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Friday the 13th: The Game |OT| You and your friends are dead. GAME OVER

Xaero Gravity

Being able to disarm traps with a weapon at the cost of it is a nice idea, but I think it should only be the wrench.

SidAlpha put out a video about the developers failing to give out the kickstarter rewards for this game (as well as the state the game is currently in).
Of course SidAlpha posts a video without waiting for a resolution that took less than 25 hours. Figured he'd learn from the last video he posted that resulted in one of the devs and his family getting doxed and threatened.

UPDATE: Good news everyone! Randy and I have come to an agreement and I have gotten a refund. I'm satisfied and am still a backer, just not at $500. Thanks, Randy, for taking the time to address the concerns of me and everyone else.



Yo, you guys. I've noticed lately that this game makes people salty as fuck. Buncha whiny ass bitches everywhere. I have a real life friend that I've known since high school that I actually hang out with on a weekly basis that I also play the game with, and I invited Voorhees last night to her lobby cuz he messaged me if we could make room.

Unfortunately, he seems to have lost connection on both games we played. Anyway, She started freaking the FUCK out about how he was spawn killing her on PURPOSE and laughing about it. To be honest, I found it funny too how much she was tripping about it. I told her to calm down, that I've been "spawned killed multiple times tonight. It's part of the game." Get this, she was so mad about the fact that "I didn't have her back about it", she texted me saying "I'm done having people in my life only to get hurt or argue." ABOUT BEING SPAWN KILLED BY JASON. And me not defending her I guess? Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I am actually going to her house tonight to pick up the Friday the 13th collection I let her borrow because she said,"I'll just give you your movies and money back to you." (I'm in the process of selling her an older laptop) Which I thought was funny as hell. I was all, "Oh, money back? You mean you still want the laptop even tho I'm the worst person ever in the history of ever?" Un-fucking-believable.

Xaero Gravity

Yo, you guys. I've noticed lately that this game makes people salty as fuck. Buncha whiny ass bitches everywhere. I have a real life friend that I've known since high school that I actually hang out with on a weekly basis that I also play the game with, and I invited Voorhees last night to her lobby cuz he messaged me if we could make room.

Unfortunately, he seems to have lost connection on both games we played. Anyway, She started freaking the FUCK out about how he was spawn killing her on PURPOSE and laughing about it. To be honest, I found it funny too how much she was tripping about it. I told her to calm down, that I've been "spawned killed multiple times tonight. It's part of the game." Get this, she was so mad about the fact that "I didn't have her back about it", she texted me saying "I'm done having people in my life only to get hurt or argue." ABOUT BEING SPAWN KILLED BY JASON. And me not defending her I guess? Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I am actually going to her house tonight to pick up the Friday the 13th collection I let her borrow because she said,"I'll just give you your movies and money back to you." (I'm in the process of selling her an older laptop) Which I thought was funny as hell. I was all, "Oh, money back? You mean you still want the laptop even tho I'm the worst person ever in the history of ever?" Un-fucking-believable.
Sounds like something Voorhees would do. He ruined one of my frendship too.

Not really, Voorhees is an awesome dude. One of the few GAF members I enjoy playing with xD


Sounds like something Voorhees would do. He ruined one of my frendship too.

Not really, Voorhees is an awesome dude. One of the few GAF members I enjoy playing with xD

Voorhees is awesome. I told her that if you have some arbitrary rules that Jason is not allowed to "spawn kill" maybe you should let everyone know beforehand." She didn't take that well either. Lol

Xaero Gravity

Voorhees is awesome. I told her that if you have some arbitrary rules that Jason is not allowed to "spawn kill" maybe you should let everyone know beforehand." She didn't take that well either. Lol
Tell her to next time just sprint away and hide since Jason doesn't have shift or sense.
Just had a game where 3 of the players I was killing as Jason disconnected so I got no credit. This is getting stupid as hell.

What's even the point? Just salty spite?


People were pissed at me for killing at the beginning as well which is so weird to me. Especially because this dude was trying to make his way to my house and grab the sweater anyway like...yeah should I just let that happen?


Yo, you guys. I've noticed lately that this game makes people salty as fuck. Buncha whiny ass bitches everywhere. I have a real life friend that I've known since high school that I actually hang out with on a weekly basis that I also play the game with, and I invited Voorhees last night to her lobby cuz he messaged me if we could make room.

