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FINAL FANTASY XV: The English Voice Cast


Better acting and script quality is not an inherently western construct. Like someone else said, years ago, a character like Yuffie was more tolerable because FF wasn't voiced. Now that it's voiced people, while going up against the other heavy hitters of the year people are expecting more.

Not only that, but those old characters also barely had any actual animations when speaking. There's nothing in FF7 that shows Yuffie acting like this XV girl.

Of course, she will in the Remake, because every character needs to fill the usual anime archetypes.
This game is going to sell millions regardless of what it does.

Making it even more "western" does not equate to "High quality" lol

FF7R will also be high budget and probably be stringing me along for years to come, and I'm glad square is doing it the way they are.

Can't wait to see people cringe at Yuffie again. I'm gonna be enjoying the games.
The game will need to sell multiple millions just to break even so turning off people with poor localization isn't too smart.
SE has a big issue with localization with recent games like Star Ocean and Type 0. JRPGs being story focused means that a poor localization has a big impact on the enjoyability on those experiencing it and they should try to address it.
The cast seems occasionally fine, but with a project as important and expensive as this is should be considerably better than just "fine", IMO.


This game is going to sell millions regardless of what it does.

Making it even more "western" does not equate to "High quality" lol

FF7R will also be high budget and probably be stringing me along for years to come, and I'm glad square is doing it the way they are.

Can't wait to see people cringe at Yuffie again. I'm gonna be enjoying the games.
It is not a matter of making it more "western".

It is a matter of making it more appealing to a broader audience. Japan is no longer the market to target for AAA HD console games, because Japan has gone mobile. Where do you get 20 million Skyrim sales? You get it in NA/EU.

Moreover, to expand the audience, you have to aim outside the bracket of culturally illiterate guys like yourself. Make female characters that aren't archetypes of pandering female characters that appeal to you. Target a market that is more diverse and would, in the present day culture, see an all-white cast of four males as old fashioned, myopic, and unappealing, as well as not necessarily a product to support.

If all you play is your memory and nostalgia, the sales will only decline. It's shameful how a company with such wealth and resources resorts to pandering to otaku to get that revenue too.

It would be nice if you could admit that you fucked up posting Chinese females as a response to a question about Japanese female voices, but obviously you are incapable of admitting that you were wrong.


It is not a matter of making it more "western".

It is a matter of making it more appealing to a broader audience. Japan is no longer the market to target for AAA HD console games, because Japan has gone mobile. Where do you get 20 million Skyrim sales? You get it in NA/EU.

Moreover, to expand the audience, you have to aim outside the bracket of culturally illiterate guys like yourself. Make female characters that aren't archetypes of pandering female characters that appeal to you. Target a market that is more diverse and would, in the present day culture, see an all-white cast of four males as old fashioned, myopic, and unappealing, as well as not necessarily a product to support.

If all you play is your memory and nostalgia, the sales will only decline. It's shameful how a company with such wealth and resources resorts to pandering to otaku to get that revenue too.

It would be nice if you could admit that you fucked up posting Chinese females as a response to a question about Japanese female voices, but obviously you are incapable of admitting that you were wrong.

Don't worry. Not all people are crybabies when it comes to some anime mannerisms in a video game. The game will do just fine sales wise.


Better acting and script quality is not an inherently western construct. Like someone else said, years ago, a character like Yuffie was more tolerable because FF wasn't voiced. Now that it's voiced people, while going up against the other heavy hitters of the year people are expecting more.

I expect a game with half real half anime looking characters.
That's what I'm getting, that's what I have been getting from square for ages.

This is what FF is known for, it is it's identity.

You want FF to change, but then people will complain and say it isn't FF hell we hear it already.
However if it doesn't change, we have people like you saying it should be changing.

This must EXTREMELY annoying to the devs to hear people crying from all angles about what they want and what they don't want, no one is ever satisfied anywhere.

and I genuinely feel bad feel bad for this guy



You weren't asking me, but I want to chime in anyway. Wanna know why I'm partially okay with the characters you mentioned, minus Vanille? First, those games are comparatively more Japanese anime-inspired in overall design, games like FFVII and FFVIII's art are seemingly more in line with 90's animes, and I could accept such troupes at that time. Secondly, they were like back in late 90's and early 2000's. Standard has changed, and supposedly increased as time passes by. Let's not forget that with the absence of voice acting or even character animations in field map, it's way more tolerable to deal with these type of character archetype. This is why I cannot stand Vanille, but I could with Yuffie and Selphie, and to lesser extent Rikku.

