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George W Bush liked Kimmel's Oscars intro, loves Michelle Obama, & talks Will Ferrell

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While I think Trump has much worse intentions and has potential to do some much more terrible things, W is currently responsible for far worse. Also, don't forget Bush's pet project was to pass an amendment to the US Constitution to ban gay marriage. That wasn't Rumsfeld or Cheney. That was Bush.


What's with these attempts lately to paint George W. Bush as a likeable guy?

He will always be a mass murdering criminal piece of shit that lied and manipulated his way to war. Hundreds of thousands bled and died because of this fuck, thousands are still dying today as part of the after affects. It is a goddamn joke that this worthless fuck was not charged with war crimes.

FUCK George W. If there's a hell I hope he rots there for all eternity.


What's with these attempts lately to paint George W. Bush as a likeable guy?
That's not new. He was the president "you could have a beer with." That's what got him in office. You wouldn't want to have a beer with elitist, ivy league, rich assholes would you? Never mind that he was all those things.
If there's one person who has come out of Trump's presidency smelling like roses it's G.W. If only for the "well if you thought I was an asshole, just get a load of this guy" effect.


This guy wasn't paying attention to his intelligence briefings which warned about 9/11, which led to a pretty direct series of cause-and-effect events ending with Trump's election.

That's his legacy.
Fuck Bush (and his cabinet worse).

But if he is trying to really do something good now (or it's selfish in trying to fix his image) and some good of reeling in the party is a side effect, then go for it W.


I think people are just desperate to find some, any even ground of humanity with a Republican with the way are lately.


Pretty sure I remember he had an affair with a black woman or something like that, I think when he was governor.

Also I will always believe Cheney purposely shot the other guy in the face, probably after he got angry.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Donald Trump is the best thing to happen to evil shitheels since the end of the French revolution.
Just read the article about this after only seeing the photos before...

Screw anybody who criticizes George Bush for his paintings. He's obviously a man deeply troubled by his decision to send people to war, people who he admits had their lives either destroyed or perpetually altered by his decision, and so he's taking the time to get to know those people on a deep level. You can believe this is a PR campaign if you want to shut your brain off, but you can read these interviews without seeing a man who's deeply concerned with the bad decisions he made.

Never saw LBJ do this with the 75000 boys he sent to die in Vietnam. Great society.


Liberals dislike him now because he took us to war, but people tend to forget that America wanted any kind of retaliation at the time. Once we went further in debt due to war everyone believed he was a clown. Don't call for war if you do not like the outcome.
Liberals dislike him now because he took us to war, but people tend to forget that America wanted any kind of retaliation at the time. Once we went further in debt due to war everyone believed he was a clown. Don't call for war if you do not like the outcome.

I didn't realize that Iraq was responsible for 9/11. You really blew open my tiny liberal brain.
Liberals dislike him now because he took us to war, but people tend to forget that America wanted any kind of retaliation at the time. Once we went further in debt due to war everyone believed he was a clown. Don't call for war if you do not like the outcome.

America isn't a single-minded entity. Perhaps you've forgotten how divisive our post-9/11 response was.
Liberals dislike him now because he took us to war, but people tend to forget that America wanted any kind of retaliation at the time. Once we went further in debt due to war everyone believed he was a clown. Don't call for war if you do not like the outcome.

What a load of horseshit.
Liberals dislike him now because he took us to war, but people tend to forget that America wanted any kind of retaliation at the time. Once we went further in debt due to war everyone believed he was a clown. Don't call for war if you do not like the outcome.

His administration was a horror show in many, many ways, so please drink it in.
Just read the article about this after only seeing the photos before...

Screw anybody who criticizes George Bush for his paintings. He's obviously a man deeply troubled by his decision to send people to war, people who he admits had their lives either destroyed or perpetually altered by his decision, and so he's taking the time to get to know those people on a deep level. You can believe this is a PR campaign if you want to shut your brain off, but you can read these interviews without seeing a man who's deeply concerned with the bad decisions he made.

Never saw LBJ do this with the 75000 boys he sent to die in Vietnam. Great society.

neat maybe he can get to know all the brown people that his administration tortured and/or indefinitely detained


i hope that someday he pays for all the pain and suffering he caused, but there is no god or karma so it won't happen


Junior Member
Where the fuck was the likeable old fuck during his presidency?
Even though he's a bottom 5 all time president, his warm personality makes people write off his entire presidency worgnbif mistakes because he has that "I can grab a beer with him and jibber jabber about sports."


