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#GamerGate thread 2: it's about feminism in games journalism

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I kind of agree that compiling blocklists by follower list is a suboptimal approach, but I see why it works. It just has too many false positives, and I would be uncomfortable releasing myself a blocklist which works solely on that principle.

People are definitely welcome to blocklist whoever they want and however they want, but the maintainers of the blocklist are responsible to get it right if they suggest that other people use it. If it says "GG autoblocker", it should aim to block GG.

in my experience it's very effective. since loading it i've periodically checked @ replies to various tweets that have a high likelihood of eliciting GG sealion responses and haven't seen any.


So, this is a thing. Hideous cover though.


Article here:
This cover belongs in a museum.


Neo Member
In Warplock's defense, he's not American. He may not get the idea.

And there is a growing concern that in media in general, people are segregating themselves into zones which only agree with them (choice of news, friends on facebook). But I don't think that really applies to this.

I don't think there is a country in the world where free speech means what he says it means.
Has it been pointed out how weird the AntiSJW block list is, at least in line with GG's whole thing? logically, it makes sense that the SJW want to do a block list though, yeah? from both sides. obviously we (as a "SJW" and "anti-GG") don't want to deal with the sealions and noise that comes along with saying anything about GG or the people involved and they think we're all harassing fascists who want to stop free speech, but them doing it? isn't an entire part of their system to inform and call out people? point out corruption and all that. closing the wagons (not that they don't do it already, but this is overt) is about as dumb a tit-for-tat that could come up with because it's aligned against their entire campaign

but I don't know why I'd expect any sort of logical consistency from these dopes, so whatever. happy to have less of them around

and you know, beyond all that, it's remarkable the system GG has been using for months now of "spend a week or two decrying something 'anti-GG' is going and then do the exact same thing without even a hint of the irony"


and you know, beyond all that, it's remarkable the system GG has been using for months now of "spend a week or two decrying something 'anti-GG' is going and then do the exact same thing without even a hint of the irony"

Don't forget the inevitable "It wasn't our doing, it was some other guy we're not associated with."
That is silencing opinion if they don't want to talk to people on twitter then don't post on twitter I have had many discussions with people on twitter who I disagree with, if these people can't handle another persons opinions then why the fuck are they on twitter to begin with ?

The blocking is ridiculous and if you don't like twitter or just want to talk to people who agree with you then stop using twitter and find something else there are plenty of ways online to talk to people who just agree with you.

How is this any different from using a block list from your perspective? If someone leaves Twitter entirely or uses blocklist, either way they are choosing not to see your posts? So why is one acceptable to you and the other isn't? Is it because leaving Twitter as a whole is punitive? Should people have to lose something they value in exchange for choosing not to talk to people?

You talk about a Police State mentality and then decree what people should and should not be allowed to do. People have pointed out the limitations on Free Speech to you. The reasons those limitations exist is to protect basic human rights. You want to take those rights away and make decrees on how people should act and feel because you got your feelings hurt.

Everybody isn't you. They get to have different strengths and weaknesses and are free to pursue happiness as they see fit. You can hang with trolls on twitter? Fine. Great. Some people can't. Conversely other people seems ok with Block lists while you can't stomach them. This is also fine. You go your way and they will go theirs.
Bloomberg Businessweek said:
There are games stacked in piles around her San Francisco home, where she has a Wii; a WiiU; a PlayStation 2, 3, and 4; an Xbox 360; Xbox One; PS Vita; Nintendo 3DS XL; iPhone; iPad; and a gaming PC spilling out of various Ikea shelves and TV stands.

Clearly a ruse. She's such a scam artist!



The idea that people who's thought processes when it comes to ethics in games journalism starts and ends at, "WELL WHAT ABOUT ME!" makes most of these responses make sense.

"Sure, I'll never relate to what it feels like to have my life count for less than other people's simply because of my skin color, BUT VIDEO GAMES MAN! SUCH INJUSTICE!"
Internet Aristocrat has deleted his Youtube and Twitter accounts. He either rage quitted this whole thing or decided to go ahead with his plan to take on a new Internet identity.
Nope. And not everyone blocked by my heuristic spam filter is a spammer. But enough are that the trade-off is worthwhile.

We're accepting this because people have an absolute right to ignore others.

This has nothing at all to do with free speech. Free speech does not entitle you to a platform and it does not entitle you to an audience.

Most of all, Free Speech does NOT equal Freedom From Criticism.

Also, it would be a good reminder to everyone that #GamerGate was formed due to the following:
  1. Ramblings of a butthurt ex-boyfriend, accusing his girlfriend of corruption which was proven false.
  2. False allegations of shutting down a Game Jam.
  3. An article on GamaSutra whom the offended people who only read the title instead of the article.
  4. Bringing up social criticism in game reviews because they somehow don't matter.
  5. The opinions of female critics.
  6. ...and also alleged bribes from game publishers for better reviews, but that's not what they seem to be fighting right now.

