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George W Bush liked Kimmel's Oscars intro, loves Michelle Obama, & talks Will Ferrell

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He has a new book of portraits he drew of veterans and his press tour has yielded some likable interviews. The videos are less than 20 minutes combined but they are split up for YouTube

From Jimmy Kimmel's Live: On Trump, Cheney's gun mishap, where he gets his news, being able to joke about yourself, and more...
Part 1 https://youtu.be/5F4eYVSk07k
Part 2 https://youtu.be/BOUfPWKdAas
Part 3 https://youtu.be/6SUU8LhidU4
Part 4 https://youtu.be/r-nUyoW_BO0
Part 5 https://youtu.be/XaNPO2o2XZk
Part 6 https://youtu.be/GkpOIgmcStA

And him and Jimmy try to sketch each other
Part 7 https://youtu.be/sriYmFBvOsE

He is a fan of Michelle Obama:




The unlikely pair have often been photographed together during formal events. When Obama embraced Bush at the opening ceremony for the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture last September, the photo of their warm interaction went viral.

"When I saw her, it was a genuine expression of affection," Bush told People magazine as he reflected on the moment. The interview was posted on Wednesday.

The former President is back in the public eye to promote his new book, "Portraits of Courage," a volume of his paintings of military veterans.

"She kind of likes my sense of humor. Anybody who likes my sense of humor, I immediately like," Bush said.

The pair are often seated next to each other during events, including the interfaith memorial service for the victims of the Dallas police shooting in July, last year's funeral for former first lady Nancy Reagan and the 2015 commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the historic civil rights march in Selma, Alabama.

"I can't remember where else I've sat next to her, but I probably have a few wisecracks and she seemed to like it OK," Bush said. "I needle her a little bit and around her, I'm fairly lighthearted. (The Obamas) are around serious people all the time and we just took to each other."


I wonder if he would of made a good president. Instead we got dick "the penguin" cheney.

Kinda answered yourself on that one there.

Fuck this guy. He crawls out of the woodwork now that he sees there's a chance he might not be the most hated president in modern history, and now people are all too willing to forget all of the bullshit that happened during his time in office. Lame.


He's still a massively corrupt war criminal. Even ignoring Iraq & Afghanistan there's plenty of out and out despicable shit at home (DOMA, "heck of a job brownie", commuting Scooter Libby's sentence) to hang him with.

I wonder if he would of made a good president. Instead we got dick "the penguin" cheney.

This stupid revisionist BS again.

Are people's memories really so short?


Fuck this PR campaign, he was responsible for some heinous shit. Doesn't matter who really was in charge or that he was a dumbass. Still though, light years better than trump.


He's still a massively corrupt war criminal. Even ignoring Iraq & Afghanistan there's plenty of out and out despicable shit at home (DOMA, |heck of a job brownie", commuting Scooter Libby's sentence) to hang him with.

He won't escape historians, but Trump makes it likely that he'll salvage his public image at least a bit sadly.


Kinda answered yourself on that one there.

Fuck this guy. He crawls out of the woodwork now that he sees there's a chance he might not be the most hated president in modern history, and now people are all too willing to forget all of the bullshit that happened during his time in office. Lame.

He's still a massively corrupt war criminal. Even ignoring Iraq & Afghanistan there's plenty of out and out despicable shit at home (DOMA, |heck of a job brownie", commuting Scooter Libby's sentence) to hang him with.
Idk what the best way to approach that is. Not that I think his presidency was good, but I guess I just heard so much about drone strikes, record deportations, and Libya regarding the last administration (which many of us consider a good administration) that I'm not sure where people draw lines on what is accepted

If it's incomparable to people, then I am certainly interested to hear about it. I was young during the Bush administration.


As much as I dislike Trump Bush is above and beyond the worst offender. Millions died.... and for what. It's a miracle that Obama pulled us through the shit show he left behind.
I'm not sure where people draw lines on what is accepted

If it's incomparable to people, then I am certainly interested to hear about it. I was young during the Bush administration.

Here is one line.
1,033,000 Iraqi civilian deaths
So he took one look at the current Republican president and thought "well, if I'm ever going to go on a public goodwill rehabilitation tour now's as good a time as any."

This is pretty opportunistic of him.


So he took one look at the current Republican president and thought "well, if I'm ever going to go on a public goodwill rehabilitation tour now's as good a time as any."

This is pretty opportunistic of him.
His book release and promo were planned before Trump won
Despite how overhwlemed he might have been by the office, he still is responsible ultimately for the chaos that is still haunting the middle east right now. His administration ok'ed torturing people and tried to cover it up when they got caught as well



In June 2005, US State Department papers showed the Bush administration thanking Exxon executives for the company's "active involvement" in helping to determine climate change policy, including the U.S. stance on Kyoto. Input from the business lobby group Global Climate Coalition was also a factor.

The Bush administration implemented an industry-formulated disinformation campaign designed to actively mislead the American public on global warming and to forestall limits on "climate polluters," according to a report in Rolling Stone magazine which reviews hundreds of internal government documents and former government officials.
Fuck this shit. Fuck this guy and fuck anyone helping him revive his image. We are going to be reeling from his mistakes for decades, if not longer.