Boy are you not gonna like the FFVIIR then ;P
Look, I get your point and I understand what you're trying to say. I wasn't a fan of those girls even back when they weren't voice acted, but I guess I got used to these tropes after watching a lot anime and playing JRPGs so they don't bother me as much. I usually like characters like Gentiana, Lulu, Beatrix .. etc I am warming up a lot to Luna as well. However, I understand the existence of characters like Yuffie or Rikku as there are a lot of people who like these archetypes, that's why you see them frequently in JRPGs and anime. Its all about preference really.


The acting so far sounds about on par with FFXIII, ie "fine". Not abysmal like FF Type-0 but not great like XII
I think the character of the voices is good. That is, they sound good to my ear. Expressive, evocative of their respective characters, nice to listen to.

However, the more realistic the visuals and character animations/mannerisms get (Iris aside), the more dubs stick out. The actors w/ the translation just can't get the flow/ease of conversation that the original recording has.

Voice directing and translation can obviously affect this, but they only go so far.

But, at least to my mind, this isn't a huge deal. All the scenes I've seen are good enough that, w/ the immersion of actual continued play, I suspect I won't notice the minor awkwardness much at all.

Also, I think Luna looks great in the new footage of her squaring off against Levi.


Don't worry. Not all people are crybabies when it comes to some anime mannerisms in a video game. The game will do just fine sales wise.

Just want to voice my disappointment in the incredible immaturity you and Chozen are displaying here, making it impossible to actually have a proper discussion.
When I tried to engage Chozen with actual arguments I got a "Lol, spelling error!" as an answer and was ignored while you call people who have a different opinion to you (and actually bother to find arguments for it) "crybabies".

I'm generally used to higher standards on this forum but any discussion about this game seems to bring out the worst in some people.


Just want to voice my disappointment in the incredible immaturity you and Chozen are displaying here, making it impossible to actually have a proper discussion.
When I tried to engage Chozen with actual arguments I got a "Lol, spelling error!" as an answer and was ignored while you call people who have a different opinion to you (and actually bother to find arguments for it) "crybabies".

I'm generally used to higher standards on this forum but any discussion about this game seems to bring out the worst in some people.

I never once said people who disagreed with me are "crybabies".

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
It is not a matter of making it more "western".

It is a matter of making it more appealing to a broader audience. Japan is no longer the market to target for AAA HD console games, because Japan has gone mobile. Where do you get 20 million Skyrim sales? You get it in NA/EU.

Moreover, to expand the audience, you have to aim outside the bracket of culturally illiterate guys like yourself. Make female characters that aren't archetypes of pandering female characters that appeal to you. Target a market that is more diverse and would, in the present day culture, see an all-white cast of four males as old fashioned, myopic, and unappealing, as well as not necessarily a product to support.

If all you play is your memory and nostalgia, the sales will only decline. It's shameful how a company with such wealth and resources resorts to pandering to otaku to get that revenue too.

It would be nice if you could admit that you fucked up posting Chinese females as a response to a question about Japanese female voices, but obviously you are incapable of admitting that you were wrong.
I agree but ouch that ether. O_O

I expect a game with half real half anime looking characters.
That's what I'm getting, that's what I have been getting from square for ages.
Aside from the character design this is arguably the least anime looking FF game. (Pretty sure some of the cast looking like the actors is a series first).

This is what FF is known for, it is it's identity.
No it's really not.Up until FF seven, the character artwork was INCREDIBLY stylized

And even then, the stylization came back with games like FF9

When Tabata took on this project, he noted that the leads looked artificial, they absolutely went out of their way to make this the most realistic looking possible FF game. Even made sure that monsters had proper anatomy, that shouldn't just extend to appearance tho, making sure the script resembles conversations that emulate life more so that the characters are much more relatable should've been a given.

You want FF to change, but then people will complain and say it isn't FF hell we hear it already.
However if it doesn't change, we have people like you saying it should be changing.
Again, better scripts and acting wouldn't compromise the series identity. No one would be complaining with better scripts and acting.

This must EXTREMELY annoying to the devs to hear people crying from all angles about what they want and what they don't want, no one is ever satisfied anywhere.

and I genuinely feel bad feel bad for this guy
I feel bad for him because of the project he had to take on. Not because of feedback, he's much more open to feedback than some fans of the series.


