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Games that you relentlessly defend...


What are those games that no matter how hard you try, you can't sit idly by when they are being criticised without rising to defend them. Even if it means getting dragged into a long winded, drawn out forum debate.

For me...

Eternal Darkness
Wind Waker
Mario Kart 64
Bushido Blade
Zork: Grand Inquisitor
Deus Ex
Diablo 2
Metroid Prime

Obviously they need to be games that attract criticism. Don't just make it a list of your favorite games.


Devil May Cry 2 - It was a lot of fun is you just played like a badass
ZoE2 - Sequel or I'll slit your throats :)
Guitar Hero - Seriously why don't you own this yet? You dumb?
Soul Calibur Series - Best fighting series, fun and deep whoda thunk it?
Megaman Zero and most of the Core Series - They're awesome

Dreamcast - It was really really good, I had never been happier with a console. There was a pretty much constant stream of games I enjoyed after the first drought.
For me:


Zone of the Enders series

Most Nintendo games

Skies of Arcadia

Phantasy Star Online(original on DS)

And the biggest one of all

Super Smash Bros. Melee. I will argue this as one of the best fighting games ever, but mainly because it strays so far from all the other preset notions of fighting games(most of which I feel are outdated).

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
people defend shenmue? o_O

I have a problem with anyone who shits on monkey ball 1. Thankfully that is nobody, because the game is perfect.


I feel as a game Wind Waker is almost indefensible in how bad it is. Talk about easy and boring, hours of stupid fetch quests are not fun.


Chili Con Carnage!
I only really defend Shenmues fighting system these days, i still think its the best real time combat engine (certainly in an RPG).

I used to defend loads more stuff but i realised that its ultimately pointless because 99% of the people who choose to slag off games here have no intention of even reading your responses.

Oh and metal arms too, i defend that because its easy, everyone who ive seen slag it off later admits to not having played more than 20% of it. Anyone who has finished it knows its one of the best 3rd person shooters ever.


Ultima Online
Tanarus (one of my favorite underrated games)
Skies of Arcadia
Zelda II
Kid Icarus
Super Mario Bros. 2
Shadowgate / Deja Vu
Romance of the 3 Kingdoms
D3VI0US said:
I feel as a game Wind Waker is almost indefensible in how bad it is. Talk about easy and boring, hours of stupid fetch quests are not fun.

I enjoyed it overall, though it's definitely not the best Zelda. So i don't agree with you, but the retreading across the ocean is indefensible i think.

My other peeve is I hated how in the overworld, this Zelda isn't like 'ok, LET them explore point X they can't access... so when they find weapon/item/ability X, they'll know to return there'. Instead, it's like, ok, tell them to go to A, then when they get to A, tell them to go to B, then when they get to B, tell them to go to C, then from C point them to A, finally you can go to D.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
KoTOR, Morrowind (or anything else from that series, and yes I do mean Redguard too!) MVP Baseball 2004 to present.. Arcanum, Fallout, Wasteland, all SSI gold box games which includes Buck Rodgers as well!


I don't feel the need to defend anything. I will point out what I like and why I like it - but if others don't like it - thats their loss.


the androgyne said:
I enjoyed it overall, though it's definitely not the best Zelda. So i don't agree with you, but the retreading across the ocean is indefensible i think.

My other peeve is I hated how in the overworld, this Zelda isn't like 'ok, LET them explore point X they can't access... so when they find weapon/item/ability X, they'll know to return there'. Instead, it's like, ok, tell them to go to A, then when they get to A, tell them to go to B, then when they get to B, tell them to go to C, then from C point them to A, finally you can go to D.

Overall the ocean gameplay mechanics are poor and item switching is clunky. Parry was pretty elementary but cool, and the bow physics were good. It had the right idea but the execution was terrible.


Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow's multiplayer.
Burnouts 3 brilliance and intensity
XIII, because it deserves attention like this.


D3VI0US said:
I feel as a game Wind Waker is almost indefensible in how bad it is. Talk about easy and boring, hours of stupid fetch quests are not fun.

Same could be said about Devil May Cry 2 dude. That game was by far more crap than Wind Waker and a lot easier.

This thread is about listing games we defend. No reason for people to defend the game they listed on a thread showing the games they get crap about in the first place.

Wind Waker was a good game. Just wasn't as good as Ocarina of Time. But hey, we all have games that had low ratings that we love.

My list is:

Superman 64....Jk.

Shenmue series. (Yes, even if Ryo was too dumb to sleep with the women that wanted him but kept asking for sailors).
Virtua Fighter series.
The SEGA Saturn and a lot of the games on it. People see my collection and laugh when they haven't even heard or tried a lot of the games I have.


Eternal Darkness
Wind Waker
Waverace Bluestorm

I think all of these games are amazing in their own way and feel they are very unfairly bashed on a semi regular basis by people who have no idea what they are talking about. :)


Killzone, Killzone, Killzone.

It's a great game, offline and on. Atmosphere, graphics, enemy design, weapons, reloading animations... some of my favorite ever. So much so that I devoured this game within three days of buying it - something I rarely do.

It pains me to see so many people spewing negativity about this title. Like Shadow of the Colossus, Killzone pushes the PS2 hard - maybe too hard - and that does result in some minor performance problems. However, I found these very easy to overlook in the face of so much goodness.

Man, I love me some Killzone.

Musashi Wins!

Blackace said:
KoTOR, Morrowind (or anything else from that series, and yes I do mean Redguard too!) MVP Baseball 2004 to present.. Arcanum, Fallout, Wasteland, all SSI gold box games which includes Buck Rodgers as well!

