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Games that you've always wanted to play...


Animal Crossing- and despite owning a 3DS. I will continue to pass on this franchise. On one hand, it's pick and play nature is very appealing. On the other hand, it seems like a game you play to kill time, just for the sake of killing timing. I'd be willing to try it out, not own it.


Neo Member


Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
-Suikoden II. Own a physical copy, but never got around to it. I even finished Suiko 1 with all 108 stars to import on a mem card a decade ago. Damn it's been THAT long??!!!

-Planescape Torment. ALways play a few hours into the first city and get distracted away. One day I'll actually play through it all. Only Infinity Engine game I have not beaten.

-Yakuza 3/4 Beaten first two...so might as well see the others.

-Ultima 7 Always owned a copy, but never touched it past intro.

-Metal Gear MSX games. One day.


I would like to have been born before to play all the games from the beginning so... a lot, lot of them (i am 20 now).
MMOs any of them, i just cant force myself to pay monthly to play something, i still want to experience what the fuss is about
MMOs any of them, i just cant force myself to pay monthly to play something, i still want to experience what the fuss is about

Son, we're in the GOLDEN age of free-to-play MMOs. Sure, some of the big ones still require monthly fees, but there's a ton of f2p mmos out there and a handful are even good!
I really, really want to play Ninja Gaiden Black. To a lesser extent, I want to try Guardian Heroes and Radiant Silvergun, but I don't have a 360 so I can't get any of them.
The Wal-Mart and Movie Gallery here had racks of re-packaged cart only used games about 10-15 years ago. They all cost the same price and naturally were mostly sports titles. I got lucky and found Gunstar Heroes and Super Metroid among them. Ten bucks a pop!

...I still haven't played Super Metroid. LOL

My arms have been hellaciously weak since mid-March due to a bad reaction to either an injection I got or the Neurontin I was prescribed for pain. I'm finally getting my strength back and ready to shake my stir-craziness something fierce. It's about time I played Super Metroid once I get back to where my SNES is in a couple of days. Tube TV in the basement <3

(I got sick pretty bad in '98 with a viral illness and had inflammation on the brain and was pretty wiped out for years there. Chronic fatigue, short term memory loss all that fun stuff. I've found I have a little bit of a mental hurdle to clear before forcing myself to play stuff that's going to be "new" to me like story based stuff where there's exploration. No wonder I usually stick to my golf games or simplistic arcade type stuff.)

Anyway, there are a number of others but that's the main one.
All my survival horror games (Fatal Frame, Silent Hill 2, Siren New Translation, Dead Space 1) because I need to muster up the courage to play them at night with headphones on.


Resident Evil 6(mostly waiting to see if its going to get a gold edition)
God of War: Acension(waiting on price drop)
Radiant Silvergun!! never got a saturn and wish I could've but yeah it would be a chore to get a saturn with the game now.

I think it might've come out on 360 on xbla but don't have 360 anymore.


Half Life Episode 3, The Last Guardian and Elite 4 - anything available I want to play I've played (I mean if it's available and you actually want to play it why wouldn't you?). But those three. One day...
To the people saying current or widely available games: just do it!

To everyone saying ico/sotc: shame on you.

For real, they are super cheap on psn. No excuses now. (Unless you don't own a PS3. But that's it!)
Due to never buying an Xbox of any kind...

Perfect Dark XBLA
Conkers Bad Fur Day reloaded
Jet set radio future : (

And skipping the SNES...

Yoshis Island
Mario Paint



Mother 3
Suikoden 2

I really want Project X Zone and Shin Megami Tensei IV as well, but don't have the money. Will get them eventually, though!

EDIT: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn as well. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption looks pretty good, too. (It's extremely cheap as well, don't know why I haven't gotten it) I've never played the Pikmin games either, but I want to...

I can name games all day, here's some more:

Final Fantasy III (VI)
Chrono Trigger (I bought the iOS version for $10, but its hard to play on my phone :/)
Battletoads (to be fair I played it on NESBox)

Cancelled games?
Conker: Twelve Tails 64
Mother 3 (64)


I've always wanted to play the Harvest Moon/Rune Factory series, but then something happens and the money I was going to spend on a game from the franchise goes to something else instead. Part of it is that I can't really find a good starting point for the series since there are so many Harvest Moon games. The new 3DS one is amazing from what I've been told though...
Policenaughts - I know there is an English fan translation, but in order to legally play it you have to have like a Japanese import copy of the game.

Grim Fandango/Day of the Tentacle/Full Throttle - basically all of the classic Tim Schafer point and click adventures. I know Grim Fandango hasn't been released digitally, but I'm not sure about Full Throttle or Day of the Tentacle.

