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George Lucas quips he sold 'Star Wars' to "white slavers," criticizes tone of TFA

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I kind of agree with his statement about too much retread. I'm thinking that it's just to get back the old fans though, and hopefully they'll try something different for the next one, in terms of both story and aesthetics.
I dunno about that white slaver bit but he's right about trying to do something different with each movie.

As garbage as the prequels were, they were at least trying to do something different.

TFA being too much of a retread of the OT (namely ANH) is my biggest criticism of the movie.

This is why I don't give much credibility to the criticisms of the prequels some make. Yes, they had several flaws, and whilst it is not comparable, TFA reboots so much from A New Hope that it amazes me that these fans - who were so acutely aware of the problems with the previous films - have given it a free pass.

Is TFA the gold standard for what Star Wars should be? Or is the fact that it wasn't a Lucas production enough?

MC Safety

If it weren't for the prequels, TFA could have been innovative. It was the movie it needed to be to earn back the goodwill of the fanbase and expand it, and it was massively successful in doing this.

We'll see what the next 2 movies do. If they're all rehashes of the OT that'll be hugely disappointing and a misstep.

The Force Awakened was fine, but let's be honest with one another. It was safe and predictable, and not because of the prequels.


and why he was keen to have everyone walk around new and exciting cg hallways big enough where they couldn't interact with anything... but it doesn't matter, because it's new!


The CGI hasn't aged well with those movies...


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
He isn't wrong about TFA. It isn't a terrible movie and I enjoyed it but it is nothing more than a recast and tweaked A New Hope with some elements of Empire and Jedi thrown in for extra flavor.

I would be interested in seeing his outlines for 7 8 and 9. People saying he is terrible are full of shit. He is fantastic on the creative side. Its the bringing the creative to life where he runs into trouble especially if there isn't people to reign him in.



or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Disney was creatively hands off on the film, and the Lucasfilm story group, lol.

If I had to guess, I'd say it has less to do with some corporate/producer-driven mandate to stay as close to ANH as possible, and more to do with JJ just not being super imaginative when it comes to plotting.

I wonder if the Michael Arndt version of the screenplay was also an ANH redux?

The CGI hasn't aged well with those movies...

It was awful in 2002 :p


Disney was creatively hands off on the film, and the Lucasfilm story group, lol.

If I had to guess, I'd say it has less to do with some corporate/producer-driven mandate to stay as close to ANH as possible, and more to do with JJ just not being super imaginative when it comes to plotting.

I mean, it is not the first time he basically just re-shots an existing movie of a famous franchise and just changes it's name.


How is The Force Awakens retro?

The prequel trilogy feels more retro to me because it was the early 2000s when many companies had no fucking idea how to believably implement CG in their films.

Not like the CG in TFA is brilliant, I mean Snoke etc.. look worse than fucking LOTR creatures.

Also he kinda has a point. TFA was a rehash and fucked up many things.

They had a brilliant cast and cool characters, except for Kylo, so it makes up for it ! It's a decent start for what will probably be a great trilogy. (even if the adventure aspect has kinda been toned down, which is about the only thing Lucas ever did right :/ )


That's hogwash. All they had to do was create a good film, which can be done while recapturing the tone of the originals without straight up remaking them.

The events in The Force Awakens take place after the events of the original trilogy, so it's the straightest line back to what we know.

You can't just up and make Star Wars as though none of the rest ever happened. People are going to wonder where everything they love went, and then you have some tonally weird side movie that people equally disown.

Moreover, making it too, too different is going to result in a Nintendo effect of fan-based diminishing returns.

All of this aside, "the prequels sucked" is the majority opinion. "The Force Awakens is great." is the majority opinion now.

The new people saved Star Wars. Who cares how they did it?


I want to see the universe where Lucas made the sequels. Just to see how bad it could possibly get. See it, not live in it.



In the end he took the money. So, what does that make him?

