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First Tech Info On Wii U/Controller, Wont Scale Wii Games, Singletouch, Same Room Use


Unconfirmed Member
Surprised they would go with a custom Power7. Didn't expect them to shell out for that.

Also surprised it's 45nm. I wonder if that's planned for launch or if they'll do a die shrink first. There's not really any reason to use 45nm tech in 2012, and it would reduce the cost (and power consumption, and heat output) of the CPU.
Unicorn said:
it's a tablet AND a controller.

there's fucking buttons and nobs for your hands and fingers. touchscreen won't need to go beyond single touch with all those other inputs RIGHT THERE.

Buttons don't eliminate the usefulness of features like pinch-zoom.
140.85 said:
The bird demo is apparently running in real time and that's pretty effing impressive.

I have a hard time taking anyone seriously who has seen the HD vid of that and concluded the system is the same or worse than PS3/360.

- It uses the foliage to display the poly-pushing power and the draw distance is good.
- The textures are really sharp.
- Shaders are impressive (focal effects, water, surface of fish at the end).

I need to see that again, link ?

chaosblade said:
Surprised they would go with a custom Power7. Didn't expect them to shell out for that.

Also surprised it's 45nm. I wonder if that's planned for launch or if they'll do a die shrink first. There's not really any reason to use 45nm tech in 2012, and it would reduce the cost (and power consumption, and heat output) of the CPU.

I expect a shink to 32nm at least.


Unconfirmed Member
KaotikMind said:
Duuuude, everything is pointing towards a gimped 360 with exactly as powerful as the 360 as the best case scenario. 2005 tech out in 2012? bullshit. Plus the controller looks awful, and if anything the 3DS looks like a much better idea. But in the end of the day Nintendo is slipping.

What are you talking about? We just got a report on the CPU and craps all over the 360.


JoshuaJSlone said:
Ideally, sure. But PS1 on PS2 doesn't do it. PS2 on PS3 doesn't do it. Xbox on X360 doesn't do it. DS on 3DS doesn't do it. It's not something everyone's doing and they dropped the ball.

Not DS or 3DS.
I thought the 360 did do XBOX games in 720p. I know Halo 2 looked much better on the 360.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
I don't understand this notion that multi-touch is an absolute must. What home consoles have had it before? Oh that's right - none.

This isn't an iPad people.

And why do you guys suddenly need to play games in different rooms of the house? Were you pining for that when you were playing games on other consoles?

You're acting as if U is subtracting features from your home console experience when it does nothing but add to them while maintaining the former ones.


Lonely1 said:
What are you talking about? We just got a report on the CPU and craps all over the 360.
Yeah, I thought the tech demo already showed some things the PS360 couldn't do.


my posts are "MEH"
140.85 said:
I don't understand this notion that multi-touch is an absolute must. What home consoles have had it before? Oh that's right - none.

This isn't an iPad people.

And why do you guys suddenly need to play games in different rooms of the house? Were you pining for that when you were playing games on other consoles?

You're acting as if U is subtracting features from your home console experience when it does nothing but add to them while maintaining the former ones.


Apple has trained a generation of consumers in multitouch. People expect it. It's shocking that this device lacks what has become a standard feature in any smartphone not called BlackBerry.
downoadable PSN and XBLA games were a god-send while waiting in-between big Triple AAA titles

the lack of an HDD just places doubts into my head that the Wii U will get anything of importance like PSN or XBLA downloadble games

while PS3 and 360 increased their HDDs sizes to push that functionality at home.. Nintendo still ignores it

no thanks

Tron 2.0

Penguin said:
Wow, only one Wii U controller can be used at a time on the console?


gutter_trash said:
downoadable PSN and XBLA games were a god-send while waiting in-between big Triple AAA titles

the lack of an HDD just places doubts into my head that the Wii U will get anything of importance like PSN or XBLA downloadble games

while PS3 and 360 increased their HDDs sizes to push that functionality at home.. Nintendo still ignores it

no thanks
I'd actually rather be able to hook up my own HDD. I really don't see what the big deal is here.
Seriously all of you have to stop acting like fucking morons.

