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George Lucas Salad Unboxing Video

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Their Ben Hurt skit was so good, that was the one that would've been a fun thread.

What is a Plinkett video? Is that something I should be aware of?
Plinkett is a fictional character that they used for some short skits, it's was just a comedic old guy. Later, the brains behind RLM who is a big Star Trek thread made a long video essay which described why one Star Trek movie (can't remember which) was so horrible. Since his voice sounded dull he used the accent of the Plinkett character for comedic purposes while having a few unrelated jokes throughout the video so it wouldn't be so exhausting. After he covered a few Star Trek movies he moved to the Phantom Menace in 2009 with it's infamous 90 minutes video essay about why the movie is so bad and that went viral and made them pretty famous. They're an insane amount of work so other than Star Trek and the Prequel Trilogy he's made a short one for Avatar, one for Baby's Day Out to mock and play with the anticipation that was built for his Revenge of the Sith review. He then made one for Cop Dog, as a joke of it being the worst movie ever, with it being a 40 minute teaser with it being dethroned in suckiness by Indy 4 which he made a review of later. Last one was a Titanic one and that's it.

They're long video essays that are fun to go through in which with his film making background, deconstructs the movie's plot, structure, and scenes as to why they work or don't work.

But most of their content is actually a show that focuses on new box office releases and another about making fun and having fun with od b movies.


Isn't this like the second time they've teased the TFA review with a video? Wonder when this thing is even coming out.
Absolutely, positively no.

I mean, just look at this. But, I could agree to having the mustache being the same length as the rest of his beard.
2012 version belongs in an Amish Paradise.

Mike was a looker a long time ago. I think Jay is sucking his life force.
He did the same to Rich.

What is a Plinkett video? Is that something I should be aware of?
Essentially did you hate the star wars prequels? Watch the Plinkett reviews of the films where he deconstructs (to a nit pick level) everything wrong with it. It's arguably the most well known critical review of the prequels and what people think about when they think of Plinkett and prequel reviews.

He did the reviews as the character of Plinkett which is this extremely disturbing individual with a funny voice. Give the first film review a shot I think it's only 30 or 40 minutes compared to episodes 2 and 3 which are feature film lengths of an hour and a half each.

And if you want to watch a more condensed Plinkett review that is hilarious and not as time consuming, watch the "baby's day out" (or as its known in German fuck the pain away) review


Can we at least all agree that Jay's transformation over the last few years has been one of the best parts of RLM? <3

He mentioned in a Pre Rec stream that it was accidental. A barber fucked up his haircut, so he shrugged and tossed his glorious hair to the other side, and suddenly he looked amazing. The two balding guys on the show resisted the urge to murder him .
It's particularly funny when the same group of people who are bothered by people using the term "sjw" so liberally and unironically are saying alt-right on absolutely everything.

Didnt you know that only left-leaning opinions praising our god-queen Hillary are allowed?

I'm no mega fan of RLM but is the toxicity around this discussion really necessary?

Agreed. Surprised by the amount of posts in this thread with the only purpose of shitting on the thread.

RLM has a very particular style of humor that is understandably not for everybody. It's often not at all funny at face value, using obscure references and implications to satirize concepts that the guys dont respect. It's easy for that kind of humor to just not land with certain people because it sort of has a lot of prerequisites.

Like the reaction video that was entirely prepping for the reaction and then cutting out before it happened. Or Rich's reaction video where he just sits there with a plain face the entire time and just says "okay" at the end. Scientist Man is often long monologues of nothing but patronizing satire. Or there was that entire Star Wars Christmas Special episode in which they didn't actually talk about the Christmas Special.

Lots of the random shit they do is entirely to make themselves laugh instead of pandering to the audience. Theyll often do the opposite and give the audience shit just for giggles.

Like this video. They're sitting there thinking, "We want to tease the new star wars vid since people are getting antsy about it. What should we do?" And then one of those jackasses is just like, "Let's just have Rich be a fucking weirdo for a couple minutes and slap a Plinkett logo on the end for the people crazy enough to stick with it." They throw in a couple oddly specific references that make them laugh and knock back a beer. The humor is more about the concept of the video than literally what is happening in it.
They're fucking with you while satirizing ever-popular unboxing videos, also making a sly reference to a David Lynch interview and finally teasing Plinkett.

Part of their appeal to many is that they treat the audience like one of the dudes. Basically you gotta go in with the mindset that these are a bunch of drunk hack-frauds messing around. If you guys don't like the tone that's fine, just stop fucking threads up.

