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FUNimation Quituples Down on Broadcast Dubs – Offers New Primetime Streaming Block

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Another major point about dubs is that they make it easier to grow the audience. Many people are willing to write something off cus of subtitles no matter the subject or origin of the video.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Another major point about dubs is that they make it easier to grow the audience. Many people are willing to write something off cus of subtitles no matter the subject or origin of the video.

This too. There's a lot of people that HAAAATE subtitles. I often hear stories about people going into foreign films not knowing they're foreign and bitching that they have to "read".
Faulconer music hasn't been used in any DBZ dub in probably close to a decade. Have you even watched the DBZ Kai dub or are you, like it seems many, basing your critiques on ancient work?

The music after the Faulconer music is the Japanese music...
The English voice actor gets that across just fine.

I really don't understand how having a child-like personality means he has to literally sound the same as he did when he was 10 years old. He can keep his personality and still hit puberty, you know.
His Z voice is deeper than it was in DB. Also they don't get the fact that he's a hick across in the english dub at all.


The music after the Faulconer music is the Japanese music...

His Z voice is deeper than it was in DB. Also they don't get the fact that he's a hick across in the english dub at all.

A) Pretty much none of the recent DBZ English voice work uses Faulconer's music. Why are you even bringing it up? That is what is confusing me. The Kai dub, which is what anyone has been listening to in the past few years, is much better than the original dubs Funimation did for the show.

B) Goku being a bumpkin comes across pretty clear through his personality, the things he actually says, etc. An implausibly high pitched voice isn't required to get that across (not that I have any real qualms with the original Japanese voice actress)
A) Pretty much none of the recent DBZ English voice work uses Faulconer's music. Why are you even bringing it up? That is what is confusing me. The Kai dub, which is what anyone has been listening to in the past few years, is much better than the original dubs Funimation did for the show.

Because that person said they prefer the music from the English dub. The only music that was ever made for the English dub was the Faulconer music because everything after uses the Japanese music. Pay attention to a conversation before butting in.

B) Goku being a bumpkin comes across pretty clear through his personality, the things he actually says, etc. An implausibly high pitched voice isn't required to get that across (not that I have any real qualms with the original Japanese voice actress)

Nozawa's Goku voice is not "implausibly high pitched" in Z, and it also has a fair bit of rasp to it and it gets pretty deep when Goku is serious. His screams are high pitched, sure, but over all he isn't much more high pitched than typical Japanese voice acting for characters that aren't supposed to be hyper masculine.

I should probably mention that I like the Kai dub and actually really like Schemel's Goku voice. I just don't think it is definitively better than Nozawa. There are a few points though that I think he did a better job, his Super Saiyan 3 transformation scream is one example as Nozawa did a really weird "Kikikikikikik" thing.


I love rewatching my favorite shows dubbed. It makes watching something again feel fresh. Sometimes the dubs are better as well. I love both subs and dubs in anime. Whynotboth.gif


Because that person said they prefer the music from the English dub. The only music that was ever made for the English dub was the Faulconer music because everything after uses the Japanese music. Pay attention to a conversation before butting in.


I swear that line wasn't there when I read that reply but I guess my eyes were playing tricks on me or something. Woops.

Nozawa's Goku voice is not "implausibly high pitched" in Z, and it also has a fair bit of rasp to it and it gets pretty deep when Goku is serious. His screams are high pitched, sure, but over all he isn't much more high pitched than typical Japanese voice acting for characters that aren't supposed to be hyper masculine.

I should probably mention that I like the Kai dub and actually really like Schemel's Goku voice. I just don't think it is definitively better than Nozawa. There are a few points though that I think he did a better job, his Super Saiyan 3 transformation scream is one example as Nozawa did a really weird "Kikikikikikik" thing.

Goku and Luffy are the only high profile, far post-pubescent (as in out of high school) shonen males roles I can think of played by women. I mean they work because the actresses are talented but I do think that overall their pitch and tone is higher than you would expect given those characters (morseo Goku than Luffy). I just don't think Goku's mannerisms or upbringing (his "hickness so to speak") are lost or particularly diminished in the English performance.

I swear that line wasn't there when I read that reply but I guess my eyes were playing tricks on me or something. Woops.

Goku and Luffy are the only high profile, far post-pubescent (as in out of high school) shonen males roles I can think of played by women. I mean they work because the actresses are talented but I do think that overall their pitch and tone is higher than you would expect given those characters (morseo Goku than Luffy). I just don't think Goku's mannerisms or upbringing (his "hickness so to speak") are lost or particularly diminished in the English performance.
For them to accurately portray Goku in the English dub they'd have to change the way he says a lot of things (gonna instead of going to, fixin' instead of fixing and things like that) and add some more hick-like words like ain't, they don't have to give him a southern accent or anything, that'd be wait too on the nose, but he should be speaking perfect English. And like I said, outside of some really weird screams I think Nozawa does a grate voice with the pitch she gives Goku, the serious voice that she does is especially good and pretty damn deep.


When I used to be heavily into anime I always felt at odds with most anime fans I knew since I never had a problem with dubs. I found Funimation had the best track record with dubs even a decade ago and I think this plan is great moving forward. I've recently got back into anime after a few years hiatus and I subscribed to funimation since they have a pretty good selection of dubbed anime compared to other services I've seen. I don't care much for watching ongoing series aside from One Piece so it suits my needs pretty well. Compared to the amount I spent on DVDs at the height of my obsession with anime I find it to be a steal.


