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Final Fantasy XV - Review Thread [Second wave of reviews coming in]


9 reviews.

It would review OK, well below what we see here, and mostly be ignored by the press.

You'd have to wait on a Chrono Trigger 2 a few years later to properly assess it, after the fan reaction to the original eclipses the moderate reaction from critics.

See: Demon's Souls to Dark Souls

A very well-regarded puzzle game.

It's a genius puzzle game.

But it's also a really really good and challenging puzzle game. It deserves that score.

99% Positive on Steam as well


I honestly feel like most are just trolls.

Got it on steam.

Looks like Katamari. This takes priority over FFXV since it got a better metacritic.


If a game scores an 8.6 average, that means that you have a gamut of people who thought the game was an 7, 8, 9 or 10. It's up to you to find out where you land on that spectrum.

People who are mad at the score / happy to see it that "low" / dissuaded from playing the game, need to get a clue.
So from what I'm reading:


*Crap story (Please don't be XII or XIII levels of bad)
*Poor camera
*Poor, automated combat
*Poor magic system
*Limited summon system
*Poor car controls
*Fetch questy side quests
*uninteresting open wold


*Looks gorgeous
*Awesome dungeons
*Likable cast with good chemistry
*Sword warping is as awesome as it looks

Yeah, I dunno. I'll wait for the PC version. Hopefully patches and DLCs will address the issues people have been critical of.

Watching that Versus XIII announcement trailer way back when:

Reading the reviews for XV now:

Haha holy shit. Took me a sec to realize it's the same person.

As many have been mentioning, it's apparently a lot harder to hit higher scores today than it was back then. It's not so simple to compare different eras.

I hope so. XIII's reviews were embarrassing and frankly I've never given reviews the same weight since. For a while, it was strictly user impressions for me.


Mad respect. But that's got to be a hard road to walk.

Yea, it's been challenging for sure. Haven't watched any of the "BIG" tv shows everyone's talking about, and my Japanese game collection is pretty much relegated to Nintendo games, but I'm confident in my decisions, and just hope movies/games/shows will shift back towards more respectful territory someday..

On a positive note, I've been saving a ton of money and enjoying the fewer games I have more thoroughly.

I didn't download Bayonetta in Smash because of how sexualized she is. What you are doing out of respect for only having eyes for your wife and respect for women is extremely admirable and I'm gonna follow suit. As I said, I'm not married, but Ive thought about how inevitably, this issue is going to come up when I am. You are the man

Way to go! I didn't download Bayo either. Much respect for you too man! I guarantee that women will really respect and appreciate that in you. Cheers!
That's pretty short for a JRPG if true. That would be one of the shortest FF games.

Chrono Trigger, the greatest JRPG of all time and my favorite game of all time is about that long. And I've seen playtimes from people on this forum that were over 30 hours, closer to 35 hours. In addition, like others are saying, that's the main narrative. It isn't advised to just blow through it like that.
Based on impressions I was expecting a lesser version of what happened with Star Ocean 5 this year, with early impressions saying the game has issues but was still pretty good, and then reviews hmering it way harder later on. I was expecting something like 78 or 77, and it does seem like the that most outlets have for the story would warrant lower scores than they eventually hand out, I guess I should be glad that it passed the 80 bar.

Despite wanting the issues with the narrative to be taken more seriously than most outlets seem to be, as I don't want any RPG makers to get complacent with that very important component, I'm glad the gameplay and world design are solid enough in most people's opinions to make the game good regardless. It seems like this could mean the next FF (XVI or VIIR) could take cues from the gameplay design, execute the story more competently, and already make a great experience.

I'm hoping the game gets enough sales to be successful, while letting Square and other RPG developers (specifically Japanese ones) know that it could've done better with a better story. Then they have something to strive for. It has been said that FFXV might be seen as a symbol, or maybe a canary in the mineshaft, that the Japanese games industry can watch and see if Japanese games still have a future in high budget productions.

So I'm hoping the game does well enough that they have renewed confidence, while also knowing that if they prioritize good stories and localizations that they can do even better. For example, maybe FFXV doing well could convince Namco Bandai to give the next PS4 'Tales of' game a higher budget than they would've otherwise, and maybe they'd let Sakuraba off the chains and he could do 'Tales of' music that matches the quality of most of his other work, like Dark Souls.
Got it on steam.

Looks like Katamari. This takes priority over FFXV since it got a better metacritic.
I'm not sure if you're kidding about the Metacritic part :p

But I'd honestly be quite pleased to see more people spending time with SSR. It's a gem. But it is super-hard. Best of luck!


I mean, there are reviewers and impressions that are saying that they're 50-70 hours in and still have content to explore and are still having a good time.

If the side content is compelling then it doesn't matter how fast you can blaze through the story.


So from what I'm reading:


*Crap story (Please don't be XII or XIII levels of bad)
*Poor camera
*Poor, automated combat
*Poor magic system
*Limited summon system
*Poor car controls
*Fetch questy side quests
*uninteresting open wold


*Looks gorgeous
*Awesome dungeons
*Likable cast with good chemistry
*Sword warping is as awesome as it looks it is.

