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G. Kamitani replies to J. Schreier's Kotaku article on Dragon's Crown (slightly NSFW)

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I'd imagine the game's thread and news threads would end up like Dungeon Fighter, Double Dragon Remake, and that 8bit anime beat-em-up coming to 360 if it didn't have ecchi characters.

I don't think so, Vanillaware games (Odin Sphere, Muramasa: The Demon Blade) have always gotten a lot of hype and appreciation on GAF both before and after release.
But that is just him arguing for what he feels is right. No different to anyone elses thoughts on what they feel is right.

He's arguing for what he feels is right on our behalf on a subjective matter I don't agree with. You then asked what's wrong with pushing an agenda. Another person responded and you said it's only disingenuous if you present yourself as speaking for others when you are in fact not. Whether he feels it's right or not, whether he's doing it subconsciously or not, this is what he's doing. I called him on it. Don't shoot the messenger.

Your comment was not directed at an individual, but people that you call 'fans'. If their interest is for less depiction of women that look like this, pushing their agenda is completely legitimate.

Again, "fans" is his wording, not mine. Who is to say the most vocal complaints represented all or even a majority of "fans?" If I had contributed to that Kickstarter I would be pissed at this sort of meddling and self-righteous attitude about what's "better."


force push the doodoo rock
Let's pretend that i have an issue with how woman are portrayed in Baywatch.

The creator responds with a picture of 3 half naked men and implies this would better suit my taste.

I don't know how much cultural differences can take you on this.

Ehhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhh

Last thing I'll say is he doesn't need to say anything to defend his art. But he should definitely clarify his intent with that comment.

Also, someone should really give game industry people lessons on how to use social media.


I seriously love this guy art style, yes you could say he can go over the top with this and that, but in general he is awesome, so Jason fails to see the big picture, I think.

Dead Man

Its certainly ambiguous, the original "article" complained that all the artwork was of sexualised women, the artist drew a picture of sexualised men as a tongue in cheek counterpoint. You're the one reading into it.

Also, perhaps we could stop referring to insinuations of homosexuality as "insults"?
When the insinuation is calling someone a homosexual as an insult, yeah, it's not okay. If you can't see why I don't know what to say.
Kamitani might be implying that the article writer is gay for not liking the sorceress, but he didn't say "fag". Come on. I look at his reply as a bad and childish joke.

Well if he didn't say fag it must not be an problem. Without clarification about his intent it is difficult to judge the response, but using a particular word or not is not a great metric.

He's arguing for what he feels is right on our behalf on a subjective matter I don't agree with. You then asked what's wrong with pushing an agenda. Another person responded and you said it's only disingenuous if you present yourself as speaking for others when you are in fact not. Whether he feels it's right or not, whether he's doing it subconsciously or not, this is what he's doing. I called him on it. Don't shoot the messenger.

Again, "fans" is his wording, not mine. Who is to say the most vocal complaints represented all or even a majority of "fans?" If I had contributed to that Kickstarter I would be pissed at this sort of meddling and self-righteous attitude about what's "better."

Pretty sure he is arguing on his behalf of what he thinks society should look like, but okay. And if you had contributed to the kickstarter you would be pissed at people voicing an opinion? Damn.


You act like this game should be porn or something. The main selling point is that it is a high fantasy D&D style beat 'em up with a beautiful art style and animations. The attractive women are like a cherry on top.

How are boobs so large that they would make walking extremely painful/rip chest skin down to her fucking knees after a few years end up as attractive/sexy? Poor sorceress is going to need a back brace and skin repair of some sort.


People also need to learn to distinguish between erotic and pornographic when discussing the sexualization of said Sorceress. Nothing wrong with sex in itself, but its execution (erotic or pornographic) is the key to how the sexual content is interpreted.


The character design is 100% of the reason why I'm not buying the game.

Personally I don't care if male or female characters are butt ass naked, but in this case they are so so disgustingly deformed that is is completely distracting and cringeworthy whenever I see people post the gifs and drooling over them for some disturbing reason or another.

This basically. Shits weird yo.


GAF parliamentarian
The art that repulsed him was a single woman. The response could have been a single man. Why wasn't it?
Where are you going with this?

I feel like it's just as much up to personal interpretation as a poor translation and a piece of art.


Seek victory, not fairness
Get 'em while they're hot!





