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George W Bush liked Kimmel's Oscars intro, loves Michelle Obama, & talks Will Ferrell

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I think he was a bad president, but probably a good man at heart, just one who is easily swayed by other people with strong personalities.

He was just the wrong man for the moment. There were a number of forces that made restraint harder, and overreach more possible: the US still saw itself as this hegemonic, all-powerful force benefiting from the dividends of a post-Cold War world order; 9/11 was a traumatic moment that changed quite a few calculations; and within his administration, he was surrounded by neoconservatives with a lot of baggage and ambition. Bush didn't have the strength, intelligence, or experience to maneuver around all those forces in an effective way.

This is from one of his debates with Gore:

GOV. GEORGE W. BUSH: I thought the best example of a way to handle a situation was East Timor, when we provided logistical support to the Australians, support that only we can provide. I thought that was a good model. But we can’t be all things to all people in the world, Jim. And I think that’s where maybe the Vice President and I begin to have some differences. I’m worried about over committing our military around the world. I want to be judicious in its use. You mentioned Haiti. I wouldn’t have sent troops to Haiti. I didn’t think it was a mission worthwhile. It was a nation building mission. And it was not very successful. It cost us a couple billions of dollars and I’m not sure democracy is any better off in Haiti than it was before.

VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE: Like it or not, we are now…the United States is now the natural leader of the world. All of the other countries are looking to us. Now just because we cannot be involved everywhere, and shouldn’t be, doesn’t mean that we should shy away from going in anywhere. And we have a fundamental choice to make. Are we going to step up to the plate as a nation, the way we did after World War II, the way that generation of heroes said, okay, the United States is going to be the leader — and the world benefited tremendously from the courage that they showed in those post-war years.

GOV. GEORGE W. BUSH: I’m not so sure the role of the United States is to go around the world and say this is the way it’s got to be. We can help. And maybe it’s just our difference in government, the way we view government. I mean I want to empower people. I want to help people help themselves, not have government tell people what to do. I just don’t think it’s the role of the United States to walk into a country and say, we do it this way, so should you.

A campaign is a campaign (and with Dick Cheney around, who knows how relevant any of that ever was), but either way, the sentiments expressed there are revealing. Throughout that debate, it was Gore pushing the "we're by far the most powerful country in the world, and if you don't think we should be there to stop genocide, ethnic cleansing, etc., you're wrong" narrative, and Bush pushing the "we need to be humble and restrained" narrative.

But he wasn't able to maintain that attitude when it mattered. Instead of speaking to the realist with him, 9/11 and most of the key people around him spoke to the idealist. He began to see the world through a rigidly good vs. evil lens, and decided it was imperative for the US to reengineer it in its image. Instead of rising to the moment, he got lost within it.

Most liberals would probably give him a pass and just ignore it. But make no mistake, he is one too.

And most people calling Obama a war criminal have probably spent less than 5 minutes actually researching what war crimes are.


Him and his administration instigated a war that cost hundreds of thousands of innocent lives and the effects of which are still lingering today. No Iraq war, no Isis. Lets not let the passing of time mask how truly awful this man is. Trump is worse than him in many ways but he still has yet to start a disastrous and bloody war. Both of them are cunts. Lets not forget Katrina and the patriot act.


Kinda answered yourself on that one there.

Fuck this guy. He crawls out of the woodwork now that he sees there's a chance he might not be the most hated president in modern history, and now people are all too willing to forget all of the bullshit that happened during his time in office. Lame.

Very sad that even Ellen is participating is this media tour, when Bush promoted hate and fear towards gay people to win reelection in 2004.


Aw wow he likes the same celebrities I do. I guess he wasn't such a bad president after all.

Watch people lap up this crap and weep.


I wonder if he would of made a good president. Instead we got dick "the penguin" cheney.
I don't know how qualified he ever was to do the job. He was always meant to be the set of keys to jingle in front of the American people and keep them occupied.

*would have* or *would've*


He was a piece of shit president for countless reasons, but I give him credit for having more social grace than the entire modern republican party.


And most people calling Obama a war criminal have probably spent less than 5 minutes actually researching what war crimes are.

Not really. The Nuremberg principles state that ”planning, preparation, initiation of a war of aggression" constitute as a war crime. Let's not forget the continuation of Iraq and Afghanistan. The collapse of Libya and the bombing of seven sovereign nations with thousands of civilian deaths. The glove is a good fit. American hegemony was very much a thing under the Obama administration.

Matthew McConoughey was in the army?


