in that regard.

Take out the FFXIII announcement, and what do you have? A casual centric conference with little new info and no new IP's or exclusive games shown outside of Lips.

you knew it was gonna happen so whats the problem? those game werent shown because they arent coming out this year.


ShockingAlberto said:
what kind of mouthbreather buys a system for one game years before the game is set to be released
Once Sony announced that whole BC fuck-up thing, it put me in an awkward position. Buy a PS3 now to have one with features I want, or wait until FF13 and have one without features I want. Like I said, this generation is ugly.


I'm just gonna put this out there. Anyone thinking an FF7 remake is going to be announced tomorrow for ANY console is just setting themself up for major dissapointment.

It ain't coming...yet anyway


why do people feel this kills Sony?

do most even care much for FF anymore? I am if anything an MS fanboy (but have a Wii and PS3) and I just don't know as many that care more about FF than stuff like MGS4.

There is much more going on....

meh oh well. everyone freaks way too much...


nib95 said:
That's what I said. There was really very little to the conference outside of the FFXIII announcement (which means little to me as a multi-platform gamer). I wanted to hear about the lost exclusives (SC Conviction, Alan Wake), or new one's (Bungie? ME2? Bizzare?). I wanted to know what I'd be playing the beginning half of 09 (not just Fall 08). It's exclusives that separate consoles from one another, so while multiplatform titles are great, it's the exclusives that really shout. And the MS conference really lacked anything new in that regard.

Take out the FFXIII announcement, and what do you have? A casual centric conference with little new info and no new IP's or exclusive games shown outside of Lips.
word. i was a little disappointed as i watched it and then they dropped the bomb at the end. maybe that was the intention? to be all tame and showing off games that are also on ps3 and then BAM show them something cra....o wait ff13 is on ps3 too. hmmmmmmm

Teen Ape

If ever there was anything to eclipse the megaton of "OMG MGS4 teh xbox?! MONEYHATS & SHENANIGANS!" FFXIII is definitely it...wowza.

Now all we have to hope for is that FFXIII doesnt suck!
Moray said:
"i mean its only guitar hero o_O"
"i mean its only assassin's creed o_O"
"i mean its only gta o_O"
"i mean its only ace combat o_O"
"i mean its only devil may cry o_O"
"i mean its only star ocean o_O"


I remember the one that started it all. Ridge Racer Six. An honest-to-got NUMBERED Ridge game on on non-sony hardware.
Slippery slope I guess


Ptaaty said:
why do people feel this kills Sony?

do most even care much for FF anymore? I am if anything an MS fanboy (but have a Wii and PS3) and I just don't know as many that care more about FF than stuff like MGS4.

There is much more going on....

meh oh well. everyone freaks way too much...

Do you people seriously have to ask this? :lol :lol

I'm seeing a new pattern in this thread.

Guy Legend

TEH-CJ said:
I see >_>

i honestly didn't know final fantasy was that big of a deal, granted im not a big RPG fan so i shouldn't talk...

oh well im just in it for the games, none of this console war BS.

It's more the shock of one of Sony's most associated and big name third party exclusives going multi platform. Granted it's a big franchise, but it isn't that huge in NA as it is in Japan. But based on the reaction (over reaction), you'd think the game wasn't coming to the PS3 anymore...

Regardless, it's another big sign, though a legitimate shock in itself that third party exclusives are less and less likely as the allure of selling on both installed bases becomes more of a necessity. Microsoft's strategy of launching early and establishing a large install base first has proven to be a smart move.


Tideas said:
I'm just gonna put this out there. Anyone thinking an FF7 remake is going to be announced tomorrow for ANY console is just setting themself up for major dissapointment.

It ain't coming...yet anyway
I think you're right. One thing's for sure though, Sony's going to need to put on one hell of show tomorrow with a lot of surprises if they want save face this year. As an owner of both PS3 and 360, I'm very excited for Sony's presentation.


If we reach 2010 (or whenever SE releases FF13) and this would have been your only reason for buying a PS3, then Sony would have a lot, lot worse to worry about than one title going multiplatform.

Except for a select few, this game has long passed being a system seller.


Meh. I'm surprised people are this surprised.

It really makes sense from a business standpoint. The game is no doubt extremely costly to develop and multisystem releases tend to sell more on 360 in the U.S. and Europe. It makes sense for SE to release it on both systems. Japan doesn't have a 360 userbase so no surprises there either.

I'm a little annoyed because the quality of the game is no doubt going to suffer. I hope next generation is a one-console generation, if only to stop lowest common denominator development. It's a reasonable assumption that the days of major third party exclusives are nearing an end anyhow.

Anyhow, if GTA4 failed to move systems I doubt FF13 was going to. Frankly, I'm not sure what exclusive Sony could pull out that would have a serious, tide-turning impact.


Onix said:
I didn't mention this as a hope ... its based on a rumor from last week.

There was an interview in Japan with Squeenix, and the rep said to expect a huge FFVII announcement at E3 supposedly.

The only other possibility would be a phone game, or the original on PSN ... neither of which constitute huge IMO.

