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Fox News gets trolled hard by a former Obama supporter

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Speaking to Raw Story on the phone Monday morning, the man who pranked Fox News said he’s always believed “Fox News is a fake news organization,” and explained that he wanted to shame the conservative television channel for being “stupid” and looking for interview subjects as if they were “casting a part in a show.”

Rice said that the opportunity to go on national television “kind of fell into my lap” when “a friend of a friend” got a text message asking if anyone knew a recent college graduate who can’t get a job and is voting for Mitt Romney. “I’m like, hell yeah I’m a college graduate. Eff Obama!” he said. “20 emails later with the producer at Fox, they’re telling me what to say. It’s such bullshit. It’s so ridiculous.”

Rice told Raw Story that he in fact dropped out of college, but lied to Fox News about it just to see if they’d do their homework.

“The first thing that shocked me is that they were that desperate to find someone that fit that category,” he added. “What they were seeking is someone who voted for Obama in 2008, then somewhere in the last four years got disenfranchised and now is a huge Romney supporter. But I feel like anyone who fits that mold would also dis Romney at the same time. So, they just couldn’t find anyone. They’re in New York City, so they had to go find a kid in Chicago.”

Rice went on to say that he initially convinced them to do “a three person interview” with two of his friends, but a Fox News producer nixed that plan upon hearing a voice mail recording by one of the other guests that mimed the pedophile character from Fox’s “Family Guy.” They considered that to be “a liability,” Rice said, noting that they apparently didn’t see his vulgar, incendiary stand-up routine on YouTube. “[The producer] obviously had never seen ‘Family Guy’ before either,” Rice added.

“They were so happy that I fit the mold and that I was Caucasian,” he continued. “They were just casting a part in a show. They were so stupid… I’m a kid messing around. They had 10 days to ask for my driver’s license. They saw my [high school] commencement speech video, but they’re too stupid to realize that if I graduated in 2010, I wouldn’t graduate college until 2014. That’s why I was so awkward in the interview. I wasn’t going to lie.”

“I want this story to get out because I think it’s bigger than just me,” he concluded.

Super awkward video in link lol


How do they possibly save face when something this goes to air? It's amazing and I'm kind of shocked it hasn't happened before.


Update: Fox’s ‘former Obama supporter’ actually an aspiring comedian who joked about raping children

As it turns out, the man who appeared on Fox News Monday morning is an aspiring stand-up comedian from Austin, Texas who’s featured in YouTube video telling jokes about raping children and claiming that he wants to be a porn star.

“On winter break in Mexico, Juarez, Mexico, is fucking sick you know?” he said. “Juarez is some real GTA shit, you know? You can do anything. You can fuck kids. You can fuck kids. You can kill people. Fuck all of you people. I do not care.”

WTF? This guy is a nutjob.


I am Korean.
This is the kind of hard hitting investigative journalism Fox fans were clamoring for when that other deadbeat dressed up like a pimp. I hope they appreciate this dude's efforts.
WTF? This guy is a nutjob.

Why because you do not like his sense of humor? I did not find that funny either but judging him is kind of wrong, at least according to many... He is a comedian and I would imagine this being shock humor I guess again not for me but why judge the man personally?

this isn't the first documented case of Fox News coaching it's guests precisely what to say to pump up a GOP candidate. But it certainly was the most awkward.
And when Obama does his Q&A sessions with the public, those aren't set up?

All modern media is controlled presentation. This has nothing to do with Fox News.


Why because you do not like his sense of humor? I did not find that funny either but judging him is kind of wrong, at least according to many... He is a comedian and I would imagine this being shock humor I guess again not for me but why judge the man personally?

Nah, I'm gonna judge him.
WTF? This guy is a nutjob.


Something that vaguely resembles a news desk is interviewing a double or triple fake interviewee, the story has nothing to do with anything political anymore, and the jump at Fox from news to Op/Ed happened years ago, and now it has evolved yet again into some new form of entertainment we cannot even fathom.


Pretty funny. That being said, all networks coach their interviewees so they are pretty much scripted.

And when Obama does his Q&A sessions with the public, those aren't set up?