Let that sink in for a moment




Ugh. This sort of reaction is virtually identical the "gamers are dead" reaction. Completely devoid of critical thinking, just a perception of a direct attack on one's self.

No one is saying you, in particular, are a horrible person.

They're saying if people don't want to deal with #GG's incessant nonsense, and find it tedious to block users manually, here's a blocklist to ignore a swath of people who may be part of it.

That would have been understandable if it had not been for the whitelist, why even have that if they don't want to see any tweets from people who follow trolls.

The whitelist is basicly saying that yes we know you follow an asshole but you yourself are a good guy so we will "approve" you.


That would have been understandable if it had not been for the whitelist, why even have that if they don't want to see any tweets from people who follow trolls.

The whitelist is basicly saying that yes we know you follow an asshole but you yourself are a good guy so we will "approve" you.

Twitter blocklist is just like email spam filtering. For many, twitter has become unusable as a way to chat about things because their timeline gets hammered. For them twitter has been destroyed, they might as well stop using it. By using a blocklist to filter it down to the responses and conversations they care about makes twitter actually usable again. It's that simple.

Imagine email with no filters!
That would have been understandable if it had not been for the whitelist, why even have that if they don't want to see any tweets from people who follow trolls.

The whitelist is basicly saying that yes we know you follow an asshole but you yourself are a good guy so we will "approve" you.

What's wrong with that? The block list is a kludge because Twitter's own tools are either bad or lacking.


That would have been understandable if it had not been for the whitelist, why even have that if they don't want to see any tweets from people who follow trolls.

The whitelist is basicly saying that yes we know you follow an asshole but you yourself are a good guy so we will "approve" you.
Yes, that's how a whitelist works.

What are you arguing against?
Holy freaking god. Some of those tweets make me physically ill.
This... well, god-tier stupidity. Yes, #GG "mirrors" 500 years of institutional racism that have given the US a hilarious international reputation for being racist jackasses! TOTALLY #GG! Or... they're connected! Because follow corruption and money somethingsomething!?!? Did this person confuse their controversies? I know those are some very hand-selected tweets but the fact that even one human being exists in the Venn Diagram of "#GG + Ferguson jerks" to say these sorts of things is atrocious enough to be worth a mention.

Then there's this thing that's arguably a passive threat--
There needs to be a #Ferguson videogame where the player can shoot all the looters & arsonists @femfreq #gamergate #racism #sjw #MikeBrown
What the fracking crap does she have to do with any of this? Don't answer. I already know.
Punching bag.


Holy freaking god. Some of those tweets make me physically ill.
This... well, god-tier stupidity. Yes, #GG "mirrors" 500 years of institutional racism that have given the US a hilarious international reputation for being racist jackasses! TOTALLY #GG! Or... they're connected! Because follow corruption and money somethingsomething!?!? Did this person confuse their controversies? I know those are some very hand-selected tweets but the fact that even one human being exists in the Venn Diagram of "#GG + Ferguson jerks" to say these sorts of things is atrocious enough to be worth a mention.

They're not doing much to help their image of people with a lack of perspective who don't get out much.

It reminds me of this awesome gem from the "colorized photos" thread:



Unconfirmed Member
That would have been understandable if it had not been for the whitelist, why even have that if they don't want to see any tweets from people who follow trolls.

The whitelist is basicly saying that yes we know you follow an asshole but you yourself are a good guy so we will "approve" you.
At this point I don't know if you're ignoring the responses you got, failing to understand them or being deliberately obtuse. Never mind, I'll bite:

The ones who used the blocklist don't want any contact with someone who is a potential harasser or asshole. It's the old "better safe than sorry", they are taking preemptive measures to avoid any possible trouble in the future. It's also a way of cutting down the noise from people or groups they don't want to listen to, and after all the shit GG did (as a group or as individual members, I don't care) I can't help but agree.

The whitelist is exactly what you described. You make it sound like a bad thing, but it's not. It's not your call who @UserX hears from, it's theirs and theirs alone. They don't owe you a mic to speak to them. The whitelist is an admission of the blocklist not being perfect (no system is), and a tool to solve any mistakes that may have happened (aka false positives) because as you said, not every asshole follower is an asshole themselves. Though I seriously question the morals of someone who follows the biggest assholes involved in this horrible mess. And I'm not the only one, thus the creation of said lists. Don't like it? Easy: don't associate with those people. Want to exercise your right to do it? Then you'll have to tolerate the fact that someone is going to judge you for the ones you hang out with, and worry that you may be just like them.

I still can't believe we're having this argument because some stranger you probably didn't even know existed blocked you on Twitter. Like, it blows my mind so hard.

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
That would have been understandable if it had not been for the whitelist, why even have that if they don't want to see any tweets from people who follow trolls.

The whitelist is basicly saying that yes we know you follow an asshole but you yourself are a good guy so we will "approve" you.

Why do you even care so much about whether a bunch of random people are able to read your tweets or not (or whether you can read their tweets or not)?