I don't think so, Vanillaware games (Odin Sphere, Muramasa: The Demon Blade) have always gotten a lot of hype and appreciation on GAF both before and after release.

Even so, (I'm not aware if those are beat-em-ups or not) what has been the main part of this discussion has been about from both sides are the bodies of the female characters that are in the game.


When the insinuation is calling someone a homosexual as an insult, yeah, it's not okay. If you can't see why I don't know what to say.

Well if he didn't say fag it must not be an problem. Without clarification about his intent it is difficult to judge the response, but using a particular word or not is not a great metric.

It is obviously not a good response, and he should clarify his intent - yes. But what he said is different from straight up using a slur.
At least he has the sense of humor that you lack. :p

Ad hominem. :p

On topic, I'm sure the art direction will dissuade and persuade people with regard to purchasing. I don't think creators should censor their work to appeal to a broader audience. Unfortunately for him, this guy just proved the writer's insinuation rather than refuting it.
Kamitani might be implying that the article writer is gay for not liking the sorceress, but he didn't say "fag". Come on. I look at his reply as a bad and childish joke.
How is anything Kamitani actually said, OR implied even, more immature than what J. Schreier said?

Getting all riled up over a grown, professional man drawing things that he wants is way more immature than drawing stylized characters ever would be.

How are boobs so large that they would make walking extremely painful/rip chest skin down to her fucking knees after a few years end up as attractive/sexy? Poor sorceress is going to need a back brace and skin repair of some sort.
I bring breaking news, there are people IN REAL LIFE with larger boobs than the sorceress. Its a video game. Grow up.
"You don't like the big breasted women so here are some sexualized men for you to enjoy."

The obtusity in here is getting nauseating.

I'll give you that it was poorly worded. But there's nothing ambiguous about it.

What do you think those three guys are doing in that picture? Because it looks a lot like foreplay.

Could any of you make an argument on how that piece, void of any context from interpretation (infering intent only gets us so far), is sexualized (or a bigger challenge, homosexualized)? I'd like to know what in its form and composition constructs the language that allows that reading.


So Kotaku says the game's art was immature and the reply is basically "LOL U R GAY!" And people defend the response. Fucking partisan bullshit. If the same article was about some Eastern European RPG instead of a flagship PS4 title you'd be singing a different tune.


It is obviously not a good response, and he should clarify his intent - yes. But what he said is different from straight up using a slur.

So if I hide my slurs through "thinly veiled", "ambiguously" worded sentences it's okay? And it's not like his clarification will actually clear anything up. He won't come out and say, "Yeah, Schreier totally wants muscular, oiled dwarfs."


When the insinuation is calling someone a homosexual as an insult, yeah, it's not okay. If you can't see why I don't know what to say.

The amount of psychics in this thread is fucking astounding, why arent you all out fighting evil or bankrupting casions instead of reading the mind of japanese game developers?

All we know is that he intended the picture and comment to be a retort to the article, we dont know if it was intended as an insult or a joke. We dont know if he meant to imply Mr Schreier was homosexual or if he was just pointing out that he draws all his characters in a hyper-exaggerated way.


Is this thread gonna end with futa doujin giveaways as well?

God I hope so.

Good times indeed.
That thread derailed so bad because of that.

But I wonder what the Kotaku Writer will say about this "response". (I can't be bothered to type his name)
This basically. Shits weird yo.

It is a videogame in which magic exists, you can probably get shanked and hit a ton and other unrealistic stuff...

but we are going to draw a line with insanely huge jugs?

No shit it doesn't make sense.

That's the beauty (your mileage may vary) of it all. It's what makes games awesome...the medium allows for silly shit like this.

and in the end...guys it comes down to taste.

Why should some tastes be neutered for the sake of your feelings or own personal tastes?


So Kotaku says the game's art was immature and the reply is basically "LOL U R GAY!" And people defend the response. Fucking partisan bullshit. If the same article was about some Eastern European RPG instead of a flagship PS4 title you'd be singing a different tune.

Flasgship PS4 title? You high? Though kudos on the irony of dragging some console war bullshit into a post complaining about "partisan bullshit"

Dead Man

The amount of psychics in this thread is fucking astounding, why arent you all out fighting evil or bankrupting casions instead of reading the mind of japanese game developers?

