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Friday the 13th: The Game |OT| You and your friends are dead. GAME OVER

Xaero Gravity

This whole mess has been an absolute shit show. You've got PS4 backers fucked with the fact that non backers are now running around with the skin, and PC and XB1 non backers are fucked over by not getting a chance to buy the skin themselves.


I think they should release a form of Savini Jason (stats/weapons) to everyone as DLC but give him a different visual skin or something, maybe give it to day one buyers as a free DLC as an apology. That at least alleviates the issue of a gameplay-altering character no longer being locked behind a preorder bonus.

On the F13 subreddit someone suggested they do this but remove the glow from the Savini Jason, that way you can tell who the original backers were and who the Sony backers are. No clue how doable that is but it still lends some credibility of exclusivity.

This whole mess has been an absolute shit show. You've got PS4 backers fucked with the fact that non backers are now running around with the skin, and PC and XB1 non backers are fucked over by not getting a chance to buy the skin themselves.

Another way to look at it is Gun Media and Illfonic just got a huge inadvertent infusion of capital to help keep the game up and hopefully keep content and patches coming on a regular schedule.


For what it's worth I honestly doubt that many people bought the Savini skin when it was up on the PS Store. You had to have your eye glued on gaming forums/twitter to even know it went up.

Xaero Gravity

I think they should release a form of Savini Jason (stats/weapons) to everyone as DLC but give him a different visual skin or something, maybe give it to day one buyers as a free DLC as an apology. That at least alleviates the issue of a gameplay-altering character no longer being locked behind a preorder bonus. I still don't like that a Jason with his own pros/cons was locked behind a preorder bonus and I don't like that it's seemingly okay for them to do it because they're an indie dev

Technically he wasn't a pre order bonus though. He was a thank you for funding development. Kickstarter and Backerkit aren't a storefront and shouldn't be treated as such.


I'd rather Jason X over Savini. I wonder how much money they've made = how many skins and maps we will get. They expected only about 30k right?


I say just let those who got lucky keep it. I wish I was one of them. The issue with the skin is that it was presented as a skin and not a character will different skillsets. Why they went this route when promoiting it, I have no idea. I am sure if they madeit known that the Savini "skin" would have different skillsets, more would have purchased.

Either way, I chose not to, whatever the reason was, it's on me.

I think the best option, as many have said, make another Jason with some skillset, but different skin. Sell it for $5 and call it a got damn day.
This whole mess has been an absolute shit show. You've got PS4 backers fucked with the fact that non backers are now running around with the skin, and PC and XB1 non backers are fucked over by not getting a chance to buy the skin themselves.

I mean..."fucked"

I was "fucked" when my toilet broke. Not when someone got to buy something I also got to buy.
We get it, you don't care about the issue with Savini Jason and thus nobody else should.

I care about the health of the game over some entitled whining over a mistake that isn't even the fault of the developers.

All that people are doing is hurting the game over trivial thing instead of concentrating on helping a game that they supposedly enjoy and needs support.


I want 2009 reboot Jason honestly



This whole mess has been an absolute shit show. You've got PS4 backers fucked with the fact that non backers are now running around with the skin, and PC and XB1 non backers are fucked over by not getting a chance to buy the skin themselves.

I was a PS4 backer. Please explain to me how getting the Savini Jason for $5.99 yesterday "fucked" you? You sound salty.

If this DLC was meant as a reward for backers (and I backed the Friday the 13th kickstarter the very first day, I think within an hour after it went up), then they should have given it to the people who kickstarted the game. Not sold it to a few backers who were lucky enough to learn about it and who purchased it during an arbitrary period months before the game launched.

Xaero Gravity

I care about the health of the game over some entitled whining over a mistake that isn't even the fault of the developers.

All that people are doing is hurting the game over trivial thing instead of concentrating on helping a game that they supposedly enjoy and needs support.
Entitled whining? Oh come on. Backers are more than allowed to voice their displeasure over the issue of a promised exclusive, and nobody is blaming the devs on this as the issue was clearly not their fault.

I was a PS4 backer. Please explain to me how getting the Savini Jason for $5.99 yesterday "fucked" you? You sound salty.

If this DLC was meant as a reward for backers (and I backed the Friday the 13th kickstarter the very first day, I think within an hour after it went up), then they should have given it to the people who kickstarted the game. Not sold it to a few backers who were lucky enough to learn about it and who purchased it during an arbitrary period months before the game launched.
I don't disagree with that.

But apparently discussing issues from a point of view that doesn't conform to yours is just me being salty. This place is turning into the SubReddit but with a cleaner lay out.


I still maintain my belief that pre-order locked exclusives are bad. And in my opinion kickstarter incentives are just pre-order bonuses with a different coat of paint on them.

