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Fortnite on PlayStation doesn't have cross-platform play with other consoles because they are worse, explains Sony boss.

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So we shouldn't be unhappy that Sony is screwing us over with crossplay, because they might then decide to screw us over in another way? How is Sony not the bad guy in both these situations. How about instead of defending it or rationalising it, we just put pressure on Sony to not be jerks instead?

Sony not allowing crossplay does not make them a bad guy because that is not the standard in multiplayer and it is not some thing that majority of the gamers are after. What all gamers do want is free multiplayer for f2p games which Sony is allowing and that makes them the good guys here. Not having crossplay is a small inconvenience for some gamers but having to pay to play a f2p game would be a major problem for all gamers.

Besides, are people really buying PS4s just so that they can play Fortnite with their friends who are also on PS4? I'm not saying it's impossible, but I find it highly unlikely that loads of people are going to buy devices for several hundred dollars just so that they can play a F2P game that is available on pretty much any device that can run games.

The excuses to not allow crossplay just seem incredibly weak and all seem to rely on "but it might lead to this extremely unlikely situation". It's not like PS4 is a stranger to crossplay. FF14 is one of the biggest MMOs on the market and probably the biggest MMO on PS4. You could very easily argue that Sony is losing console sales by allowing PC and PS4 to crossplay, because people who would otherwise have to buy a PS4 to play with their friends can just play it from their PCs.

Sony's excuse that their system is the best experience is entirely laughable too. PSN is notoriously unreliable and goes down pretty much any time something noteworthy is released. When the context of their excuse is Fortnite it's even more laughable, considering how badly their network tanked on the day Fortnite Season 5 released. Hell, they've been having issues again with PSN since Friday and are currently still reporting issues on their status page. Best experience my ass.

Sony is known for many of its exclusive games which do not have multiplayer or have multiplayer only as a secondary feature. There are several gamers who are not much into multiplayer games and are more than happy playing exclusive and multiplatform for their single player mode on PS4. If one of this type of gamer heard about Fortnite's or any other similar games popularity then they can easily play multiplayer without having to get PS+ and can then get really into it.

If you don't think PSN is reliable then you should be happy about no crossplay with PSN because why would you want to play with people on an unreliable network as their problems could ruin your experience.

who says the player base on these games is bigger on one console than the other when online gaming, as people have shown there isn't the massive gulf in online players between games despite the massive sales lead Sony has. I think rocket league was a couple of thousand difference and battlefield was very close to

Where did I say that user base for any game was larger in one console compared to other consoles?
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You are literally the shorthand version of thelastword.

Everything you say can be twisted the other direction too. "anti-consumer", "nobdy cares about being charge for Gold, but apparently you're a fanboy if nobody cares about cross-play", but Sony "greedy tho, but do not mention motives of the other" which is discourse, "leave MS alone", etc., etc.. :pie_eyeroll:

"#4ThePlayers" is the derpiest dig of them all. Not anymore than "#PlayAnywhere" slogan either.

See this I don't get. You say he is the shorthanded version of someone that doesn't seem to bother you yet this person does. Why oh why is that? Hmm, I wonder. As for calling people fanboys if nobody cares, who said this? The only fanboys are those who support Sony's decision because there really is no need for it. Of course a lot of people don't care, that's only natural because it does not impact them either way. So I ask again for the millionth time, if they don't care why are they wasting their time talking about it? To me that is just enabling Sony's position.

As I said before, if you have issues with Gold being required for free to play titles then create your own thread on it. Gold has never been free, PSN used to be and now most games are under a paywall. It's irrelevant anyway because Rocket League and other titles face the same bullshit attitude from Sony. If anyone has a problem with Fortnite being behind a paywall it should be Epic and Xbox Live users, not PS4 owners who just want to further enable Sony. See, I play on the PC so this is relevant to me. If you have an Xbox and not Gold and have Fortnite and would like to crossplay then it would be relevant and then you'd make a thread on it. That's called common sense. Just using it as an example shows you couldn't give a rats ass and just want to make up excuses to keep enabling Sony's position.