He's still a massively corrupt war criminal. Even ignoring Iraq & Afghanistan there's plenty of out and out despicable shit at home (DOMA, "heck of a job brownie", commuting Scooter Libby's sentence) to hang him with.

This stupid revisionist BS again.

Are people's memories really so short?

Fucking this!


I believe he tried his hardest...

pre-9/11 he spent much of his presidency on vacation.

...and that he's a good man.


It all started when George W. Bush presided over 152 executions while governor of Texas, more than any other modern era American governor.

before going on to mock a woman on death row begging him for a pardon

"I watched his interview with Tucker, though. He asked her real difficult questions like, ‘What would you say to Governor Bush?'" ”What was her answer?" I wonder. ”‘Please,'" Bush whimpers, his lips pursed in mock desperation, ”‘don't kill me.'"

W The Merciless: What We'll Remember Most About George W. Bush


I know she said she's not going to but I really want Michelle to run for president. She'd be great
What makes her a good candidate also makes her not want to. Especially after seeing what happened to her husband, shit I'm amazed she has any romanticism left for the human spirit after that.


admittedly he does this "likeable guy" act pretty convincingly

That's the thing, he's very good at presenting a genial and likeable front, yet his presidency was utterly terrifying. It's tempting to see him as some sort of useful idiot for Cheney, Rove and Rumsfeld to use as a shield for their wholesale hijacking of the country, but the man has a master's degree from Harvard - he's a clever guy and I don't think he was out of his depth at all.

Though I find it difficult to hate the man I'd say the world is unarguably a far worse place for him having been President, and I find the idea of him being embraced as "well, he's not as bad as Trump" completely repulsive.
I love how we've seen him more frequently in a month of this administration than we did during pretty much the whole of the obama years. someone smells an image change
He may have a likeable side to him, but so do most human beings who are responsible for so much bad in the world. Doesn't change the fact that he presided over so much needless conflict and grift.


Very sad that even Ellen is participating is this media tour, when Bush promoted hate and fear towards gay people to win reelection in 2004.

Is it really sad, though? Reflects well on both of them, in my opinion. Enemies shouldn't necessarily remain enemies forever.

Not really. The Nuremberg principles state that “planning, preparation, initiation of a war of aggression” constitute as a war crime. Let's not forget the continuation of Iraq and Afghanistan. The collapse of Libya and the bombing of seven sovereign nations with thousands of civilian deaths. The glove is a good fit. American hegemony was very much a thing under the Obama administration.

I've gotta be honest here: among the arguments I've seen for Obama being a war criminal, this is among the more self-defeating. It seems a lot of people have a threshold for the label that is as low as "has participated in war." At the point Obama came into office, the war in Iraq was being waged in coordination with a proper Iraqi government, and there was no realistic scenario in which he could have ended it without a decent lag time. The war in Afghanistan was also not started by him, and either way, you can hardly simply take it for granted that it was a war of aggression. And in the case of Libya, that war was UN-sanctioned, and again, it shouldn't be so easy to call it a war of aggression, especially considering it waged in a manner that basically fit the framework of responsibility to protect principles.

Calling someone a war criminal is a serious thing, for a number of reasons. It's clear to me that people are throwing around the label without much regard to precision of language, with an assumption that it's some simple concept we have down to a science, and as a general expression of distaste for war.

You should totally feel free to argue "the glove is a good fit" - it may very well be. In general, though, we can't pretend the extent of our research matches the gravity of the accusation. And the main problem there isn't that we're calling people war criminals without knowing what it means to be a war criminal, but that we're doing so without knowing the implications. If war crimes are being committed, what should be done about it? Does it say more about the person, or the world? Without tackling the complications, you can't know.


Now we're romanticizing one of the worst presidents in recent history because he seems so presidential compared to 45? Cool. I'll also pretend he didn't tank the economy because he gave me $600 once.
Completely disagree.

I think underneath being the figurehead of a really bad time, there is a well-meaning, charismatic guy who was in over his head. The difference between him and Trump is that he was remotely qualified for the position in the first place, and experiences some reverence for our country. This is not to excuse enabling Cheney and all the bullshit of the time, but he is hardly the kind of gross threat to decency and democracy we have now.

To me, him painting the people he is responsible for getting harmed speaks volumes to what he is going through and trying to process. He is empathetic, humble, and respects the tragedy he was ultimately responsible for. These are good traits.

