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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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I'm more interested in seeing what Melissandre will do. Davos will likely have to watch Stannis daughter die in some cruel way. Melissandre seems more suited to the Boltons so I won't be surprised if she turns on Stannis somehow.
Fully expecting Melisandre to sacrifice her and Stannis to go off on Melisandre.
I'm more interested in seeing what Melissandre will do. Davos will likely have to watch Stannis daughter die in some cruel way. Melissandre seems more suited to the Boltons so I won't be surprised if she turns on Stannis somehow.

yeah the kid is too well liked. never a good thing on this show. Same for Stannis. He just seems like too good of a ruler to have a chance.

augh, this show has my so cynical. hopefully they break their tired cliche's soon. Its becoming too predictable. When the unpredictable becomes predictable ... you've worn out your " shock moment " card.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
yeah the kid is too well liked. never a good thing on this show. Same for Stannis. He just seems like too good of a ruler to have a chance.

augh, this show has my so cynical. hopefully they break their tired cliche's soon. Its becoming too predictable. When the unpredictable becomes predictable ... you've worn out your " shock moment " card.
Yeah they managed to pull off one last shock moment with Oberyn, but they had to push the boundaries of believability to do it. It is starting to get predictable, I mean I was fully expecting Oberyn to die before and during the fight.
Stannis really taking the white walker stuff seriously. I really fear for him now. And Shireen. :(

I was thinking the same thing yesterday. He's the only one other than Nights Watch and the Wildlings who cares about winter. If he dies before it happens then so does all of Westeros because they won't be the least bit prepared.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Two things really annoyed me about this episode, way worse even than the fight last week. Actually, speaking of last week, the more I watch that fight, the more it works for me. The unsullied were extremely outnumbered, from two directions (they could not form a wall) and I slowed down and watched each death. They were almost all killed by flanks and being overwhelmed or by sneak attacks. They killed what was in front of them. But they were flanked while engaged. That scene plays better and better for me each time.

Anyway... back to my original thought:

How the fuck did they get all the way over to that shore? Like, miles. Dumb, even if you accept a strong current. Way dumber than the fight last week. And the fight vs the stonemen imo was the most cliche thing ever (the stone man dropping silently into the water was actually cool as fuck) once they started climbing on the boat. It reminds me of a zombie movie or show where you know the protags are perfectly safe in the fight, even though it defies logic. Sure after the fact he's been infected, but did any of you, for even one second, think they were in actual danger of getting overtaken by those things? Oh he's tied up and backpedaling, but the creature is just slow enough not to get him while he calls out over and over... had to roll my eyes (rare thing for me in GoT) a little nit there. Tyrion hitting the water to escape was a good turn of events, but then he wakes up like 10 miles away. lol. okay.
once they started climbing on the boat. It reminds me of a zombie movie or show where you know the protags are perfectly safe in the fight, even though it defies logic. Sure after the fact he's been infected

They weren't perfectly safe though, so much that one of them got infected. We don't know when either, it could have been on the boat, or in the water.
Haha got a real good villain family here.
I love how Roose doesn't do anything for emotional reasons. Dude got married because he was paid to with the caveat of "worth her weight in silver," dude took the fattest woman Walder had. How he managed to have sex with her is beyond me and I'd love to see that conversation portrayed by McElhatton.


Best episode so far this season and things are picking up. But I do hate how heavy handed the foreshadowing has become in this show.
Man, there is so much of the show and relationships and history I've flat out missed or forgotten or not paid attention to. I'm really ruining the experience for myself.

That said, I pray Theon gets his redemption. My heart breaks for him :'(
Best episode so far this season and things are picking up. But I do hate how heavy handed the foreshadowing has become in this show.

