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Florida Judge to Take-Two: No Bully until I get to play it first


Link said:
Not that I agree with this judge at all, but there are plenty of people, including a bunch on this forum, who don't believe there should be a law restricting M-rated game sales to minors.
Wich I'll never understand. Those who gripe about it are probably to young to buy the game if the law gets passed.

Just restrict the sale to minors, and end this dumb-ass debate already.
moku said:
Wich I'll never understand. Those who gripe about it are probably to young to buy the game if the law gets passed.

Just restrict the sale to minors, and end this dumb-ass debate already.
that is not going to cure everything though. for example, all the recent school shootings have been performed by adults. parents buy their kids violent games regularly without much knowledge of the content (ask any store clerk) and having legislated ratings hasn't stopped people in England crusading against video games.

Bully is a T rated game, which even legislation wouldn't prevent teenagers buying, and that is the game being discussed in court here.

the day they legislate movie ratings and make it illegal to release a film unrated is the day i support legislation of video game ratings. until that day i'm completely against it. the uk has both, hence i support it there, but it's far from a cure all.

thompson and others want the whole ESRB situation thrown out. what good is a legislated rating if it's picked by the industry itself? first time we get another oblivion or hot coffee rerating fiasco, the ESRB would be next.

these people don't want violent video games of any kind in the marketplace.

unfortunately, the most vocal critics tend to be the most extreme in their beliefs.

surely the fact that the person bringing the case to court against Rockstar calling their game a public nuisance HASN'T PLAYED THE GAME should be the end of it. the notion that Rockstar have to present the game in it's entirity to the judge is not only stupid, but flawed as we all know Rockstar's games are often only as violent as the person playing them.

i mean, Thompson is going to lose his case, without doubt, but it gives him a weapon. it gives him delaying tactics for any upcoming game. he doesn't like the game and wants to buy time? then do this near to release. **** up rockstar's launch plans and marketing entirely.

if thompson cannot prove his point with the materials that were available to him when he formed the opinion that the game was a public nuisance, then the case should be thrown out. the burden of proof is on him.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Vibri said:
You missed the best part:

The other notable highlight of the session did come from Mr. Thompson, who produced a gigantic home-made industrial-strength wooden slingshot that looked capable of exploding somebody’s head in half with the right projectile.It was made of wood and rubber, so he was able to sneak it past metal detectors unnoticed which even took the judge by surprise.


I see they got the judge from Phoenix Wright to handle this case

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Wario64 said:
100 hours? That means the judge is gonna play video games more than 90% of GAFFERS :O

Yeah, but that's 100 hours Press Release time. So about 25 tops. So more than only 70% of GAFFERS.


Bully isn't even rate Mature.



plagiarize said:
that is not going to cure everything though. for example, all the recent school shootings have been performed by adults. parents buy their kids violent games regularly without much knowledge of the content (ask any store clerk) and having legislated ratings hasn't stopped people in England crusading against video games.

Bully is a T rated game, which even legislation wouldn't prevent teenagers buying, and that is the game being discussed in court here.

the day they legislate movie ratings and make it illegal to release a film unrated is the day i support legislation of video game ratings. until that day i'm completely against it. the uk has both, hence i support it there, but it's far from a cure all.

thompson and others want the whole ESRB situation thrown out. what good is a legislated rating if it's picked by the industry itself? first time we get another oblivion or hot coffee rerating fiasco, the ESRB would be next.

these people don't want violent video games of any kind in the marketplace.

unfortunately, the most vocal critics tend to be the most extreme in their beliefs.

surely the fact that the person bringing the case to court against Rockstar calling their game a public nuisance HASN'T PLAYED THE GAME should be the end of it. the notion that Rockstar have to present the game in it's entirity to the judge is not only stupid, but flawed as we all know Rockstar's games are often only as violent as the person playing them.

i mean, Thompson is going to lose his case, without doubt, but it gives him a weapon. it gives him delaying tactics for any upcoming game. he doesn't like the game and wants to buy time? then do this near to release. **** up rockstar's launch plans and marketing entirely.

if thompson cannot prove his point with the materials that were available to him when he formed the opinion that the game was a public nuisance, then the case should be thrown out. the burden of proof is on him.
I hate these arguments becuase I always end up looking like I'm on the side of these numb-nuts.

I understand what your saying, and I have very littleproblem with it.

