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GameTrailers: Most Wanted Nintendo Franchises for iOS and Android.

Look guys, a Nintendo game on Android!



I mean, I'm not completely sold on the demo idea. You don't want someone turning down NSMB because "the controls are bad," when it undoubtedly controls fine on the platform it was intended for.

I'm not shooting down the demo idea either. I just think Nintendo should think outside the box. And yes, still keep their games tied to their platform.
It's why I think if Nintendo choose to go with something like that it's better with a new IP (characters) and an a free light app/game tailored to seduce in a quick yet addictive way. A soft tagged as "the Nintendo thing on smartphones", optimized for the UI, with an appealing universe and characters. And in a second time release a "real" game on one of their system. I see it like a promo campaign but with but part of the budget dedicated to develop the app.

That said, I remember Iwata last year, elaborating on the possibility to use social medias for promotion. So, why not?

It's not really a game, more an interactive advertisement.


Unconfirmed Member
It's hilarious that they actually published this.
I mean, I laughed when I read the thread title.


It's not really a game, more an interactive advertisement.

A demo of a game is still a game no matter what you choose to call it. Especially to a userbase used to short diversions.

A map I can see.

Even a Pokedex or something similar.

A game demo would be financial suicide.


Yep. I don't think having demos of actual Nintendo games on smartphones would do anything but hurt Nintendo.

There would be far more people playing the demo of Super Mario Touch over and over again on their smartphones than there would be going out and buying a 3DS + the full game. Then once that Pandora's Box was opened, the uninformed casual gamer types would just assume all Nintendo games were available for their smartphones, or would be in time, so why buy Nintendo's hardware. This one move would single handedly eliminate Nintendo's primary advantage and put it (or the perception of it) in the hands of their competitors.

It's just a bad idea.

You seem to have misunderstood me, but I like your argument more than what I was originally getting at so I will simply nod and agree :)


You'd think after all this time of flying in the face of popular yet short-sighted opinions and still managing to make fat stacks, Nintendo could get the occasional free pass regarding handling their business.

But the stupid are everywhere.


Unconfirmed Member
After years of talking about the iPhone being a direct competitor to the DS/3DS and Nintendo's biggest threat, people start talking about Nintendo helping apple out? I know it was just a premise on an "outside chance" in order to make a list but that's litterally an even more outside chance than Nintendo going third party because Nintendo would have to both go third party and then decide to compete in the 10 dollar or less marketplace compared to the 20 dollar or more marketplace of the PS or Xbox.

How about instead of gazing at the iPhone and iPad as the end all be all handheld device, why don't you for one second say to yourself there is a handheld game console that Nintendo actually might make games for and could maybe make a list of franchises you would like to be made for that. And you can't even give me those excuses like "only room for one device per pocket", or "must have 4G online", or 3DS costs too much when the freaking iPad fits in no pockets, is primarily a wifi device, and costs 330 dollars more at minimum.
Side Mission is like the inflamed appendix of GT. They need to remove it. Who checks it? They buried it on the site already anyway. Only thing I ever go to GT for is GTTV, Bonus Round and the occasional review. I'm guessing most of GAF is this way too.

Kinda interested how many people read that stuff though.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Wouldn't it be better to have the demo on the hardware that you can actually purchase the full game on?

I never said it was a good idea or that they should do it. I said it would amuse me. I let others take such ideas and run with them.

However, I'm sure a few people were pushed to get a Famicom and the original Super Mario Bros. after only being able to take so much of the NEC computer's "special" version.

It might be allowed on android, but I'm pretty sure Apple won't allow this behavior on ios, or am I wrong?

Aye, Apple doesn't. They are willing to let some things slide such as blatant rip-offs, but it's a big no on anything advertising another company's hardware.


Aye, Apple doesn't. They are willing to let some things slide such as blatant rip-offs, but it's a big no on anything advertising another company's hardware.

That's Warioware implicitly out of the question, then.

And technically, I assume it'd also mean that any game on iOS with an explicit sequel *not* on iOS would also be out?


Let's get this out of the way first, Nintendo shouldn't and will not ever release game on ios or Android.

Objectively speaking however, these games would be incredible if they exist on ios or Android.

1. Pokemon - Time waster, trade anytime anywhere with other people, simple menu command.
2. Advance War, Fire Emblem - See above.
3. Rhythm Heaven, Elite Beat Agent, Brain Games - See all the rip off already on ios and Android.

I disagree that Mario would be a good ios game due to lack of physical button for games requiring precise movement. Mario Kart also to a lesser extent, racing game with gyro sucks, I can't believe ios racing games are as popular as they are now.
Why is it always about Nintendo Franchises?
See this:
Their consoles are exactly why I'm perfectly willing to do without. I'm sick of dealing with BS like "friend codes" and the way Nintendo has handled digital distribution so far has been a complete joke, and frankly I'm tired of waiting for them to play catch up. It doesn't help that every Nintendo console I've owned has ended up in my closet collecting dust at some point.

