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Game Informer's Andrew Reiner on Alleged Half-Life 3 Prototypes (Live Action? RTS?)


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Did we ever get any hints or rumors about what the "F-Stop" mechanic was in Kim Swift's shelved version of Portal 2?

Although Swift left Valve around the time F-STOP was scrapped, it wasn't her darling. Her team made something conceptually similar to Quantum Conundrum during the experimental phase that Valve went through and it failed to gain traction despite very obviously being her vision for Portal 2.


Not buying this. That said, HL3 is dead in the water.
In the last few years, we've seen "dead" projects like FFV be resurrected and release, albeit reworked from it's original inception. We've seen titles like The Last Guardian come back from the dead and turn out great. But we've also seen titles like Duke Nukem: Forever.
If there is one thing you can say about modern Valve it's that they don't take many risks.

Releasing a new Half Life game brandishing the "3" after all of the pandemonium is far too great a risk. Plus, if you're Valve, why would you even bother?
Most of the people who loved Half-Life and were passionate about the IP have left Valve

This is the real reason it's dead. Even if they bring it back, the original artists are gone and they're not getting Hideo Kojima to resurrect it. I don't want HL3 anymore because it won't be Half-Life. The end.
so many different prototypes with small teams (4-5 people) working on them that just never got off the ground
That's what I've always assumed. A whole bunch of various test stuff that never grabbed the company's attention enough to go forward over other projects.
I'm not sure I'm ready or able to believe this, and I might not ever be.

Ah well, at least I got a version of DooM that kicked more ass than I ever thought it would be possible for id software to do again.

The universe giveth and taketh...
Wisdom! Did you see those Call of Duty/Doom 4 almost hybrid version's conceptual art? Oof.



Thanks Valve


Valve seems like what Rare would've become if Rare had money. Endless promising prototypes that lead to nothing.

The live action FMV style stuff seems unbelievable though, maybe they meant recorded performances like LA Noire? After Half Life 2's focus on animation I could kinda see that, that seems like a sane idea, and an easy misunderstanding... I just don't buy FMVs, that's too crazy.


Sounds like bullshit, but I don't doubt the game will never come out. Valve's just not interested in working on it, and found other ways to rake in the cash so they don't have to.

I do wish someone would leak, or "leak" the prototypes though. At least then we'd have something.
As much as I love the Half Life games I think part of the problem was them making the expectations too high for themselves.

HL1 pushed the FPS genre with the storytelling and AI, and then HL2 had really good physics. So I guess they just couldn't figure out how to push the genre again with HL3.

Frankly I don't think they really need to. I just want a conclusion to the story which was left WIDE open with the cliffhanger in HL2 epi.2. I don't have any more expectations, just make a good/great GPS that finishes up the story.

Stuff like Inside recently scrated my itch for Half Life 3 strangely enough. It's a sidescroller, but the world gave me some definite HL2 vibes. I think if Valve Co tines to do nothing with the series, eventually more developers will put out games that fill that void.


I'd be in the dick
I'm completely convinced that we'll never get HL3 as a game. I just want a book or graphic novel or something to finish the story.


I'm completely convinced that we'll never get HL3 as a game. I just want a book or graphic novel or something to finish the story.



Does that only apply to the main entries? Because the Episodes certainly didn't revolutionize how people play FPS's

I'd say yeah. I mean, they were just extensions of HL2. Same world and character assets, same art design, same weapons, same engine. They were just HL2 expansion packs.


Pretty disappointed that they're not going to finish their creation for monetary reasons. To me it feels as weird as it would if JK Rowling never finished the Harry Potter series because she made enough money off the first six.

So accurate it gives me heart ache


Why would they base their game on a technology that almost nobody owns that will likely be outdated by the time the game is released? People still blinded by the vr hype for real.

To sell VR? Besides Valve makes games for OpenVR. Not just the Vive. Whatever they make (like with The Lab) will work on whatever headset is supported in Steam (Vive, Rift, OSVR etc) So if they took a couple more years to release a HL game (or whatever other huge property) exclusively on VR there would be a lot more headsets sold, and unlikely any massive changes to hardware that wouldn't be overcome in software at the same time. The headsets and limb objects are just looking for a sensor. They don't really care how you track, as long as you do.