Louis Cyphre said:
If anyone has a problem with Fortnite being behind a paywall it should be Epic and Xbox Live users, not PS4 owners who just want to further enable Sony. See, I play on the PC so this is relevant to me. If you have an Xbox and not Gold and have Fortnite and would like to crossplay then it would be relevant and then you'd make a thread on it. That's called common sense. Just using it as an example shows you couldn't give a rats ass and just want to make up excuses to keep enabling Sony's position.

You can already play with your friends who play on PS4. How is this relevant to you then? By your own logic, you shouldn't be commenting here either.
You can already play with your friends who play on PS4. How is this relevant to you then? By your own logic, you shouldn't be commenting here either.

I should be able to crossplay with all platforms at once. I cannot play with someone I know who has a Switch and someone I know who has a PS4 now can I at the same time?


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I should be able to crossplay with all platforms at once. I cannot play with someone I know who has a Switch and someone I know who has a PS4 now can I at the same time?
Nope. And you solve that by getting a PS4 if playing Fortnite with your PS4 friends is that important for you. There are plenty of other players on PS4 which you can play with AND it wont cost you anything other than the cost of a PS4! No subscription required.
I should be able to crossplay with all platforms at once. I cannot play with someone I know who has a Switch and someone I know who has a PS4 now can I at the same time?

That is pretty arrogant and entitled mentality for you to say that. Tell us what makes you think you have the right to crossplay with all platforms other than you just want it because it is good for you. Should all companies allow free online play and give free DLCs to you as well? Just because something is good for consumers does not mean it is also good for company as well. If companies can't make profit or prevent loss then consumers will get impacted by it sooner or later as well.
That is pretty arrogant and entitled mentality for you to say that. Tell us what makes you think you have the right to crossplay with all platforms other than you just want it because it is good for you. Should all companies allow free online play and give free DLCs to you as well? Just because something is good for consumers does not mean it is also good for company as well. If companies can't make profit or prevent loss then consumers will get impacted by it sooner or later as well.
I know as a consumer that my first thought is always "how can a multimillion dollar corporation benefit from me more..."
These corporations write off more in taxes than what they would ever lose in offering these kinds of features, if they would really lose anything at all. Which I don't think they would. According to almost every Sony fan on these forums, it's all about exclusives on which console people buy. Why do some here feel that CP and CPP is such a threat to their favorite toy?
I know as a consumer that my first thought is always "how can a multimillion dollar corporation benefit from me more..."
These corporations write off more in taxes than what they would ever lose in offering these kinds of features, if they would really lose anything at all. Which I don't think they would. According to almost every Sony fan on these forums, it's all about exclusives on which console people buy. Why do some here feel that CP and CPP is such a threat to their favorite toy?

I can't talk for others but as a consumer with common sense, I know how the relationship between a consumer and business goes in the real world. Businesses provide something because consumers need it. Businesses want to make money and consumers need stuff or service. If businesses are not making enough money then they tend to make changes which impact the consumers. It can be raising prices, reducing services or discontinuing stuff, reduce workforce etc. All these will impact the consumers only. If businesses are providing something which the consumer does not want or are not buying then businesses tend to stop doing that. So as a consumer, my main thought about any company with which I do business is something should not change in any way which is completely unrelated to my needs but ends up biting me in the ass.

It is that simple. That is why MS charges for live for f2p games a well because people keep paying, that is why Nintendo games don't go down in prices as much as MS and Sony games do because people keep buying at full price, that is why micro-transactions, DLCs, season passes, deluxe/premium/ultimate editions exist because gamers continue to pay for them and that is why Sony doesn't allow crossplay with other consoles because the majority of gamers who are buying PS4 don't care for that. It may not be the right thing for consumers but that is what the market is supporting now, meaning majority of gamers supporting it. Try to force a change in any of these now and you will see the companies cancel games, lay off people, cut content from games, raise prices or charge somewhere else etc. to compensate. Everything has impact to the entire ecosystem in which consumers are also part of. If you don't want such anti consumer policies or practices to become the norm then make sure to get majority of gamers to take a stand against it from the start and good luck with that.


