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FTL: a game about managing a spaceship in an infinite galaxy


Sounds like a cloaking device. You can buy them too. Basically it let's you charge up your weapons, while your opponent can't charge his. Also being immune to attacks, it's great for repairing damage. It is very expensive though at 150 scrap.

Sounds exactly right! I was totally flummoxed. Fires everywhere. Poor star sailors.

That is pretty expensive. I haven't yet figured out a good price/performance ratio for most things in the game.


Although there are probably millions of ways this game can pan out - and you could write fiction of your adventures - the finest moments usually come down to dumbassery from the Captains chair. Mine would be:

Captain: "Hey Crew."
Crew "Yes, Sir?"
Captain: "One final Volley to send that ship to oblivion."
Crew: "But, Sir!"
Captain: "No buts, shoot them!"
Crew: "On your orders Sir.


Captain: "OK that sorts that out. Now beam back the Away Te...."

Crew: - collective facepalm


So far, I'd go along with

"Crew, have we managed to destroy the enemy threat?"
"Yes sir!"
"Excellent. Move onto the next beacon, posthaste!"
"But sir two of our men have died and we're desperately running out of oxygen!"


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Is there direct Mod support for this game or is it like Grimrock was?

No direct mod support. You can manually add a few things in the data file, here is the thread is the most recent info about how/where to mod in one place:

These are the current findings about what is possible to mod:
Disabling the rebel pursuit is simple. Instructions: http://www.reddit.com/r/ftlgame/comments/zyzl1/modder_has_figured_out_how_to_disable_fleet/c6911ii
Or.. find "START_GAME" and "START_BEACON" in events.xml and add <modifyPursuit amount="-100000"/>
All character names share the same list
Ship statistics, systems and weapons are open to changes, but some limitations are in place (need more testing)
Adding and moving rooms of a ship is possible
The room layout (shipname.txt) file syntax is like this: http://pastebin.com/8nprzHH6
Graphics elements can be changed

Saw some people mod graphics and ship contents, including a 4 man teleporter, but I guess that would replace one of the options so far instead of purely adding new ones. Guess we need to hope for the devs giving mod support past launch for decent mods. Currently its a bit of a mess since it all edits the same file, meaning everyone needs to fiddle with modding stuff himself if he wants to add more than one mod.

Example I mentioned:


Saw some people mod graphics and ship contents, including a 4 man teleporter, but I guess that would replace one of the options so far instead of purely adding new ones. Guess we need to hope for the devs giving mod support past launch for decent mods. Currently its a bit of a mess since it all edits the same file, meaning everyone needs to fiddle with modding stuff himself if he wants to add more than one mod.

Ya the best case would be for the Devs to give us more robust tools, but that'd would just be even more icing on an already deliciously iced cake made of awesome. Can't wait to see what kind of content updates they add.


How useful are the weapons that cause fires? I've never really bothered with them.
Wait for it.*
Man, got to the final area after having found NO GOOD WEAPONs, but did have long range sensors, shield boost and quicker weapon reloading and dropped scrap into shields so my Kestrel was a pretty decent tank. What am I supposed to do in the last level? Run around try to get upgrades? Rushing the final boss didn't work too well as I had no heavy hitting weapons.

I got a "Fear the Great Pirate <>" event. What made it funny was the guy was a total pushover.
I was playing just to mess around with a different setup and ended up at the end having found no good weapons. I had an Ion Blaster, Laser, Hull Beam and Healing Bomb. My Mantis boarding party had fully leveled combat skills so I had that going for me.

Also I had like 800 scrap (was waiting for something to spend it on.)
Checked my cargo bay: Laser, Fire Bomb, Laser.
I had close to 50 missiles so I say; 'Well, let's try out the fire bomb.'

I did not know there was an achievement for that.
Results were... (spoiler pic) Impressive.
I beat the final boss without taking more than 1 bar of damage from it. I want to say I didn't take any damage from it and that's just residual damage from the campaign.

*If you don't want to click the spoiler image: Fire is very effective.
FTL |OT| Captain's Log: "We killed our boarding party again."


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Wait for it.*

I was playing just to mess around with a different setup and ended up at the end having found no good weapons. I had an Ion Blaster, Laser, Hull Beam and Healing Bomb. My Mantis boarding had fully leveled combat skills so I had that going for me.

