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GAF Electronic Music Project Thread (Resurrected Edition!)

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Just so you know, I have the best avatars ever.
Also voted.

My track is coming together pretty well. I'm trying to keep it subdued, because that's what I'm hearing from a lot of other people.

But those bongo solos keep creeping back in :(
Any specific Track Length Restrictions?

The thing is, i had a track that spans at around 8 minutes. I can slice it down to 2 seperate tracks and i'll just send in one. :)


DopeyFish said:
Electrical or Acoustic?

Wow. I'm pretty late at replying lol. Both would be nice :)


Comics, serious business!
iced lightning said:
pretty cool track... I hear some autechre sounding synth action going on.

Thanks! You hit the nail on the head... my inspiration was Autechre's Amber album. I applaud your knowledge of all things Autechre!


Comics, serious business!
Karma Kramer said:
Holy shit.. awesome work RSTEIN



Comics, serious business!
lil smoke said:
Just listened to RSTEIN... well worth that 5 spot! That track has a great feel!

Mr Nash said:
RSTEIN, that song is great! Feels like something to listen to in a dungeon.

Thanks guys!

Hey Mr Nash... we really need to start getting a concrete song list going. Could you maybe update the OP with songs that are 100% finished? That way we can all listen to them and get a sense of what the compilation is going look like.

Mods... is there any way to contact FightyF? Did he get banned for something serious?
He kinda started this whole thing and I know he has a lot of material he could contribute.


Mine isn't 100% finished yet but if you want to get a feel for what it'll sound like heres the latest rough draft. Its a bouncy, whimsical house track I'm making with Outrun in mind.



It comes with all the usual disclaimers; tune not finished, needs mastering, I'm shit etc. All the sounds were made, tweaked and arranged on my EMX and I ran it through the KP3 while recording for some light compression and a splash of bpm filter delay.


Just so you know, I have the best avatars ever.
I really dug that, man. I think I would have picked it as Outrun without you even saying anything, too. Nice work.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
RSTEIN said:
Thanks guys!

Hey Mr Nash... we really need to start getting a concrete song list going. Could you maybe update the OP with songs that are 100% finished? That way we can all listen to them and get a sense of what the compilation is going look like.

Mods... is there any way to contact FightyF? Did he get banned for something serious?
He kinda started this whole thing and I know he has a lot of material he could contribute.

I've started posting the songs that are done, or almost done. It looks like we have four or five of them so far, which is pretty good.

I've talked to Fighty via MySpace. He's monitoring this thread and as far as I can tell he's still going to contribute something. He won't be back for a while yet, though. He was hit with a three month ban. >_<


Comics, serious business!
3 month ban... that sucks.

Thanks for updating the OP. All the stuff sounds good so far!


Comics, serious business!
Karma Kramer said:
Reposting my two tracks...

Scotch Crackle
1 AM

Hey Karma,

I like how Scotch Crackle evolves with new layers. Great job! One thing: there's a sshhhh ssshhh sound that comes in around 30 seconds that is panned to the right. Is this intentional?
RSTEIN said:
Hey Karma,

I like how Scotch Crackle evolves with new layers. Great job! One thing: there's a sshhhh ssshhh sound that comes in around 30 seconds that is panned to the right. Is this intentional?

I don't think I know what u are referring to...

At exactly :30?

Also do u like the remix more or less than the original?

Scotch Crackle (Remix)


And if I get that synth that I posted on the last page... what program would be good to use with that. Will Ableton 6 work with it? What about Logic Pro 8? And what do u use to compose and program ur music?

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Mostly coming in to relay a message from Fighty, but also a reminder to anyone who hasn't voted on the project name that the polls close at midnight. So if you want your say on the name, hop to it and vote. Now without further ado, a message from Fighty from beyond the ban veil:

FightyF said:
Heh, I can't really explain the ban. The message was cryptic and I can't see what earned me a 12 week ban. I won't go into any more details because who knows, maybe they'll use that as grounds for a perma-ban. I will say that I think other mods should look into it. I really, really think this is a case that should be looked into. Anyways...

I've had to take the last month off from any production, been really busy, but I'm ready to go now.

I've tried out that chain compression tutorial and applied it to BUZZ. Wow, I can't believe I haven't been using it all these years. It's less noticable when used on tunes made at 160bpm or higher, but still very useful. Until now I've been tweaking the attack on my bassline to get the same effect. Side chaining saves a lot of time, and for slower songs it really makes 'em jumpy.

Here's an example of a goa-ish test track I made to test it out. 8 bars with a basic "man with no name"-esque bassline, add in the hihats and snares, and then add in the bassdrum (without any compression), and then I add in the compression. Yes, I am over-doing it, I'm just having fun with a new toy. :D


And then I thought, "What if Ice Cap zone was made to a house-ish song rather than the eurodance-ish song it is?" Came up with this...doesn't sound too french housey though. Again, overdone in this case.