If you don't want such anti consumer policies or practices to become the norm then make sure to get majority of gamers to take a stand against it from the start and good luck with that.

Exactly. Don't like microtransactions? Maybe you shouldn't have bought that horse armor. Don't like season passes? Maybe you should have boycotted EA. Pissed at Sony for putting online multiplayer behind a paywall? Maybe if you hadn't subscribed to Live Gold back in the day then no other company would be tempted to do it now. And so on... same logic applies to crossplay.
Of course, some good also came out of some of these greedy practices ... so, unintended consequences would have also occurred.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I can't talk for others but as a consumer with common sense, I know how the relationship between a consumer and business goes in the real world. Businesses provide something because consumers need it. Businesses want to make money and consumers need stuff or service. If businesses are not making enough money then they tend to make changes which impact the consumers. It can be raising prices, reducing services or discontinuing stuff, reduce workforce etc. All these will impact the consumers only. If businesses are providing something which the consumer does not want or are not buying then businesses tend to stop doing that. So as a consumer, my main thought about any company with which I do business is something should not change in any way which is completely unrelated to my needs but ends up biting me in the ass.

It is that simple. That is why MS charges for live for f2p games a well because people keep paying, that is why Nintendo games don't go down in prices as much as MS and Sony games do because people keep buying at full price, that is why micro-transactions, DLCs, season passes, deluxe/premium/ultimate editions exist because gamers continue to pay for them and that is why Sony doesn't allow crossplay with other consoles because the majority of gamers who are buying PS4 don't care for that. It may not be the right thing for consumers but that is what the market is supporting now, meaning majority of gamers supporting it. Try to force a change in any of these now and you will see the companies cancel games, lay off people, cut content from games, raise prices or charge somewhere else etc. to compensate. Everything has impact to the entire ecosystem in which consumers are also part of. If you don't want such anti consumer policies or practices to become the norm then make sure to get majority of gamers to take a stand against it from the start and good luck with that.
This post is exactly the reason why I got a kick out of all those idiots who were suggesting that Bethesda take a stand with Sony by not releasing their game on the PS4. That move would cost potentially over a $100M in lost revenue for Bethesda as well as countless developers losing their jobs. But yeah, it's nice to live in a fantasyland where business cares about pleasing internet fanboys.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Exactly. Don't like microtransactions? Maybe you shouldn't have bought that horse armor. Don't like season passes? Maybe you should have boycotted EA. Pissed at Sony for putting online multiplayer behind a paywall? Maybe if you hadn't subscribed to Live Gold back in the day then no other company would be tempted to do it now. And so on... same logic applies to crossplay.
Of course, some good also came out of some of these greedy practices ... so, unintended consequences would have also occurred.
For the record, Im in favor of good season passes. Borderlands 2 was the gold standard.
Nope. And you solve that by getting a PS4 if playing Fortnite with your PS4 friends is that important for you. There are plenty of other players on PS4 which you can play with AND it wont cost you anything other than the cost of a PS4! No subscription required.

Sure thing Mr. Layden, anything else?

That is pretty arrogant and entitled mentality for you to say that. Tell us what makes you think you have the right to crossplay with all platforms other than you just want it because it is good for you. Should all companies allow free online play and give free DLCs to you as well? Just because something is good for consumers does not mean it is also good for company as well. If companies can't make profit or prevent loss then consumers will get impacted by it sooner or later as well.

Arrogant to grant a third party's wishes of their vision? You know what's arrogant, it's how Sony thinks it now owns your account even if you only connected once through PSN and can now corrupt your Fortnite account from being used on Switch and Xbox One?

This post is exactly the reason why I got a kick out of all those idiots who were suggesting that Bethesda take a stand with Sony by not releasing their game on the PS4. That move would cost potentially over a $100M in lost revenue for Bethesda as well as countless developers losing their jobs. But yeah, it's nice to live in a fantasyland where business cares about pleasing internet fanboys.