Also I had like 800 scrap (was waiting for something to spend it on.)
Checked my cargo bay: Laser, Fire Bomb, Laser.
I had close to 60 missiles so I say; 'Well, let's try out the fire bomb.'

I did not know there was an achievement for that.
Results were... (spoiler pic) Impressive.
I beat the final boss without taking more than 1 bar of damage from it. I want to say I didn't take any damage from it and that's just residual damage from the campaign.

*If you don't want to click the spoiler image: Fire is very effective.
FTL |OT| Captain's Log: "We killed our boarding party again."

Thats a good OT title, haha.

How many shots did it take with the fire bomb to reach that level of havoc? And how the hell did you have 800 scraps left to spend.


Thats a good OT title, haha.

How many shots did it take with the fire bomb to reach that level of havoc? And how the hell did you have 800 scraps left to spend.
The Scrapper Arm early helped, but mainly it was from sticking to nebulae and never finding a weapon I wanted to buy. I also never used missiles until that last mission. The only weapon I didn't find was the Ion Blaster.

My crack shot gunner planted a bomb in every room. If I wanted to save I would have destroyed the door control first (that the boss doesn't have!), but I had so many bombs.

Session Record for scrap collected says 2333.


I was thinking that this game wouldn't become Minecraft-esque since it lacks the huge world nature and quite enough depth...but if they add more content, and/or ways to be slightly more in control of your destiny, and/or mod support, they could very well have a huge playerbase. I hope they take the approach of free updates and growing the playerbase for income rather than paid DLC. I feel the former worked very well for Minecraft.


I think a good riffing on Dark Souls would be a funny OT.

FTL |OT| Prepare To Die Edition

I also liked the Redshirt comments, so something like..

FTL |OT| You're the Commander. Your crew are the Redshirts. Don't get attached.
Dunno if this has been posted, I found the creator of Minecraft in FTL :-


It appears Notch is really a Zoltan. Naturally this is probably a result of the kickstarter I believe if you donated $100 or more you got to name a crew member.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Dunno if this has been posted, I found the creator of Minecraft in FTL :-

It appears Notch is really a Zoltan. Naturally this is probably a result of the kickstarter I believe if you donated $100 or more you got to name a crew member.

Try renaming a ship before starting the game and leave the name blank. Those are the two "big"/obvious easter eggs discovered so far.


Try renaming a ship before starting the game and leave the name blank. Those are the two "big"/obvious easter eggs discovered so far.
I also mentioned a crew member named Dolan (possible meme thing), and someone mentioned a reference to the Dread (slug) Pirate Roberts.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I also mentioned a crew member named Dolan (possible meme thing), and someone mentioned a reference to the Dread (slug) Pirate Roberts.

Ah yeah, I forgot to ask. What are those referencing?


Ah yeah, I forgot to ask. What are those referencing?

Dolan is a stupid and unfunny meme.

Dread Pirate Roberts is referencing The Princess Bride, and novel and movie.

If you haven't seen the Princess Bride you should watch it.


Ah yeah, I forgot to ask. Whats the reference with those?
Dolan is a meme I don't like, with messed-up drawings of Donald Duck and Goofy and everything misspelled in weird ways like "gooby pls".

The Dread Pirate Roberts was a character from the Princess Bride. Movie spoiler:
It's more of a role than a character, since multiple people actually took over the role of the Dread Pirate Roberts when the previous one would retire.
. And yes, it's a funny and cute movie. :)


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Thanks for the answers :)


I plugged 15 hours into this game over the weekend, I think I'm in trouble. I have yet to beat the rebel flagship, I keep on making it there, but not having decent enough equipment. I always find myself pretty short on scrap, I feel like I must be doing something wrong!


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I plugged 15 hours into this game over the weekend, I think I'm in trouble. I have yet to beat the rebel flagship, I keep on making it there, but not having decent enough equipment. I always find myself pretty short on scrap, I feel like I must be doing something wrong!

You know you can sell equipment you dont need? I missed that during my first 10 hours, that basically solved all my scrap problems.


I plugged 15 hours into this game over the weekend, I think I'm in trouble. I have yet to beat the rebel flagship, I keep on making it there, but not having decent enough equipment. I always find myself pretty short on scrap, I feel like I must be doing something wrong!