Dragon Force - Ironically, this is one of the games I bought a Saturn for, but I never got around to buying it since I was a broke kid back then.

Planescape Torment - I know this is on GOG, but I've never gotten around to picking it up.

Baldurs Gate I&II - Same as above, but I'm waiting for the enhanced editions. I know BG1:EE has already released, but I still need to pick it up. (Also, I don't have that much time these days to play really long RPGS).

Panzer Dragoon Saga - I'm pretty sure they were selling this game out of the back of a Sega employee's trunk it had such a limited print run. I don't think I ever saw a copy in the wild.

SEGA Ages - I've always wanted to play those Sega Ages PS2 remakes of the Phantasy Star games, but they never released over here.


Uncharted Series and Resistance Series, MGS4, all because of a lack of a PS3.

And at the moment, Crysis 3 and MGR, only because of $$$.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Moon: Remix RPG Adventure is the biggest one I can think of at the moment.

Also, Eliminate Down, Keio Flying Squadron, Keio Yugekitai, Policenauts, and Legend of Xanadu II. Basically a lot of really expensive import-only games :p Domestically I've always wanted to play Albert Odyssey, Snatcher and Burning Rangers.

Tengai Makyou IV is one that I actually had as a kid, but I could only get so far/enjoy it so much due to not knowing Japanese. I'd love it if someone would translate it.

Good pick, absolutely love that game! I know a bit of Japanese and thanks to the Gamefaqs guide I managed to make it quite far (before my save game got deleted)... I definitely missed a lot due to the game being very humorous though :(


I've been on the fence the last two days about downloading it from the XBL marketplace...yay or nay?

It's a game to finish in one sitting and never touch again. It has no NG+ and no replay value whatsoever.

Difficulty trophies don't even stack, I beat it on Normal and didn't get the one for Easy.

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
Numerous text heavy Japan only titles over the years with Yakuza 5 being the latest one. I can't play them because I don't speak Japanese nor do I have the time or patience to learn it.
It's a game to finish in one sitting and never touch again. It has no NG+ and no replay value whatsoever.

Difficulty trophies don't even stack, I beat it on Normal and didn't get the one for Easy.

Would you recommend biting at $20? I'm not playing anything else at the moment besides Dark Souls and some ios games.
I've always wanted to play "I have No Mouth and I Must Scream".
Really great, super creepy game. I liked Benny's story the best. I'm pretty sure it's abandonware. It's easy to get running on Scummvm. You're gonna need a walkthrough at some point, so don't feel bad about pulling one up. Especially at the very end.


Tempest 3000 on the Nuon. Always been a fan of Minter, but could never justify purchasing a Nuon dvd player just for this game.


I've always wanted to play "I have No Mouth and I Must Scream".

Also LSD: Dream Emulator.

Oh these too!

I've been on the fence the last two days about downloading it from the XBL marketplace...yay or nay?
Yes! It was worth the $60 on PS3 at launch, and the $35 double dip on 360 a few months later.
It's a game to finish in one sitting and never touch again. It has no NG+ and no replay value whatsoever.

Difficulty trophies don't even stack, I beat it on Normal and didn't get the one for Easy.

I liked it enough to replay it. I am a Suda fan though (this game got me to be one)


A ton of Square's SNES era RPGs--Romancing SaGa 2 in particular. Also, Over My Dead Body for the PS1 and Megami Tensei 2 for the NES.
Don't have a PS3: Demon's Souls, Journey, Uncharted series

Don't have a Wii: Super Mario Galaxy 1/2, Skyward Sword, Metroid Prime 3

Too much time investment required: Dwarf Fortress, Eve Online
There was a jrpg that came out in Japan towards the end of the dreamcasts life that I always wanted to play. It was episodic and had awesome looking cartoon graphics that were similar to the story of thor/oasis series. I can't remember what it was called. Someone was working on a translation but I don't think they ever finished it. Anyone know what I'm talking about?


-Metal Gear Series
-Castlevania Series
-Silent Hill Series
-Suikoden Series
-Resident Evil Series
-Dynasty Warriors Series
-Fire Emblem Series
-Metroid Series

Hoping it will change soon.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
There was a jrpg that came out in Japan towards the end of the dreamcasts life that I always wanted to play. It was episodic and had awesome looking cartoon graphics that were similar to the story of thor/oasis series. I can't remember what it was called. Someone was working on a translation but I don't think they ever finished it. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

El Dorado Gate? Made by Capcom and with art by Yoshitaka Amano. Was supposed to be a total of 7 10-hour long RPGs... but I think they only got to 3 or 4?
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