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Free Internet has ruined the American public library

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NintendosBooger said:
BS. The libraries were created to service pursuers of academic knowledge. The computers and free internet were later installed for those that couldn't afford either under the expectation that they would put them to productive use. You go to the library for these things, not to drool over a bunch of MySpace photos of girls that probably have undercover penises.

:lol :lol


NintendosBooger said:
You and the rest of the clowns that are bringing up all the old shit must be fucking losers to remember the crap that I posted last year. Why don't you go outside, get a girlfriend, or experience something exciting to occupy your memory. Discuss the topic or GTFO, seriously.

Give us a topic worth discussing. And having enough brain cells left to remember a douche's douchey comments does not make one a loser. It makes one observant.
Binabik15 said:
No, "lol internet cesoring".

You point at us (Germany and Australia) and then some propose the same fucking thing on an internet board. Bravo.

Germany and Australia's potential internet censorship only applies to public computers?

Given, I'm against cracking down on libraries because I don't want to give the social tyrant sharks the taste of blood, but I think tying this situation into blocking access to sites for all computers is a bit misguided. Americans would still be able to go to any website they want on their own dime.

Also, to those railing against computers and digital media in general, you're fighting a losing battle. You think your books are being sidelined now, just wait until e-readers and digital tablets become the norm instead of the exception. If the library exists twenty years from now, it'll probably be nothing but computers.
Evander said:
Libraries aren't about education or academics, folks. Not solely.

Libraries are information AND culture. They are meant to serve as a resource for a wide variety of things including, yes, entertainment.

The internet at a library is not blocked because we do not live in some kind of dictatorial pro-censorship state. The purpose of the computer terminals at teh library is to give people access to computers who might not otherwise have it. That means access to WHATEVER they might need on a computer.

There are timelimits in place, and that is ALL you need. If the limitis are not being adhered to, take it up with the librarians. Just because you feel that your personal email is more important than some one else's myspace profile doesn't mean dick. If your email is SO important, then go get a working computer.

As for Libraries offering games and movies, that's no different from the trashy paperbacks that they have always offered. The fact that something is in book form doesn't automatically make it somehow magically educational or academic. There are PLENTY of books out there which have no value OTHER THAN pure entertainment. If it's okay for a Library to have those (and I believe it is) then there's nothing wrong with DVDs, and game nights, and other similar things.

Libraries are media repositories. Stop bitching about the fact that there is media in there.

I did take it up with the librarian. I tried to show her the EXACT users who were using the machines for Facebook/Youtube nonsense, but she refused to walk with me to the computer area and gave me some excuse about not being able to do anything about it.

It's nonsense that responsible taxpayers have to wait in line to use a machine occupied by music video-viewing teenagers who never worked a day in their lives and didn't even contribute to financing of these libraries. If they have something school or job related or ANY productive assignments to do with the machines then that's fine, but if all they're doing is BS, then the library needs to step up with their policy.

Why is my money being wasted on this shit?


Back in the good ol' days people used to us the library for academic purposes! While our elders used to beat the rabblesome young'uns with a stick! And they were respected for it...

Seriously, what is with the belief that humanity changes over time? Just because technology changes doesn't mean we do. People back in your generation used to dick around with library resources just as much as now. Doodling in the margins, checking out Garfield comics exclusively... Now its just more obvious if you're lurking over their shoulder trying to use your computer to post how much the american library now sucks on NeoGAF.

Oh, and to hell with POOR PEOPLE trying to use our Library. Library should be reserved for the rich and wealthy of us who can afford their own books! Goddamn welfare families and their squandering of my HARD-EARNED TAX MONEY. To hell with the people who use this to their own betterment, some people wasted time on the internet AND I'M REVOKING THE PRIVLEDGE FOR ALL!
Where are you people getting that I'm dissing poor people?

I'm criticizing those that are tying up library resources at the expense of others for unproductive ends.

You walk into any library these days and you don't see the same sort of people there who want to improve on their academics and reading comprehension; you see mostly mongrels zoning out to Lady GaGa videos.