GL was already rich before the deal and he gave most of the money from the deal away:

Donating Star Wars Billions Will Make George Lucas One Of The Biggest Givers Ever

Also, he wasn't wrong the movie was a remake of ANH whatever you can say about the prequels you can't say that Lucas didn't at least try to do something original. I dislike this hyperbolic thread title, it reaks of clickbait.


Gotta agree. I liked tfa but it was a fuckin replica movie. So many matching beats to a new hope

For previous fans it does seem like a retread (albeit a well done one), but for a new generation of fans it's their New Hope. It was a good trade off to recapture old fans, and introduce new ones.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Well Starship Troopers even looks better these days and has aged as fine wine.

Haven't seen it lately but I think that's true. Pretty amazing. It might be one of the few survivors of the 1997-2003 era of leaning on immature CGI tech.


Ah, this is where the Internet lines up to tell Lucas how awful he is. Woo.

New film wasn't great, but still good. Just like the prequels. Just like the next movies will end up being. But really I dislike the "Billion dollars!" thing being held up as some sort of highmark over the other films. Especially when people were all too eager to lambaste Furious7 and JWorld making that much.


If he wanted to do the sequels he shouldn't have sold Star Wars.

George, pls.

There was a non official verbal agreement that Disney would follow his outline - that's why he gave it up so freely. But after it was sold the lawyers got to it and found it non binding. So they were free to scrap his script and do their own thing.


Lucas has spent the last few years shitting on TFA, no surprise here. Since the time he mentions -- when they made it clear they weren't going to use his script


There was a non official verbal agreement that Disney would follow his outline - that's why he gave it up so freely. But after it was sold the lawyers got to it and found it non binding. So they were free to scrap his script and do their own thing.


Is this a real thing that happened?

Dude Abides

That's hogwash. All they had to do was create a good film, which can be done while recapturing the tone of the originals without straight up remaking them.

I'm sure you have many great ideas about how to accomplish that, but apparently the people responsible for doing so decided that an effective way to convince people that Star Wars isn't all hot garbage is to remind them of the films that were good, and it seems to have worked.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Ill take replica planets over the stupid mirror romance (that was handled horribly)

That's one of the most embarrassing things ever set to film, so I can't argue much...

Though it wasn't a mirror of Han and Leia in ESB. It was the first and only romance as a centrepiece to a SW film. And the results were............. ugh.


history will not be nearly as kind to TFA as the immediate hype fuelled aftermath. it's a decent enough night out at the cinema, but also a milestone for all the most cynical and cannibalistic hollywood trends.

History? Star Wars is not Citizen Kane. It's an entertaining series of movies. They stopped being entertaining in the prequels. Now they're entertaining again.


White slavers? What the fuck is he going on about. I'm completely convinced that Star Wars is better off in Disney's hands than in Lucas's.


If it weren't for the prequels, TFA could have been innovative. It was the movie it needed to be to earn back the goodwill of the fanbase and expand it, and it was massively successful in doing this.

We'll see what the next 2 movies do. If they're all rehashes of the OT that'll be hugely disappointing and a misstep.

Just making the tone similar to the first three and having the original cast back would've easily earned goodwill. No reason this movie had to be a rehash.

The movie would've been successful even with Lucas at the helm. Ford, Hamill and Fisher coming back were guarantees the movie was going to be massive.

History? Star Wars is not Citizen Kane. It's an entertaining series of movies. They stopped being entertaining in the prequels. Now they're entertaining again.

Not true at all. There's a whole generation that got introduced to the series by the prequels. A lot of kids loved them as bad as they are.
There was a non official verbal agreement that Disney would follow his outline - that's why he gave it up so freely. But after it was sold the lawyers got to it and found it non binding. So they were free to scrap his script and do their own thing.

Then Lucas is an even bigger idiot for not getting it in writing.


Someone else mentioned that, yes, TFA isn't the most original Star Wars film, and I agree.

... But it's also exactly what I needed after the prequels: A pallet cleanser.