Their consoles just aren't worth it to me anymore, which is why I find the idea of Nintendo developing games for iOS and Android appealing, regardless of how plausible or realistic it is. Because I actually use my smartphone.
I completely understand this viewpoint. Nintendo fucking sucks ass when it comes to offering people a good experience outside of the game itself and sometimes even within the game. This is why people beg and scream for Mario, but not for Halo, Gran Turismo or Uncharted. Microsoft and Sony may fuck up a lot in some areas, but they've provided an experience that people can enjoy even when they are not using their consoles explicitly for games. They also do their best to make the gaming experience as smooth as possible by improving community functions among other things(cheevos/trophies, game rating, user friendly stores, etc). Nintendo normally discourages non-gaming activities with consoles and people are sick and tired of it. Nintendo looks backwards as hell compared to pretty much all other companies because of this.

I'm also big Nintendo fan so I can also understand how important the hardware is to Nintendo. Every single little thing about their games is made exactly the way they want it because they know the hardware inside and out. Separating software and hardware when it comes to Nintendo is too much of a risk and it hurts Nintendo more than it helps. I'd ask for the software as well if I were just a casual who doesn't want to buy every system(I have a laptop, the HD twins and a Wii) even if I knew it wouldn't be the best for Nintendo.
Nintendo can't keep it up forever. There's no way Nintendo won't be releasing games on other platforms eventually. Iwata will be replaced if he doesn't cooperate.
Nintendo can't keep it up forever. There's no way Nintendo won't be releasing games on other platforms eventually. Iwata will be replaced if he doesn't cooperate.



But seriously, I hope you intended this ironically. Because if you really believe it, woah boy.

But seriously, I hope you intended this ironically. Because if you really believe it, woah boy.

I'm not talking about, say...next year. But it will happen. Handhelds can not survive another generation, and as things become more streamlined and web based in the house people are not going to keep buying one of three games consoles. Things are going to change I can feel it.
See this:

I completely understand this viewpoint. Nintendo fucking sucks ass when it comes to offering people a good experience outside of the game itself and sometimes even within the game. This is why people beg and scream for Mario, but not for Halo, Gran Turismo or Uncharted. Microsoft and Sony may fuck up a lot in some areas, but they've provided an experience that people can enjoy even when they are not using their consoles explicitly for games. They also do their best to make the gaming experience as smooth as possible by improving community functions among other things(cheevos/trophies, game rating, user friendly stores, etc). Nintendo normally discourages non-gaming activities with consoles and people are sick and tired of it. Nintendo looks backwards as hell compared to pretty much all other companies because of this.

I'm also big Nintendo fan so I can also understand how important the hardware is to Nintendo. Every single little thing about their games is made exactly the way they want it because they know the software inside and out. Separating software and hardware when it comes to Nintendo is too much of a risk and it hurts Nintendo more than it helps. I'd ask for the software as well if I were just a casual who doesn't want to buy every system(I have a laptop, the HD twins and a Wii) even if I knew it wouldn't be the best for Nintendo.

You're quite right, but the solution isn't iOS.
I'm not talking about, say...next year. But it will happen. Handheld gaming can not survive another generation, and as things become more streamlined and web based in the house people are not going to keep buying one of three games consoles. Things are going to change I can feel it.

You can shut your eyes and cover your ears and say "na na na na not listening, handhelds are dead" all you like, but look at how much the 3DS has sold after initial difficulties and tell me with a straight face that handhelds don't have a place in the market.
You can shut your eyes and cover your ears and say "na na na na not listening, handhelds are dead" all you like, but look at how much the 3DS has sold after initial difficulties and tell me with a straight face that handhelds don't have a place in the market.

It's a declining market. In 5 years the idea of buying a gaming specific portable gaming device will seem so incredible insane.
You're quite right, but the solution isn't iOS.
You are right about that. Just mimicking PSN, Steam or XBL with some unique extras of their own would go a long way towards silencing the madness.

I know they've improved the overall experience on the 3DS a lot, but it's not as substantial as it needs to be. I hope the Wii U moves way ahead of the current experience on their handheld.
It's a declining market. In 5 years the idea of buying a gaming specific portable gaming device will seem so incredible insane.

No, listen to what I was saying.

The 3DS is outselling the DS on a comparative timeline. And the DS released 7 years ago, when iPods still had click-wheels and the best game you could get on there was Solitaire. The market is not as bad as you think, or apparently want it to be.


I'm not talking about, say...next year. But it will happen. Handhelds can not survive another generation, and as things become more streamlined and web based in the house people are not going to keep buying one of three games consoles. Things are going to change I can feel it.