Note that in both cases I compressed the entire mix with the bassdrum. I could have (and probably should have) just applied it over the bassline. Or maybe heavier on the bassline, and another compressor on the rest of the mixdown but done a bit lighter on that.

For BUZZ users, here's how I did it. It's extremely simple. Your first input (the one you want to control the levels for) should be connected as Input 1 (L) and Input 2 (R) (you'll be able to do this once you connect the machines), and your second input (the one controlling the levels, ie. bassdrum) connect as Input 3 (L) and Input 4 (R).


Note the green line, instead of duplicating the bassdrum as in other programs, I could have fed it from the same source into the compressor. It makes things a lot easier especially when you are dealing with many drum patterns. I didn't do it so I could demonstrate how it sounds with and without compression, and have the bassdrum still playing.

I still don't know what I'll be working on yet. I've been playing around, coming up with a few "sketches". It's getting near the submission deadline, so I should make a decision pretty soon I suppose. I'm leaning towards doing a song suited for a racing game. I've read a news article that spoke of a University study that higher tempo music causes people to drive faster. So this sort of thing is up my ally. I'm also considering that rhythm also plays a big factor as well. You got 150-160bpm songs used for Initial D soundtracks, and though they aren't that fast as far as tempo goes, their leads and stabs are really rhythmic and help make the song seem more urgent. I'm also thinking of doing it freeform style to expose GAFers to that genre. While this is my goal at the moment, I'm the sort of person that makes music that reflects my current mood, and currently I'm more "blah" than anything else. Hopefully I can get in the zone soon. Consider this last paragraph as my GAFjournal entry. :p You guys pobably didn't need to read all that, hehe, sorry.

As far as mastering goes, the guy I go through does it around $30 US per track. I was thinking of sending a track I've done to him, have it mastered, and then submit it to this compilation. Now I was thinking...if anyone else wants, they can do that as well, so they cover the cost themselves and in the end we can have a fully mastered album. On the other hand, I can understand someone not wanting to pay to get it mastered, and this is something we probably don't want to enforce really. But if he were to do it, he would do the whole album at once and so it would sound really consistant. What do you guys think? If people think it's a bad idea, then I probably won't go for it and let one of our resident engineers have a whack at it and keep it simple (ie. don't touch the EQing, compression, or anything else, just make sure the levels are consistant).

Also, WOW at some of the talent here. I really can't wait for this album to come out!

I'd also like to thank Mr.Nash for taking over and doing an excellent job. The first thing I worried about when I got banned was this effort, I'm glad to see it continue!

I also wanted to ask an open question to everyone...is there anything missing from this plan? This is our first time, we're bound to be overlooking something, even something extremely trivial. In addition, does anyone have any ideas as far as distribution goes? Perhaps we can get a torrent going for the whole album? How does that work exactly?



Just so you know, I have the best avatars ever.
In regards to distribution, I still think The Archive (http://www.archive.org) is the best way to do it. It's not going to cost us a cent, it's easy for people to access, and it's reliable.


Hi Gaf!
I have been eyeing this, and like so many others, I wanted to clarify what would constitute an electronic music track.
I am working on some new stuff with a buddy of mine, and our tools are:
Original Yamaha DX7 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DX7)
Electric guitar
Electric harp
Acoustic guitar

Only one of these is acoustic as you can see, but you never know. Would I be eligable?
I am thinking of some fragments of song that I could possibly pull together for this project. It would be a concept song about being in a spaceship and going on an adventure. Is that up to snuff?

Thanks for the reply, I'd be quite interested in doing this.


Comics, serious business!
relaxor said:
Hi Gaf!
I have been eyeing this, and like so many others, I wanted to clarify what would constitute an electronic music track.
I am working on some new stuff with a buddy of mine, and our tools are:
Original Yamaha DX7 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DX7)
Electric guitar
Electric harp
Acoustic guitar

Only one of these is acoustic as you can see, but you never know. Would I be eligable?
I am thinking of some fragments of song that I could possibly pull together for this project. It would be a concept song about being in a spaceship and going on an adventure. Is that up to snuff?

Thanks for the reply, I'd be quite interested in doing this.

I don't want to speak for others but I'd say yeah, go for it. I'm looking forward to it.


Just so you know, I have the best avatars ever.
I am jealous as all shit of your DX7. Jan Hammer used one for most of the Miami Vice soundtrack, which is one of my all time favourite soundtracks.


Lets get Pink Floyd in too, they had electric guitars and a keyboard. ;)

Kidding, but is your music 'electronic' or is it just a regular band with a keyboard? I'd be keen to hear something from you guys, got a link?


relaxor said:
Oh, I don't know how to classify it, but it's weird.

Nice one, getting it now.

edit - good song, you guys sound like a proper mutant indy act, and although it doesn't sound like what I consider to be electronic music if it made its way onto the soundtrack I wouldn't complain.


Comics, serious business!
Karma Kramer said:
I don't think I know what u are referring to...

