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Fox News gets trolled hard by a former Obama supporter

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Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
awkward all around.

the guy actually bothered me... fox news is fucking terrible as well, but that guy seemed just kind of mentally unstable.
You know what I think is a bigger problem than partisan news outlets?

The devolution of TV journalism into "say what the issue is, then bring on opposing pundits to argue with each other about it". There's no one there telling you "this is what's really going on". News is just a platform for to hear Democrat and Republican's try to sell you their lie.

It's hard for me to care much that Fox is pushing a right-wing agenda when all I can really get on any station is agendas.
"Skews" right?

What are you on?

It's true though.

People always point their "Faux News lulz" at O'Reilly when he's actually pretty neutral on his broadcasts.

They really should be focusing on this guy:

It's true though.

People always point their "Faux News lulz" at O'Reilly when he's actually pretty neutral on his broadcasts.

They really should be focusing on this guy:

Neutral is about the last thing I would call him.

Just because there's even bigger maniacs in the same channel doesn't mean O'Reilly's any more neutral.


Started off strong with the Miss Universe line, then nothing... I was hoping he was going somewhere with the basketball game quip, but it was just dead air.

Good idea, but sloppy execution.

Yeah, I applaud him for going through with it and shedding some more light on that wretched organization, but his material is a little rough-nothing a few more years of open mics won't fix.
Neutral is about the last thing I would call him.

Just because there's even bigger maniacs in the same channel doesn't mean O'Reilly's any more neutral.

Neutral in the sense that he's not blatantly pushing a specific party agenda.

Again, I'm only talking in terms of how he presents himself on his show.
It's true though.

People always point their "Faux News lulz" at O'Reilly when he's actually pretty neutral on his broadcasts.

They really should be focusing on this guy:


Yep. O'Reilly is a blow-hard, an asshole and definitely right wing, but he's not a blind pusher of the party line. Hannity, on the other hand, will piss on you and say it's the rain if that's what it takes to push the line.

He is, no hyperbole, a bad man. There is literally nobody I would like to punch in the face more than Sean Hannity.

How anyone could equate him and Maddow is beyond me.
It's true though.

People always point their "Faux News lulz" at O'Reilly when he's actually pretty neutral on his broadcasts.

They really should be focusing on this guy:

Yeah, Bill's really calmed down in recent years.

People should give up on hearing objective news from an American media outlet during election season. PBS is probably your best bet.

How anyone could equate him and Maddow is beyond me.
Rachel Maddow has an angle, but she doesn't beat you over the head with it. She assumes her audience is intelligent, and she's easily the most even-keeled news personality on any of the major networks. I watch her when I'm sick of getting screamed at.
Marc Lamont hill is pretty good on O'Reilly.

Also Alan Colmes.

I would say MSNBC is more biased because the hosts often descend into diatribes and get "yes" men/women on to back them up. Fox atleast gets other views on even if to shout them down.

Colmes was more whipping boy then commentator. He was largely used to sell the idea that the left was weaselly and spineless.
I would say MSNBC is more biased because the hosts often descend into diatribes and get "yes" men/women on to back them up. Fox atleast gets other views on even if to shout them down.

Fox is well-known for actively seeking "weak" pundits for debates, and simply cutting their mikes or editing their footage if they don't say what they want them to. I.E. you're never going to see Rachel Maddow on Fox. They're not going to invite anyone that viewers could potentially sympathize with.
It's almost as if all the major networks do it!

That's bullshit. Or is it? It isn't? Is it? Tune in at 11:00 to find out. Maybe.

I've always found Fox News' "Fair and Balanced" slogan hilarious.

What's more hilarious is when Stewart gets the people at Fox to admit that they're telling only one very specific version of the news. A news agency that gets it's talking points directly from the RNC is just pathetic.


WASTED opportunity!

Interview should have gone like this.

woman: "I understand you voted for Obama in 2008 and now you will be voting for Romney, Tell us your story"

Guy: "Well actually, last night before coming on this show, I decided to do some research on what the GOP stands for, And I have educated myself to many of the GOP policies and I have come to the opinion that I cannot support a candidate that does not believe in rights for women, rights for gays, Rights for the poor. I cannot support a candidate that does not even support his own views from 4 years ago. Or even from 4 minutes ago. I cannot support a candidate that claim he had it rough and understands the plight of the average american, while in reality he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth... etc etc etc."



G***n S**n*bi
Marc Lamont hill is pretty good on O'Reilly.
Also Alan Colmes.

I would say MSNBC is more biased because the hosts often descend into diatribes and get "yes" men/women on to back them up. Fox atleast gets other views on even if to shout them down.

yeah, MSNBC is more biased than the channel that likened Obama's fist bump with his wife to a terrorist celebration, and then went into a 24/7 anti-Obama campaign the last few weeks before the 08 elections. The fuck out of here...

MSNBC is definitely slanted to the left more so than to the right (and there's nothing wrong with being biased if what you're saying is legit by the way), but they don't just pull random bullshit out of their ass every hour on the hour like FoxNews. They're not even playing in the same league. And the fact that so many people think they are is pretty god damn pathetic.


WASTED opportunity!

Interview should have gone like this.

woman: "I understand you voted for Obama in 2008 and now you will be voting for Romney, Tell us your story"

Guy: "Well actually, last night before coming on this show, I decided to do some research on what the GOP stands for, And I have educated myself to many of the GOP policies and I have come to the opinion that I cannot support a candidate that does not believe in rights for women, rights for gays, Rights for the poor. I cannot support a candidate that does not even support his own views from 4 years ago. Or even from 4 minutes ago. I cannot support a candidate that claim he had it rough and understands the plight of the average american, while in reality he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth... etc etc etc."


No, he would have been cut off at least half-way through all that, if not sooner. You can't go on Fox News (or any big news station) and just go on ranting without answering the question asked, you will be cut off. Just like that guy who came in shortly after 9/11 that got cut off because he said that the narrative they were saying is incorrect, and then Fox came in the next day and spun his words to say that he thought the government created 9/11 to destroy his character.

You'll just come off as a crazy person with an agenda on the air.


Yep. O'Reilly is a blow-hard, an asshole and definitely right wing, but he's not a blind pusher of the party line. Hannity, on the other hand, will piss on you and say it's the rain if that's what it takes to push the line.

He is, no hyperbole, a bad man. There is literally nobody I would like to punch in the face more than Sean Hannity.

How anyone could equate him and Maddow is beyond me.

Hannity is awful.
You should check it out. It's amazing how many progressive people don't know about Current. It's pretty damn good too.

Young Turks is always on point.

Cenk Uygur does a decent job of being liberal without pandering to Obama. Spitzer and Granholm, on the other hand, sort of feel like patsies to me.
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