I'm assuming it's going to be one of those games where you hit a wall repeatedly until you blast through it and never look back. You're supposed to lose a lot and learn something every time you do. I've only made it to the flagship twice and lost both times (in spite of my absurdly overpowered Engi ship) in 10 hours.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I'm assuming it's going to be one of those games where you hit a wall repeatedly until you blast through it and never look back. You're supposed to lose a lot and learn something every time you do. I've only made it to the flagship twice and lost both times (in spite of my absurdly overpowered Engi ship) in 10 hours.

Only managed to beat it once too (on easy), especially thanks to my weapon pre-igniter. That thing is a godsend in this game.


Only managed to beat it once too (on easy), especially thanks to my weapon pre-igniter. That thing is a godsend in this game.

I felt like such a badass the one time I had a pre-igniter and an Ion Weapon. Just ripped through everything in my way until the flagship
Almost had the second form down but my hull had taken too much damage in the first fight. :(
Do you set priorities for what systems you take down first during a boarding party run?

Like, first Shield, then Weapons, then Engine?

I go for weapons and O2, as the crew always responds to damage on those two systems and is more likely to split them up, making it an easier fight. I try to get enemy crew down to around 1/2 health or less before beaming over. OF course, if I get an alert that he's powering up his FTL drives, I get my guys back asap and focus all fire on engines.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
That reminds me that I'd love to see some hard numbers on how much effect levelling up has. Like 5% more damage for each level up on a fighting char and how much damage the races do. The wiki might have something on that.


That reminds me that I'd love to see some hard numbers on how much effect levelling up has. Like 5% more damage for each level up on a fighting char and how much damage the races do. The wiki might have something on that.

Make a Mod that has little tiny combat numbers flying off their little tiny heads.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Make a Mod that has little tiny combat numbers flying off their little tiny heads.

We can check the numbers ourselves right now too. Just pause/unpause the game and write down the amount of damage your crew did by hovering over the enemy unit. A bit tedious though, these numbers over their head would be appreciated.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Well I know who -I'm- sending on dangerous planet trips! (well actually you don't get to choose but still)

You could send him on dangerous boarding missions against Rock or Mantis every time you get him, like a South Park Kenny joke.


My fire bomb strategy was not so successful...

Spoiler Image

Any suggestions? :D They can't attack me, but I can't get through the shields. Can't do much with boarding parties.

Edit: Aaand my boarding party died. Screw this game. :)


My fire bomb strategy was not so successful...

Spoiler Image

Any suggestions? :D They can't attack me, but I can't get through the shields. Can't do much with boarding parties.

It'll take time. I made the same mistake and left my ion bombs on autoattack while they had a defense drone lol.

But yeah, finally took down all three forms!

edit - I only used boarding parties on the guns. Sending them to the actual system rooms is just bad because of the medic room (unless you have that disabled)


I should have saved the bombs for the actual ship and boarded all the weapons, I guess.

I suicided my remaining guys by boarding.


My fire bomb strategy was not so successful...

Spoiler Image

Any suggestions? :D They can't attack me, but I can't get through the shields. Can't do much with boarding parties.

Edit: Aaand my boarding party died. Screw this game. :)
Here's how I did it.
First: Tank
I was using the Red Tail so drones were ignored. The scrap saved there was used to max cloaking. With max cloak, shields and engines you can pretty much avoid all damage.

Second: Disable Weapons
Use the teleporter and board 3 weapons of your choice. Your Ion Blaster can fire at whatever it wants. Leave one gunner alive.

Third: Kill the Crew
Plenty of options for this part of the mission. I did this by jumping my Mantis Militia onto the bridge and then firebombing the Medical Bay.

Fourth: Fire The damn Lasers
This is after the crew is dead (except one gunner.) You are now free to do as you please. I could have used my Mantis Militia to break everything, but I was too afraid of the ship jumping off with them trapped inside. Also I had so many bombs so I just burned everything. If you are looking to conserve resources then take out its shields and kill it with beam weapons.

It may be possible to do this with far fewer fire bombs. The only portion of this strategy where they are really necessary is during Phase 3. You need something to finish off the crew when they try to heal.

*Hugely important detail I almost glossed over. Heal bombs make this strategy a million times easier to execute. I can't believe I overlooked that part.


Oh, how could I forget...

Faster than Light |OT| Small cakes made from stiff dough.

Re: above post, thanks. I think part of my problem with this game might be a dogged refusal to ever buy the cloaking system.
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