What is it with your fanboy comments? IT DOES NOT HURT YOU ONE BIT TO SUPPORT CONSOLE CROSSPLAY. Sometimes the only way to make change is to stand up for it. Just like people did with micro-transactions and Battlefront II and proved to EA how this impacts you. Reviewers and consumers pointed out how this was not a good decision. Same with DRM and the Xbox One. Microsoft couldn't prove how having your console check in every 24 hours was beneficial to you while the others decided not to go down this route. Sony has not shown how their decision is beneficial to you on why they are blocking console crossplay. Everyone else is on board with console crossplay but Sony, therefore they should prove to everyone why that position helps you as a consumer. It doesn't, that's why we are here but I have no idea why you're here.
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See this I don't get. You say he is the shorthanded version of someone that doesn't seem to bother you yet this person does. Why oh why is that? Hmm, I wonder. As for calling people fanboys if nobody cares, who said this? The only fanboys are those who support Sony's decision because there really is no need for it. Of course a lot of people don't care, that's only natural because it does not impact them either way. So I ask again for the millionth time, if they don't care why are they wasting their time talking about it? To me that is just enabling Sony's position.

As I said before, if you have issues with Gold being required for free to play titles then create your own thread on it. Gold has never been free, PSN used to be and now most games are under a paywall. It's irrelevant anyway because Rocket League and other titles face the same bullshit attitude from Sony. If anyone has a problem with Fortnite being behind a paywall it should be Epic and Xbox Live users, not PS4 owners who just want to further enable Sony. See, I play on the PC so this is relevant to me. If you have an Xbox and not Gold and have Fortnite and would like to crossplay then it would be relevant and then you'd make a thread on it. That's called common sense. Just using it as an example shows you couldn't give a rats ass and just want to make up excuses to keep enabling Sony's position.

It's funny how your tune changes when it comes to the Xbox. How you switch to being defensive/in support of Microsoft's actions when it's equally, if not more so, anti-consumer.


Also, being able to play against other people vs being able to play with other people on a different platform aren't the same. Perhaps the reason why some people don't care as much as you do is because they are able to play other people online (without actually caring for where the other group of people are playing.)


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Arrogant to grant a third party's wishes of their vision? You know what's arrogant, it's how Sony thinks it now owns your account even if you only connected once through PSN and can now corrupt your Fortnite account from being used on Switch and Xbox One?
Yes, it is arrogant. It's arrogant being a third party thinking that they're above Sony's policies that all other developers have to follow. And yes, those developers/publishers have every right to not work with Sony, but given that those developers (like Sony and MS) are in the business to make money, that would be a dumb thing to do given that the PS4 is far and away the most popular console on the market. You can sit here and scream "for the gamers" all you want, but every publisher/developer/console maker is in the business to make money. It's on me to decide if they are worth my money.

Fortnite being a free title AND not requiring a Plus subscription means that if Sony allowed purchases to transfer they would essentially be fronting all the costs to keep the game up and running on their servers, while allowing Epic to exclusively reap all the benefits of those purchases not purchased on a PS4. Yeah, it makes sense that Sony would take issue with that, eventhough I can somewhat sympathize with anyone who played the game on mobile thinking the transfer would purchase to PS4. MS at least gold subscriptions to subsidize those costs. As for Nintendo they are still trying to break into online gaming.

For the record, I would (and have) argue in favor of MS making decisions that are good for their business. For example, I thought it was a good move on MS part to acquire all those studios to strengthen their first party portfolio, an area where MS badly comes up short.
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It's funny how your tune changes when it comes to the Xbox. How you switch to being defensive/in support of Microsoft's actions when it's equally, if not more so, anti-consumer.
Also, being able to play against other people vs being able to play with other people on a different platform aren't the same. Perhaps the reason why some people don't care as much as you do is because they are able to play other people online (without actually caring for where the other group of people are playing.)

1. Then make your own thread about Gold still being required for F2P games if it bothers you. Sony is still blocking other titles like Rocket League.
2. This isn't just about playing with others, it's about allowing third party developers to have all gamers play together, is that a problem for you? Is it an issue that bothers you to hear that developers and gamers would like this?