NintendosBooger said:
Where are you people getting that I'm dissing poor people?

I'm criticizing those that are tying up library resources at the expense of others for unproductive ends.

You walk into any library these days and you don't see the same sort of people there who want to improve on their academics and reading comprehension; you see mostly mongrels zoning out to Lady GaGa videos.

I can guarantee you it has nothing to do with the fact you keep calling people "mongrels" and that a crappy $5 a month fee will scare them away. By the way "mongrels" means of being of mixed race, which is why we're also getting the idea you being a racist out of this.

Humanity will never live up to your expectations, or my expectations, or anyones. You just have to deal with it. Do you really think a $5 a month fee will deal with it? If anything it will make the matter worst because people will now feel "entitled" to their time-wasting. And whos to say what is time-wasting and what is not? Maybe browsing Myspace can be teaching them English, maybe their playing flashgames that are educational. You can't pick a line and draw of "This is time-wasting" and "This is research". Thats probably why the Librarians are hesitant to intervene because its their right to research whatever and however they want.

In other words, you're a person who likes to complain about arbitrary problems offering half-assed and non-working solutions. That is honestly the nicest way I can put it.


Bitches love smiley faces
I eagerly await the opening of NintendosBooger's underwater utopia of business wear and serious library business.


Our local libraries have all officially become free DVD rental places (Vietnamese, Chinese and Spanish). I use them to check out rare sheet music I can't get anywhere else, but I usually wind up waiting 15 minutes at least just to check out, behind 10 families of people not speaking English with 592359273741934y27387253647 DVD's apiece.


I think the OP has a point. Last time I walked into my local library, all the computers were in use from people watching anime on youtube, while other people were waiting for their turn. Thankfully there was a standalone terminal so I could access the library's database to search for a book. As I went to check out, a mother and child were requesting various Bleach books (comics?) for the library to order.

Who has the gall to sit and watch youtube while someone else might need the computer for a real reason (applying to jobs, reading the news, doing research, etc.)? This isn't really the libraries fault, just people abusing the system.


One of the libraries at my university has express computers that you can only use for 15 minutes. It works out pretty nice.
Evander said:
Libraries aren't about education or academics, folks. Not solely.

Libraries are information AND culture. They are meant to serve as a resource for a wide variety of things including, yes, entertainment.

The internet at a library is not blocked because we do not live in some kind of dictatorial pro-censorship state. The purpose of the computer terminals at teh library is to give people access to computers who might not otherwise have it. That means access to WHATEVER they might need on a computer.

There are timelimits in place, and that is ALL you need. If the limitis are not being adhered to, take it up with the librarians. Just because you feel that your personal email is more important than some one else's myspace profile doesn't mean dick. If your email is SO important, then go get a working computer.

As for Libraries offering games and movies, that's no different from the trashy paperbacks that they have always offered. The fact that something is in book form doesn't automatically make it somehow magically educational or academic. There are PLENTY of books out there which have no value OTHER THAN pure entertainment. If it's okay for a Library to have those (and I believe it is) then there's nothing wrong with DVDs, and game nights, and other similar things.

Libraries are media repositories. Stop bitching about the fact that there is media in there.
i'm gonna have to agree with Evander here.

i know back in the day when used to use the library, it was mainly for getting those tintin and asterix hardcover books and fiction books.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Evander said:
I'm sorry, no.

You're ascribing a sole purpose that does not exist. The internet access in the library is for ANY purpose, so long as if is not overly disturbing to other patrons.
One library here excludes the use of library computers for porn, regardless of your age. If you are looking up porn, even if others are not being disturbed, they will boot you from the PC.


NintendosBooger said:
Where are you people getting that I'm dissing poor people?

I'm criticizing those that are tying up library resources at the expense of others for unproductive ends.

You walk into any library these days and you don't see the same sort of people there who want to improve on their academics and reading comprehension; you see mostly mongrels zoning out to Lady GaGa videos.

