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Friday the 13th: The Game |OT| You and your friends are dead. GAME OVER


Although I find it strange that I can no longer find that particular tweet. Maybe they spoke too soon and they can't revoke it.

Yeah, I don't think so. I just played as the Savini Jason again, the DLC is still listed in my transaction history, and the DLC symbol is on the game's icon on my list of purchased games on PS4.

Xaero Gravity

Yup, they deleted that tweet. Plus, I never got a voucher and I'm using the skin as we speak.


Yeah, I don't think so. I just played as the Savini Jason again, the DLC is still listed in my transaction history, and the DLC symbol is on the game's icon on my list of purchased games on PS4.
Revoking a license isn't instantaneous though.

Or for all I know they simply spoke too soon.


Or maybe they're just gonna let the people who bought it keep it. I doubt that many people picked it up that fast. Maybe it's more hassle than it's worth

Commander Kook

Neo Member
I hope it doesn't get revoked, but I won't be too upset if it does. I got one game in with him, and it didn't feel like he was all that special compared to the rest.


Update - They just said on Twitter that they have no idea what Sony will do and that it's out of their control.

Based on past experience, Sony will most likely do nothing. This isn't like buying a new game for $0, which isn't actually a legal purchase.

Reminder, these devs also claimed on twitter they'd ban people for buying the DLC on ebay, which aside from the obvious legal issue (first sale doctrine) sounds like total nonsense (how would they know which PSN account belongs to whom?).


Most modern digital stores can remove licenses and give refunds- I don't see why Sony would be any different.

He really isn't anything special when compared to the other Jason's.

I felt like getting really fast respawns on my shift as well as being able to kick down doors quickly was a strong combination. It was my most dominant run as a Jason. That being said, I was playing with a lot of people that really didn't know what they were doing.

It felt good killing them, as they kept making survival super hard. Like, stop telling Jason what we are doing. Also, we are trying to be stealthy, please stop talking. Yes, Jason can hear you. Yes, I am sure. We are trying to be stealthy, please stop sprinting. Yes, it makes more noise. I'm trying to get to the car quietly and install this battery... please go away, Vanessa Jones player.

These are the good frustrating experiences to have. Much better than "Oh no, the game crashed again."
I really hope the backers aren't mad at the devs for sonys fuck up. Do people really care that much if they release the skin as DLC?

I know people care that got the skin through backing it. I backed it but didn't get the skin cause I chose not to. I would not have purchased from PSN.

I think that skin should only be for those that got it through backing. It's a little in game thank you from the dev team for supporting their game.

Edit: good games guys cya tomorrow


Should have backed at the right tier or paid additional money on Backerkit, but at least you got what you wanted. Enjoy.

As I said before, there are many backers who didn't hear about the Savini DLC on Backerkit until it was too late. The correct way to handle this would be to continue selling it to backers. That way, it would still be exclusive and a thank-you to those who helped to get the game off the ground.


Here I was excited to have the Quick Play matches connect quicker, and they do, but of the 4 matches I tried the host left once, Jason left once, and two connection timed out errors.

Here I was excited to have the Quick Play matches connect quicker, and they do, but of the 4 matches I tried the host left once, Jason left once, and two connection timed out errors.


I'll probably still use the community to find private matches if that's the case.


Tears in the rain
Too many people using the glitched locations that Jason can't reach on PS4. Every game there's multiple glitchers now.
I really hope the backers aren't mad at the devs for sonys fuck up. Do people really care that much if they release the skin as DLC?

I purchased it solo on the last day it was available on Backerkit(almost missed it) and while I'm not pissed if people get it, it would be nice several months from now or who knows how long to play a game and see someone who was an original backer by the fact that they use the skin. I don't care if they make an identical(ability wise) Jason but the Savini skin itself should remain "exclusive" or whatever term you want to call it.

Lets be frank, the reason people are dying for it is because they didn't get it and it looks badass. When you say something is "limited" it should stay limited.

def sim

The negative reaction to Jason's that use slash is so silly. Always some "cheesing" or "try-harding" excuse. It's completely disingenuous. Why not cut the crap and just say, "I want you to eat these pocket knives and catch you in a stun animation so I can win." It's much more honest.

These are the good frustrating experiences to have. Much better than "Oh no, the game crashed again."

Yeah, these crucial technical issues being addressed on console will hopefully get the community focusing on the other gameplay quirks that need addressing.


The negative reaction to Jason's that use slash is so silly. Always some "cheesing" or "try-harding" excuse. It's completely disingenuous. Why not cut the crap and just say, "I want you to eat these pocket knives and catch you in a stun animation so I can win." It's much more honest.

Those people are just giant babies. If I hear people saying that crap I go out of my way to hack em.


The negative reaction to Jason's that use slash is so silly. Always some "cheesing" or "try-harding" excuse. It's completely disingenuous. Why not cut the crap and just say, "I want you to eat these pocket knives and catch you in a stun animation so I can win." It's much more honest.

Yeah, these crucial technical issues being addressed on console will hopefully get the community focusing on the other gameplay quirks that need addressing.
Seriously. Someone bitched at me for slashing them to death instead of picking them up. "Why wouldn't you pick me up you noob?"....because I knew you had a pocket knife. Like lol


God Damn it, Sony. You finally get the Savini code up for me to use, then put it up for sale too? Just had a lobby full of Savini skins. I know it's been down for a while now but still. Pretty disappointing.