If it ever happens, I'm sure Nintendo would rather create their own app store for Android or select mobile partners, Sony-style, than pay the Apple tax. The ones making real money are those who own the ecosystems, not the ones who live in them.
I'm not talking about, say...next year. But it will happen. Handhelds can not survive another generation, and as things become more streamlined and web based in the house people are not going to keep buying one of three games consoles. Things are going to change I can feel it.
Wouldn't things becoming more streamlined suggest then the roles of handhelds and consoles starting to merge into one product? I mean, the Wii U's already sort of a step towards that depending how you look at it. I could see handhelds eventually phasing out if smartphone gaming keeps up for the next generation or two, but wouldn't Nintendo/Sony making smartphones themselves make more business sense than just starting to release their exclusive software on a major competitor's product?
No, listen to what I was saying.

The 3DS is outselling the DS on a comparative timeline. And the DS released 7 years ago, when iPods still had click-wheels and the best game you could get on there was Solitaire. The market is not as bad as you think, or apparently want it to be.

The DS launch was awful. It wasn't until the Mario Kart DS and the DS Lite that it got anything worth shouting about. Nintendo were grouping it with the GBA when talking about it's NPD sales ffs. You don't get to say "3DS is doing better than the DS' awful first year" as some sort of argument than the 3DS is doing well. It's clearly obvious at this point the 3DS and Vita aren't going to come close to their predecessors sales.

3DS is selling fine, I'm sure it's going to be a perfectly fine platform for Nintendo for a few years, but there is no way in hell they can release another portable gaming platform in half a decade or so. It'd be like releasing a CD Walkman today.
Call me when smart phones having fucking buttons that make anything beyond terrible ports and niche puzzle games playable.

Call me when most people care.

I don't give a shit about mobile phone gaming. I'm not some iOS advocate. I've not played a single game on a mobile phone that comes close to a "real" game. But that doesn't mean the trend isn't obvious for all to see.
The DS launch was awful. It wasn't until the Mario Kart DS and the DS Lite that it got anything worth shouting about. Nintendo were grouping it with the GBA when talking about it's NPD sales ffs. You don't get to say "3DS is doing better than the DS' awful first year" as some sort of argument than the 3DS is doing well. It's clearly obvious at this point the 3DS and Vita aren't going to come close to their predecessors sales.

3DS is selling fine, I'm sure it's going to be a perfectly fine platform for Nintendo for a few years, but there is no way in hell they can release another portable gaming platform in half a decade or so. It'd be like releasing a CD Walkman today.

It's a very good argument for the 3DS doing well, when the 3DS had a very similar poor launch/failure to outsell its predecessor when it first came out. Don't group the 3DS with the Vita either, it's doing much better. Not to mention that after E3 the Vita could easily have a similar renaissance.

CD Walkman? What a very irrelevant analogy. Listen bub, Angry Birds and Cut the Rope aren't the future. You heard it here first, tell all your friends.


I find it funny the media's idea of evolving is releasing games on a platform with a crippled control scheme and quite possibly the worst quality standards per customer of any game platform of all time.
It's a very good argument for the 3DS doing well, when the 3DS had a very similar poor launch/failure to outsell its predecessor when it first came out. Don't group the 3DS with the Vita either, it's doing much better. Not to mention that after E3 the Vita could easily have a similar renaissance.

CD Walkman? What a very irrelevant analogy. Listen bub, Angry Birds and Cut the Rope aren't the future. You heard it here first, tell all your friends.

Live in denial all you want, bub


@madraptorman: Nah they'll expect you to buy docking stations that connect to the pad or buy controllers to make games playable outside of the few genres that work well on the pad.


and once i again, i want to know: "how big is the mobile gaming market really?" serious question no sarcasm i swear.
Live in denial all you want, bub

Now I'm sure you are trolling. Denial? I'm not the one who thinks an Apple device that got successful by being and Apple device, with no real fun games to play, is the utopian future of gaming. I've seen developers leave companies in droves to pursue App Store development, as if it was some leprechaun's pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It isn't. Selling at dirt cheap prices and Apple taking a juicy bite out of your ass does not = success. That's why all you see on the App Store is lazy ass ports, and there are only a few like Epic who are really trying. And as you've so repeatedly pointed out, trends change and people buy different things.

In half a decade, there's no telling if iDevices will be as successful.
I honestly think that Nintendo would just walk away from the portable market altogether before developing games for another platform.
I honestly think that Nintendo would just walk away from the portable market altogether before developing games for another platform.

They would. They've said as much.

People constantly saying they should go third party because they want Nintendo games on their console, but not enough to shell out for a 3DS, aren't going to change that. When a company is firm enough on something to ignore the desires of a large proportion of their investors, you know they're going to stick by it.
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