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GB/WH Rumor: Microsoft dropping basically all Xbox One DRM, announcement today

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Lol I thought they said they were confident with the system they have in place?

Can't wait to hear that spin.


Microsoft to Pull Complete Reversal on Xbox One DRM Policies
by Patrick Klepek on June 19, 2013
Sources indicate Microsoft is going to move away much of what's caused the company so much headache.

Multiple sources inform me Microsoft will announce what amounts to a complete reversal on its DRM policies for Xbox One today.

GB running with it....

old but it fits

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Even if this is true, MS would have to do a lot more for me to regain my confidence in them. This would basically be like having a girlfriend break up with you and break all your games and shit, only to come crawling back later apologetically and replacing your shit. It's like, thanks for replacing my shit, but I ain't gonna be with you if you're crazy enough to do that shit in the first place.
Dude you might wanna delete that, he deleted his tweets and doesn't want to be involved, sounds like we'll find out soon anyway

Those are still there, but he deleted a few other things. Still the same message though.

P.S. This is going to be fucking interesting. Though doesn't that still mean they can change it anytime they want like in their official used game Policy post?


I guess the question is how much will they backtrack? Will they still insist on all physical discs be registered? Or will they just at least have an indefinite Offline Mode available?

EDIT: Did not see Patrick's story on Giant Bomb until now.


I love the Internet. That's why complaining works. At least MS sees the pushback. Not sure if they will change their approach.


Would be amazing if true, still getting a PS4 first but I'd definitely get an Xbox One down the line for the exclusives.

I usually buy every console, but Xbox One will be the exception with that DRM nonsense.


As always, reading a report like this makes me yearn to be the head a major company or something with some super duper secret about to come out that would be legit news of some sort. Because there is NO CHANCE I wouldn't use the opportunity, every time, to leak a near 100% accurate rumour to some really unlikely website. What's the least likely source of a TRUTHFACT rumour of my next hardware release? Random dude on twitter? Opa-Opa's blog? Whatever forum Deadmeat is shitting up now? Ok one of those guys is getting the straight goods, including shocking accurate info about price and release date. Go nuts, internet!

Like Hannibal Lechter, I'd do it... just to see what would happen.


Giant Bomb

Microsoft to Pull Complete Reversal on Xbox One DRM Policies
by Patrick Klepek on June 19, 2013

Sources indicate Microsoft is going to move away much of what's caused the company so much headache.
The tug-of-war between Microsoft and Sony just got more interesting. Multiple sources inform me Microsoft will announce what amounts to a complete reversal on its DRM policies for Xbox One today.

What does this mean?

No more always online requirement
The console no longer has to check in every 24 hours
All game discs will work on Xbox One as they do on Xbox 360
Authentication is no longer necessary
An Internet connection is only required when initially setting up the console
All downloaded games will function the same when online or offline
No additional restrictions on trading games or loaning discs
Region locks have been dropped​



Unconfirmed Member
It would be the biggest u-turn the industry has ever seen, if true.

I would respect Microsoft for doing it. It would be humiliating, they'd be seen as a follower and not as an industry leader, but its the only thing I can see them doing that would allow them to escape the black hole of negative PR they are currently trapped in.
I agree with this. It'd be better for them to accept that many potential customers aren't happy with the console's current state, and remove those restrictions now.
Even if it is true, they can always turn it back on down the road. It's like being deployed in the military. They tell you, you can be deployed longer then a year, so they send you back home on day 365. Only to redeploy you 30 days later for another year.

It still would be awesome if it was true though, as it would be a major victory for nerdland.


If they removed the used games DRM, and lowered the price, then I might consider buying one at some time. But if the only thing they change is their stance on DRM and not the price, then I'm not interested, because I won't pay 100 dollars extra for a weaker machine.


oh I hope it's true and the drop the price too.. I'd like a robust next gen.

But I am still worried about that always-on Kinect thing. Doubt they will ever let go of that one.


If this turns out to be true, I will start believing that people can really still change history if they let their voices be heard.

And Xboners would have the vocal majority to thank for it, and not the sheep that were fine just going with whatever Microsoft wanted.


Whathifi with the massive scoop of the day. Who would have thought? I may get both consoles now instead of just the PS4, but I'll probably still stick with the PS4 at launch.
If thats true they just need to remove Kinect and cut the price by 100$.
I would still buy the Ps4 first, but I would consider buying an Xbox later.

def sim

so if this is true

there's no doubt pushing #nodrm was worth the try looking at the kind of effect it has on both sony and ms


Maybe all responsible Microsoft executives met at Titan Falls and, overwhelmed by the imposing view, were, thus paralyzed, given the opportunity to look deep into their hearts, -- all they saw was a world of tanks, something had to change, even if it were them.


GB: Microsoft to Pull Complete Reversal on Xbox One DRM Policies
The tug-of-war between Microsoft and Sony just got more interesting. Multiple sources inform me Microsoft will announce what amounts to a complete reversal on its DRM policies for Xbox One today.

What does this mean?

No more always online requirement
The console no longer has to check in every 24 hours
All game discs will work on Xbox One as they do on Xbox 360
Authentication is no longer necessary
An Internet connection is only required when initially setting up the console
All downloaded games will function the same when online or offline
No additional restrictions on trading games or loaning discs
Region locks have been dropped
It is unclear what caused this huge change in policy right after E3, a week where Microsoft executives spent days explaining, justifying, and talking about its policies to the press. I suspect Microsoft’s official announcement will say something to the effect of “we've been closely listening to consumer feedback.”

Based on what I’m being told, that’s definitely true.


Ultraton if true... WhatHiFi breaking this news would be proper mental.

Not convinced, but at this stage I do believe anything can happen. MS will tow whatever official line exists, until it changes, but such a colossal flip-flop will make them impossible to trust. Either way, Don Mattrick is outta' there.

Giant Bomb? Shit just got real.


Gold Member
personally i never thought the drm was an issue but if this sorta thing is what gets people to get excited about both consoles again i'll be happy.
The one thing we should have learned from this generation is that everything leaks, and anything is possible.

Microsoft may not be as oblivious as we first thought. Imagine that.
Giant Bomb

Microsoft to Pull Complete Reversal on Xbox One DRM Policies
by Patrick Klepek on June 19, 2013

Sources indicate Microsoft is going to move away much of what's caused the company so much headache.
The tug-of-war between Microsoft and Sony just got more interesting. Multiple sources inform me Microsoft will announce what amounts to a complete reversal on its DRM policies for Xbox One today.

What does this mean?

No more always online requirement
The console no longer has to check in every 24 hours
All game discs will work on Xbox One as they do on Xbox 360
Authentication is no longer necessary
An Internet connection is only required when initially setting up the console
All downloaded games will function the same when online or offline
No additional restrictions on trading games or loaning discs
Region locks have been dropped​


What? No way, there's just no way.
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