The right/left hand power bug in MVP2004 is indefensible and breaks the game. But still...you the man!


Things that get my goat:

When people tell me Zelda 2 is a great game.

When people say there was a "videogame crash" in 1983.


Whoever mentioned Buck Rogers ... YOU ROCK.
Yep, Killzone is pretty good, no idea about all the negativity. Gunvalkyrie, Sudeki and Breakdown would be my other choices though :D


Vagrant Story - Sure the box pussels were pretty boring but everything else was near perfection IMO.

Devil May Cry 3 - People usually criticise dmc3 for being to difficult or having an unforgiving continue system. IMO the difficulty is perfect and the levels are short enough for the continue system too not bother me and you can always just buy a few yellow orbs if you are having trouble against a boss. I just recently finished the game on Dante Must Die difficulty and it was seriously one of the most rewarding experiences i've had with any game. There is nothing quite like the feeling of annihilating a boss with Royal Guard.


Koren said:

DCX said:
lol yeah that and Dreamcast as a whole, VC sports, Voodoo Vince, Shenmue, Tao Feng and Blaster Master...that is all.
I'm very serious... I could say that I defend games like Metroid Prime and such, that's true, but not very interesting.

Fantavision is often presented as a proof of a weak launch for PS2. By people that didn't try it, or tried it for half an hour. Fantavision is far from perfect : slowdowns (!), quite expensive for the offering, and such.

But it's far more deep and interesting that it seems. Of course, you can finish it playing randomly on your first try in standard game. But it's not an easy game to master, when you want to make long chains for example. Dribble is difficult, for example. I probably spent more that one hundred hours with this game... and I really found it enjoyable.

I admit I'm very fond of this kind of game, though, and that it's NOT a game for anyone. My only purpose is to say that it's NOT the bad game it's rumored to be.

Defending a game in a thread about defending games... Did I won something ? :D


Offhand, I'd say:

Final Fantasy X
DOA (series)
Soul Calibur III
Unreal Tournament (series... well, except for UT2k3 - that one deserved all the negative comments, IMO)
Timesplitters 2 and 3 (never played the first, so I can't rightly defend it)

There are probably some other games I'm forgetting, but those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Koren said:
Defending a game in a thread about defending games... Did I won something ? :D



Pikmin 1 & 2 (the only experemental non-traditional RTS game that exists)

Panzer Dragoon Series (ya it's just a shooter, but a really damn awesome one too)

Mario Sunshine (It's fucking awesome, not insanely legendary -- but MS is what MarioWorld was to Mario3, accept it)

Electroplankton (music games over the last years have sucked... they've just been reduced to simple non-interactive "follow the dot" mixes and samples over magical "play-buttons" that stop the song if you mess up --- Electroplankton is the first game since REZ that gives you actual interactive creative control over the music to create your own music --- and that's what the 'music genra' should be)

GoldenSun Series (I'm not the best judge of 'story' in an RPG -- I've never truely been compelled by any RPG story ... but Goldensun is the only traditional RPG experience where your abilities translate into active field abilities/interactions for puzzle-solving - that's just awesome - and makes for some great zelda-like dungeons.)

Colossus (it really is just plain awesome to zone out wandering over the landscape)

Wind Waker (it really is just plain awesome to zone out wandering over the ocean)

Animal Crossing Series (it's fucking great to play a completely entertaining game where instead of 'challenge' defining the game your own creativity defines the game)

Ikaruga (yea I've had to defend it before, but never ever have I seen a single game push the creative limits of a genra so so much, yet at its core remain "roots-traditional" --- Ikaruga is something special)


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Any Metal Gear game. No one really says anything bad about MGS3, but there is so much hate for MGS2. I'll always defend it now matter what anyone says because it is one of the best games of this generation.


Koren said:
I'm very serious... I could say that I defend games like Metroid Prime and such, that's true, but not very interesting.

Fantavision is often presented as a proof of a weak launch for PS2. By people that didn't try it, or tried it for half an hour. Fantavision is far from perfect : slowdowns (!), quite expensive for the offering, and such.

But it's far more deep and interesting that it seems. Of course, you can finish it playing randomly on your first try in standard game. But it's not an easy game to master, when you want to make long chains for example. Dribble is difficult, for example. I probably spent more that one hundred hours with this game... and I really found it enjoyable.

I admit I'm very fond of this kind of game, though, and that it's NOT a game for anyone. My only purpose is to say that it's NOT the bad game it's rumored to be.

Defending a game in a thread about defending games... Did I won something ? :D
I will agree on all accounts. Fantavision is a great idea for a puzzle game, very cool multiplayer and yes, to expensive, at the time to justify purchase, but now it can be had for little to nothing...a must for any puzzle fans collection. It's not AAA puzzle quality like Poekmon Puzzle League, IQ, Devil Dice or Bust a Move...but still a worthy choice.



sammy said:
Wind Waker (it really is just plain awesome to zone out wandering over the ocean)


I was captivated by the sailing in Wind Waker. Absolutely entralled. The anticipation as you moor your boat on a new island...


Koren said:
Fantavision is often presented as a proof of a weak launch for PS2. By people that didn't try it, or tried it for half an hour. Fantavision is far from perfect : slowdowns (!), quite expensive for the offering, and such.

I agree, Fantavision is fucking awesome ---- I've never had to defend the game once I got someone to actually sit down with it for a short time.
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