Unfortunately, he seems to have lost connection on both games we played. Anyway, She started freaking the FUCK out about how he was spawn killing her on PURPOSE and laughing about it. To be honest, I found it funny too how much she was tripping about it. I told her to calm down, that I've been "spawned killed multiple times tonight. It's part of the game." Get this, she was so mad about the fact that "I didn't have her back about it", she texted me saying "I'm done having people in my life only to get hurt or argue." ABOUT BEING SPAWN KILLED BY JASON. And me not defending her I guess? Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I am actually going to her house tonight to pick up the Friday the 13th collection I let her borrow because she said,"I'll just give you your movies and money back to you." (I'm in the process of selling her an older laptop) Which I thought was funny as hell. I was all, "Oh, money back? You mean you still want the laptop even tho I'm the worst person ever in the history of ever?" Un-fucking-believable.

Holy crap!! I am sorry man.

Please tell her the only reason I was laughing was because as I was following her she was yelling about how she's got the keys and the fuse and she's gonna fucking die with them and fuck everyone else and then she went in the water and said come kill me.


People getting mad about other players playing the game as intended are ridiculus. Like oh I'm being cheap because I won't pick you up when it's very clear your half ass attempt at running away is trying to bait me into getting pocket knifed? I'm a n oob for killing you at the start because you tried putting the gas in the car that I warped to in the first minute of the game?

Just silly.


Who knew that the demographic for a Friday 13th slasher game (adolescent males aged 14-40), would include high levels of toxicity, saltiness, misogynism, homophobia and racist behaviour?

I appreciate the free NES skin, but the devs amateur attitude over Savini, banning users exploiting technical problems, trying to control the reddit community... coupled with the lack of content, janky counselor movement, bugs, repetitive gameplay, broken perk system etc.

I'm out until the next major content and bug update.
Who knew that the demographic for a Friday 13th slasher game (adolescent males aged 14-40), would include high levels of toxicity, saltiness, misogynism, homophobia and racist behaviour?

I appreciate the free NES skin, but the devs amateur attitude over Savini, banning users exploiting technical problems, trying to control the reddit community... coupled with the lack of content, janky counselor movement, bugs, repetitive gameplay, broken perk system etc.

I'm out until the next major content and bug update.

I feel like they should add a perk in the next update where if someone says "I fucked your mother" over voice chat, Jason should get an automatic stat boost. He would take that shit way more personally than anyone else.
I was in a lobby tonight and this kid started accusing me of "hacking" because I knew how to use combat stance as Jason to deflect flare gun/disarm traps.

Then in the next round, as a counsellor, I shot him (Jason) and he's like "That's hacks bro, you weren't even aiming at me"... I don't know how this guy can seriously think I have somehow hacked the game, to make it so that my Jason is invincible and I can shoot Jasons as a counsellor without aiming at them. He was from overseas playing in an Aus lobby, so maybe bad ping explains the second bit.

Same lobby, the host who had been playing the game normally for about 3 hours suddenly started teamkilling me (or beating me to a pulp and leaving me for Jason to finish off) and talking in a pretend Scottish accent, because a Scottish kid who just got the game today was Jason and he wanted to help him.

That is the one and only time that I found cheating in this game amusing, because the character he suddenly started talking as was pretty fucking hilarious. I hit him back one time when he said something about my mum, but didn't carry a grudge over to the next round like I normally would, cos overall it was just too funny.

The Scottish kid in an earlier match came hobbling over to me as Tommy after being killed already. I kindly gave up my only med spray for him to heal himself. Seconds later, Jason grabbed him and started a kill animation. The guy starts calling me a cunt because I "left him to die"... lol. Then angrily tells me to kill myself and he hopes I die a horrible death next round when I killed him fair and square as Jason. Lols.


Have they really nerfed the "thick skinned" perk? I hope not because I have a 49%

Before the patch I gained a yellow one at 33%

After I gained a yellow with 17%.

So either some weird glitch has happened or they nerfed it.

Either way it needed to happen cause Thick Skin is/was too good.


Before the patch I gained a yellow one at 33%

After I gained a yellow with 17%.

So either some weird glitch has happened or they nerfed it.

Either way it needed to happen cause Thick Skin is/was too good.

Based off reddit, users on steam found that they were getting lower percentage versions of the perk a few weeks ago and reported it. The GUN employee said they were gonna look into it and apparently after that last update all thick skin perks were adjusted down to the new levels. Devs didnt mention it so people are finding out on their own and are upset about the lack of communication.

Also seems that as long as you dont remove the perk you keep the old levels on that character even if the perk says otherwise.