All modern media is controlled presentation. This has nothing to do with Fox News.



Rodent Whores
"I met him in the third grade"


Weak attempt. His deception was obvious. Way to go, FNC producers, that's some quality screening you got there.


Because he makes jokes you find distasteful?



Where did I say "many", i just said i personally feel it to be condescending.

Why because you do not like his sense of humor? I did not find that funny either but judging him is kind of wrong, at least according to many... He is a comedian and I would imagine this being shock humor I guess again not for me but why judge the man personally?


Haha, I love how the defense is "But Fox just does what any partisan political campaign would do"!

Seems even supporters have given up trying to consider it a news organization.
Started off strong with the Miss Universe line, then nothing... I was hoping he was going somewhere with the basketball game quip, but it was just dead air.

Good idea, but sloppy execution.


I never watch Fox news, and things like this means I'm not going to. Admittedly, most news networks are biased as shit, so I tend to just watch Cobert Report or John Sterwart. Least biased news on TV, and it's a comedy show.


Right, but the process he went through before the interview also shows that Fox News is sticking to it's guns and being "fair and balanced," correct?

I don't consider any main stream media to be objective or credible in their coverage, so this doesn't surprise me. What I find funny is that GAF loves to jump on Fox News as being biased, when if you look at the hosts and coverage, an outlet like MSNBC is far more biased and in the tank for one side. You cannot look at their 5-10pm lineups objectively and come to any other conclusion.

What GAFers don't like about Fox is their narrative, but they try and hide behind saying it's that Fox is dishonest, when none of these networks are honest.

I never watch Fox news, and things like this means I'm not going to. Admittedly, most news networks are biased as shit, so I tend to just watch Cobert Report or John Sterwart. Least biased news on TV, and it's a comedy show.

I laughed.
And when Obama does his Q&A sessions with the public, those aren't set up?

All modern media is controlled presentation. This has nothing to do with Fox News.
Fox News and Obama's campaign should be expected to have different levels of objectivity and messaging. Blatantly admitting that Fox should be balanced as a counter-weight to a partisan campaign is indicative of the problem.
I don't consider any main stream media to be objective or credible in their coverage, so this doesn't surprise me. What I find funny is that GAF loves to jump on Fox News as being biased, when if you look at the hosts and coverage, an outlet like MSNBC is far more biased and in the tank for one side. You cannot look at their 5-10pm lineups objectively and come to any other conclusion.

What GAFers don't like about Fox is their narrative, but they try and hide behind saying it's that Fox is dishonest, when none of these networks are honest.

I laughed.

MSNBC runs ads featuring their hosts making arguments for the democratic party like the infamous Al Sharpton blueberry pie ad.


Okay my bad I am wrong on that. So you think he is crazy because you dislike his jokes/subject material though?

Alot of people dislike me here, does that make me crazy?

I think he's crazy because he said crazy things.

I'd probably think you're crazy if you've said crazy things too ... have you? :p


Fox News and Obama's campaign should be expected to have different levels of objectivity and messaging. Blatantly admitting that Fox should be balanced as a counter-weight to a partisan campaign is indicative of the problem.

Both campaigns try to control their message through plants and audience setup - where I have a problem will be the debates, where the networks are supposed to be doing their job in representing the interests of the people (assuming this is what you think a free press is for) and instead everyone of the questions they get from a citizen will be screened before it is asked.

You think Obama will get a question in the traditional "town hall" debate about droning Americans without due process? Not a chance.
I think he's crazy because he said crazy things.

I'd probably think you're crazy if you've said crazy things too ... have you? :p

Well its his job to be a comedian and he is attempting to be funny. I do not know him personally enough to judge his sanity (I do not believe in labels either).

To my knowledge I have not said crazy things.

C'mon gaf.....I.....C'mon!I mean you wouldn't find that joke disturbing too?

Isn't shock humor supposed to be disturbing? I am not a fan of the brand of humor but he is crazy for telling jokes?


MSNBC runs ads featuring their hosts making arguments for the democratic party like the infamous Al Sharpton blueberry pie ad.

Favorite GIF of all time:

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