Why are you even talking about this "approval" thing as if there's some higher authority manipulating things? The "we" in this whole picture does not matter to you in the grand scheme of things and probably can't execute any of those slippery slope worries that you have.


At this point I don't know if you're ignoring the responses you got, failing to understand them or being deliberately obtuse. Never mind, I'll bite:

The ones who used the blocklist don't want any contact with someone who is a potential harasser or asshole. It's the old "better safe than sorry", they are taking preemptive measures to avoid any possible trouble in the future. It's also a way of cutting down the noise from people or groups they don't want to listen to, and after all the shit GG did (as a group or as individual members, I don't care) I can't help but agree.

The whitelist is exactly what you described. You make it sound like a bad thing, but it's not. It's not your call who @UserX hears from, it's theirs and theirs alone. They don't owe you a mic to speak to them. The whitelist is an admission of the blocklist not being perfect (no system is), and a tool to solve any mistakes that may have happened (aka false positives) because as you said, not every asshole follower is an asshole themselves. Though I seriously question the morals of someone who follows the biggest assholes involved in this horrible mess. And I'm not the only one, thus the creation of said lists. Don't like it? Easy: don't associate with those people. Want to exercise your right to do it? Then you'll have to tolerate the fact that someone is going to judge you for the ones you hang out with, and worry that you may be just like them.

I still can't believe we're having this argument because some stranger you probably didn't even know existed blocked you on Twitter. Like, it blows my mind so hard.

I just wonder about who is doing the approving and what standards they are setting for whitelisting someone is it those who actually are harassing or those who just have a different opinion. Just question the person setting the standard and why that persons standard are valid.

And if someone makes a harassing tweet towards me or threatens me I block them myself what is the purpose of the massblock just block the people who treat you badly yourself.

Why do we need a person doing it for us what is the purpose ?? that is what I am asking and all i hear is what an idiot I am for questiong peoples ability to click the god damn block button themselves it takes less than a second to do.


Unconfirmed Member
I just wonder about who is doing the approving and what standards they are setting for whitelisting someone is it those who actually are harassing or those who just have a different opinion. Just question the person setting the standard and why that persons standard are valid.

And if someone makes a harassing tweet towards me or threatens me I block them myself what is the purpose of the massblock just block the people who treat you badly yourself.

Why do we need a person doing it for us what is the purpose ?? that is what I am asking and all i hear is what an idiot I am for questiong peoples ability to click the god damn block button themselves it takes less than a second to do.
You know what takes even less than a second to do? Clicking a button that automatically blocks all those fools for you, even before they get a chance to be assholes towards you.

Those standards are as valid as anyone else's. Don't like them? Go make your own blocklist then.
I just wonder about who is doing the approving and what standards they are setting for whitelisting someone is it those who actually are harassing or those who just have a different opinion. Just question the person setting the standard and why that persons standard are valid.

And if someone makes a harassing tweet towards me or threatens me I block them myself what is the purpose of the massblock just block the people who treat you badly yourself.

Why do we need a person doing it for us what is the purpose ?? that is what I am asking and all i hear is what an idiot I am for questiong peoples ability to click the god damn block button themselves it takes less than a second to do.

The sheer volume of bile and horribleness coming from GooberGonk is so vast that the effort involved in individually blocking each person responsible is emotionally draining for those on the receiving end, so someone has created an imperfect algorithm for identifying people more likely to harass others in an attempt to alleviate some of that suffering. If you think you have been unfairly identified as a possible source for harassment, let the creator know since she seems very open to adding exceptions to her algorithm when presented in good faith.

You fit a pattern you have willingly opted in to, and you got pinged. Nobody is saying you're a bad guy, so you shouldn't feel insulted by it. And even if you do feel insulted, your right to not be insulted is not more important than the right of others to not be subjected to harassment.
I just wonder about who is doing the approving and what standards they are setting for whitelisting someone is it those who actually are harassing or those who just have a different opinion. Just question the person setting the standard and why that persons standard are valid.

And if someone makes a harassing tweet towards me or threatens me I block them myself what is the purpose of the massblock just block the people who treat you badly yourself.

Why do we need a person doing it for us what is the purpose ?? that is what I am asking and all i hear is what an idiot I am for questiong peoples ability to click the god damn block button themselves it takes less than a second to do.

Who are you following that got you popped


Who are you following that got you popped

David Pakman of all people but the crazy thing is that I was blocked by the gg list as well for following Brianna Wu

However I was whitelisted by the antigg list but still remain on the gg list as an SJW supporter whatever the hell that means.


Pakman's understandable considering but it would be strange if following Wu is also a trigger, but admittedly I don't know how the algorithm works. Could be combinations

No me following Brianna Wu got me blocked by gg who also have created a blocklist of people who they claim support SJW's
David Pakman of all people but the crazy thing is that I was blocked by the gg list as well for following Brianna Wu

However I was whitelisted by the antigg list but still remain on the gg list as an SJW supporter whatever the hell that means.

Well to be fair, you do post on the "SJW hugbox hivemind" neogaf.
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