As a very credulous individual, I have to say that everything in the article seems very credible.
I'd be more outraged by a VR-exclusive Half Life 3 than no Half-Life 3 at all.

I know that the situations are VERY different, but this reminds me of kids & parents who got angry about Nintendo making Mario 64, instead of making another 2D sidescrolling Mario game for the SNES.


Half-Life 2 Episode 3/Half-Life 3 didn't always have to be a revolutionary game. Episodes One and Two are just Half-Life 2. Portal 2 is Portal 1 writ large. They could've made another Half-Life, but instead they loitered around making hats and mobas and other admittedly profitable enterprises. So now this game has become a myth and people expect it to be Jesus.
All sounds like misinformed bullshit, to be honest. I can see Valve prototyping game systems integrated into a first person shooter, much like the rumours of Half-Life going open world, to disrupt the existing formula. But outright reimagining the entire franchise, and a mainline entry at that, as an RTS or advanced adventure game sounds pretty ludicrous.

Even if there's an essence of truth to these claims, I'd interpret this more there being prototypes of noted that existed within the Half-Life universe; a Half-Life RTS, a Half-Life adventure game, etc. There's likely a hundred oddball prototypes of varying genres across their existing franchises given that's how Valve's development pipeline operates. None of them gained traction, thus none saw fruition, but all kinda exist in a void of Half-Life technical stuff.

I'm sticking with my existing assumptions; due to excessive crunch and franchise burnout a majority of developers working on Half-Life needed to take a break and work on other projects. Momentum never returned as the production costs for a traditional Half-Life game in the modern market ballooned, internal expectations/desire to see the third major entry do something original never caught traction via prototypes, much of the team was lead off/convince to work on other more profitable projects, and the production culture at Valve shifted to titles that favour a more open communal approach hence the focus on multiplayer.

Half-Life is dead and will never return.


Never bought the 'expectations' and 'quality' arguments. They don't want to make it. The end.

I can't imagine the only thing they're going to do with Source 2 is a Dota2 port.

They might as well. I mean it started at least 6 years ago, and things could have changed since then. Also, it's going to be 2 years since they announced it and the SDK, no beep since then. Their VR stuff is almost all Unity and given you're a Facepunch regular yould should know the discussion around Source 2 hasn't been great. I.e. recently there was a discussion how there doesn't seem to be a collective effort behind it.
They should probably just release a 1 minute cutscene where rocks fall on all of the main characters and then they just throw up a "~fin".

There was a time when I cared about getting HL3, but that's long since passed.
As someone who has spent a considerable amount of hours with Valve's titles and is constantly working a HL2 mod as well I have a real fondness for a lot of things they've done. That being said I've genuinely given up hope on HL3 at this point, even if it is ever released I honestly don't see it being what I want at all. I'm pretty sure literally every major creative person who worked on 1 and 2 has left the company by now, at this point Valve is a shallow husk of what they once were. We've seen basically nothing and honestly I don't think the average person working there gives a fuck about it at this point.

Even if they actually announce it there's zero reason to expect this new version of Valve to recapture what made people love those original games at all.

Don't they usually say that they aren't making it?

They have absolutely never said that. How on Earth did you get this idea?



Never bought the 'expectations' and 'quality' arguments. They don't want to make it. The end.

They might as well. I mean it started at least 6 years ago, and things could have changed since then. Also, it's going to be 2 years since they announced it and the SDK, no beep since then. Their VR stuff is almost all Unity and given you're a Facepunch regular yould should know the discussion around Source 2 hasn't been great. I.e. recently there was a discussion how there doesn't seem to be a collective effort behind it.

Pretty much seems like everything Valve does.
Valve is the poster child of creative bankruptcy for this industry.

I used to imagine what a game developer could produce that had a wealth of talent, no publisher breathing down their neck and access to an endless pool of income. Then Valve showed me exactly what that was, greedy microtransaction focused games followed by nothing cause who fucking cares we're rich.

Do the devs walk the halls with their heads held high collecting their paychecks while accomplishing nothing? I wonder.

That interview shines a light into why they've become so useless. They are running their company like one of those Silicon Valley startups from the 2000s except instead of their bubble bursting, they were propped up by early success and then a literal goldmine in Steam. Now the kids are free to stroll into work to play hackey sack all day and get paid. Gee I wonder why they don't produce shit?