Seriously. Someone bitched at me for slashing them to death instead of picking them up. "Why wouldn't you pick me up you noob?"....because I knew you had a pocket knife. Like lol

It's the Friday the 13th version of people who complain about you using throws in a fighting game, or "projectile spamming". Some people have too much pride and not enough sense.
I genuinely get people's concerns with the skin. As a horror fan, someone that is very hot and cold with Savini himself, and someone that really enjoys Sessler...its a mixed bag when you have a different play style than others rather than just different skins. The minimal grip is meaningless currently in the game, however everything else is pretty sweet and he looks awesome. I'd much rather play with a "real" Jason, but I almost feel obliged. At the same time, once I saw the prices on ebay, I wish I would have sold that shit and just kept my counselor packs.

For people that took a gamble on the game it makes sense, and to be honest it was announced throughout the entire kickstarter. Then the kickstarter ended. Then the backerkit was open and it was open throughout the entire backerkit campaign. I guess I don't remember how people could have not seen it on backekrit, because I swear i felt like it was consistently listed right below the base game with the counselor skins (I could be wrong).

The issue will die down, but I would be completely happy with them releasing another pitchfork jason with the same or similar abilities. Honestly, now that I have had a couple more rounds in with him (yay I'm up to four) I want to level up enough for Part 9's kills anyway. So good. Don't even know his perks. Just want dem sweet kills.


As I said before, there are many backers who didn't hear about the Savini DLC on Backerkit until it was too late. The correct way to handle this would be to continue selling it to backers. That way, it would still be exclusive and a thank-you to those who helped to get the game off the ground.

Yep, they should still do this. If they do it now, limit it to one purchase per backer. I no longer need it since I bought it earlier on the PS Store, but for people who missed out and are Kickstarter donors, they should get the opportunity to purchase it.
Man, this is frustrating. I adore this game but I can barely get a match today, post-patch. I either start in a lobby by myself that no one joins or the connection is lost almost immediately... Just now I got an application error and had to close it altogether. Hope it's working reasonably well again soon. It's such a good multiplayer game aside from the technical issues.

dbsr86 on PS4 if anyone feels like a private game whenever. I'm not that good but I don't call other players fagetz and fuck people over etc. so that's something. I'm in Australia so it's 3:43pm in my time zone, will be available the majority of the time over the next few hours. May get into a public match now as I'm trying again for the first time since the error code 20 minutes ago.


Hold up.

So the skin they refuse to sell to Kickstarter backers who missed out, they accidentally sold to everyone on PSN for a few hours?

Oh, fuck them.


Sony accidently did, not their fault. Thank you Sony for the glorious fuck up and my new skin.

Their stance is their fault.

No justification not to offer it again via Backer Kit.

Any backer that has the skin that would be annoyed at other backers or players getting access needs to re-evaluate the shit they care about. I've been made to feel unwelcome by the devs and community for a game I funded to develop.

Back to Overwatch. And hopefully Ubi fix Siege soon.


Two consecutive games where I escaped. One via car and one boat. I used quick play with decent success too. Never waited more than a few minutes.


Escaping using the police exit is so satisfying and hilarious. I had two games tonight where me and a group of 3 strangers escaped using the police exit. First time we did it by crouch walking all the way across the map in a group. Once we got to the exit, we waited about a minute for the police to get there. Jason arrived when we were running towards the exit but I had fireworks that stunned him and allowed everyone to escape. I loved the thrill of it.


Had a match tonight playing as Jason. Killed just about everyone but there was one Deborah left hiding. I tracked her down and the clock hit 10 seconds till the end of the game. She swung at me and missed, she was limping. Tried to hit her with the weapon to save time thinking that would be enough, but it wasn't. With the clock counting down 5 .... 4 ... 3 .... I lift her up. I try to hit a button but the screen fades to black. The match ends. I see the " You killed X/X " screen and the numbers show she lived ....

... but I hear gurgling noises. And with the killed number screen still up, it goes up by one more.
Saved that video.


Had a match tonight playing as Jason. Killed just about everyone but there was one Deborah left hiding. I tracked her down and the clock hit 10 seconds till the end of the game. She swung at me and missed, she was limping. Tried to hit her with the weapon to save time thinking that would be enough, but it wasn't. With the clock counting down 5 .... 4 ... 3 .... I lift her up. I try to hit a button but the screen fades to black. The match ends. I see the " You killed X/X " screen and the numbers show she lived ....

... but I hear gurgling noises. And with the killed number screen still up, it goes up by one more.
Saved that video.

Sounds awesome lol, post it for us!


2 days and no Jason even with him set as preference. A change would be nice.

I play almost every night and I don't think I have been Jason in a public match in over a week. I know everyone wants to be Jason but they need to fix this so you get to play as him every 8 games or so.

Truth be told I am starting to lose interest in this game because it is getting repetitive being a counselor non stop.
I play almost every night and I don't think I have been Jason in a public match in over a week. I know everyone wants to be Jason but they need to fix this so you get to play as him every 8 games or so.

Truth be told I am starting to lose interest in this game because it is getting repetitive being a counselor non stop.

I think they need to find a solid way to implement that if they're going to do that.

If not, people are shitty, and would join/bail games until it's their turn to be Jason.
He was gushing over the game

He gave it pretty positive review and highlighted how fun it is, but did take it's score down alot because of all the server issues and glitches, also that he feels that the game doesn't have enough content for it's $40 price tag
I know people care that got the skin through backing it. I backed it but didn't get the skin cause I chose not to. I would not have purchased from PSN.

I think that skin should only be for those that got it through backing. It's a little in game thank you from the dev team for supporting their game.

Edit: good games guys cya tomorrow
How about a little thank you for everyone who bought a $40 game that barely worked at launch.


I think they should release a form of Savini Jason (stats/weapons) to everyone as DLC but give him a different visual skin or something, maybe give it to day one buyers as a free DLC as an apology. That at least alleviates the issue of a gameplay-altering character no longer being locked behind a preorder bonus. I still don't like that a Jason with his own pros/cons was locked behind a preorder bonus and I don't like that it's seemingly okay for them to do it because they're an indie dev

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