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Gay and Bisexual relationship thread |OT|

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Bailey 87

He's my best friend. We just 'click'. :$

:$ I believe the reason we are best friends is because we are so alike. We are both science nerds, (he being more of a science nerd because he's doing a Ph.D. in Neuropsychiatric Genetics) we both love Politics (I'm more of a socialist that believes Ireland's 12.5% corporate tax rate is an abomination, he thinks it's okay) and we are both gaming gods.

So my advice for gay gaf is this, find someone who has similar interests with you and a perfect relationship you shall have :)


:$ I believe the reason we are best friends is because we are so alike. We are both science nerds, (he being more of a science nerd because he's doing a Ph.D. in Neuropsychiatric Genetics) we both love Politics (I'm more of a socialist that believes Ireland's 12.5% corporate tax rate is an abomination, he thinks it's okay) and we are both gaming gods.

So my advice for gay gaf is this, find someone who has similar interests with you and a perfect relationship you shall have :)
Haha, I feel the same way with my boyfriend. We share almost the very same interests. And even if we differ a bit, it ends up in something we can agree on. It really does help a lot in the relationship, and makes sharing things a lot easier, helping you open up to each other. Thanks to that, you end up talking of a bunch of things that sometimes you just keep to yourself. Not saying you have to agree 100% on everything, as a little conflict also helps and makes the relationship exciting, but it certainly glues it up. At least in my case, anyway.

Regarding best friends or not, I consider him my bestest friend, and I share with him everything! He feels the same way, and that makes me feel really happy, inside!

We still argue sometimes, like my love for Pokemon and Nintendo, lol. But who cares, we still will play the shit out of co-op games because we make a great team with awesome synchronization! /smugface


This past weekend was kind of a bust until Sunday night. Decided to stay home although all my ATL buddies went up to Bearracuda at the Heretic saturday night. Was a bit jelly especially since my local guy was sick that day as well (sinuses) and I wasn't able to see him.

That said, my guy was feeling a lot better Sunday. Picked him up that evening and had a nice dinner. Eventually got back to my place and ended up watching a few movies. Lost Boys for kicks, Atrocious is aptly named, and Strangeland (lol dee snider). Cuddling the whole time we laughed and talked and enjoyed each others company. By midnight we turned in.

I honestly wasn't expecting anything even though we've already played once before. We started spooning with his back to me, but every few minutes his body would turn ever so slightly towards me. After about fifteen minutes he was facing me and ended up in a very tight -and intertwined- embrace. I cocked my head to look at him, and from there we went from sweet to primal in 5 seconds flat.

Kissing, grinding, scratching, biting; tongues everywhere. It was like we on something. It felt like every bit of stress and tension (we hadn't seen each other for a bit more than a week, both over worked) just vented from us and manipulated every action. I'd like to say i'm versatile but the truth is I've only ever bottomed once and that was 5 years ago. That night I tried it again, and at first it hurt like HELL. But after a minute or two I acclimated and then it was like the floodgates opened. I think after last night I can definitely say that although I like both I may be a power bottom in training lol

We've seen each other quite a few times over the past several weeks. I think I may be developing feelings for him and I know he feels the same. I'm really excited to see where this goes.


This past weekend was kind of a bust until Sunday night. Decided to stay home although all my ATL buddies went up to Bearracuda at the Heretic saturday night. Was a bit jelly especially since my local guy was sick that day as well (sinuses) and I wasn't able to see him.

That said, my guy was feeling a lot better Sunday. Picked him up that evening and had a nice dinner. Eventually got back to my place and ended up watching a few movies. Lost Boys for kicks, Atrocious is aptly named, and Strangeland (lol dee snider). Cuddling the whole time we laughed and talked and enjoyed each others company. By midnight we turned in.

I honestly wasn't expecting anything even though we've already played once before. We started spooning with his back to me, but every few minutes his body would turn ever so slightly towards me. After about fifteen minutes he was facing me and ended up in a very tight -and intertwined- embrace. I cocked my head to look at him, and from there we went from sweet to primal in 5 seconds flat.

Kissing, grinding, scratching, biting; tongues everywhere. It was like we on something. It felt like every bit of stress and tension (we hadn't seen each other for a bit more than a week, both over worked) just vented from us and manipulated every action. I'd like to say i'm versatile but the truth is I've only ever bottomed once and that was 5 years ago. That night I tried it again, and at first it hurt like HELL. But after a minute or two I acclimated and then it was like the floodgates opened. I think after last night I can definitely say that although I like both I may be a power bottom in training lol

We've seen each other quite a few times over the past several weeks. I think I may be developing feelings for him and I know he feels the same. I'm really excited to see where this goes.