Yes, it is arrogant. It's arrogant being a third party thinking that they're above Sony's policies that all other developers have to follow. And yes, those developers/publishers have every right to not work with Sony, but given that those developers (like Sony and MS) are in the business to make money, that would be a dumb thing to do given that the PS4 is far and away the most popular console on the market. You can sit here and scream "for the gamers" all you want, but every publisher/developer/console maker is in the business to make money. It's on me to decide if they are worth my money.

Fortnite being a free title AND not requiring a Plus subscription means that if Sony allowed purchases to transfer they would essentially be fronting all the costs to keep the game up and running on their servers, while allowing Epic to exclusively reap all the benefits of those purchases not purchased on a PS4. Yeah, it makes sense that Sony would take issue with that, eventhough I can somewhat sympathize with anyone who played the game on mobile thinking the transfer would purchase to PS4. MS at least gold subscriptions to subsidize those costs. As for Nintendo they are still trying to break into online gaming.

For the record, I would (and have) argue in favor of MS making decisions that are good for their business. For example, I thought it was a good move on MS part to acquire all those studios to strengthen their first party portfolio, an area where MS badly comes up short.

Are you done Mr. Layden? Who exactly are you speaking on behalf? If someone from Sony wants to come out and offer their input here that's fine but what exactly are you trying to defend here? IT DOES NOT HURT YOU AT ALL TO SUPPORT CONSOLE CROSSPLAY

And stop using Gold as some leverage when A) It's been free on Switch and B) Sony is still blocking games that require Plus on their own platform.
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GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
1. Then make your own thread about Gold still being required for F2P games if it bothers you. Sony is still blocking other titles like Rocket League.
2. This isn't just about playing with others, it's about allowing third party developers to have all gamers play together, is that a problem for you? Is it an issue that bothers you to hear that developers and gamers would like this?

Are you done Mr. Layden? Who exactly are you speaking on behalf? If someone from Sony wants to come out and offer their input here that's fine but what exactly are you trying to defend here? IT DOES NOT HURT YOU AT ALL TO SUPPORT CONSOLE CROSSPLAY

And stop using Gold as some leverage when A) It's been free on Switch and B) Sony is still blocking games that require Plus on their own platform.

Mr. Greenberg, I have made my point clear many times and answered what I am trying to defend to you over and over. IT DOES NOT HURT YOU TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT!

See? I can use big letters too.
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GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
The only people that lose are gamers, real gamers. Like I said maybe one day you will see the bigger picture Mr. Yoshida and start acting like a gamer and not a shareholder.
Im playing Fortnite for free on my system Mr. Greenberg with the largest playerbase in the world. If its all about gamers, excuse me REAL GAMERS you should consider not forcing people behind that paywall. That would be the ultimate real gamer move.
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Gold Member
This is all I can do at this thread now:
The most funny thing in this thread is you two defending to the death that Sony isn't anti consumer with its stance on CP and CPP due to business reasons, but have constantly brought up F2p games on Gold being anti consumer due to business reasons. So... it's only ok when Sony does it?
I've been on record that f2p shouldn't need gold. I also believe that devs should be able to offer CP and CPP if they choose.
You know why? Im a consumer. I want the most features for my dollar and fuck what insignificant amount these corporations will suffer monetarily.
Why the hell would anyone advocate against expanded features like this for games?
Shills and playground toy fights is the only reason.
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Gold Member

I never once said I agreed with Sony's decision, I always maintained the indifference stance. I only brought up F2P charging when people want to use loosely how "anti-consumer" Sony is. They all have their catch.

Anyways, this topic is running it's course and all everyone is doing is going around with circular arguments, said different ways, now with more console exec role-play!


This is what it looks like when you lose an argument. Take note.
The entirety of your contributions to this topic read as if you're a Sony employee, all kidding and name calling aside. That's not a good way to "win". The contortions you (and a small handful of others) are doing to defend Sony at every turn are pretty ridiculous. And I ain't defending MS either; I've never owned one of their consoles, and I've never liked the Live Gold business model (especially not after Sony largely adopted it as well).

