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Former FBI Director Mueller appointed special counsel for Trump-Russia investigation

Ran rp




Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Something I'm not really understanding: what's the difference between a special counsel and a select committee? Why do some see this special counsel as not being good enough?

Independent committee would be free of any influence from the White House. Mueller can still be removed by the DAG if pressured from Trump, for instance firing replacements until one agrees to fire Mueller. It sounds ludicrous but this is Trump we are talking about.

Edit : http://thehill.com/homenews/house/333958-pelosi-calls-for-independent-commission-after-special-counsel-appointment


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Guys, guys--it was a JOKE! That's how he talks!


Beat EviLore at pool.
Post and the times just DP'ed Trump.


Russia probe reaches current White House official, people familiar with the case say

The senior White House adviser under scrutiny by investigators is someone close to the president, according to these people, who would not further identify the official.

The revelation comes as the investigation also appears to be entering a more overtly active phase, with investigators shifting from work that has remained largely hidden from the public to conducting interviews and using a grand jury to issue subpoenas. The intensity of the probe is expected to accelerate in the coming weeks, the people said.

The sources emphasized that investigators remain keenly interested in people who previously wielded influence in the Trump campaign and administration but are no longer part of it, including former national security adviser Michael Flynn and former campaign chairman Paul Manafort.


Post and the times just DP'ed Trump.


Russia probe reaches current White House official, people familiar with the case say

The senior White House adviser under scrutiny by investigators is someone close to the president, according to these people, who would not further identify the official.

The revelation comes as the investigation also appears to be entering a more overtly active phase, with investigators shifting from work that has remained largely hidden from the public to conducting interviews and using a grand jury to issue subpoenas. The intensity of the probe is expected to accelerate in the coming weeks, the people said.

The sources emphasized that investigators remain keenly interested in people who previously wielded influence in the Trump campaign and administration but are no longer part of it, including former national security adviser Michael Flynn and former campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Damn. Criminal investigation that's actually focused on at least one person specifically now. That's a significant piece of info.


Unconfirmed Member


Unconfirmed Member
Post and the times just DP'ed Trump.
Wow missed this one reading the NYTimes piece.

Damn. Criminal investigation that's actually focused on at least one person specifically now. That's a significant piece of info.
at least one person *still in* the administration. We always knew Manafort, Flynn, Stone, and Page were under the microscope but I wonder who the current White House official is. Kushner? Preibus?

Can't be sessions as I don't consider him in the "White House" even if he is in the cabinet. I don't consider Pence an "advisor" and I don't think the post would describe either as that.


Made me chuckle

No, I'm saying that the memo was apparently insufficient in convincing McCabe that the White House was obstructing justice.

McCabe also swore that he would tell the Senate committee if there was any attempt to obstruct justice. As far as we know, he hasn't done so despite having the memos in his possession.

This dude just got McMastered.

It just goes to show there is no point in defending Trump. He will just embarrass you.


This dude just got McMastered.

It just goes to show there is no point in defending Trump. He will just embarrass you.
McCabe is at the FBI, predates Trump, and has been overseeing the Russia investigation. He's obligated to bullshit on this stuff to protect it.


Damn, I've seen russian trolls swarming over any mention of this, this really hit a nerve for them. Good stuff, news is flooding out faster than trolls can bury it and the white house can call it fake news.

Once the dust settles this will likely result in worse sanctions on russia.
Once the dust settles this will likely result in worse sanctions on russia.

Honestly I think the solution needs to be to have the western world impose some sort of internet sanctions against Russia.

I'm not sure HOW it would be done but something like that needs to happen to both reduce the fake news shit and to put a lot more pressure on Putin to concede.


The thing I don't get is why Trump continuously makes himself look guilty. Even if he IS guilty.. What's the point of saying shit like "this is a witch hunt, wah wah there shouldn't be a special counsel" instead of just saying "good, bring it on. Let's be done with this.. I have nothing to hide". I mean if the investigation is inevitable, why not at least PRETEND to be innocent?

It's like he just can't help himself

You're looking for common sense in someone who has none whatsoever.


Wow missed this one reading the NYTimes piece.

at least one person *still in* the administration. We always knew Manafort, Flynn, Stone, and Page were under the microscope but I wonder who the current White House official is. Kushner? Preibus?

Can't be sessions as I don't consider him in the "White House" even if he is in the cabinet. I don't consider Pence an "advisor" and I don't think the post would describe either as that.

Right. That's the big news. My money is on Kushner from all the shit that's been pouring out about him in the last few weeks. Yeah I don't see Pence as an "advisor", necessarily.. at least not in that type of context.

You're looking for common sense in someone who has none whatsoever.

True. As evidenced today when he called Comey a "nut job", lol


Rosenstein is full of shit.

Exhibit A: He did not speak at all to Comey about the matters at hand. He didn't get Comey's in-depth side of the story or any facts from him. He didn't ask him a single question yet he still recommended firing him.

Exhibit B: The DOJ is currently investigating Comey's actions during the 2016 election (link). He didn't wait for that investigation to conclude and he didn't even consult the Inspector General in charge of the investigation but yet he still recommended firing him.

Add to that the fact that neither the White House or the DOJ had any immediate ideas (let alone actual picks) for Comey's replacement further demonstrates the speed and urgency at which he was fired.

Come on now.


Rosenstein is full of shit.

Exhibit A: He did not speak at all to Comey about the matters at hand. He didn't get Comey's in-depth side of the story or any facts from him. He didn't ask him a single question yet he still recommended firing him.

Exhibit B: The DOJ is currently investigating Comey's actions during the 2016 election (link). He didn't wait for that investigation to conclude and he didn't even consult the Inspector General in charge of the investigation but yet he still recommended firing him.

Add to that the fact that neither the White House or the DOJ had any immediate ideas (let alone actual picks) for Comey's replacement further demonstrates the speed and urgency at which he was fired.

Come on now.
Rosensfeins opening statement makes him look like an idiot. He makes a case for firing Commey 6 months ago, and just glosses over the issue of firing the man heading up a current active investigation into the president. What kind of moron would have recommended firing Commey right now in the middle of all of this.

The biggest irony in all this to me is watching the doj complain about the public's lack of confidence in the FBI, when the public basically thinks the doj has been infiltrated by Russian stooges.


Somebody HAS to be able to get some video or audio direct dirt on this guy. Everything always hearsay. "Grab em by the pussy" was the closest we got but come on. Dude is a loud mouth and must be spewing bullshit behind closed doors every hour
*Republicans intensely find each question they can to try and discredit him*

I think we are beyond the point of monkey business from the republicans remember there are a lot of days left till we get to that point plus no doubt more memos will be made public and Mueller might reach out and say nuh uh to Comey if he senses that the republicans are up too sheenanigans and compel Comey to keep quiet and have him only give information to his investigators and if the members want deets he can clue them in behind closed doors. Mueller is not going to allow this to become a republican circus.
Probably not that bad, the powers that be will most likely try and forget this whole embarrassing episode.

Which is why Trump remaining in office or going behind bars means nothing to them. I mean, I can unrelenting sanctions returning once Dems are back in power but otherwise, seeing the USA plummet under the rule of an imbecile they put in power is enough.
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