Yeah, I dunno. I'll wait for the PC version. Hopefully patches and DLCs will address the issues people have been critical of.
That doesn't seem accurate... Looks like most people are enjoying the combat to me, aside from the people who think it's supposed to be DMC.


Is the framepacing issue fixed for Pro HQ mode with the 1.02 patch? Can anyone confirm?

Been holding off until then as those issues usually bother me more than most, but I'll pull the trigger if it's fixed.


I'm not sure if you're kidding about the Metacritic part :p

But I'd honestly be quite pleased to see more people spending time with SSR. It's a gem. But it is super-hard. Best of luck!

Metacritic comment is a joke. But i still got the game and will be playing it here and there. Looks great. I like when you find underrated games like this.


Queso did a stat analysis of mc reviews earlier in the year which show a slight inflation of scores this gen.

So no, a 2016 86 isn't magically better than a 2008 86 because critics are 'way harsher' now despite that being trotted out every mc thread by enthusiasts.


So I'm hyped for this but can we dispel the notion that Final Fantasy needs to be made great again?

FFXIV: ARR made it great again 3 years ago and Heavensward made it even greater 1 year ago.


And hell if FFXV isn't that great then we got:


Early next year.

You guys should understand that a lot of people don't have the time or the money to play a subscription based MMO. A lot of people simply don't like them. I get where you're coming from, but you guys should accept that for a lot of people Final Fantasy means single player jrpg.


So from what I'm reading:


*Crap story (Please don't be XII or XIII levels of bad)
*Poor camera
*Poor, automated combat
*Poor magic system
*Limited summon system
*Poor car controls
*Fetch questy side quests
*uninteresting open wold


*Looks gorgeous
*Awesome dungeons
*Likable cast with good chemistry
*Sword warping is as awesome as it looks

Yeah, I dunno. I'll wait for the PC version. Hopefully patches and DLCs will address the issues people have been critical of.

Haha holy shit. Took me a sec to realize it's the same person.

I hope so. XIII's reviews were embarrassing and frankly I've never given reviews the same weight since. For a while, it was strictly user impressions for me.

What are you reading that says the combat is bad? Jason said the combat is literally the best thing in the game.
You guys should understand that a lot of people don't have the time or the money to play a subscription based MMO. A lot of people simply don't like them. I get where you're coming from, but you guys should accept that for a lot of people Final Fantasy means single player jrpg.

Yup. I'm enjoying XIV but this post is right on the money.

Joey Ravn

I still don't know about this game. I'll give it some time to breathe. I still need to play VII through XIII-3. By the time I'm caught up with the series, the dust will have settled on XV.
Your entire response here is nonsense.
Sincerely, take a step back, and a breath and re-read my posts on this matter. It's not even some crazy concept I'm pointing out here. It's pretty basic.

You're right, It's not a crazy concept; it's not even a novel one, it just doesn't make any sense. If you want to put your perceived notions of what is and not a fair review score into the mix, and therefore cut reviews that don't meet his standard, that's certainly your prerogative. It simply doesn't add anything valuable to the conversation.

If my feeling that way is, "thinking too much," then I guess we're at an impasse.

That's pretty short for a JRPG if true. That would be one of the shortest FF games.

This is another one of those areas where opinions can vary so wildly. There are lot of people who would look at a 40 hour game as an insurmountable feat. There are others, as you can see in this very thread, who seem to view 20 hours as paltry. I don't know what the right balance is, but this game definitely seems to be gunning for a wider audience than previous iterations. All that said, I can understand why people might be surprised if the core story is "short" given how long the game has been in dev.


Queso did a stat analysis of mc reviews earlier in the year which show a slight inflation of scores this gen.

So no, a 2016 86 isn't magically better than a 2008 86 because critics are 'way harsher' now despite that being trotted out every mc thread by fanboys.

Do you have a link?

I think part of an increase could be a reduction in the number of licensed and low budget console games since the mid-2000's, which don't even exist to get bad reviews anymore. AAA blockbusters are still trending in a direction that gives us fewer 90+s every year, no?
Looking at this thread and some other similar discussions in the past months, the reviews are better than many expected so I don't really get those trying to undermine them now

I know exactly why lol because it doesn't play to the narrative that many have been trying to push for months. I'll say it again, there's a fairly sizable contingent on people that we hoping this game would fail, for whatever reason. Now it still may bomb commercially, but it's not the critical disaster I know some people wanted it to be.


That's pretty short for a JRPG if true. That would be one of the shortest FF games.

Oh for sure. If i was 15 years old still with way more free time, i'd probably be disappointed. But as a guy who loves side quests and doing everything, a 50 hour game total (pre-DLC) is right in my wheelhouse. Not sure I could handle 90 hours+ like FFXII or the 50 - 60 hour main story of Xenogears. =)

As for other RPG's that are that short for main story...Suikoden 1, Breath of Fire:DQ and Valkyrie Profile come to mind.


