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Florida woman guns down daughter holding baby after thinking it was her boyfriend

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Too sad. idiots and guns don't mix.

Real issue though is what happened with the boyfriend, and whether he was the violent one or if it was her with the problem (most likely latter since he was hospitalized).

The firearm laws in the US are just wrong.

Not that I disagree, but again - whether it was her who was violet or the BF who was - if she wanted to protect herself (or kill someone), she could have done it with any kind of 'weapon'.
Disgusting shoot first ask questions later mentality.




Not that I disagree, but again - whether it was her who was violet or the BF who was - if she wanted to protect herself (or kill someone), she could have done it with any kind of 'weapon'.
I am not talking about the struggle earlier that day, but the killing of her daughter. She shot her trough the door, after hearing her knock, if I understood that right. There shouldn't be a tool in a normal household that can kill or even hurt people that effectively through doors - except firearms that is.
Without a weapon she wouldn't shot the person infront of the door and even without it, she would've been not helpless. Calling the police, hiding, escape the house trough the back or - as you said - protecting herself with some other tool.

I have to correct myself. After rereading the article she didn't shoot trough the door.
"As she opened the door a shot was fired, hitting her daughter in the upper chest. The 4 month-old was not injured," said police.


Wow she didn't even look to see who was at the door?
I stand corrected. She didn't shoot trough the door, she opened it.
"As she opened the door a shot was fired, hitting her daughter in the upper chest. The 4 month-old was not injured," said police.
Now it sounds just weird. So she looked at her daughter before pulling the trigger. Isn't that nice.
During a fight. Did he start the fight? The article doesn't make that clear. If he did, he had it coming.

It's not said, and I'm not the one to believe her testimony. I rather believe what actually happened. The man was put into the hospital after being pistol whipped by her. I'm not giving him benefit of a doubt, but until there are actual reported cases of him being physically violent, I'll side with evidence.


It's not said, and I'm not the one to believe her testimony. I rather believe what actually happened. The man was put into the hospital after being pistol whipped by her. I'm not giving him benefit of a doubt, but until there are actual reported cases of him being physically violent, I'll side with evidence.
You can't victim blame if you apply that sort of bullet proof logic.

We must hear the details that have nothing to do with a person shooting a human to death without even looking at them. Some how, if they were in a fight, and he was in a hospital, it makes sense to open a door shooting.. period. If she felt threatend by the person she pistol whipped. He could have come back for revenge.. and thays why you mistakenly shoot people holding children.

Right valnen? Their fight will make her shooting a woman holding a baby make more sense...?


You'd be shocked at how many police calls consist of people scared shitless at people knocking on their door.
This reminds me of a friend of mine. he was coming to a friend's apartment so he could mooch off the internet. he goes to the wrong door and starts knocking. after getting no response, he starts banging and yelling stuff like "let me in; I want my internet"!

scared the two girls shitless and they called the cops (who were thankfully understanding and let him go after we came to get him).


I guess it's asking too much for murderers to spend .5 seconds to ensure they are murdering the correct target.
Some guy who did that in Florida a while ago, got murdered by 2 police, no questions asked. I think it was even the wrong address. Cases of mistaken identity are fatal down there it seems. I'll try to find the story.


I don't recall saying this. I'm just saying that trying to make her out to be some sort of aggressor may not be right.

"Right"in what way though? And youre right, that isnt what you specifically said, it is generally what questions into the victim(s) behavior leads to though. Im sorry for lumping you into those implications implicitly. What does one need to see or hear that would make a person no scoping another holding a baby not the agggressor? And then there's that whole pistol whipping thing? I understand the concern, I guess, but the dead daughter holding the grandchild is enough to need to be reprimanded for.


Castle doctrine varies greatly from state to state and correct me if I'm wrong but does it cover shooting someone NOT inside your house? I don't know Florida law well enough except to know what SYG is fine in theory but horribly utilized in reality.

You're kinda rambling so it's making it difficult for me to respond (not to mention the fact that I'm on a ton of meds after surgery lol weeeee!)

Or you know... She could just not shoot someone unless she had no alternative.

Just as an aside: Just about all laws we have governing behavior is on the "honor" system. With your freedom we trust you not to steal, not to murder, not to rape, not to maim, not to drive drunk, etc. until a law is violated a person has their rights. It is what it is.

(Forgive me if I'm the one rambling now...)

Meh..will edit. I was rambly but not dissing guns so stand down patriot ; )


Nose how to spell and rede to
Getting both "Martial Arts" and "Public Defense Training" ads in this thread lol.

Terribly sad, all around. Not sure how to express my feelings about her saying she should be locked up for good. Conflicting emotions :(


"Right"in what way though?
"Right" as in correct. If he attacked her and made her in fear for her life she's clearly not an aggressor.
I understand the concern, I guess, but the dead daughter holding the grandchild is enough to need to be reprimanded for.
Of course it does, and for that she's been rightfully arrested.
Wait, shouldnt she have been arrested for pistol whipping her boyfriend?
Not if he attacked her first.
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