There's two more potential platforms you're leaving out there.


seat said:
I think you're right. One thing's for sure though, Sony's going to need to put on one hell of show tomorrow with a lot of surprises if they want save face this year. As an owner of both PS3 and 360, I'm very excited for Sony's presentation.

when is their presentation tomorrow? What time?
seat said:
I think you're right. One thing's for sure though, Sony's going to need to put on one hell of show tomorrow with a lot of surprises if they want save face this year. As an owner of both PS3 and 360, I'm very excited for Sony's presentation.
There are two things that are for sure. First, I'm going to continue to be happy as a multi-console owner. Second, if a FF7 remake is their ace in the hole, this will be a very disappointing E3 for Sony.


nyong said:
I'm a little annoyed because the quality of the game is no doubt going to suffer. I hope next generation is a one-console generation, if only to stop lowest common denominator development. It's a reasonable assumption that the days of major third party exclusives are nearing an end anyhow.

"Lowest common denominator"

This isn't E3 2005, this is E3 2008. The 360 and PS3 have proved to be pretty much the same denominator.


Post Count: 9999
Tobor said:
There's two more potential platforms you're leaving out there.


I really doubt it would be on Wii, and it ain't going to 360 unless its PS3/360.

BTW - I'm catching up on the MS conference thread and just got to the first 3 pages of the FFXIII announcement ... :lol ... holy shit its EPIC!! :lol

Can't ... stop ... laughing :lol


Junior Member
For the folks who talk about not having any new IP's shown for the 360 that will be coming in 2009. Well, we have the European game conferences in Leipzig in August, the GDC in February 2009, and the Tokyo Game Shoiw in September. I'm sure MS held back some material/announcements for those conferences. They had a full plate today with a rich dessert. :D

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
My problem isn't the fact this game is getting ported.

It's the fact that this game isn't already fucking on shelves. What in the name of Jesus, Joseph and Mary has the team in charge of this game been doing all this time? I wouldn't go so far as to use the word "vaporware," but FF13 rapidly turning into Chinese Democracy...we know it exists, but whenever it does come out, it's not going to be worth the wait.

Are we really expecting anything of note from this game? The fact they are just getting around to announcing it's fucking platform says a lot to me.


nyong said:
I'm a little annoyed because the quality of the game is no doubt going to suffer. I hope next generation is a one-console generation, if only to stop lowest common denominator development. It's a reasonable assumption that the days of major third party exclusives are nearing an end anyhow.

Doesn't this not apply here since the 360 version won't start development until after they finish the ps3 version and while they're working on the translation?


Joei said:
Doesn't this not apply here since the 360 version won't start development until after they finish the ps3 version and while they're working on the translation?

You have to wonder how true that is though.


Onix said:

I really doubt it would be on Wii, and it ain't going to 360 unless its PS3/360.

BTW - I'm catching up on the MS conference thread and just got to the first 3 pages of the FFXIII announcement ... :lol ... holy shit its EPIC!! :lol

Can't ... stop ... laughing :lol

No offense, but after today, is it safe to doubt anything? The other I was referring to is the DS.

EDIT: what page is the FFXIII reveal? I want to skip straight to the goodies.


Post Count: 9999
I do wonder what impact there will be on the game going multiplatform?

FF typically has tons of music and FMV, so will the 360 version have less (or compressed) ... or will it span multiple discs ... or will both versions be paired down due to 360 size constraints?

Will the 360 version push more geometry or have a better framerate?

Will there be a mandatory install for the 360 version? Etc?

This will be interesting.


Moray said:
What does technically matter when there is practically no difference?

I realize that both systems can put out very similar looking games. I was under the impression they have to do it in different ways, though. Like both systems have their strengths and weaknesses?

If a game engine is developed multi-platform, aren't they going to have to take the weaknesses from both systems into consideration? At the very least they're using resources, optimizing for two systems, that could be put elsewhere.

I'm not a developer so I could very well be wrong.

EDIT: And I have very little clue as to what I'm talking about. If you can't tell :lol

Drinky Cow- so porting a game straight from 360 to PS3 (and vice versa) is a relatively small undertaking, even when the game has been developed for a particular console from the get-go?


Angry Grimace said:
My problem isn't the fact this game is getting ported.

It's the fact that this game isn't already fucking on shelves. What in the name of Jesus, Joseph and Mary has the team in charge of this game been doing all this time? I wouldn't go so far as to use the word "vaporware," but FF13 rapidly turning into Chinese Democracy...we know it exists, but whenever it does come out, it's not going to be worth the wait.

Are we really expecting anything of note from this game? The fact they are just getting around to announcing it's fucking platform says a lot to me.

Well the install base would not have been worth the effort, imo. Now they have a real good chance of making ends meet.
Honestly, you guys all sound as if the PS3 is actually called the Final Fantasy Box III. As much as I love the series, I don't see it as the only reason I bought my PS3. We still get FFXII, we still get SO4, and I bet we are going to get FFXIII Versus exclsuive. This is not the end of the world as many of you have said.

I would much prefer a couple of new IP's over FFXIII exclusivity. But apparently you guys are hung up on one game that you can't see past that.
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