At exactly :30?

Yeah, I dunno, maybe it's just me.

Karma Kramer said:
Also do u like the remix more or less than the original?

Scotch Crackle (Remix)

I like this remix. I like the new sound introduced at around 5:00. After 6:00 or so the song loses focus and I feel you're just noodling around (which cool, don't get me wrong). I'd explore the tail end more/flesh it out and make it a seperate song - I think it could be really cool.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
A bit of a side note, but I finally made my first serious try at a remix the other day. I tried to keep it fairly simple. Just an intense / chaotic interpretation of Phantom by Justice. If anyone has time to check it out and give some feedback, that would be fantastic. You can grab the track here:



Just making sure this project is going on - I'm working hard on my song, I might even have it finished tonight. Who should I send it to, or should I just post a link in this thread? Thanks :)


Comics, serious business!
alaria said:
Just making sure this project is going on - I'm working hard on my song, I might even have it finished tonight. Who should I send it to, or should I just post a link in this thread? Thanks :)

Just post a link here and Mr Nash will update the OP.

lil smoke

I'm giving my track one more chance. It really has turned out to be a mess! The track is not electronica, so it doesn't have to be included in this project, but I'd still like to post it for some crticism if you guys don't mind. Should be re-tweaking it this weekend.

I think what got me stuck was trying to fit it into a genre and video game theme, which took me away from my usual style. I tried to force it, then I brought it back, added... all back and forth until I realized I was trying to do way too much. I hope I can salvage it!
My track's a mess too. I don't know why, I'm just having a heck of a time synching everything. I guess it's kinda complex but it's hardly Radiohead, and yet it's turning out to be the toughest project I've ever done. Probably because I'm trying to construct a preconceived idea in my head rather than just letting everything come together naturally.

I've got some ideas on how to sort things out though, hopefully I can get everything to come together over the next two weeks. If it works it'll sound cool, if not...heh.

I guess I've got a bunch of other stuff I can just toss in, but I specifically want this one to come together.

lil smoke

LiveFromKyoto said:
My track's a mess too. I don't know why, I'm just having a heck of a time synching everything. I guess it's kinda complex but it's hardly Radiohead, and yet it's turning out to be the toughest project I've ever done. Probably because I'm trying to construct a preconceived idea in my head rather than just letting everything come together naturally.

I've got some ideas on how to sort things out though, hopefully I can get everything to come together over the next two weeks. If it works it'll sound cool, if not...heh.

I guess I've got a bunch of other stuff I can just toss in, but I specifically want this one to come together.
Try to do what I did. Step back for a week and reassess it then. You'll hear things differently with fresh ears and a new perspective. Tonight I'm going back in like sanitation truck!


Comics, serious business!
lil smoke said:
Try to do what I did. Step back for a week and reassess it then. You'll hear things differently with fresh ears and a new perspective. Tonight I'm going back in like sanitation truck!

This is excellent advice and has worked for me several times. Let your mind process the song away from the pressure of having to create.
Trouble is, I've been doing that for 3 months :lol

I think I'm just avoiding the fact that I have to sit down and tweak notes for 2 hours, then spend the same amount of time screwing around with samples.
My entire studio amounts to Garage Band on my Macbook + a couple of plug-ins. I don't even have a proper sequencer, so everything's played manually - on my laptop keyboard. Sounds totally ghetto, and it is, but if you spend enough time with it GB is pretty damn robust so you can get some good sounding material out of it. Plus I'm too broke atm to spring for real equipment.

Trouble is, some of the instrument sounds I'm working with have these weird little delays. And I've got a drum machine plug-in but it's kind of arcane and I'm not tremendously adept at progressing beats with it, so I tend to input new layers manually, which can be tough to sync when you're typing them in qwerty-style.

I'll get it to work in the end if I spend enough time with it.

lil smoke

I thought GB had a sequencer?

But, I know what you mean - I work manually too. I have a midi keyboard, but I usually place my notes on the arrangement by hand. You kinda sound like me a few years ago, before I learned the power of copy & paste, grids, quantize, and most important...ghost parts!

One thing about hand placing parts, is that you lose the creative flow. It takes too long to get the melody placed on the editor. You'll spend more time trying to place things precisely, you'll lose track of the intended sound...while the fun is in creating and mixing the groove.

One thing about GB is that is may tale a bit longer to do simple things, that can be done in programs like logic and Cubase... like logical editing and play order tracks.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Yeah, I've found GB to be a bit slow to get things done too. It's great for free stuff, but after using something like Live, it's difficult to go back.

lil smoke, were you going to be doing some of the mastering for this project? I wound up picking up Ozone the other day, so I figure I'll help out on that end. I've still got a lot to learn, but I can at least help to balance out / maximize the songs' volumes, and do some other minor tweaks. If we're both doing it, we can hammer out how we'll divide it up, what bit rates we want files in, etc.
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