Won't happen. Devs have said it's a licensing rights issue with that particular Jason/movie

I wonder what the licensing issues are owned by Paramount
I was a PS4 backer. Please explain to me how getting the Savini Jason for $5.99 yesterday "fucked" you? You sound salty.

If this DLC was meant as a reward for backers (and I backed the Friday the 13th kickstarter the very first day, I think within an hour after it went up), then they should have given it to the people who kickstarted the game. Not sold it to a few backers who were lucky enough to learn about it and who purchased it during an arbitrary period months before the game launched.

I mean they did. I got the Savini Jason and the counselor clothes as part of my Kickstarter reward.

Xaero Gravity

I still maintain my belief that pre-order locked exclusives are bad. And in my opinion kickstarter incentives are just pre-order bonuses with a different coat of paint on them.
To each their own, but I find that viewing crowdfunding sites as just another marketplace as very risky.


To each their own, but I find that viewing crowdfunding sites as just another marketplace as very risky.

It kind of is though? I mean, yeah, you're funding the game but you're basically simultaneously purchasing a copy of the game as well. You effectively paid for the Savini Jason Friday the 13th Edition exclusively at Gamestop


Anyways, back on topic lol. If there's any DLC I want in this game it's these three things

1) Pamela Vorhees
2) Jason Vorhees from Freddy vs Jason
3) 2009 Jason

Unfortunately it sounds like the later two aren't gonna happen :(


Entitled whining? Oh come on. Backers are more than allowed to voice their displeasure over the issue of a promised exclusive, and nobody is blaming the devs on this as the issue was clearly not their fault.

I don't disagree with that.

But apparently discussing issues from a point of view that doesn't conform to yours is just me being salty. This place is turning into the SubReddit but with a cleaner lay out.

Tomato, tomahto. It obviously bothers you that a few people (maybe a few hundred, who knows) managed to get the DLC during the short time it was available yesterday. They got lucky. Just like you did when you bought it from backerkit at the right moment. It shouldn't bother you. It's still quite exclusive.

Xaero Gravity

Anyways, back on topic lol. If there's any DLC I want in this game it's these three things

1) Pamela Vorhees
2) Jason Vorhees from Freddy vs Jason
3) 2009 Jason

Unfortunately it sounds like the later two aren't gonna happen :(
License owners for 2009 Jason weren't even interested in speaking to them apparently, and FvJ Jason was off the table, but before the game came out the devs hinted that talks might resume.

Pamela was a stretch goal but they obviously didn't make it, so she has the best chance out of everyone there.


Movie rights baffle me because I'm confused as to who has the licensing rights to 2009 Jason since it was another Paramount movie

Xaero Gravity

Tomato, tomahto. It obviously bothers you that a few people (maybe a few hundred, who knows) managed to get the DLC yesterday during the short time it was available yesterday. They got lucky. Just like you did when you bought it from backerkit at the right moment. It shouldn't bother you. It's still quite exclusive.
There's clearly no discussing the issue with you without your passive aggressiveness, so I'm done discussing anything with you. In the end, I'm glad you were able to grab the skin.


I was a PS4 backer. Please explain to me how getting the Savini Jason for $5.99 yesterday "fucked" you? You sound salty.

If this DLC was meant as a reward for backers (and I backed the Friday the 13th kickstarter the very first day, I think within an hour after it went up), then they should have given it to the people who kickstarted the game. Not sold it to a few backers who were lucky enough to learn about it and who purchased it during an arbitrary period months before the game launched.

Absolutely spot on.

1. It wasn't clear initially which tiers included the skin. Some high tiers ommitted it, would be easy to assume this was due to text space on the KS. Not that they were excluded.
2. Group tiers didn't offer emails and backer kit to each member of the group. So people didnt know.
3. The game quality was unknown at the time. For those who already dropped money on the game, an aesthetic skin was probably not considered a big deal. But now the game is out it's apparent it's much more than a skin.
4. Lots of people who backed simply weren't aware of it, they're overjoyed the game is finally out and turned out well, and want to support the devs - the response they get is that they didn't support the game enough or missed out and are met with hostility from the community and the devs, who fail to even offer a compromise.

It's an indefensible position from the devs that has created division and bad feeling in the community. On top of the bugs and broken matchmaking.


So my overall post-patch experience last night was

-- Get into games within 30 to 90 seconds.
-- Half the time I'd become host of a game
-- Games would fill up fairly quickly
-- Later on in the night games took longer to fill up
-- Inviting people into public games seemed really glitchy

Beyond that, it was a really smooth experience last night.

Oh, and to all of the people who didn't get to play as Jason in a while. I have a hunch that like 90% of people playing right now have their preference set to Jason so... yeah
Post patch for me was hit and miss. Got into rooms quickly but they were half filled. Played one game with 4 people in it. When I eventually did get a full room half weren't using their pics and the few that were were kids screaming their lungs out.