Because no one's ever gone to a library to read a magazine or a Dr Seuss book. It's a PUBLIC library, not fuckface NintendoBooger library. Quit crying, jesus christ. In the time you've spent bitching about this shit here, you could've gone to a different library or shoplifted a Kindle or something. Fuck.
most kids around here just use the library to look up DBZ power levels and naruto or whatever flavor of the month social networking site there is, gotta agree with nintendobooger here. not only that, but they take up the adult computer stations as well and are even louder and more disruptive than before.
Evander said:
it's been discussed

the reason that they haven't done it is BECAUSE they've decided that anything not overly disturbing to other patrons is fair library use

So PS3/360/Wii/DS/PSP will take over libraries, too?! How long until they install a kick-ass stereo system so we can rock them crusty ass books off their shelves? Can we finally bring food?? And who could forget the option to bring pets! Oooooh, the not overly disturbing possibilities!
NintendosBooger said:
You and the rest of the clowns that are bringing up all the old shit must be fucking losers to remember the crap that I posted last year. Why don't you go outside, get a girlfriend, or experience something exciting to occupy your memory. Discuss the topic or GTFO, seriously.
You realize that going outside is not going to solve your problems, right?
xs_mini_neo said:
So PS3/360/Wii/DS/PSP will take over libraries, too?! How long until they install a kick-ass stereo system so we can rock them crusty ass books off their shelves? Can we finally bring food?? And who could forget the option to bring pets! Oooooh, the not overly disturbing possibilities!

We're getting there. That's the Detroit Public Library's H(elping) Y(oung) P(eople) E(xcel) program, btw.

Hunh, maybe I should check out my local library. Mmm government sponsored entertainment.
Darkmakaimura said:
One library here excludes the use of library computers for porn, regardless of your age. If you are looking up porn, even if others are not being disturbed, they will boot you from the PC.
isn't that how most libraries are?

public place, kids can see porn, OH NO RUINED LIVES!!!


xs_mini_neo said:
So PS3/360/Wii/DS/PSP will take over libraries, too?! How long until they install a kick-ass stereo system so we can rock them crusty ass books off their shelves? Can we finally bring food?? And who could forget the option to bring pets! Oooooh, the not overly disturbing possibilities!

I'm not really sure what you are arguing against... Libraries have had books that serve no purpose but as entertainment for years. Why are they okay but not other forms of entertainment? My local library has had CDs/VHS/DVDs for years. My mom takes out tons of classical and opera CDs and DVDs. I wouldn't be surprised if some have blu-ray these days. Why not move on to the next forms of entertainment as technology progresses? I know they also have teen nights with Guitar Hero and Rock Band. It brings a new generation in that doesn't necessarily need the library you grew up with since we can now get most research done through the internet alone. When I was in elementary school they were doing movie nights and that was back in the late 80s early 90s.


bjork said:
Because no one's ever gone to a library to read a magazine or a Dr Seuss book. It's a PUBLIC library, not fuckface NintendoBooger library. Quit crying, jesus christ. In the time you've spent bitching about this shit here, you could've gone to a different library or shoplifted a Kindle or something. Fuck.

:lol awesome.

Kind of sad that no research is being done at libraries anymore, but with the internetz and all... what can you do.

Wow, I remember dewey decimal and all that bullshit in middle/high school, kids these days have it much easier (oops I am sounding like someone else!).


NintendosBooger said:
These days, I cannot go to any library in all of DC or Montgomery County, MD without seeing the same breed of degenerate visitors exhausting and misusing valuable library resources and space.

It’s sad when someone who needs to use a library computer for a legitimate purpose has to sign in on an electronic wait list because most of the machines are being occupied by flash gamers, youtube fanatics, and social networking zombies.

I was there just last week because my home computer was acting up, and I had to wait 45 minutes to get on a machine to check and send e-mail and other important things. I walked around and noticed that a good portion of the computer users were dicking around with the machines and when I reported this to a librarian at the service area, she told me that there was nothing that she could do about it.