Aftershock LA
No fucking shit his administration was horrible. Does that even need to be said? Just because people can laugh at a fun interview doesn't mean we've forgotten the mess he got us into, that Obama tried his damnedest to get us out of, and that Republicans did their damnedest to keep us in, and paving the way for Donald Fucking Trump who, when all is said and done, will hands down be the worst President the United States of America has ever had.

Bush was part of the whole that was the shitshow Presidency of 2000-2008. That will never be forgotten, but he was just part of the whole. Unfortunately, those same cunts that have done everything they can to fuck over non-rich/white American elites, are still in office, while George W. Bush is all but retired. Personally, I'd rather focus my energy on hating and actively working against the men and women currently in office, currently fucking over this country, than Captain "Mission Accomplished." That's just me though.


Liberals dislike him now because he took us to war, but people tend to forget that America wanted any kind of retaliation at the time. Once we went further in debt due to war everyone believed he was a clown. Don't call for war if you do not like the outcome.

Afghanistan or Iraq?


I hated. Bush but to review what happened I now see him as an incompetent, bumbling fool who was in over his head.

Trump is an egomaniacal crazy person with no sense of shame or empathy.

Far far far more dangerous and deserving of ridicule.
This guy wasn't paying attention to his intelligence briefings which warned about 9/11, which led to a pretty direct series of cause-and-effect events ending with Trump's election.

That's his legacy.

That is selling 8 years of Obama pretty short and his way of handling the financial crisis.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Idk what the best way to approach that is. Not that I think his presidency was good, but I guess I just heard so much about drone strikes, record deportations, and Libya regarding the last administration (which many of us consider a good administration) that I'm not sure where people draw lines on what is accepted

If it's incomparable to people, then I am certainly interested to hear about it. I was young during the Bush administration.

I'm not sure either, but starting a war based on false premises is over that line.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Daily reminder that the whole reason we have ISIS today is because of the instability instigated by Bush's search for invisible WMDs* in Iraq.

Bush is a bro. The behind the curtain people in his admin were not.

I'd Netflix and chill with dubya.
Incompetence does not excuse war crimes.
Left wing right wing it's the same dirty bird.
The left doesn't exist in the United States. There's only right and slightly-right-of-center,


Bush is a bro. The behind the curtain people in his admin were not.

I'd Netflix and chill with dubya.
People forget that Obama did shit things too as president. Seperate the man from the job guys.
Edit: Trump on the other hand has an extensive list of shit things he's done outside of the job..
ITT, Gaf excuses none other than George W. Bush. Calls him 'likeable guy'

Can't wait to see what Gaf says about Trump in 25 years. Actually yes..yes I can wait

"He (astronomically) killed innocent people as his duty, disenfranchised America in general, fucked half the world up, but... separate the man from the job guys!!"

"He's too stupid to understand death... or profit over science/ethics/humanity. Too stupid!! Let's order him another round!"

These presidents are smarter than a lot of you taped together
ITT, Gaf excuses none other than George W. Bush. Calls him 'likeable guy'

Can't wait to see what Gaf says about Trump in 25 years. Actually yes..yes I can wait

He was a shitty 1 term president who really didn't get much done due to party infighting but he was amazing in his return as host of Celebrity Republican Presidential Candidate, and the new Trump Mars Hotel is an amazing experience which will change your life as you live the Blue Skies over Mars dream. His recent appearance to celebrate his 100th birthday on the Pewdiepie CNN serious history hour really humanized him.

His Trump SexBot's are the highest quality sex cyborgs on the market, even though its kind of weird that one of them looks like his daughter.


He was a shitty 1 term president who really didn't get much done due to party infighting but he was amazing in his return as host of Celebrity Republican Presidential Candidate, and the new Trump Mars Hotel is an amazing experience which will change your life as you live the Blue Skies over Mars dream. His recent appearance to celebrate his 100th birthday on the Pewdiepie CNN serious history hour really humanized him.

His Trump SexBot's are the highest quality sex cyborgs on the market, even though its kind of weird that one of them looks like his daughter.

Lol, adorable.
I wont ever forget the hell he brought to Iraq, and without a UN Security Council resolution. (Obama at least had that when he ordered attacks on Libya) Theres zero moral defense for the prosecution of the Iraq war, none.
I wont ever forget Abu Ghraib or the CIA black sites either. He owns that fucking mess, forever.
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