Beats watching the Millionaire Matchmaker and having your guy fall asleep before any sexy time could occur, ha.
Today I had a talk with Eros and he told me he is thinking about moving away. He told me that is why he didn't want to start something with me.

He knows I still like him and that maybe if he sticks around we can be together, but he told me not to just wait for him for something to happen because he doesn't know how his life is going to be from time to time.

He said it has been really hard on himself living alone because the bills are so high. He has friends & family in San Antonio, a friend offering him a job in College Station, but he also said he may go back to Nebraska (but doesn't want to have to leave his kids behind).

But yeah now I feel so much better that he told me. I mean at first I was freaked out that he would be leaving but then I also told him that I just want him to be happy and hope he can get everything sorted out.

Anyway, I am meeting a guy on Thursday night for dinner as I've already said in the Skype chat and on here (I think) and I hope it goes well!


Oh SHI- member status.

Scott, good luck thursday!

I don't know what it is, but I think there's something on my face that makes couples on sites like Bear411 beeline for me. On 4 separate occasions I'll be having a friendly chat with a guy, nothing sexual just conversing hobbies and whatnot. At the most acknowledge attraction but nothing serious. And like clockwork their partner will message me with a more forward approach that obviously means they want to hook up. Good cop/bad cop or good cub/bad bear?


Did you at least have a good time?

Yeah, sorta. Once the beer buzz set in and we both got chatty, we loosened up after some initial awkwardness (which I haven't experienced in awhile on first dates) and had a good time. As it turns out, dude was a serious fighting game player, winning tournaments across the continent! lol. So we shared our love for gaming and nerded out a bit.

But yeah, proof positive IMO that similar interests aren't enough. Still need that strange elusive spark to make things happen.
But yeah, proof positive IMO that similar interests aren't enough. Still need that strange elusive spark to make things happen.

It always so good when you find that spark. Like when you go for coffee and whoops! 8 hours later you're still chatting and it feels like only an hour has passed.


Today I had a talk with Eros and he told me he is thinking about moving away. He told me that is why he didn't want to start something with me.

He knows I still like him and that maybe if he sticks around we can be together, but he told me not to just wait for him for something to happen because he doesn't know how his life is going to be from time to time.

He said it has been really hard on himself living alone because the bills are so high. He has friends & family in San Antonio, a friend offering him a job in College Station, but he also said he may go back to Nebraska (but doesn't want to have to leave his kids behind).

But yeah now I feel so much better that he told me. I mean at first I was freaked out that he would be leaving but then I also told him that I just want him to be happy and hope he can get everything sorted out.

Anyway, I am meeting a guy on Thursday night for dinner as I've already said in the Skype chat and on here (I think) and I hope it goes well!
I haven't been following that closely, but is his name really Eros or are you using that in place of his real name? Also, good luck on your date! Seems like your dating life is in full swing. Congrats!

Also, am I in the gay dating thread or the pop one? Sometimes I can't tell the difference. :p
You know I am learning not to just wait around and let someone ignore me and be unhappy.

I was going to say this to you but I didn't know how to make it sound nice. Good for you Delio :)

Yes, his name is really Eros you guys. I still want him but it's better if I don't wait around either because it will only make me depressed.


It always so good when you find that spark. Like when you go for coffee and whoops! 8 hours later you're still chatting and it feels like only an hour has passed.

Thought I felt it 4 times in my life so far, and 3 of those were gross fizzle-outs within a week.

The other one turned into my longest relationship ever, at a grand six weeks. We never even used the term 'dating', but we basically just did everything together for a month and a half, every other day.


Also, just started using twitter for the first time. Holy shit, is this ever needlessly complicated and obtuse. Why is this shit such a clusterfuck? It took me like five full minutes to fully comprehend what messages were aimed at who, and how to view them, and what exactly all symbols meant in what context, etc. It's seriously just a needlessly complicated version of FB status updates/conversations, from what I can tell.

I still don't know how to view all the tweets aimed at a particular person, if that's even possible. Like, for the companies/bands I follow, I'd like to see all the questions/conversations being publicly tweeted to them (and their replies). Is that possible?


You're in no position to be offering anyone any advice regarding anything romantic, dude

I don't think many of us are. I know that I can't maintain a stable relationship to save my life, I'm not going to be in a relationship in the near future, and, at 20, I'm too young to say anything with any level of certainty or heft to it. But we all glean things either from experience or just from paying attention to what others say to us.