As much as I dislike Trump Bush is above and beyond the worst offender. Millions died.... and for what. It's a miracle that Obama pulled us through the shit show he left behind.

Here is one line.

More recent studies put it at 112,000-500,000 civilians whose deaths were caused by the war (and not strictly by American practices, though its debateble if that matters), but yes that's high
I think Bush was one of the worst President's we've had, but not because he himself is an evil man. I just don't think he was smart enough (no offense) for the job and surrounded himself with truly fucked and evil people who he let railroad him and basically make all of his decisions for him.

I think Trump is a much more trash human being than Bush personally. Doesn't erase all the errors of his presidency of course.


As much as I dislike Trump Bush is above and beyond the worst offender. Millions died.... and for what. It's a miracle that Obama pulled us through the shit show he left behind.

Still plenty of time for Trump to send people to pointless deaths and trauma.
Where the fuck was the likeable old fuck during his presidency?
He is likeable as long as he has no governing power. He was far too easily swayed by those around him and had this romanticized idea about war with Iraq due to his father's experience. He was a dangerously careless president but not a hateful one, which is why I think people look back on him relatively fondly compared with a sociopath like Trump. Both Trump and W. Bush are easily controlled by those around them, but at least Bush attempted compassion, as his African relief efforts show.


More recent studies put it at 112,000-500,000 civilians whose deaths were caused by the war, but yes that's high

It's bad any way you slice it. Drones are an ugly thing but when people compare 117 civilians from obama to say... the min you cited of 112,000 civilians for Bush's unjustified war. Well... fuck. My stomach just starts to turn. Especially considering how popular it is to continue demonizing people who, relatively speaking, aren't anywhere near as big a threat to us as we are an ongoing scourge to them.

I get it though. My examples are super specific and it's hard to compare a war to several strikes. Well.. tough shit for Bush. I don't think I'm judging him unfairly.

The finer details are hazy but as someone in their 30s I still remember quite a bit about what he did and what effect it had on our economy in the latter half.


As much as I dislike Trump Bush is above and beyond the worst offender. Millions died.... and for what. It's a miracle that Obama pulled us through the shit show he left behind.

Here is one line.


That number (and that op-ed) are bullshit; the number of Iraqi civilian deaths attributed to Bush is highly inflated. Most numbers are well south of 500,000, if not lower (<250,000 prior to pullout under Obama) and that's still including nonviolent deaths due to disease and the like in addition to deaths inflicted by insurgents. Hussein probably killed more of his "own" people than Bush ever did.


He seems like a likeable guy, just a horrible leader. Whether all the things that happened were his design, someone else's, or the Republican parties ideology line, in the end it should probably still fall at his feet. Hard to reconcile all that, with how he has been post presidency. He has come off very well in his recent interviews.
I wonder if he would of made a good president. Instead we got dick "the penguin" cheney.

I think he was a bad president, but probably a good man at heart, just one who is easily swayed by other people with strong personalities.

I don't necessarily disagree with the point of who wrote this (or their motivation in writing it), but this article is really, really lousy. Enough so that you should probably filter it out in your search for objective reality.
I like Dubya, I was very hard on him when he was president, I was young and listening to that loon Alex Jones.

Dude had a good heart though. Good on him, him and Michelle are cute.


fuck him.


Completely disagree.

I think underneath being the figurehead of a really bad time, there is a well-meaning, charismatic guy who was in over his head. The difference between him and Trump is that he was remotely qualified for the position in the first place, and experiences some reverence for our country. This is not to excuse enabling Cheney and all the bullshit of the time, but he is hardly the kind of gross threat to decency and democracy we have now.

To me, him painting the people he is responsible for getting harmed speaks volumes to what he is going through and trying to process. He is empathetic, humble, and respects the tragedy he was ultimately responsible for. These are good traits.
that's letting someone in that position off way too easily, he's not a puppy

I'm not letting him off in recognizing that he was a bad president. That was the job he was hired for and he was bad at it. But, no, not knowing the man personally I'm not going to say he's into "straight serial killer shit." Seems if you say he's a "straight serial killer shit" then that's ok (something we're completely unqualified to say), but saying he's a bad president (something we're all very qualified to say) is letting him off way too easy.

Hari Seldon

I think Bush was one of the worst President's we've had, but not because he himself is an evil man. I just don't think he was smart enough (no offense) for the job and surrounded himself with truly fucked and evil people who he let railroad him and basically make all of his decisions for him.

I think Trump is a much more trash human being than Bush personally. Doesn't erase all the errors of his presidency of course.

My feeling on GWB is that he would have been a fine peacetime president. If he was in office during the Clinton years not much would have been different. But once 9/11 hit we needed an FDR.
I don't think Bush is a bad person. I think he was out of his depth. I wonder how his time would have been without 9/11?

The look on his face when he was given the news that morning said it all. He knew he wasn't up to it. He was only too happy to let Cheney and co pull the strings, as he didn't know what to do.

Trump on the other hand scares me. I am terrified how he will react to a major attack or crisis.
Bush was not in over his head. He knew what he was doing. He just didn't care. Don't give him a free pass because he's painting pictures of them now. Tell the truth and don't let it happen again.
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