I can't speak to most of your points, but I do agree that him painting the pictures of soldiers he put in harms way is reflective of a man who carries the burden of his decisions, and while I disagree with the decisions he made, I respect that he understands that weight and is living it right now.

I also question the general idea that we have to be permanently hateful toward this man for the things he did.


I'm so glad a man who spent trillions on two wars that killed millions, wrote the modern fake news playbook and is one of the people most responsible for the current geopolitical state of the world can get his redemption through a weak willed, sycophantic, greedy and ineffective liberal media.

Get all you deserve.
The guy is likable, and might even have his heart in the right place when it comes to some issues, but that does not excuse him for the terrible decisions he made while President. What could have been if Iraq was not invaded. The world wouldn't be perfect, but damn it would have gone differently.


Just gonna repost this as well

Ah yes, George W. Bush one of the vanguard of the fake news movement, whose government made over 900 false statements regarding the War in Iraq, who had the media positively salivating over his violent actions in the Mid-East.

He can go fuck off, he doesn't have a shred of credibility to speak on this subject and his actions have so much to do with the state of the world we currently inhabit.

This is from a Pulitzer winning investigative nonpartisan, nonprofit investigative news organizations.




Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Yuck! Fuck the media for trying to normalise this person. Fuck it all!


if he was smart and honestly if he was as evil as we made him out to be, he wouldn't have fucked off to nowhere to paint self portraits from his bathtub. He would have done what Cheney did.

It doesn't absolve him of being a useful and dangerous idiot with a Presidential pen, but it does put some perspective on things.
if he was smart and honestly if he was as evil as we made him out to be, he wouldn't have fucked off to nowhere to paint self portraits from his bathtub. He would have done what Cheney did.
He wants to rehabilitate his image and sees a perfect opportunity to try and avoid the condemnation of history now that someone even more monstrous is president.

The downside is that he's still a monster.
if he was smart and honestly if he was as evil as we made him out to be, he wouldn't have fucked off to nowhere to paint self portraits from his bathtub. He would have done what Cheney did.

It doesn't absolve him of being a useful and dangerous idiot with a Presidential pen, but it does put some perspective on things.

"If he was smart"?

He fucked up the world for generations to come, has the blood of millions on his hands, is responsible for the rise of the likes of Trump and it didn't even take him a decade before he has people going "aaaaaah, he's a top lad really"

That's absolutely fucking genius.


He fucked up the world for generations to come, has the blood of millions on his hands, is responsible for the rise of the likes of Trump and it didn't even take him a decade before he has people going "aaaaaah, he's a top lad really"

That's absolutely fucking genius.

The genius was the well connected industrialist behind him who planned the war and convinced the world. I want Cheney in a locked box. If anyone deserves to die in prison for what took place the last 15 years its him.

All I said is W is too dumb to be as evil and as diabolical as some of us made him out to be. And I bet Cheney is as evil as Bush is dull.

The shame is that he really is a dullard and didn't at all try to redeem himself post-Presidency by taking up or speaking up for any causes for the vulnerable.


Aftershock LA
Really charming interview.

I'm not a Dubya fan when it comes to his Presidency, but he's very personable, and comes across as incredibly fun to talk to and hang out with. He was pretty witty and quick with Kimmel.


Yeah I can't truck too much with GWB fondness. Through cowardice, incompetence, and deceit, he made the world a significantly worse place.

Dude should've just held out for the baseball commissioner job. I'm sure he would've been delightful and lovely in that role. At least this low-stakes retirement of doing art and carrying on in relative obscurity is about the best way to handle a truly ugly legacy.
Just praying she runs in 2020

I know it's not gonna happen
But a boy can dream, right? Sigh...

As much as I love Barack, no thanks. Political nepotism is a dangerous thing. Michelle was a great first lady and has a great personality but I see no evidence of her being a strong candidate for president.


Bushy has done a lot of great work since he left office that a lot of people do not know about. His work in Africa has been amazing.


Tbh, it's really hard for me to get angry at W. Bush.

I know he was a worse President than Trump currently is (and that's saying something!), but since this was during a time when i was uninvolved/uninterested in politics my mind doesn't go further than "he's not good" :/


Yuck! Fuck the media for trying to normalise this person. Fuck it all!

I'm not sure the "normalization" complaint can be reasonably applied to this guy. At least not in the context it usually is. There have been passionate debates surrounding him since he was elected, and we've had almost a decade to absorb his presidency. If some aren't as hostile to him as you find appropriate, it probably just comes down to the fact that not everyone is as determined to sustain the kind of raw hatred you seem to be expecting.
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