It's a little too much.

oh no, dogs barking in the kennels! is it a direwolf or some sort of monster? nope just Reek

oh no, Ramsay made Reek kneel! what kind of terrible violence is about to happen? nope nothing


Just seen the episode, it was pretty good, but this season is still missing a "holy shit" moment. There is a lot of build up, but we are still waiting for the pay-off. Lets hope it is worth it. Some random thoughts:

-Stannis is finally marching to Winterfell! Somebody get that guy on the phone that directed the Blackwater and battle for Castle black episodes, his skill set is needed!
- Dany is so god damn random with her decision making. First she wants to kill that guy, and then she wants to marry him. I guess being mentally unstable is a Targaryen trademark, so it was kinda to be expected.
- Roose Bolton will totally stab Ramsey in the back the first chance he will get, the question is if Ramsey is smart enough to notice it, or does he fall for that "you are my son" bullshit. A prime opportunity for dark Sansa to show her new manipulation skills, I think!
- Does the final scene of this episode remember anyone else of the final moments of
episode 4 of the walking dead: season 1 game
? Both scenes were really similar.
Just seen the episode, it was pretty good, but this season is still missing a "holy shit" moment. There is a lot of build up, but we are still waiting for the pay-off. Lets hope it is worth it. Some random thoughts:

-Stannis is finally marching to Winterfell! Somebody get that guy on the phone that directed the Blackwater and battle for Castle black episodes, his skill set is needed!
- Dany is so god damn random with her decision making. First she wants to kill that guy, and then she wants to marry him. I guess being mentally unstable is a Targaryen trademark, so it was kinda to be expected.
- Roose Bolton will totally stab Ramsey in the back the first chance he will get, the question is if Ramsey is smart enough to notice it, or does he fall for that "you are my son" bullshit. A prime opportunity for dark Sansa to show her new manipulation skills, I think!
- Does the final scene of this episode remember anyone else of the final moments of
episode 4 of the walking dead: season 1 game
? Both scenes were really similar.

The Bolton "you are my Son" scene was a nice parallel with Stannis' very emotional "you are my daughter" scene from last week

I'm hoping Milisandros aligns with Bolton, but that Stannis' daughter is some kind of shapeshifting reptilian dragon that saves them all.
I legitimately expect the death of either or both Stannis and Jon Snow this season. If this show has taught me anything it's that your favorite character will die when things seem to be going well for them.
Jorah's final stand will be as a petrified statue in Danny's bed chamber watching in silent anguish for eternity while Mr High Born and Dorito Najares pound his dragon queen till she squirts fire.

This is the greatest comment I've ever read in this and the S4 topic. You sir need to sit on the Iron Throne.


So I haven't made it to season 5 yet, but this show has been a massive disappointment. The Stark family has to be just about the dumbest royal family I have seen or read in any fantasy fiction book/movie ever. Still can't believe just how dumb pretty much all of them were. I'm just going to wait until season 5 is done, and watch the parts that have the characters I'm interested in. Seeing the bad guys win all the time is just about as boring as seeing the good guys win all the time. Also the pacing is pretty damn horrendous.


So I haven't made it to season 5 yet, but this show has been a massive disappointment. The Stark family has to be just about the dumbest royal family I have seen or read in any fantasy fiction book/movie ever. Still can't believe just how dumb pretty much all of them were. I'm just going to wait until season 5 is done, and watch the parts that have the characters I'm interested in. Seeing the bad guys win all the time is just about as boring as seeing the good guys win all the time. Also the pacing is pretty damn horrendous.

They fight (and die) for jostice, and they will have it.

The North Remembers.
So I haven't made it to season 5 yet, but this show has been a massive disappointment. The Stark family has to be just about the dumbest royal family I have seen or read in any fantasy fiction book/movie ever. Still can't believe just how dumb pretty much all of them were. I'm just going to wait until season 5 is done, and watch the parts that have the characters I'm interested in. Seeing the bad guys win all the time is just about as boring as seeing the good guys win all the time. Also the pacing is pretty damn horrendous.
There is a solid balance imo. Good and bad guys win all the time, the W for good guys tend to get overshadowed by when the villains win a lot more though. The Starks aren't the dumbest family in fiction, it's just in this story when they make those dumb decisions, they rightfully get crushed for it. Plenty of toher stories main characters make dumbass mistakes but win because good guys have to win writing. GoT has kind of ruined a lot of storytelling for me when I see shit writing like the good guy winning because good guy types of stories. :/

I hope when you say watch parts of characters you're interested in means that you're not specifically skipping segments of the story, because that is a shame if true.

What kind of pointless rejoinder to criticism is that?
It's what I would call a valid point. This show is filled with constant build up until episode 9 for the first 3 seasons other than season 4 that has crazy shit happening almost every single episode. This season is no different than s2 or s3 in particular so far. Complaining about world building and only looking for pushing the story forward when GoT has never been that way deserves me asking why are you watching this show? It's never been about that and asking that in season 5 makes no sense.