Another game I get tonight. I spend the first 8 minutes with a jason chasing me, just me around the map while im still putting parts into the 4 door and ducking in and out of houses. I finally die. Look at the other counselors, and 3 arejust hiding under a bed. I message one guy asking him to try doing something like call tommy. He messages me back "I'm eating".

I can't even.

Some people spend WAY too much time in this game and become really shit teammates as a result.

On one hand, I wonder why those folks don't just leave the lobby and wait a bit before hopping into a new session -- on the other, this game has real issues with connections and quality sessions can be hard to find, but it's really selfish to just hunker down and not give that spot to someone willing to play.
Window tag has become one of the most boring things that constantly happens in this game. Counselor finds the window in a cabin to park by, and just goes in and out whenever jason tries to get him/her. Traps are limited so often you don't got any and if you do they often figure it out and just go to another window. Even if you shift, they have more than enough time to slowly climb through a window ignoring broken glass, while this takes no stamina. Throwing knives are only real help but they are limited and easy to dodge. Worst on the slow jasons but works on any of them. Have watched this three times today while spectating, Jason's just spend a whole bunch of time trying to catch a person who just sits at windows and jumps back and forth causing timer to go down.


Based off reddit, users on steam found that they were getting lower percentage versions of the perk a few weeks ago and reported it. The GUN employee said they were gonna look into it and apparently after that last update all thick skin perks were adjusted down to the new levels. Devs didnt mention it so people are finding out on their own and are upset about the lack of communication.

Also seems that as long as you dont remove the perk you keep the old levels on that character even if the perk says otherwise.

My 33 still exists and hasn't been lowered or anything. I have it equipped to every Counselor.
Lol. I still have my thick skinned perk with a 50% damage resistance but I'm probably going to sell it.

I never try to get into fight with Jason anymore and I rarely see melee focused Jasons. Most just grab


Lol. I still have my thick skinned perk with a 50% damage resistance but I'm probably going to sell it.

I never try to get into fight with Jason anymore and I rarely see melee focused Jasons. Most just grab
I love it for sirviv8ng his traps near objectives when I don't have pocket knives, or when a teammate tries killing me or Jason decides to hack away at me. Idk I love it

Maximus P

I seem to be getting more full games on xbox recently.

Unfortunately, I'm starting to dislike this game more and more by the minute. Out of the 20+ games I've played, I've only ever witnessed one person escape and that was becuase the guy playing Jason was still trying to figure out the buttons as he was new to the game. 99% of the time jason just uses the teleport move to rip through the counselors. I have never escaped Jason once he lays his eyes on me, not once. I've managed to knock him over, distract him with fire crackers, stab him with the knife, yet he gets right back up and teleports right up to me a insta-kills me. You can't hide, you can't run, Im now seeing why some people resort to cheap tactics.


Have they fixed host ruining a game by leaving on the other systems? Also daily no Xbox update. Cool, cool cool cool.
I seem to be getting more full games on xbox recently.

Unfortunately, I'm starting to dislike this game more and more by the minute. Out of the 20+ games I've played, I've only ever witnessed one person escape and that was becuase the guy playing Jason was still trying to figure out the buttons as he was new to the game. 99% of the time jason just uses the teleport move to rip through the counselors. I have never escaped Jason once he lays his eyes on me, not once. I've managed to knock him over, distract him with fire crackers, stab him with the knife, yet he gets right back up and teleports right up to me a insta-kills me. You can't hide, you can't run, Im now seeing why some people resort to cheap tactics.
I escape almost every game and can manage to shake Jason even with stealth characters. Git gud.
My original epic thick skin perk gave me 50% damage reduction, and 0% penalty.

Noticed yesterday that it had been reduced to 20%, with a 1% stumble chance increase.

No wonder I'd been getting beaten to a pulp in a matter of a few hits as of late. Used to be able to take attack after attack.

Annoying but oh well, 50% was a bit much. Will just have to git gudder to make up for it.

Maximus P

. Git gud.

Thanks for the help. I will make sure to use this informative advice before I have another go.

It does however seem like I'm playing with other players that need to 'git gud'. Like i said, I've only witnessed one escape in 20+ games and that was down to luck rather than player skill.

A single player tutorial would be so much help. I'd find it difficult to recommend this game to casual players like myself.
To be honest a lot of it is luck based on where parts spawn. I've had a game where the first cabin I went into had the phone box fuse inside it and the phone box was on the same cabin. 30 seconds later I'm calling the police.