Since this is now a generic RLM thread, when is Jessi coming back.

Now we're on track.


He mentioned in a Pre Rec stream that it was accidental. A barber fucked up his haircut, so he shrugged and tossed his glorious hair to the other side, and suddenly he looked amazing. The two balding guys on the show resisted the urge to murder him .

To be fair, it's not just his hair though. He's definitely lost weight, and seems to be caring more about his appearance overall.


can't waiiiiiiit

I started laughing the second Rich accidentally spilled greens everywhere during the first unboxing. Definitely in too deep.

Can we at least all agree that Jay's transformation over the last few years has been one of the best parts of RLM? <3

Fuck yes. Looking at those old videos, holy cow

He's basically a dreamboat now
I laughed

Anyway, addressing the accusations of trans and rape jokes becoming more prevalent, I absolutely have noticed that rape jokes occur significantly more often than they used to. What makes me a good source on this is that I literally listen to Best of the Worst episodes on my Echo when I go to sleep, so I am pretty familiar with the contents of the older videos. While it is undeniable that rape jokes existed in the past (and even trans jokes), I would be lying if I said I didn't observe trans and rape jokes popping up more often. It's not even always in things that make sense - for instance, the Stunts Hits and Misses video had a few rape jokes; it's not just How to Seduce Women Who Aren't Aware of What's Going on or bad 80s action films. I do not personally get triggered by it, but I do notice it.

As far as trans jokes go, I find the propensity of them to be not great, and I began to see them more often ever since the Tranny Tracker joke. While that joke was not intended to disparage trans people, it still used a very offensive slur. I actually sent them an email about it, giving a fairly patient and polite explanation about why it was particularly offensive. To their credit, they've not used that word since, so maybe they took what I said to heart. I'm not enthused by most of the trans jokes - I would say that my "favorite" is Clyde transitioning to Sue - but I can understand why someone may be entirely put off by them, as someone who does not watch the video with the Tranny Tracker joke as a matter of principle.

What alt-right nonsense have they embraced? You're mad at them making jokes about rape, but you're alright with them making jokes about murder. Doesn't make sense.

How often are murderers hero worshiped? How often are people criticized and blamed for being murdered? How often does society that murder is an imagined concept?

The answers are:

Not as often as rapists, not as often as rape victims, and not as often as rape.

Seriously, the "you're fine with murder" is a terrible argument. There's a reason why it's able to be debunked in a single sentence. Rape is a sensitive subject for a lot of people, in ways that don't affect people the same way they do for the family and friends of murder victims. Don't be obtuse.

Oh my God the episodes where the films are just bad really suck because they can't even make good jokes about it.

The recent wheel of the worst with their Canadian friends and the dolls that look like your children one had me on the floor laughing though.

The Miss Udderly video made me laugh harder than I have laughed in years upon years. Crying, buckling over, etc. I'm a little saddened that I no longer am put at risk of death from looking at the puppeteer showing horrid contempt for Miss Udderly.

- J - D -

Rich's Lucas impression has been better in the past. I'm not on board with this one.

But I do like listening to David Lynch tell stories. So in a sense, I do appreciate this terrible salad video for that.
How often are murderers hero worshiped? How often are people criticized and blamed for being murdered? How often does society that murder is an imagined concept?

Every time a cop kills a "bad guy." Every time a black person or other minority is killed by police. Pretty much every time blacks say that the police have a deadly bias.
Every time a cop kills a "bad guy." Every time a black person or other minority is killed by police. Pretty much every time blacks say that the police have a deadly bias.

You're using a group that is protected for all crimes, specifically because if you did not, you couldn't create the equivalence. Would you reckon that a high school athlete can kill someone and get away with it, versus them raping someone and getting away with it?

Miss Udderly's singing with the guys mocking it is comedy gold.

I can't say I would pick it if I was watching it with them, but based on what I saw, that would have been my best of the worst.
You're using a group that is protected for all crimes, specifically because if you did not, you couldn't create the equivalence. Would you reckon that a high school athlete can kill someone and get away with it, versus them raping someone and getting away with it?

Hey, you asked the questions and I answered. Not my fault you worded them wrong/weren't specific enough.
Hey, you asked the questions and I answered. Not my fault you worded them wrong/weren't specific enough.

And now I am asking you the question I asked in my last post. A poster acting in good faith has no reason to ignore it. Do high school football players get treated as well if they willfully murder someone as they do if they willfully rape someone?
And now I am asking you the question I asked in my last post. A poster acting in good faith has no reason to ignore it. Do high school football players get treated as well if they willfully murder someone as they do if they willfully rape someone?