You're in no position to be offering anyone any advice regarding anything romantic, dude

It's true, though.

It's not. He may not have as many experience as either of you have but it doesn't mean he can't share what he thinks about it. There's also no reason to be nasty about it. It's really off-putting when you go to read the thread and you see nothing but people being mean to each other just because they can. It doesn't make either of you look cool or anything like that.

If I remember correctly, the purpose of this thread is to help out each other and give advice whenever necessary. Not to put people down just because you can.

Dr. Malik

Delio has made me like twinks, never knew that was possible

It's not. He may not have as many experience as either of you have but it doesn't mean he can't share what he thinks about it. There's also no reason to be nasty about it. It's really off-putting when you go to read the thread and you see nothing but people being mean to each other just because they can. It doesn't make either of you look cool or anything like that.

Thank you! I guess now we need a PHD in relationships to offer any advice


Exactly. I haven't ever been in a relationship, but doesn't mean I'm oblivious or lack common sense in order to give advice; sometimes been outside and ignored help you see things in a different way and give advice in that aspect.

Anyway, more fresh meat!!
Wellcum Dynopia, remember to send nudies as private messages to all of us; or at least to me. ;)
(Plus, bonus points for an Alan Wake-related avatar.)
You're in no position to be offering anyone any advice regarding anything romantic, dude

Don't have to be a jerk about it. I just know that waiting for someone to come around ends up being really hard on you making you feel sad and lonely and that isn't a good feeling...

I just want my friend Delio to be happy. I remember when people were saying it wasn't a real relationship just because they never met in person yet, I hate people who say that crap. That's like saying you aren't friends just because you talk online. I actually want to meet many people I have met online because they are really cool people.

Just stop being jerks to people, that isn't what this thread is about.


Thought I felt it 4 times in my life so far, and 3 of those were gross fizzle-outs within a week.

The other one turned into my longest relationship ever, at a grand six weeks. We never even used the term 'dating', but we basically just did everything together for a month and a half, every other day.


Also, just started using twitter for the first time. Holy shit, is this ever needlessly complicated and obtuse. Why is this shit such a clusterfuck? It took me like five full minutes to fully comprehend what messages were aimed at who, and how to view them, and what exactly all symbols meant in what context, etc. It's seriously just a needlessly complicated version of FB status updates/conversations, from what I can tell.

I still don't know how to view all the tweets aimed at a particular person, if that's even possible. Like, for the companies/bands I follow, I'd like to see all the questions/conversations being publicly tweeted to them (and their replies). Is that possible?
I was confused about twitter at first too; it does take a bit of getting used to.

As for seeing all the tweets of a band/person, just go directly to their twitter page (click on their name) and view all the tweets. Should have every reply they tweet out to people. Not sure if you can see every message they receive unless they reply to it though.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Just for the record: I love "exotic"/less-used names. Like this dude that erected a pole (hurr hurr) at house since the electric pole snapped in half and took the power with it was called "Silver." *moe* Doesn't hurt he wasn't bad looking either. But he was married and like 10 years my senior or more. D:


Oh, what's this? We can't discuss men because Rez has to be a drama queen for the week instead of me? Ho'kay. :(


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I still don't know how to view all the tweets aimed at a particular person, if that's even possible. Like, for the companies/bands I follow, I'd like to see all the questions/conversations being publicly tweeted to them (and their replies). Is that possible?

Search twitter with "@<usernameofaccounthere>" It should list all the publicly stated stuff that is sent to that user.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Also, someone hold me, lack of Vita is making me all anxious and sweaty. :(

Lucky bastard. I want to trade my PSP-1000 in for a PSP2. :( The demo sold me minus the whole HURR DURR TOUCHSCREEN FORCED ON YOU BECAUSE YOU OH SO LOVE IT SEKS! aspect. :|

But I won't since my PSP-1000 is hackable. I'll wait until I can "jailbreak" the PSP2 I guess.
Lucky bastard. I want to trade my PSP-1000 in for a PSP2. :( The demo sold me minus the whole HURR DURR TOUCHSCREEN FORCED ON YOU BECAUSE YOU OH SO LOVE IT SEKS! aspect. :|

But I won't since my PSP-1000 is hackable. I'll wait until I can "jailbreak" the PSP2 I guess.

Oh Im never trading in my PSP...ever. but when i went to pick up a Vita today every major retailers in downtown Toronto was sold out. Was trying to take advantage of a gamestop trade in promo which would have netted me the Vita for $80.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Hmmm... I doubt I have anything worth $8. I doubt doubling up would give me the hardware for $25. :(
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