Of course this was early on. Most Jason's have wised up that the phone box is more pressing to cut off than the car for that very reason and morph there second after the car if not first thing to trap the fuse box.

But for me games where everyone dies is definitely the minority but it happens and it should happen it's far worse when half the people are escaping game after game.


I seem to be getting more full games on xbox recently.

Unfortunately, I'm starting to dislike this game more and more by the minute. Out of the 20+ games I've played, I've only ever witnessed one person escape and that was becuase the guy playing Jason was still trying to figure out the buttons as he was new to the game. 99% of the time jason just uses the teleport move to rip through the counselors. I have never escaped Jason once he lays his eyes on me, not once. I've managed to knock him over, distract him with fire crackers, stab him with the knife, yet he gets right back up and teleports right up to me a insta-kills me. You can't hide, you can't run, Im now seeing why some people resort to cheap tactics.

This just seems... extremely unlikely. I have officially played with some very good players, and they don't even clear the board consistently.
I came across a group of morons glitching tonight in a way I've never even seen before.

They were basically glitching off the map, then running around the outskirts of it - completely impervious to any attack. Throwing knives aimed perfectly would do nothing, because the knives can't go past the invisible border presumably...

It was in an Australian lobby with 4 people from Aus doing this shit, clearly people who know each other. At the end with about 2 minutes left, I pm'd the host "Enjoy your permabans - congrats on "winning" " then left the game. Then I posted a screenshot of the 4 players names from the in-game summary to the Aus F13 community group.

Somehow I neglected to actually save the video of the match, probably because I quit right after I sent the PM. Damn. I had never really considered going to the lengths of actually reporting someone in this game before, but the sheer thoughtlessness and "fuck everyone else" mentality it takes for someone to choose to play the game in this way is beyond pathetic.

One of them was running along the edges of the map and then I got into the water, not yet aware that I couldn't get them at all.

Their character went in the water beyond the boundary and swam around for a while, I couldn't get past the invisible border. Another two were at one of the exits in clear sight but unable to be attacked unless they came out to a certain point where I could just barely get the odd melee hit on them.

Previous match in same lobby - I was the only counsellor who was actually playing the game properly so spent the whole time being pursued by Jason until he eventually killed me. I would check the map occasionally and wondered "Wtf, why are there like 4 guys all in a group on the edges of the map".

I thought they were just trying to hide somewhere that he wasn't likely to morph to, wasn't till the next round where I was Jason that I became aware of their fuckery.

The fact that it's likely one of these little cunts learned this glitch and is now "teaching" it to others so that they can enjoy ruining the game for decent people is what annoys me most about this.

Definitely weren't kids either based on how they sounded through their mics. When it's a 12 year old glitching and fucking around, it's annoying but you can think "Well I did dumb shit too at that age". When it's clearly adults it's just some sad, depressing shit. Decency isn't fucking hard.


I came across a group of morons glitching tonight in a way I've never even seen before.

They were basically glitching off the map, then running around the outskirts of it - completely impervious to any attack. Throwing knives aimed perfectly would do nothing, because the knives can't go past the invisible border presumably...

It was in an Australian lobby with 4 people from Aus doing this shit, clearly people who know each other. At the end with about 2 minutes left, I pm'd the host "Enjoy your permabans - congrats on "winning" " then left the game. Then I posted a screenshot of the 4 players names from the in-game summary to the Aus F13 community group.

Somehow I neglected to actually save the video of the match, probably because I quit right after I sent the PM. Damn. I had never really considered going to the lengths of actually reporting someone in this game before, but the sheer thoughtlessness and "fuck everyone else" mentality it takes for someone to choose to play the game in this way is beyond pathetic.

One of them was running along the edges of the map and then I got into the water, not yet aware that I couldn't get them at all.

Their character went in the water beyond the boundary and swam around for a while, I couldn't get past the invisible border. Another two were at one of the exits in clear sight but unable to be attacked unless they came out to a certain point where I could just barely get the odd melee hit on them.

Previous match in same lobby - I was the only counsellor who was actually playing the game properly so spent the whole time being pursued by Jason until he eventually killed me. I would check the map occasionally and wondered "Wtf, why are there like 4 guys all in a group on the edges of the map".

I thought they were just trying to hide somewhere that he wasn't likely to morph to, wasn't till the next round where I was Jason that I became aware of their fuckery.

The fact that it's likely one of these little cunts learned this glitch and is now "teaching" it to others so that they can enjoy ruining the game for decent people is what annoys me most about this.