It’s not just about me not being able to use one of the computers that I pay with my tax dollars, it’s about the decaying atmosphere of libraries today. I remember when people, both young and old, would go to a library to actually LEARN and would walk out with a stack of books in their arms. These days, libraries are transforming into some arcade/social café hybrid, and I have no doubt that if CNN were to film a story about it, tax paying citizens would demand changes. Disturbing footages of people who can’t even speak proper English using library resources not to LEARN the damn language but to MySpace some jobless underage whore who’s probably using a public computer herself on someone else's dime.

It's BS. Free Internet is attracting the wrong breed of visitors. Fuckers that didn't even know what a library was much less care for it now flock to it in droves. They used to avoid libraries like the plague, now it's their little fucking home away from home.

I have a solution: Libraries should force visitors to pay a monthly fee of $5 to use the machines. That way, not only would it free up some of the machines by weeding out some of the mongrels that come in regularly to use them but the extra money would help to finance areas of the library that need to be improved.

My money is being wasted.
Its just as bad in AACC. And like others suggested get a portable device.


Fail out bailed
You are the fakest of joke posters I've encountered here. Either that, or your a phony on a level I cannot begin to measure.
Just dial it back. You really are trying too hard.


Fail out bailed
Also, its funny to me that so many people in this thread hate reading SO MUCH that they think its not a valid form of time wasting/ entertainment.
Do some of you guys really think reading a book is automaticially more educational than checking a myspace or watching youtube? If so, you aren't reading enough books.
The printed word is nice, but its not some god to be worshipped and last i checked libraries included plenty of fiction.

Sorry that the earth kept spinning. You'll be real mad if you havent been to a record store in a while.

Also, getting a decent job without access to e-mail is becoming increasingly difficult. As a middle class white american male I'm all for class based oppression, but let not get too obvious about it, k? Let the plebians or whatever have some free tubez.


Sorry we don't live in utopia where everyone adheres to the benefit of others and themselves. You should put more effort into your stories or grab some books on how to over dramatize your writing.


testicles on a cold fall morning
I thought this would be a thread about how the younger generation are increasingly staying home and on their computers to get their information rather than use the public library.


At least the library is now providing an service that people actually want. If there were no internet in my local library, there would be like ten people in there tops.


AstroLad said:
Can't believe no one has posted the Carl Monday expose yet.
this type of festering rage can't be good for your blood pressure

perhaps you should investigate the meditation section of your library


he's Virgin Tight™
bjork said:
Because no one's ever gone to a library to read a magazine or a Dr Seuss book. It's a PUBLIC library, not fuckface NintendoBooger library. Quit crying, jesus christ. In the time you've spent bitching about this shit here, you could've gone to a different library or shoplifted a Kindle or something. Fuck.

His CEO friends can get him to the Amazon Distribution centers I guess!


Not as deep as he thinks
Relix said:
His CEO friends can get him to the Amazon Distribution centers I guess!
But it's a free dress day so they're going to mention why he decided to come in professionally dressed and he'll have a rage fit all over again!
There is this guy that comes to my local library and this guy brings ths huge setup with him. He has power strips and external drives and a headphone amp and a set of huge cans and just camps out in the library all damn day.
I'm with you man, non-English speaking degenerates surfing Myspace all day, nothing but scum, mooching off of our hard-earned tax dollars. What is this world coming to?

Seriously tho, a bitter resentful curmudgeon already.... at 20 years old?

I think libraries could be improved also. But rather than staying in the past, they should update more. They should have wifi, sell coffee, install couches, etc. They could block certain sites, if they really wanted to. (I discovered my library doesn't allow torrenting ;-)). They should have computers available with research databases that cannot be accessed online. Physical books you can touch are no longer as important as they once were. It's useless, pining for an obsolete image of libraries that no longer applies.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
Good Evening, I work in a public/college library combo.

Calcaneus said:
At least the library is now providing an service that people actually want. If there were no internet in my local library, there would be like ten people in there tops.