Thank you. Yea, the way women are portrayed continues to become more and more of an issue with (mostly Japanese) games these days. The most recent game I've chosen to stop playing is Xenoblade Chronicles X, as almost every single female enemy or character in that game is sexualized to an extreme, with most in g-strings and nipple-covering lace. I find this sort of stuff just absolutely ridiculous pandering and disrespectful to women. I know i'm significantly in the minority, but I'd rather take a stand and vote with my wallet.

It's more that I choose to respect my commitment to my wife to only have eyes for her. I'm on guard with what I choose to look at, and in cases where said graphic content can't be avoided/turned off, I've made the choice to skip the game/movie entirely. I'm seriously so fed up with how women are portrayed and sexualized to an extreme. It hasn't always been an easy choice to skip games/movies with said content, but without a doubt, I know i'm doing the right thing for my marriage.

I must say much respects to you, it is good to see men think like this in this society.
You guys should understand that a lot of people don't have the time or the money to play a subscription based MMO. A lot of people simply don't like them. I get where you're coming from, but you guys should accept that for a lot of people Final Fantasy means single player jrpg.

I really like XIV and made it to Heavensward, but yeah. It's a super huge investment, very time consuming, and the combat gets incredibly complex further in. That's not really a bad thing, but I hit a point where I was going into raids and people were just bitching at me for not having my damage per second up to optimal levels. I struggled with it there for a while, tried to learn everything but there's just so many other games out there for me to play and things for me to do. It's like trying to learn a fighting game, you can enjoy it and get good if you pour hundreds of hours into one thing, but I don't have the time for that.

FFXIV is great though and I enjoyed all I played of it, but after spending a year playing on and off trying to get to Heavensward and people being assholes, I just kind of lost interest. I'll likely pick it back up down the line however.


not me
Queso did a stat analysis of mc reviews earlier in the year which show a slight inflation of scores this gen.

So no, a 2016 86 isn't magically better than a 2008 86 because critics are 'way harsher' now despite that being trotted out every mc thread by enthusiasts.

Nirolak is a fanboy?

edit: stealth edit of fanboy into enthusiast.


You guys should understand that a lot of people don't have the time or the money to play a subscription based MMO. A lot of people simply don't like them. I get where you're coming from, but you guys should accept that for a lot of people Final Fantasy means single player jrpg.

Eh, the great thing about those games is they don't need to be played like an MMO. You can beat it in the one free month and just pay for one month when the next expansion hits.
You guys should understand that a lot of people don't have the time or the money to play a subscription based MMO. A lot of people simply don't like them. I get where you're coming from, but you guys should accept that for a lot of people Final Fantasy means single player jrpg.

Was going to say this myself.


You guys should understand that a lot of people don't have the time or the money to play a subscription based MMO. A lot of people simply don't like them. I get where you're coming from, but you guys should accept that for a lot of people Final Fantasy means single player jrpg.

He's not wrong though. I'm a MAJOR solo, single-player JRPG player and I don't even like MMOs and abhor subscriptions.

... FFXIV is utterly fantastic and the best Final Fantasy I've played since IX.

It's worth the money (I see the subscription money clearly funneled back into the actual game, and the cost per month tends to net me enough content per patch that some games do with DLC), and I was even able to beat the main story of A Realm Reborn in my free month without any issue. You can very easily buy the whole game and beat it if you play smart in the 30 day free window and still come away very satisfied with a full story arc concluded and everything.

... But the game was so good, I just had to see more and experience more, so I kept coming back.
Queso did a stat analysis of mc reviews earlier in the year which show a slight inflation of scores this gen.

So no, a 2016 86 isn't magically better than a 2008 86 because critics are 'way harsher' now despite that being trotted out every mc thread by enthusiasts.

That's only because there was an overrepresentation of shovelware on the Wii. It's an entirely different story if you look at the high end.


You're right, It's not a crazy concept; it's not even a novel one, it just doesn't make any sense. If you want to put your perceived notions of what is and not a fair review score into the mix, and therefore cut reviews that don't meet his standard, that's certainly your prerogative. It simply doesn't add anything valuable to the conversation.

If my feeling that way is, "thinking too much," then I guess we're at an impasse.

Yeah, it does add something to the conversation. The conversation you missed when you jumped in in the middle of it. The conversation where people were implying that anyone who dismissed that score was being a blind fanboy.

I wasn't telling you that you need to subscribe to this concept. I was explaining the concept to some people who obviously did not understand it.

It's not that big of a deal and never was. I always dismiss the highest and lowest score in anything I'm evaluating. And when you you have 25 scores within 15 of each other and 1 lone score 20 points away from that grouping, it's easy to dismiss that until there's a valid reason to give it weight.

This was never some point to bring up for some ridiculous debate, and I get three different people coming at me for it for 3 entirely different reasons with no regard to the context that it came from. It's obnoxious. You know EXACTLY what I was getting at. If you would like to disagree, knock yourself out. Since we're on the same page now, though, I'd like to not have to put you on ignore like the other two, because I'm not in the mood to get into ridiculous semantic debates over relatively simple points.
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