What I'm saying is this;

Make it so games that are rated "M" cannot be sold to minors, and "T" rated games cannot be sold to anyone under, say, 12. It will shut these idiots up, and give some actuall ground to the ESRB instead of thier fake-ass ratings that dont mean jack in the first place.

And to those who use the whole "parents" bullshit argument, in this day and age, its almost impossible to keep an eye on your kids 24/7. It would be nice for just an added level of help/security so your kid doesnt end up playing G.O.W

As for the whole other "We dont wantgames like this period" crap from these mouthpieces, dont worry, it will never happen. You have to find a middle ground, and banning the sale of uber-violent/sexual themed games to minors would go a long, long way to end all this crap.

The reason that's having trouble passing is becuase game makers(Take-two) know that the majority of those buying GTA are UNDER what would be an acceptable age.

If you cant walk into a porno shop under 18, cant drink, cant vote, basically sub-human, restrict sales of these games to minors.

If soeone wants to argue the movie-point, I feel there is a difference between warching something, and actually doing something. It effects the mind differently, and kids are impressionable as hell.

Its not an end all solution by any means, but it would help, ALOT.
lets just go all the way and start selling R-rated movies in seedy adult "book"stores.

EDIT: i forgot this had a Teen rating. I guess PG-13 movies need to be restricted as well.

But think of teh Children!!!



And then they ask why judges get shot around the world...

lets all buy tons of copies of Bully just to piss them off:D

Joe Molotov

MC Safety said:
It's not 100 hours long.

I beat the game's story (although I did not complete all the missions and do all the extra stuff) in about 15 or so hours.

Also, are there any news sites reporting on this story? It seems odd only Destructoid has covered this.

But you gotta play through the bonus missions and extra stuff because that's where they hide all the nekkid wimmens!!


I am disturbed that there are actually people in this topic that support banning additional things from minors.

If you can drive a ****ing car as a minor you should be able to play a damn video game.

You trust 15 and 16 year olds with the ability to drive around a potential death machine but not watch some pixels on a screen?

FYI: Nowhere in the Constitution does it say if you're under 18 years old, you're not a citizen of the United States.

It does, however, say that all citizens of the U.S. are granted equal rights. So even laws banning minors from looking at porn are unconstitutional and anyone who truly supports the Constitution wouldn't support those laws either.

I guess I'm not surprised, everyone seems to ignore the Constitution these days anyway.

Joe Molotov

Xizer said:
I am disturbed that there are actually people in this topic that support banning additional things from minors.

If you can drive a ****ing car as a minor you should be able to play a damn video game.

You trust 15 and 16 year olds with the ability to drive around a potential death machine but not watch some pixels on a screen?

FYI: Nowhere in the Constitution does it say if you're under 18 years old, you're not a citizen of the United States.

It does, however, say that all citizens of the U.S. are granted equal rights. So even laws banning minors from looking at porn are unconstitutional and anyone who truly supports the Constitution wouldn't support those laws either.

I guess I'm not surprised, everyone seems to ignore the Constitution these days anyway.

The Constitution also doesn't say that Child Pornography is illegal. Yay, kiddie porn for all. You can't take away my constitutional rights!


Joe Molotov said:
The Constitution also doesn't say that Child Pornography is illegal. Yay, kiddie porn for all. You can't take away my constitutional rights!

The Constitution doesn't protect kiddie porn. It does protect minors' rights.

Joe Molotov

Xizer said:
The Constitution doesn't protect kiddie porn. It does protect minors' rights.

What happend to them being US Citizens and having equal rights? Just get them to sign a contract like anyone else, and it's fine.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Xizer said:
I am disturbed that there are actually people in this topic that support banning additional things from minors.

If you can drive a ****ing car as a minor you should be able to play a damn video game.
I guess I'm not surprised, everyone seems to ignore the Constitution these days anyway.

You've got to be kidding me? You do realize what rights are actually guaranteed by the Constitution, don't you? Here's a quick summary:

Bill of Rights

Amendment I: Freedom of speech, religion, press, petition and assembly.
Amendment II: Right to bear arms and militia.
Amendment III: Quartering of soldiers.
Amendment IV: Warrants and searches.
Amendment V: Individual debt and double jeopardy.
Amendment VI: Speedy trial, witnesses and accusations.
Amendment VII: Right for a jury trial.
Amendment VIII: Bail and fines.
Amendment IX: Existence of other rights for the people. [The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.]
Amendment X: Power reserved to the states and people.