If Sony isn't paying you for this kind of PR and endorsement, then you're wasting your time (and this is only the second most embarrassing post of yours in the thread, at best):

Im playing Fortnite for free on my system Mr. Greenberg with the largest playerbase in the world. If its all about gamers, excuse me REAL GAMERS you should consider not forcing people behind that paywall. That would be the ultimate real gamer move.
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GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
The entirety of your contributions to this topic read as if you're a Sony employee, all kidding and name calling aside. That's not a good way to "win". The contortions you (and a small handful of others) are doing to defend Sony at every turn are pretty ridiculous. And I ain't defending MS either; I've never owned one of their consoles, and I've never liked the Live Gold business model (especially not after Sony largely adopted it as well).

If Sony isn't paying you for this kind of PR and endorsement, then you're wasting your time (and this is only the second most embarrassing post of yours in the thread, at best):
Nothing embarrassing about stating the uncomfortable truth.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Sorry guys, the only fanboys round here are the ones who persist in denying the obvious business reasons why Sony aren't capitulating.

Feel free to dislike their position, but as market-leaders what they are doing is the right way to protect their business, its really that simple.


I will say this one more time then I’m done with this thread. This shouldn’t be about crossplay but the locking of someone’s content on a third party platform. Anyone who argues otherwise is clearly a fan boy. We shouldn’t tolerate this shit it’s totally unacceptable!


I really dont care about CrossPlay....i prefer full backwards capability.

But in all of this discussion, i found some things i dunno how to describe them but "Ridiculous".
One of those thing is Bethesda making a statement and "demanding" Sony to allow crossplay or they will not release Elder Scroll Legends on PS4.
Man, the expirience of playing fallout 3, new vegas, Skyrim on a Sony console, was absolutely annoying and painfull. I couldnt finish New Vegas o PS3. How can you "demand" a Company to give up to your demand and at the same time, in that same console, on that same company....give an unpolished product.


Nothing embarrassing about stating the uncomfortable truth.
The "uncomfortable truth" that Playstation is "the best place to play" (stated as fact, not somebody's opinion)? Or the "truth" that you're all for Sony 'poisoning' people's Epic accounts because you think it may help their bottom line a little bit short term somehow?


If Sony somehow gets kicked down from the high horse so they can stop being arrogant then it might happen. Question is, will MS then be arrogant?

Remember, Microsoft were saying exactly (nearly word for word) what Sony have said re: reasons why they don't want to do CPP with 360 when on top in 2011.


If Sony somehow gets kicked down from the high horse so they can stop being arrogant then it might happen. Question is, will MS then be arrogant?
I don't think so. MS was under Don Mattrick then so it can be different with Phil at the head now.

I think it's strange that you think Sony is "dying" on this hill.
I mean it's true this is gonna be more and more of a feature especially with Minecraft behind it and more games doing so it'll be come a feature everyone wants. So them "dying" from this is possible.


Cross platform play is soon to become the norm. Players want it and Devs want it.

I hope we can get voice chat across platforms that would be the holy grail. Why do i want this? Because i have friends who play on PC ( forza horizon worked great as did rocket league and gears) but also friends who play on playstation and switch.

All i really want is to play with all my friends who also play the same games. This is the future and there will be no turning back Sony will back down and allow it and this will all be seen as a ridiculous argument. If anyone wanted to leverage their monopoly it would be Apple and Android who have far more players than Sony .. and they allow it as does every platform holder other than Sony.

The future is almost here.

Told you...



The games are good, especially the single player games, but Sony themselves?

Yikes. How hard they have fallen.
First their censorship (especially in the PAL region) and now this.

Truly "For the players", right?


Holy necrobump Batman!

The games are good, especially the single player games, but Sony themselves?

Yikes. How hard they have fallen.
First their censorship (especially in the PAL region) and now this.

Truly "For the players", right?
You're more than a year late. They already got with the times regarding console cross-play.
Right now, the most fashionable trolling is trashing their best games.
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By best experience they mean biggest total player pool being ps4/pc+ mobile

And he isn't wrong on that you have the largest pool of players to play with.

How is:

(PS4 + PC + Mobile) > (Xbox One + PC + Switch + Mobile)

Stop defending bullshit to favor your piece of plastic.
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