I had no idea Ray Chase was Noctis. I'm not super sold on his performance, but man, the guy is just blowing up lately. Not bad for a guy whose bread and butter is doing audio books.


I expect a game with half real half anime looking characters.
That's what I'm getting, that's what I have been getting from square for ages.

This is what FF is known for, it is it's identity.

You want FF to change, but then people will complain and say it isn't FF hell we hear it already.
However if it doesn't change, we have people like you saying it should be changing.
The "identity" of FF changes depending on the person. Having "half real half anime looking characters" is not what FF is known for. To survive in the modern game market, FF will have to change.

I'm not going to respect or feel sorry for a director whose body of work is permeated by sexism. Moreover, half the development problems they have now is because he got full of himself and changed a lot of the game to begin with. If I don't feel sorry for Motomu Toriyama, I'm not going to feel sorry for Tabata. He knew what he was getting into.


This must EXTREMELY annoying to the devs to hear people crying from all angles about what they want and what they don't want, no one is ever satisfied anywhere.

and I genuinely feel bad feel bad for this guy



You can really sense the passion and the effort coming from Tabata and the entire team. But yeah, they can't keep everyone happy.


I never once said people who disagreed with me are "crybabies".


No, you only called people crybabies who have a problem with the game's voice acting because of its reliance on stereotypical anime mannerisms which is literally exactly what this discussion is about and what I argued for a few minutes before, almost word for word. Am I in Kindergarten again? What are you doing?

I'm just going to try and stay out of this thread because I know you are not willing to actually talk about the merits of other people's arguments. Again, disappointing to see this kind of stuff around here.



No, you only called people crybabies who have a problem with the game's voice acting because of its reliance on stereotypical anime mannerisms which is literally exactly what this discussion is about and what I argued for a few minutes before, almost word for word. Am I in Kindergarten again? What are you doing?

I'm just going to try and stay out of this thread because I know you are not willing to actually talk about the merits of other people's arguments. Again, disappointing to see this kind of stuff around here.

What? Way to come up with nonsense. I never said that people who have issues with the voice acting are crybabies.

My post was in response to people who complain about a single character (Iris) having the usual stereotype of bubbly anime girl and saying how it ruins everything and now "they won't buy the game" just for that reason.

And who are you kidding? You'll be back. Everyone does.


I'm actually quite impressed with Noctis' actor. I've gotten used to his voice for the character. I would probably miss it if I chose to go with JP dub, although the Japanese actor for Noctis is great too.


I'm actually quite impressed with Noctis' actor. I've gotten used to his voice for the character. I would probably miss it if I chose to go with JP dub, although the Japanese actor for Noctis is great too.

Yeah, he definitely improved since Episode Duscae. Really loving how Noctis sounds.
For the VO and character art, they highlighted the main cast, Regis, and Ardyn. IMO, this pretty much confirms Ardyn as our villain, and not Ravus. Honestly, I don't think Ravus will end up being an incredibly important character.


Being influenced by the west shouldn't mean that they should drop everything related to it being a JRPG. If the game was something like MGS or RE then yes, I will find it jarring and weird that they're acting this way. But as long as the game keeps marketing itself as a JRPG then I will let behaviors like Iris slide, and this is coming from someone who hates Iris with passion lol.

At the end of the day its a matter of preference, some people like characters such as Iris and actually find her cute and some just don't.

I love this kind of character, I find them adorable, but I also don't think it worked very well for Iris. Mainly because of the 3D visuals. It's great in anime, but with those realistic models it just looks weird.

Maybe it'll be better with her original voice, but what I was able to see from the 50 min footage looked like amateur animation using SFM. Didn't fit the world at all.

It's not a big deal, though, I just consider it JRPG jank and move on, but I can definitely understand people thinking that a game this big shouldn't have "typical JRPG jank".


For the VO and character art, they highlighted the main cast, Regis, and Ardyn. IMO, this pretty much confirms Ardyn as our villain, and not Ravus. Honestly, I don't think Ravus will end up being an incredibly important character.

I think they are trying to keep Ravus as away from the spotlight as possible. I still believe he is the main villain and not Ardyn or Ideolas.
I had no idea Ray Chase was Noctis. I'm not super sold on his performance, but man, the guy is just blowing up lately. Not bad for a guy whose bread and butter is doing audio books.

Yeah, I'm liking his Noctis voice thanks to that big gameplay video now. And Mercer as Cor is totally perfect.
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