I see nothing in there guaranteeing the right of anyone to play a violent video game, drive a car, or look at porn, no matter what age you are. Where the violent video game legislation has run into trouble is that it has thus far been interpreted to be infringing upon the freedom of speech.

I typed out Amendment 9 so that there can be be no confusion with regards to its meaning. Amendment 9 was put in place to ensure that the Bill of Rights was not perceived to be the only rights granted to US Citizens, but rather that the Bill of Rights constitutes the protected rights of the people. All other rights are fair game to legislative restriction.

FYI: Nowhere in the Constitution does it say if you're under 18 years old, you're not a citizen of the United States.

It does, however, say that all citizens of the U.S. are granted equal rights. So even laws banning minors from looking at porn are unconstitutional and anyone who truly supports the Constitution wouldn't support those laws either.

While the Constitution does not define citizenship as starting at the age of 18, it expressly defines 18 as the age in which a citizen obtains the right to vote. If the Constitution can limit such an apparently fundamental right, how can you argue against Congress' ability to pass laws pertaining to such rights and privileges not expressly protected and defined within the Constitution?
Jonnyboy117 said:
"I can't tell you what makes a game offensive, but I know it when I see it."

The problem here is that even if the judge comes out of chambers and rules that Bully is an a-ok swell jim dandy game, it's a win for Jack Thompson. Because apparently he's managed to get a judge to agree with him that the court has the constitutional authority to make content-based evaluations that determine whether or not the sale of this game should be legally regulated.

Well, it doesn't. It doesn't matter what the content of Bully is*, it is not within the jurisdiction of the court to stop or regulate its sale.

*unless of course it contains obscene sexual content which I don't even think Jack "Sims 2 Lets You Practice Undressing Children" Thompson is alleging here

mre said:
I typed out Amendment 9 so that there can be be no confusion with regards to its meaning. Amendment 9 was put in place to ensure that the Bill of Rights was not perceived to be the only rights granted to US Citizens, but rather that the Bill of Rights constitutes the protected rights of the people. All other rights are fair game to legislative restriction.
I was nearly going to seriously respond to you, until I read this. You fail at Constitution total. Please try a lower difficulty level.
More updates, and more links to those of you too lazy to search for any...:D

The Washington Post:

"My view is that the game potentially impinges on public safety," he said. "I'm pretty sure that the game is harmful to minors."


And The Miami Herald chimes in:


During the Wednesday hearing, which was attended by Thompson and lawyers for Take-Two, Wal-Mart and Gamestop, Judge Ronald Friedman ordered Take-Two to send him a copy of the game and provide someone to play it as he watches at 3 p.m. today. Take-Two lawyers said they are having a company employee fly from New York to play the game for the judge.

Friedman told the court that before he makes a decision, he needs to see for himself how violent the game can be, and he said he will watch it for however long it takes. Games like Bully can take several days for an experienced gamer to play through to the end.

Friedman said although he might not be able to change ESRB's rating, the game ``may be so bad that something has to be done.''

Thompson called the move unpresidented.

''I'm not aware of a judge ever ordering the production of a game prior to its release for any reason,'' he said.

Frieman told Wal-Mart's lawyer that he hoped the company would take a closer look at selling the game to minors if he finds that the game should have a mature rating.

''There's no question we would do exactly that,'' Wal-Mart spokesman John Simley in a phone interview



The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Kobun Heat said:

The problem here is that even if the judge comes out of chambers and rules that Bully is an a-ok swell jim dandy game, it's a win for Jack Thompson. Because apparently he's managed to get a judge to agree with him that the court has the constitutional authority to make content-based evaluations that determine whether or not the sale of this game should be legally regulated.

Well, it doesn't. It doesn't matter what the content of Bully is*, it is not within the jurisdiction of the court to stop or regulate its sale.

*unless of course it contains obscene sexual content which I don't even think Jack "Sims 2 Lets You Practice Undressing Children" Thompson is alleging here

I was nearly going to seriously respond to you, until I read this. You fail at Constitution total. Please try a lower difficulty level.


Ranger X

Bunch of ****ers. Leave our entertainment alone.

It's unbelievable how much time and money is lost in all this stupidity. There are looking for solutions and they are plenty!! Just a couple of examples:

- Have a government rating system doing the job instead of the ESRB

- Change ESRB mature rating age to 18.

How hard is that? No minor would legally play mature games. Voila! .