So, smooth yes, but QuickPlay is a double edged sword
Movie rights baffle me because I'm confused as to who has the licensing rights to 2009 Jason since it was another Paramount movie

2009 was a split production from New Line, Paramount, and Platinum Dunes, so that's my guess as to why we won't be seeing him.

Though it really doesn't make sense. You've got 1-8 being Paramount, then 9, X, and Freddy vs Jason from New Line. So we have Jasons from two different studios, but won't be getting 2009 or FvJ. The Friday the 13th rights are more fucked than I thought.


Post patch for me was hit and miss. Got into rooms quickly but they were half filled. Played one game with 4 people in it. When I eventually did get a full room half weren't using their pics and the few that were were kids screaming their lungs out.

So, smooth yes, but QuickPlay is a double edged sword


Got into games within a minute every time but the first game I got into was half-full of 10 or 11 year olds saying weird shit so I spent that entire game hunting down fellow survivors while accusing them of collusion with the enemy. The next two games nobody used a mic so I just went to the PS4 community page and found a group there.


There's clearly no discussing the issue with you without your passive aggressiveness, so I'm done discussing anything with you. In the end, I'm glad you were able to grab the skin.

I wasn't trying to be passive-aggressive at all; I thought I was discussing the issue in a level-headed manner. Sorry for calling you salty, but can you really deny you weren't positively excited when you thought the DLC would be revoked last night?

Anyway, I think we can all agree the developers handled the Tom Savini Jason DLC badly.
Any content that's not purely cosmetic (like the counselor DLC) should not have been distributed this way. At the very least they should have offered it until launch day, or better yet given it to all backers.
we need the savini skin for free because these servers are so garbage and frustrating. every time last night we'd set up a game it would just drop mismatch or at match end. I wish I could refund this so freaking frustrating.


So my overall post-patch experience last night was

-- Get into games within 30 to 90 seconds.
-- Half the time I'd become host of a game
-- Games would fill up fairly quickly
-- Later on in the night games took longer to fill up
-- Inviting people into public games seemed really glitchy

Beyond that, it was a really smooth experience last night.

Oh, and to all of the people who didn't get to play as Jason in a while. I have a hunch that like 90% of people playing right now have their preference set to Jason so... yeah

My time last night on PS4 a was flawless as far as matchmaking, until right before I shut it off. I kept being put in rooms by myself. Is it me or does the game seem smoother?


Idea: If they really wanted to distinguish backers and non-backers, they could for instance display usernames of backers in red.

Xaero Gravity

I'd say the biggest issue since the patch is the removal of friendly fire in private matches. Friendly fire in this has led to some hilarious accidents during the GAF private matches we had, so hopefully it returns as an option sooner rather than later.


Do people keep getting disconnected from games? XB1 user here. It seems more often than not, I will get the message, Lost connection to host or something along those lines.

It frustrates me to no end because I'm only level 9. If the majority of these games didn't end abruptly then I would have been a much higher level by now.

I think it could be due to a poor connection to the host during a private match...but just another reason why host migration is sorely needed.

How am I ever going to get my Tiffany Cox eye candy at this rate?!

+1 for Jason X skin

I do hope this generates some movement on some other horror license games. This type of gameplay would be a perfect fit for a Nightmare on Elm Street game. Warner Bros has their own game division so you think they would explore that themselves.
I'd rather Jason X over Savini. I wonder how much money they've made = how many skins and maps we will get. They expected only about 30k right?

Jason X would be OP AF. Still would be cool. I'd also like to see an attack Jason can use to summon kid Jason in the lake if you try to escape via boat
Their stance is their fault.

No justification not to offer it again via Backer Kit.

Any backer that has the skin that would be annoyed at other backers or players getting access needs to re-evaluate the shit they care about. I've been made to feel unwelcome by the devs and community for a game I funded to develop.

Back to Overwatch. And hopefully Ubi fix Siege soon.

Wow you are just straight up being a baby about this.
2009 was a split production from New Line, Paramount, and Platinum Dunes, so that's my guess as to why we won't be seeing him.

Though it really doesn't make sense. You've got 1-8 being Paramount, then 9, X, and Freddy vs Jason from New Line. So we have Jasons from two different studios, but won't be getting 2009 or FvJ. The Friday the 13th rights are more fucked than I thought.

I mean, I don't know how impossible it would be since every one of the films you listed above exist in the same blu-ray collection. I guess it's more just "that's a pain in our ass we're not interested in having"


I'd say the biggest issue since the patch is the removal of friendly fire in private matches. Friendly fire in this has led to some hilarious accidents during the GAF private matches we had, so hopefully it returns as an option sooner rather than later.

And if memory serves one Jason created fight to the death between two Counselors, with the survivor being spared.
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