Definitely weren't kids either based on how they sounded through their mics. When it's a 12 year old glitching and fucking around, it's annoying but you can think "Well I did dumb shit too at that age". When it's clearly adults it's just some sad, depressing shit. Decency isn't fucking hard.

It's ok even with footage of cheaters there is no guarantee they'll do jack shit. Take it from me.








(she's bi)


Just had a game where I had gas and both cars had the battery installed (I also had the keys). I ask over the radio what everyone would prefer as the two door was near me and 4 door was across the map. 2 people say 4 door but Jason is there, to which Tommy says hell distract Jason for us to get away. I say ok and start my way across the map. When I get close to the car I ask if anyone could put the gas in cause Im buggzy and have horrible repair. No one volunteers so I spend 2 minutes filling the damn thing up. Tommy is telling people to get to the car but for some reason theyre staying in the houses (cause Jason is in the area despite the fact hes chasing Tommy). I get in the car, start it, sit there for about a minute waiting for them to come to me; nothing. So I say fuck it and start driving. I pick someone up on the way and we escape, to which I hear this girl start freaking out at me about taking the 4 door instead of the 2 door to escape.

I ask if shes serious because I called out what I had and what the plan was and everyone agreed to do the 4 door and leave. She responds that I only had 2 people so I should have taken the 2 door despite me being the only one with keys and the gas for 1 car anyway and no one had anything else to start the second car. I ask why she didn't come to me when she was near the 4 door when I called it out 5 minutes before even getting there, and she says its because Jason was around. I bring up that Tommy was distracting him and even kept repeating he had Jason stuck to him. She just calls me illogical and a retard, and then says thats why "She hates white people, and they wonder why black people hate them". I just respond with "actually I totally understand why you hate white people but this really doesnt have anything to do with anything". She just keeps saying im autistic and retarded and illgoical for not using the 2 door despite the fact I specifically asked and we agreed upon using the 4 door so i could take more people-how is it my fault you decided not to come out of the house right next to the car and leave with me when you knew for 5 minutes what was happneing? Just unbelievable, the one time I try to help randoms because I think "Hey theyre all using mics and trying to be helpful so I'll work with them" they don't end up doing what they said they wanted me to do and then blame me.


Once I start the car, I tell anyone near it that they have 5 seconds to get in before I take off.

Normally Im the same way and if you happen to be near the road on the way out and jason isnt right there I'll stop for you too. But like we had an entire plan set up so i figured Id give them some time to make their move When I saw there was zero movement from the houses on the map to make their way to the car I decided to peace out. Lesson learned I suppose.


Once I start the car, I tell anyone near it that they have 5 seconds to get in before I take off.

Same. Once the keys are in and the car's started, if you haven't communicated interest in hopping in and you're not nearby or near a route towards the exit, cya l8r - no matter the # of seats available. Same deal with the boat, too.


I still cant get over the vast quality difference between the PS4 and PC versions.

Only thing PS4 has over PC IMO is the car and jason shift control so much better (yes i use a controller for both systems), and that may be due to my shitty laptop.
I am honestly wondering if Xbox players will get anything as an apology. It really does suck that they haven't had any of the patches PC and PS4 have had.

How long ago did PS4 get the patch?


I am honestly wondering if Xbox players will get anything as an apology. It really does suck that they haven't had any of the patches PC and PS4 have had.

How long ago did PS4 get the patch?

About a month. Well. 3 more days till it's officially been a month Xbox has received a patch y'all had. Fuck these guys honestly


I asked their Facebook page via message about the XB1 version back on July 3rd and got a response today.

Pasted below with name removed and username added instead:

Hey, Ganhyun! Fixes are on the way for Xbox One and are looking promising. We hope to submit to review in no time, but we want to be certain. We'll update our players as we have more info to share. Thanks for bearing with us!

So basically it hasnt even been submitted to MS yet.


Not as deep as he thinks
This lobby of randoms I was playing with FINALLY managed to kill Jason, but only the Tommy player gets the trophy? That's such fucking bullshit.


I asked their Facebook page via message about the XB1 version back on July 3rd and got a response today.

Pasted below with name removed and username added instead:

Hey, Ganhyun! Fixes are on the way for Xbox One and are looking promising. We hope to submit to review in no time, but we want to be certain. We'll update our players as we have more info to share. Thanks for bearing with us!

So basically it hasnt even been submitted to MS yet.

None of us who play on this platform are the least bit surprised. In fact I'm more surprised y'all still put up with this. I check back here every other day to see if there's an update but let's be real.
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