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
I typed out Amendment 9 so that there can be be no confusion with regards to its meaning. Amendment 9 was put in place to ensure that the Bill of Rights was not perceived to be the only rights granted to US Citizens, but rather that the Bill of Rights constitutes the protected rights of the people. All other rights are fair game to legislative restriction.
Kobun Heat said:
I was nearly going to seriously respond to you, until I read this. You fail at Constitution total. Please try a lower difficulty level.
Apparently you have your interpretation of this amendment and I have mine. How about next time instead of simply dismissing soneone's view as irrelevant you actually refute it so as to "enlighten" the person you disagree with.

However, perhaps I did not make myself clear. It was late and was at the end of the long day. Let me try to explain my view of the 9th Amendment is a more clear manner.

I hope that we can completely agree with the first part of my statement:
Amendment 9 was put in place to ensure that the Bill of Rights was not perceived to be the only rights granted to US Citizens
Are we agreed upon this? It's pretty much only a rewording of the Amendment.

As far as the rest of my statement, which is quoted above, let me use an example of two rights, one explicitly stated in the Bill of Rights, and another that could perhaps be inferred from the 9th Amendment. For this example I'll use the right to freedom of speech and the right to walk around naked in the privacy of your own home (silly, I know).

Freedom of Speech is a right that has been heavily protected by the judcicial system. The courts have been extremely conservative in their interpretation of the 1st Amendment, and because of this people can pretty much say whatever they want to, with a few exceptions (slander, inciting violence, etc). This is what lets the nutjobs at the Westboro Baptist Church say what they say. This is a good thing.

While the 4th Amendment explicitly protects against unreasonable search and seizures, this has been more broadly interpreted as protecting the sanctity and privacy of a person's home. Within the confines of your own home you can do pretty much any legal activity you want to. Listen to music, have sex, walk around naked in your living room, etc. However, society has decided that there should be restrictions upon these activities, even when performed within your home. Your music volume has to be kept below a certain level, you can't boff your wife in your living room window with the blinds open and people walking by, and the same goes for standing naked in front of the window. Society has deemed these activities as inappropriate in the above cirumstances, legislation has been passed supporting society's position, and the judicial system has largely upheld this legislation.

Basically, what I was getting at with my post last night with regards to the 9th Amendment is that while citizens may have rights not explicitly enumerated in the Constitution, these other rights are not seen as invioble in the same way as those that are listed in the Bill of Rights.

All this is separate from my opinion on the topic that is actually being discussed. I think that Jack Thompson is an ass. I also think that the ESRB rating system should continue, and that these ratings should be used as guidlines for parents to determine whether or not a game is appropriate for their child.


what a complete waste of time and money...

seems time would be better spent, you know, making sure child molestors and the like don't get into congress?

bo bo bo bully is hurting our children :lol


Party Pooper
Luckett_X said:
This didn't happen right? This is just.... fiction? Or... is this really the planet my feet are touching down on right now. Planet Earth right? 2006? THIS CANNOT BE REAL.



Dude, if I were a judge I'd totally do this. "I don't know if I should allow the Wii to be released, how bout you, uhh, bring it over to my house and let me play it for 100 hours."


Ranger X said:
?? Care to share what's wrong with us your beloved GAFfriends?

the topic of this title is no game, or some trivial charade and this only degrades the seriousness of the situation.

I normally don't care what games people play, they have a right to play what they want but Ive got history with this and I find it offensive and wrong.


DSN2K said:
I normally don't care what games people play, they have a right to play what they want but Ive got history with this and I find it offensive and wrong.

History with what? the game, the law what exactly?
First things first, I live in Florida- I have the Florida Atlantic University logo on my Live gamertag for a reason- and I have to admit, this is pretty ****ing embarassing. As if the hanging chads weren't enough...

That being said, I doubt that JT will get his way. It sounds like the game encourages you to go to class and stay away from troublemaking. This could very well be JT's equivalent of Hitler invading Russia, and you all know how that turned out... (Oh God, did I invoke Godwin's Law?)


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
While it's nice that the judge understands he needs to see for himself, not put all his balls in IGN's review or whatever. But(!) this game is rated T, and has no killings. And it's open ended enough to be nice or cruel.

**** this shit. JT should be banned on gaf. ban him! jack thompson(just checking if he is)


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Don't you do well in this game by attending classes to boost your stats(via minigames), then for missions you'll do during free periods, or after school?

I thought that was how the writeup I saw described it...
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