All we know is that he intended the picture and comment to be a retort to the article, we dont know if it was intended as an insult or a joke. We dont know if he meant to imply Mr Schreier was homosexual or if he was just pointing out that he draws all his characters in a hyper-exaggerated way.

What the fuck? You are the one that raised the idea of insinuation of homosexuality not being an insult.

Also, perhaps we could stop referring to insinuations of homosexuality as "insults"?

I replied that it could be very insulting depending on context. All I did was reply to the topic that you raised, mate.



Because this is power fantasy.
Add oil quality speculars, and it becomes sexualization.[/QUOTE]
So he already drew an exaggerated muscular dwarf. If that was really what he was trying to say, he could have just linked to that, right?


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I really do pity people who cannot appreciate Dragon Crown's art. It's so beautifully on point for the erotic fantasy style it's trying to be. But I guess some people do have the opinion that sexuality is reserved for teenagers, and not adults.

I wonder how Frank Frazetta, Heavy Metal would be regarded today

ZOMG Misogyny!


The amount of psychics in this thread is fucking astounding, why arent you all out fighting evil or bankrupting casions instead of reading the mind of japanese game developers?

All we know is that he intended the picture and comment to be a retort to the article, we dont know if it was intended as an insult or a joke. We dont know if he meant to imply Mr Schreier was homosexual or if he was just pointing out that he draws all his characters in a hyper-exaggerated way.

Hey, Uthred, your bus is here.


By your reasoning you don't have the right to read anything into what I posted. Do you? I just want you to leave this thread and I'm showing you a vehicle to do it with.


Add oil quality speculars, and it becomes sexualization.

That... still doesn't explain why he couldn't have just drawn those characters, ones that are actually in the game to show his point, rather than drawing not one, not two, but three naked dwarves.
offtopic : I am still kind of shock from a female friend of mine liking the queens blade and witch blade anime :p

Heh, I made similiar observations amongst my female peers when it comes to sexual contents in games and comics. My female flatmate finds humour in Dead or Alive, not offense - to the point that every so often when we have company, she asks me to show them the intro of Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 :p Another female friend of mine watched Zombie Ass - Toilet of the Dead (google it if you dare... Japanese B-movie from Noboru Iguchi who also did Robo Geisha and The Machine Girl) with me and we laughed all the way through that strange movie^^

Maybe, shockingly, some things really shouldn't be offensive but only a matter of taste instead.. and as I wrote in my first post, there are gender issues in the gaming world, but this total concentration on character designs (while most of the time completely ignoring the role of the character) in fantasy/scifi/superhero/b-movie style games is beginning to get on my nerves (I'd get the point if a character in, say, a more realistic game such as Heavy Rain would have a completely sexualized design not at all fitting their role). Woha, am I... offended?


GAF parliamentarian
So he already drew an exaggerated muscular dwarf. If that was really what he was trying to say, he could have just linked to that, right?
Seriously, where are you going with this? I feel like you might be dancing around a point but I can't tell what it is. And luckily, I'm not planning on putting words in your mouth.


Seek victory, not fairness
Am i the only that thinks this looks worse then the original picture? Haha take away their bodies NOW WHAT ARE THEY DOING?

For sure, it puts the emphasis on facial expressions and leaves the rest up to the imagination. They're not bad avatars, really, good facial expressions and all.


What the fuck? You are the one that raised the idea of insinuation of homosexuality not being an insult.

I replied that it could be very insulting depending on context. All I did was reply to the topic that you raised, mate.

I was pointing out that saying someone is gay isnt actually an insult (though it can of course be intended as an insult) and treating it as such is wrong. Your response to that implied that Mr Kamitani intended to insult Mr Schreier by calling him a homosexual. In turn I pointed out that you dont know what Mr Kamitani intended and were putting forward your interpretation of his intent as fact.


So, because people enjoy the art in this game and because people dislike Kotaku, it's perfectly fine to resort to an insult that boils down to "you are gay."

That's always nice to hear.

Dead Man

I was pointing out that saying someone is gay isnt actually an insult (though it can of course be intended as an insult) and treating it as such is wrong. Your response to that implied that Mr Kamitani intended to insult Mr Schreier by calling him a homosexual. In turn I pointed out that you dont know what Mr Kamitani intended and were putting forward your interpretation of his intent as fact.

No. All I said was that WHEN it is directed as an insult it is pretty offensive. Go read my post again.
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