So I haven't made it to season 5 yet, but this show has been a massive disappointment. The Stark family has to be just about the dumbest royal family I have seen or read in any fantasy fiction book/movie ever. Still can't believe just how dumb pretty much all of them were. I'm just going to wait until season 5 is done, and watch the parts that have the characters I'm interested in. Seeing the bad guys win all the time is just about as boring as seeing the good guys win all the time. Also the pacing is pretty damn horrendous.

The starks are not.. "royal family", they were just one of the several noble families in westeros, which you should know, the lannisters are too, as well as the baratheons and others..

one thing to note is that you are telling who is bad and who is good.. there are clearly no good or bad people except for a very few in this series (most of the starks being just too honorable for their own good, and the lannisters the opposite), this series is more about the control of power, being that a "Climb" as they describe it...

imo, if by season 4 you don't like the series, you should not see more


Stannis marching towards winterfell can only have two outcomes.

1. Stannis is defeated and killed.
2. Melisandre does some evil shit with Shireen.


Was nice to have an episode without King's Landing. No Jaime/Bronn & Arya was disappointing though.

Is the candle in the broken tower message thing Brienne's message, or someone else's? Kind of disappointed in Sansa this episode, I don't think she's going to be able to manipulate/stand up to Ramsey as many posters suggested/wanted. He's just too much for her.

Would be really sad to see Stannis lose to the Boltons. I wonder if episode 9 is gonna be a Gandalf moment with Jon riding in to save the day with the free folk. Though they did say they won't fight in their war. Maybe Stannis will be losing and the witch will say he must sacrifice his daughter to win? Either way, I don't think Jon made a bad choice with the free folk. Sure the Night's Watch will probably end up hating him for it, but wtf does that mean? 50 angry people that can't put aside their hatred versus 100,000 who will. Good luck dudes. Would be crazy if they try mutiny against Jon and end up with all of them dead (except Sam/Aemon of course).

Dany still flip flopping around. Dunno if getting her dragons used to human flesh is a good idea. Barriston dying was a load of shit. I guess he needed to so Jorah can step back into the fold. How fast does the grayscale curse spread? I feel like if Stannis had time to summon maesters from all corners of Westeros, it could take years before it really festers. There may be hope for him yet. I wonder what kind of artifact he's hoping to find in the ruins that will help him get back on Dany's good side? Is Valeria the Targaryan homeland? Would be awesome if Drogon found some kind of treasure horde and is going all Smaug on it. I wish Tyrion spoke more about seeing a dragon for the first time, but the look on his face was priceless.

Overall I feel that things are moving a bit too slow, but we're only 50% through the season so I'm really hoping things start picking up next week. I really don't want the finale to have Tyrion finally meet Dany. Let's have that happen by like episode 7 at the latest please. Same with the march to Winterfell...Stannis should get there by the end of episode 6 at the latest, please.

I've got a question about Rhaegar. Was he the mad king's son? As in Dany's brother? If so, was he around their age? A lot older? I'm just not seeing someone around Dany's age getting together with someone around Ned's age.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
I legitimately expect the death of either or both Stannis and Jon Snow this season. If this show has taught me anything it's that your favorite character will die when things seem to be going well for them.

IDK, it may not seem like it but I see Dany, Tyrion and Jon Snow as the main characters for the entire series. I haven't read the books, but every writer has a main character (or characters) that he wants in that final big fight no matter how much he tries to hide who those characters are.

I believe the prior deaths of favored characters are just to have people expect these deaths and to further hide the writers intentions for his true main characters.

Somehow Dany, Jon and Tyrion will be there at that last fight. If I am wrong, that's fine, but each is too pivotal to the current overall story to be killed off this season at least.

Stannis is dead though.
Jon Snow is strikingly like his father.

Calm, rational, and incredibly honorable and trusting.

He's going to die just like his father, too much honor and trust in the wrong people, aka the fucking wildlings.
I feel like Jon Snow could have garnered the side of the Night's Watch easier had he just spelled out the fact that if they leave the Wildings to die North of the Wall then they're just going to be adding to the White Walker army. Also, doesn't Castle Black have liked a ridiculously low number of men anyway?
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