I wish they'd just say, through official channels, that "we're not working on it now and until we find the right idea, it's not coming, so don't expect anything."

It feels like they wanted or want to continue to trade off of the desire and goodwill gamers have for Valve over their titles like Portal and Half-Life, but they don't want to do anything to please those fans. It just doesn't feel quite right that the group that basically carried Steam aloft in the early days when it was complete forced shit is now a mere afterthought because there's other, way less risky revenue fire hoses to play with at Valve.


I don't get why Valve doesn't make HL3 a VR game.

I mean each HL game pushed the envelope and used new technology to do so.

With HL1 it was the scripting and telling a story without resorting to cutscenes out of game, etc.

With Hl2 it was the use of physics and things as a core gameplay element.

Naturally HL3 they would want something new and exciting, and that's where VR comes in. With Valve being so close to the Vive and such it boggles my mind why they haven't went that route.

I mean could you imagine a full on VR Half life game? It would be amazing. It would also help push VR so much and VR really needs its "killer app" that drives people toward it.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
There's that flawless lack of management hierarchy at work again :/
I don't get why Valve doesn't make HL3 a VR game.

I mean each HL game pushed the envelope and used new technology to do so.

With HL1 it was the scripting and telling a story without resorting to cutscenes out of game, etc.

With Hl2 it was the use of physics and things as a core gameplay element.

Naturally HL3 they would want something new and exciting, and that's where VR comes in. With Valve being so close to the Vive and such it boggles my mind why they haven't went that route.

I mean could you imagine a full on VR Half life game? It would be amazing. It would also help push VR so much and VR really needs its "killer app" that drives people toward it.

Honestly, I think the only way we get it any time "soon" is if it's a VR game. For that same reason though, I don't think they'll even try to have it out for maybe 2-3 years at the minimum so that VR and the VR market can mature some. Hypothetically of course.


if it is even a real game at this point it will be a trojan horse for something like HL2 so yea probably some VR shit.

it probably doesn't exist so give up


HL3 cant be a platform for future content so they have no business investing time and money into it.

Not to mention the company is a shell of its former self that lost talent over the years so theyre better off letting someone else do it for them. Kind of amazing how people work there solely to push cosmetic updates.
I mean, this is exactly what people figured happened, but it's still a shame. Nobody at valve that was worth a shit considered it worth their time. It was just a video game, after all. Not a service that could generate gorillions of dollars and upend the industry.


It's not even just because they can't make it a service. I mean, we haven't seen Left for Dead 3 either, and it fits into their profit model perfectly.


People should stop hoping for any new games out of the empty shell Valve as a "video game" company has become. I already accepted it and moved on years ago, been enjoying games out of more competent developers and it feels great.


I don't know, listened to it earlier and just rolled my eyes when I heard RTS and Live Action.

Yea doesn't sound legit to me at all. Also the idea that various teams working on different prototypes of HL3 seems really odd since it's such a big franchise.


Neo Member
I'm surprised so many people are taking this RTS/live action claim seriously. Sounds to me like Andrew Reiner isn't dishonest--just far too credulous to be a journalist. I'm almost positive he was had by his source who likely hasn't stopped laughing since this story broke.

If Reiner is a fan of the series, I can understand why he would want to accept an answer as to why HL3 hasn't happened, regardless of how absurd that answer appears to some of us without an emotional investment in the game. That sort of personal interest can lead people to accept even the most implausible of explanations.

There is absolutely no way that HL3 wasn't or isn't going to be an FPS rendered in real-time.


I agree with Reiner: at this point I don't even have to play the game, I just want to read the script to know how it ends.

It sounds like they have a crazy way of developing. Although I do have to admit that I can somewhat relate to that work style. At my current job as long as all our current tasks are done my boss basically gives my co-workers and I carte blanche to test whatever we want and if we think it will work well for us and we can get it working he'll give us the go ahead to push it into our production environment. We've been able to integrate some really cool stuff into our web stack because of this, but A LOT of stuff we test doesn't make it.

King Kye

I wish we could ban all talk of HL3 from GAF, because it frustrates me, vociferously, every time I'm reminded that Half Life 3 will never, ever, EVER, be a thing.
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