Washed the bad taste of the prequels right out of my mouth.
The slavers comment seems to me to be more directed at the Hollywood industry, not Disney. He hates Hollywood, always had, always tried to stay away from it. And now he sold it to them.
Was he even playing to make episode 7, 8, and 9? I thought he said episode 3 was going to be the last one he'd work on? I mean from ANYONE else I wouldn't believe that but I could see Lucas just laying the franchise to rot while he just kept making Star Wars TV shows.


This is why I don't give much credibility to the criticisms of the prequels some make. Yes, they had several flaws, and whilst it is not comparable, TFA reboots so much from A New Hope that it amazes me that these fans - who were so acutely aware of the problems with the previous films - have given it a free pass.

Is TFA the gold standard for what Star Wars should be? Or is the fact that it wasn't a Lucas production enough?

Maybe if you took the time to actually parse out the very detailed criticisms of the prequels, and what people liked about TFA, you wouldn't be so baffled.

What people disliked about the prequels includes (but is not limited to) the stilted acting, awful dialogue, lack of chemistry between characters whose relationships are supposed to be critical to the story, the over reliance on green screens and CGI that have aged very poorly, sluggish pacing, Jar Jar Binks, etc. It's not a coincidence that what a lot of people have loved about TFA is the acting, the pacing, the chemistry and just overall strong character work.

The prequels have flaws. TFA has flaws. But not all flaws are equal, and disliking one movie because of its flaws and liking another in spite of its flaws is not the big hypocrisy you think it is.


Alternative headline:

George Lucas claims he sold his kids to white slavers, and is sad that they don't have new spaceships.
I heard Lucas had 6 full scripts written for Star Wars VII and those assholes had the gall to throw all of them out. He also signed multiple actors for it and they scrapped all of it. Disney has no respect. The truth is out there.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Was he even playing to make episode 7, 8, and 9? I thought he said episode 3 was going to be the last one he'd work on? I mean from ANYONE else I wouldn't believe that but I could see Lucas just laying the franchise to rot while he just kept making Star Wars TV shows.

Apparently he was planning an Episode VII on his own... perhaps as a prelude to selling it off. But in the end he decided to just sell it beforehand.
I hope most of you commenting actually saw the video too. The white slaver thing was just a joke, besides I feel for the man even though clearly he wasn't the right guy for the new trilogy.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
The events in The Force Awakens take place after the events of the original trilogy, so it's the straightest line back to what we know.

So, years after a ragtag group freedom fighters battle a fascist regime... another ragtag group freedom fighters battle a fascist regime? Real original.

All of this aside, "the prequels sucked" is the majority opinion. "The Force Awakens is great." is the majority opinion now.

Maybe you should wait a little longer for "majority opinion" to evolve. Popular opinion was that Avatar was great when it first came out, but now it's barely in the public's consciousness now. More and more there's grumblings of TFA's flaws and shortcomings online.

MC Safety

The reception the prequels got definitely played a significant part in the type of film TFA set out to be.

The prequels were well received in the most tangible way possible: With the take from your repeated viewings.

Star Wars fans wanted more Star Wars. And Disney gave them exactly that.


There was a non official verbal agreement that Disney would follow his outline - that's why he gave it up so freely. But after it was sold the lawyers got to it and found it non binding. So they were free to scrap his script and do their own thing.

I highly doubt that is true reality considering the amount of money that was being transferred, an army of lawyers on both sides would have been surely skimming over every piece of it.

Lawyers at that pay range would have known any agreement of that nature would never hold up. you don't make unofficial agreements when handing over Billions of dollars.


I heard Lucas had 6 full scripts written for Star Wars VII and those assholes had the gall to throw all of them out. He also signed multiple actors for it and they scrapped all of it. Disney has no respect. The truth is out there.

Let's be honest, it was probably for the best even though TFA was a safe, predictable, corporate product.


Yeah he's not wrong with the retro comment, but boy this comes off as sour grapes, especially when it has come out that Disney basically showed him the door rather than asking for input. Considering how disliked his last entries in the series were, it's also probably not a fight he wants to get into.

The slavers comment is probably his independent roots coming out. Lucas had always disliked the studio system. Probably not the best choice of words.
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