Sad but true. Steve Jobs said this regarding the Amazon Kindle “It doesn’t matter how good or bad the product is, the fact is that people don’t read anymore. Forty percent of the people in the U.S. read one book or less last year. The whole conception is flawed at the top because people don’t read anymore.”

People are still reading, the smart ones anyway, and the parents who are actually reading to their kids instead of coming and letting them play Mafia Wars while they piss off to the betting shop. The brighter students know the benefits of a good textbook compared to Google/Wikipedia.

It's all about statistics. The problem is the smart and bright people are dwindling in number and getting lost in the ocean of mouthbreathing breeders. It's like Idiocracy in slow motion.

<insert rant about the collapse of the family unit/overcrowded underfunded schools>

Getting back to libraries, it is all about statistics now, and how each library is faring against each other. A contest to pull in the most users if you will, so they can then show how well they are performing to get a nice big fat funding cheque.
But people don't read anymore, and broadband can pipe information directly to your home if you can afford it. So how can libraries pull in more punters? Free internet! Why won't they stop the mouthbreathers checking out the same old pictures of their friends doing kissy-lip pouts in club bathrooms? Statistics will go down!
Our library blocked Facebook, MySpace, YouTube et al for a while until they saw the tumbleweeds rolling through the aisles. So they unblocked them and punters came back - some of them even borrowed a book! It's this last thing that's most important. Getting a mouthbreather to take an interest in books is an accomplishment, and it does happen, not often enough but it does. That's why there's free internet. If there wasn't, the library would be closed.


Here there is computers designated for free use, and those strictly for library related matters. If I want to use the internet in all its glory, I have my own PC (just like you apparently), when I go to the library I only ever use the computer to find books and such.

edit: oh fuck me, I posted without lookign at who the OP was. fml, I've been baited


guys, guys, i think you're missing something crucial here. clearly only the wealthy deserve leisure. if some non-english speaking indigent who can't afford private internets wants to wants to kick back and relax in public building, he better do it on someone else's dime.




Well my area's libraries (Raleigh/Wake County, North Carolina) are an interesting case. We have free internet access there, no electronic media besides audiobooks though. But in 2007-2008 fiscal year there were about 10 million books checked out - and we have a little less than a million people in the county.


Kinda off-topic, but: if I want to donate books to the library, can I just leave them at the entrance before they open? I don't wanna go fill out forms or some shit.


When I was homeless I read over 50 novels including works from Rand, King, Ellison, Wells, Rowling, Dante, TH White, GRR Martin, and Fitzgerald...plus, I used the PCs every day to find and apply for jobs and stay in touch with my high school friends (yes, on myspace).

bjork: My library had a slot near the entrance where you could drop off books to return them (like blockbusters) and the slot doubled as an anonymous book donation slot.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
bjork said:
Kinda off-topic, but: if I want to donate books to the library, can I just leave them at the entrance before they open? I don't wanna go fill out forms or some shit.

Just take your bagful of books to the sexy horn-rimmed glasses wearing femme fatale at the reception desk, and say in your huskiest voice:

"I'd like to donate these to the library, please."

She'll smile and wink. Then you leave.


guys, GUYS

public library is FOR PUBLIC TO LIBRARY. only scholarly ACADEMICIANS should be allowed access to hallowed PAPER REPOSITORY. if you are not scholarly academicians i vote we deny you access. you vote too.

ps, this is why we need to bring back poll taxes.


bjork said:
Kinda off-topic, but: if I want to donate books to the library, can I just leave them at the entrance before they open? I don't wanna go fill out forms or some shit.
i hope you're donating hentai

Just take your bagful of books to the sexy horn-rimmed glasses wearing femme fatale at the reception desk, and say in your huskiest voice:

"I'd like to donate these to the library, please."
sexy librarian: "so, why are you donating this copy of 'strong street fighter tentacle battle rapers' to the library?"

bjork: "i am too manly to need pornography. it is a leftover from my previous workplace."

sexy librarian: "i see."

*furious sex ensures*
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