A poster acting in good faith has no reason to move the goalpost either.
A poster acting in good faith has no reason to move the goalpost either.

Goalpost moving explicitly only occurs in situations where a goalpost was set. If I were to only use your statement, my post was too vague to have any goalposts established. Apologies for the lack of clarity.

Now that this is out of the way, can you please answer my question?


we had a recent flare up of prequel hate on this site because a few people could not admit that there is anything majorly wrong with the prequels and that they, in fact, were bold and took risks.


I mean, to say that there is nothing majorly wrong with those movies...do you watch movies? Like other, universally acclaimed movies that are generally agreed to, at the least, not have any major problems with their acting/directing/pacing/editing/cinematography?
Goalpost moving explicitly only occurs in situations where a goalpost was set. If I were to only use your statement, my post was too vague to have any goalposts established. Apologies for the lack of clarity.

Now that this is out of the way, can you please answer my question?

You were moving the goal post. You asked those questions and when I presented an example, you said that doesn't count.

It's alright if you find murder to be hilarious, but not rape.
I mean, to say that there is nothing majorly wrong with those movies...do you watch movies? Like other, universally acclaimed movies that are generally agreed to, at the least, not have any major problems with their acting/directing/pacing/editing/cinematography?

yeah nothing makes me more nerd-angry than someone saying anything positive about the prequels let alone saying they're fine. this thread was fun: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1277167&highlight=
How about this? If you say "I find jokes about murder to be more hilarious than jokes about rape" I will answer both of those questions.

Why would I need to comment on that? I've not made any comment where I find their rape jokes to be offensive. The only thing I've said is that there are more of them than they used to be. I was explaining to you the difference between rape jokes and murder jokes, an explanation that I cannot fulfill because you're choosing to not answer my questions.
I really like them usually, but sometimes I don't. I do get a weird vibe off of them regarding political stuff and occasional racist-feeling things, and I really hated to watch them during their Ghostbusters tangents, but I love their anti-humor.

When a character in their videos called Jay Hans Klopek, I knew I'd love their videos.


They're funny once you get to the stage of having tricked your brain into thinking you're inside that circle of friends, listening in on their discussions as a peer. It takes some time.

Or you could just agree with some of the stuff they say or share similar likes/interests. My group of friends and I, back in Seattle thoroughly enjoyed watching awful bad movies like Miami Connection and The Room and so on so a lot of their videos were right up our alley.

You don't have to feel like you know the guys to agree with them or find their content entertaining for whatever reason.

Obviously it's not for everyone but I didn't have to trick my brain into anything.
Why would I need to comment on that? I've not made any comment where I find their rape jokes to be offensive. The only thing I've said is that there are more of them than they used to be. I was explaining to you the difference between rape jokes and murder jokes, an explanation that I cannot fulfill because you're choosing to not answer my questions.

I'm sorry. It just seemed that way because you're responding with such vigor to a post I made a day and pages ago.

It is not necessary for me to answer those questions after answering your initial questions. You're just trying to split hairs unnecessarily.
I'm sorry. It just seemed that way because you're responding with such vigor to a post I made a day and pages ago.

It is not necessary for me to answer those questions after answering your initial questions. You're just trying to split hairs unnecessarily.

It's a shame that you can't just answer simple questions due to the fact that you are here to score points. There is a discussion to be had on this, but not with someone who is not looking to learn.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Absolutely, positively no.

I mean, just look at this. But, I could agree to having the mustache being the same length as the rest of his beard.

Jay definitely got better with time. :3


we had a recent flare up of prequel hate on this site because a few people could not admit that there is anything majorly wrong with the prequels and that they, in fact, were bold and took risks.

I know man. I keep hearing the same thing from my 9-year-old cousins.


I am Korean.
That's why they like it

9-year-olds just starting to discover edgy. ROS is the best movie because it's "dark"

Attack of the Clones is a nothing slog of a movie. ROS looks amazing in comparison...

Even though it's hopelessly dumb.


"Just because George Lucas is a fuckup, doesn't mean that space politics are boring, okay? Star Trek is fucking built around space politics. Like 'The Klingons are trying to get that planet Kirk. You gotta go down there and convince them to sign the treaty with us.' And it leads to some kind of adventure or interesting political stuff. Deep Space Nine was seven seasons of war diplomacy and it fucking worked."

"Don't let George Lucas have ruined the concept of space politics for you." - Rich Evans

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