They demoed a platform with a bunch of ports, we just now know what kind of CPU it's using, and still have no idea of the GPU.

Stop praising or hating what we know little to nil about. I don't know about you guys, but I was watching a really low res vid. Switching to HD still had the stream covered in artifacts. I don't think we will have any idea what the system is truly capable of for a long while.

It could be on par with the PS3 and 360, or far above it. Far above either platform isn't going to make a monumental difference.


gutter_trash said:
downoadable PSN and XBLA games were a god-send while waiting in-between big Triple AAA titles

the lack of an HDD just places doubts into my head that the Wii U will get anything of importance like PSN or XBLA downloadble games

while PS3 and 360 increased their HDDs sizes to push that functionality at home.. Nintendo still ignores it

no thanks
Read the spec sheet someone posted earlier the system will support usb HDD's


Basileus777 said:
Buttons don't eliminate the usefulness of features like pinch-zoom.
OK, but the screen itself is the pinch zoom

or, use the two analog sticks. one to pan, the other to zoom.

There's a plethora of options. Pinch zoom is only there because the touch interface doesn't have the buttons or inputs, aside from touch.


Resistive screens are absolutely inferior for this type of use case. They're easier to scratch or damage, and allow for less input possibilities.

It's not a deal breaker that it's resistive, but it's definitely dissapointing.


just one 'controller' supported? They specifically say up to four wiimotes/nunchuks.

If its just one, then surely double blind playcalling goes out of the window, and other local multiplayer games requiring separate screens? I didn't see any examples using more than one. Keeps costs down of course, but limits gameplay options


Unconfirmed Member
Tobor said:
Resistive screens are absolutely inferior for this type of use case. They're easier to scratch or damage, and allow for less input possibilities.

It's not a deal breaker that it's resistive, but it's definitely dissapointing.
I'm with you with this. Except the "absolute" part.


Matt said:
Plus resistive screens are more accurate.

This fud about resistive screens being better seems to be spreading fast. They're the cheap old cousin of capacitive screens not the opposite.


Penguin said:
Wow, only one Wii U controller can be used at a time on the console?




gutter_trash said:
downoadable PSN and XBLA games were a god-send while waiting in-between big Triple AAA titles

the lack of an HDD just places doubts into my head that the Wii U will get anything of importance like PSN or XBLA downloadble games

while PS3 and 360 increased their HDDs sizes to push that functionality at home.. Nintendo still ignores it

no thanks
You can hook up an HDD via USB. And yes, you'll be able to run games straight off it.


WrikaWrek said:
The controller does allow, finally, to start completely stripping away the HUD.

Not really. All you're doing is moving it.

Personally, I'd find it a lot more annoying to have to look down at my controller to check normal HUD related things than just glancing my eyes to the corners of the screen.


Zombie James said:
If it is using the full 1.2B transistor chip, that thing is massive (567mm squared).
Yeah its hard to know the exact details. They could be going with a tri-core custom since tri-core has been suggested.

One things for sure its packing alot of CPU power
mrklaw said:
just one 'controller' supported? They specifically say up to four wiimotes/nunchuks.

If its just one, then surely double blind playcalling goes out of the window, and other local multiplayer games requiring separate screens? I didn't see any examples using more than one. Keeps costs down of course, but limits gameplay options

I wonder if it could use more than one controller at once if the video streaming is disabled on them?
One controller per console: interesting to say the least. it seems they are really pushing this as an expansion to the Wii.

It really makes sense in the big picture.

NES - - > SNES

N64 - - > GCN

Wii - - > Wii U

And in the portable space

GB - - > GBA

DS - -> 3DS

The Revolution - - > Evolution pattern continues for Nintendo, as it seems you really couldn't push multi all that hard with this interface if only one controller can connect at a time


If this thing crapped all over the 360 and PS3, Nintendo would have made sure to let everyone know. That tech demo should have blown us away, and it looked sub-360
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