I love dubs, Part of it is it allows my eyes to watch the animation and part of it of it is I smoke pot.


I'll try a sub out for 3 months before deciding if I want to commit to a year.

Is there an easy way to watch this stuff on Apple TV or PS4?

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air

Any of you guys/gals subscribers to Funi's site? I've been trying to figure out whether it's worth the loot.
I signed up the moment they I found out psycho-pass 2 broadcast dub was happening, which was right after I had watched season 1 on netflix, I've been loving it.

For a giant anime fan that doesn't have the attention span for subs, its amazing.
Any of you guys/gals subscribers to Funi's site? I've been trying to figure out whether it's worth the loot.

Been a subscriber since they started it. Really convenient for the dubs they release and even subs for shows before they release them on disc or even when they add them to their site and all. WOrthwhile since its better than renting or even buying the shows. (Though I still buy the ones I really like).

Broadcast dubs was great for Laughing Under the Clouds. Also watched their Date A Live dubs and a few other shows. (Baka & Test for example).


Any of you guys/gals subscribers to Funi's site? I've been trying to figure out whether it's worth the loot.

Me. I started watching the One Piece dub on Hulu because I was bored and wanted to watch something. I got hooked but they only had the first season in english. I then went and subscribed to the Funimation site to continue watching the dubs. The website is clunky and the PS3 app is even worse with frequent freezes but it is better than nothing. I am more than happy to support them for making this shit available in english at a reasonable price because fuck reading subtitles.


Junior Member
Dubs have definitely gotten better, and dubs have always been commercially more successful than subs, but ironically I watch dubs less today than back in the mid 2000's. The main reason is I still don't like how the translation comes out. Most of the time it doesn't sound like standard English at all. A lot of Japanese games have the same problem, a big example being Final Fantasy XIII. At least with subs the language barrier provides an extra layer between me and how the script was written.

The exceptions are shows and games that take a lot more liberties with the script. Persona 4 and Final Fantasy XII are great gaming examples. I only saw a little of it but Sgt. Frog is probably a good anime example. Instead of translating the Japanese script they just rewrote in a way that sounded more natural to anglophones and I think they were better for it.
I've been debating signing up for this, and indeed much of the reason I buy physical anime is to support solid English dubs. It is extremely rare that I buy an anime blu/dvd that only has a Japanese dub, a recent example being the classic Space Adventure Cobra TV. Having heard here and there that this Funi initiative is doing well is good to hear.

In fact, might as well sign up now to watch and add $ support.
Oh hey it's 2015 and people still see dubs as worse than Hitler apparently

I've just learned to ignore it, there's always going to be those types of people.


Any of you guys/gals subscribers to Funi's site? I've been trying to figure out whether it's worth the loot.

I've been one for a while now, basically since they first launched the service. I use it all the time, so it's definitely been worth the money to me. If you sign up for one year you only have to pay $4.99 a month so I would say that's a pretty good deal. They usually release a new dubbed series each week, sometimes two or even more. Plus they have simulcasts for a bunch of big shows like One Piece and Fairy Tail, among others, if you don't care to watch them with subs.

The Roku app is pretty great now, and the PS3 app isn't too bad. I just wish my PS3 blu-ray remote would work better with it, the pause/play buttons don't even work.


Me. I started watching the One Piece dub on Hulu because I was bored and wanted to watch something. I got hooked but they only had the first season in english. I then went and subscribed to the Funimation site to continue watching the dubs. The website is clunky and the PS3 app is even worse with frequent freezes but it is better than nothing. I am more than happy to support them for making this shit available in english at a reasonable price because fuck reading subtitles.

I don't know if you used it recently, but the last website update about a month ago really helped with the clunkyness, as while it's still clunky to set up, with the queue system and the site now remembering where you left off, at the start of the season you just have to make a list of shows you want to watch, bookmark your queue and then jump onto that page and click the show you want to watch and it will start with the next episode you are on. Way better than how it was before that where it didn't remember where you were :/

weird part is it was retroactive, so they had been tracking where you left off, just didn't do anything with it.
I don't know if you used it recently, but the last website update about a month ago really helped with the clunkyness, as while it's still clunky to set up, with the queue system and the site now remembering where you left off, at the start of the season you just have to make a list of shows you want to watch, bookmark your queue and then jump onto that page and click the show you want to watch and it will start with the next episode you are on. Way better than how it was before that where it didn't remember where you were :/

weird part is it was retroactive, so they had been tracking where you left off, just didn't do anything with it.
wait! it actually remembers which episode you left off on!?


I get upset when the English script doesn't even come close to the original Japanese script and the choice of voice actors is incredibly inappropriate for the characters, which often completely butchers the intended personalities and attitudes of the characters. That happens more often than it doesn't so I just sidestep dubs altogether, so I can avoid ripping my eardrums out in frustration.
Assassination Class room sounds fine.

and Nagisa sound more like a girl the more I listened

Isogai didnt sound like male class rep material, and Karasuma sensei didnt sound like his voice fit :/

Terasaka sounded lovely, and Maehara was good. Itona, Irinia, and Karma kun are next for me to determine if its a good dub or not.

Rebel Leader

Isogai didnt sound like male class rep material, and Karasuma sensei didnt sound like his voice fit :/

Terasaka sounded lovely, and Maehara was good. Itona, Irinia, and Karma kun are next for me to determine if its a good dub or not.

I did find karasuma voice a bit far out to match the character

I'm waiting for karma and ....umm whats the name
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