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FTL: a game about managing a spaceship in an infinite galaxy


Dunno if this has been posted, I found the creator of Minecraft in FTL :-


It appears Notch is really a Zoltan. Naturally this is probably a result of the kickstarter I believe if you donated $100 or more you got to name a crew member.

I had a human named Notch.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...

ugh..new at using GIMP..and my skilsl suck =S

Try just using the second part as background (after the FTL), put the FTL writing on top and scrap the other writing, leaving the ship and "FTL" on the same background.

That should be fine for now then :)


I Really love everything about this game EXCEPT I hate the mechanics of boarding. A good idea but in practice even when I kill the attackers quickly it makes me want to stop playing.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
*Ship gets boarded, opens all doors expect Med Bay and Cockpit, invaders destroy door controls*

Sometimes opening the doors doesn't go as planned

That exactly happened to me on my second game. I had a serious WTF moment as I realized that my crew was all trapped in the med bay, the only place left with O2. I had to cycle crew in and out of the door control room (which had no air) to repair the door controls, luckily no one died but it took me quite some time. Those invaders sure did wreck some havoc on my ship though.

That game ended when the rebel fleet caught up to me at the exit of Sector 3, they wittled my ship down and took out my engines just as my jump drive was about spooled up. Crushing defeat, lol
Bought game yesterday and have been messing around with it since, even started a let's play. I have to say congrats to the developer. I love it, deceptively simple yet so much depth.


Awesome game. I can't help but to think of some cool additional stuff though like your crew having to cut through the doors like boarders when door controls are 100% dead. And maybe add another level of sensors with the minimum only showing their weapons and engines room (obvious hotspots).
I managed to get the sector before the last one. Good crew, good weapons, nice shield and engine. Until another random encounter and somekind of terminator board my shop alone and wreck my entire crew under 10 seconds.


I can't deal with boarding. I have no idea what to do. Send crew to cqc? They get ass raped wild space pirate style.

I should be able to airlock the shit of any intruder boarding my ship in the instant.

But when I do that they just wander around killing crew and systems...

How can I deal with boarding ? How do I prevent them to move around freely?


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I managed to get the sector before the last one. Good crew, good weapons, nice shield and engine. Until another random encounter and somekind of terminator board my shop alone and wreck my entire crew under 10 seconds.


I can't deal with boarding. I have no idea what to do. Send crew to cqc? They get ass raped wild space pirate style.

I should be able to airlock the shit of any intruder boarding my ship in the instant.

But when I do that they just wander around killing crew and systems...

How can I deal with boarding ? How do I prevent them to move around freely?

You need to upgrade doors, that means they take way more time to walk through your ship. Then you have 2 teams of 2 crew members alternating the fighting while the other crew rests in the rest bay.

You can also try damaging their ship so they will try to get their crew members back for repair jobs.

If all else fails, try to shoot down their ship as soon as possible and wait in your health regen room for them to come while they wreak havoc on the rest of the ship.


The easy mode is hard. And it´s fun how the game feels like a old NES game, with no continues, but at same time is totally a PC game.

They need to release a iPad version. iPhone too much small.


I managed to get the sector before the last one. Good crew, good weapons, nice shield and engine. Until another random encounter and somekind of terminator board my shop alone and wreck my entire crew under 10 seconds.


I can't deal with boarding. I have no idea what to do. Send crew to cqc? They get ass raped wild space pirate style.

I should be able to airlock the shit of any intruder boarding my ship in the instant.

But when I do that they just wander around killing crew and systems...

How can I deal with boarding ? How do I prevent them to move around freely?

Upgraded doors and mantis. Lack of o2 won't make any difference to the boarder drones.

You could fight/wait in the medic bay and hope for the best in that they don't take down your o2 room or weapon control (if you're still fighting a ship)


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
How does this game play with a laptop touchpad? Also has anyone tried running it on a GMA950 MacBook?

Played half of the time on my touch pad. Works pretty well since the game has a pause function you'll use often, and in the non combat situations its turn based anyway.


I can't help but feel incredibly sad when all my crew die to invaders except for one.

He's left by himself, fixing the ship alone, almost destined for death



I finally decided to try out the crew teleporter... did not end well. The enemy ship blew up with my crew onboard even though I stopped attacking it (was at 1hp though)
I built a ship that completely decimated the boss. He had no chance at all, I guess the lowest I got was to 20 hull, but I got hull repair bots for that!

Also had faster weapon recharge and weapons fully charged after FTL jump.
Linked for spoilers.


I finally decided to try out the crew teleporter... did not end well. The enemy ship blew up with my crew onboard even though I stopped attacking it (was at 1hp though)

I had a similar experience in an asteroid field, it's not wise to board ships there...
I built a ship that completely decimated the boss. He had no chance at all, I guess the lowest I got was to 20 hull, but I got hull repair bots for that!

Also had faster weapon recharge and weapons fully charged after FTL jump.
Linked for spoilers.

The right weapons for the job, I guess. I had everything maxed out and had a really hard time getting through the shields. And I didn't have enough missiles.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
From the FAQ:
What are your plans for player created content / modding?

It’s something we’d love to have, but will likely be outside of our initial scope. We’re open to considering it post release.



Finally able to atleast finish it on easy.
Luck is a big part of this game, I found the scrap recovery arm way back in sector 2 which gave me heaps of scrap to upgrade.
First 5 times I couldn't even get past the first boss-encounter, now he hardly hit me.

Also a fun fact, after a surrender of a pirate in a non-dangerous zone, I was calmly fixing stuff and healing crew members, even browsing the web a bit for a good minute when suddenly I hear their ship break apart.
I think they got overwhelmed by the flames after my last laser cut.


marked forever
I managed to get the sector before the last one. Good crew, good weapons, nice shield and engine. Until another random encounter and somekind of terminator board my shop alone and wreck my entire crew under 10 seconds.


I can't deal with boarding. I have no idea what to do. Send crew to cqc? They get ass raped wild space pirate style.

I should be able to airlock the shit of any intruder boarding my ship in the instant.

But when I do that they just wander around killing crew and systems...

How can I deal with boarding ? How do I prevent them to move around freely?

I put my crew in my medbay, and then vac the rest of the ship. It forces the enemy boarders to either suffocate, or fight in my medbay.


will learn eventually
Faster Than Light |OT| I think we should call it "your grave"

For easier reference:

Faster Than Light |OT|This land? I think we should call it "your grave"


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I looked at the augmentations and thought "amazing!!!" - started the game up and was like "where the FUCK are my hard boiled shields?!"


Yeah, first thing I usually do with that ship is selling that hull augmentation and buy a some shields. You need to have that buy the end of the first sector, then you should be doing okay.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Probably going with

FTL |OT| Space Oregon Trail: A Ship Full Of Red-shirts And No Picard

I love the comparison to Oregan Trail, but the red shirts picard thing was often loved, SO I'LL COMBINE THEM. :p


Any tips on beating the boss on easy? I managed to get their twice with the Engi ship but both times I got destroyed.

I haven't been reading the thread so I'm probably just doing everything wrong :p
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