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Ghost Recon Wildlands Closed Beta Discussion Thread


Been playing on ghost and being spotted and have reinforcements arrive then, is essentially a death sentence (actually depends on your positioning, but you have to run away anyhow).
Not that i'm complaining.

I think the game is very solid, but has some glaring omissions that are so weird, like not being able to drag bodies, or climb some objects.

Also, the big big big issue here is AI, both enemies' and teammates, and this can be alleviated a lot by playing with friends, in singleplayer it can be frustrating though.

The enemy AI is a lot more competent than team AI like Rebels IMO.

Its not been a huge issue for me, as they seem to mow us down in the open pretty quick.

Things like them running 1 and 1 around a corner as you kill their friends in front of them without a reaction to it, whoever, is a bit breaking.

I suppose that can be fixed but even then, I've enjoyed it :)


Gold Member
The game needs a more robust "rules of engagement" option. A radial menu with the options "fire", "hold", "go" and "form up" is way too simple. Why can't I position every Ghost to a specific location, for example. It would be amazing to scout a base with the drone, assign each ghost to a location and then execute an attack. The ghosts distract and draw fire, I flank and take the documents. Or something. More tactical gameplay.

It would be neat if you could select formations. Like in Operation Flashpoint. Line, wedge, V-shape. Sure it's mostly cosmetic stuff without a real impact but it would give the game a more tactical feeling.

Also - and this is a more personal preference, but the Ghosts don't have a lot of personality to them. However, the way they point out enemies and how detailed that is is kinda mindblowing. Just now a ghost pointed out "Heads-up, two tangos with submachine guns on the right side, behind the football field" and I was like "woah".


The game needs a more robust "rules of engagement" option. A radial menu with the options "fire", "hold", "go" and "form up" is way too simple. Why can't I position every Ghost to a specific location, for example. It would be amazing to scout a base with the drone, assign each ghost to a location and then execute an attack. The ghosts distract and draw fire, I flank and take the documents. Or something. More tactical gameplay.

It would be neat if you could select formations. Like in Operation Flashpoint. Line, wedge, V-shape. Sure it's mostly cosmetic stuff without a real impact but it would give the game a more tactical feeling.

Also - and this is a more personal preference, but the Ghosts don't have a lot of personality to them. However, the way they point out enemies and how detailed that is is kinda mindblowing. Just now a ghost pointed out "Heads-up, two tangos with submachine guns on the right side, behind the football field" and I was like "woah".

Agreed. The squad stuff seems super tacked on. Sad given what Ghost Recon used to do with squad commands.
I rather have the squad memebers just quote Predator and Commando than listen to their inane drivel. Such crappy dialog. Not a deal breaker but it just ads to the feeling of clunkiness. Only played for a few minutes during lunch break but they need to add a slider to decrease and increase stick acceleration. I would like some more punch in the sound fx, but otherwise it plays OK. Not going to conclude anything until I get to play tonight with 3 other friends. If that doesn't feel fun, then I will have lost almost all interest in this game. I would really like them to add rudder/yaw control to the heli's and airplanes. Moronic that they aren't included.


I really like my character. Reminds me of the protagonist in Sicario.


I'm having a blast with this beta. The game runs smoothly on my ASUS ROG laptop in borderless window. It also looks great (for a military shooter at least... most of the imagination is in the environmental details.)

I agree with the criticism of the squad management, it's way too simplistic and imprecise to properly leverage your squadmates on higher difficulties. Operation Flashpoint solved this stuff more than a decade ago, why are devs sticking to these braindead wheel menus?

Having said that, I'm pleasantly surprised by how reactive and adaptive the AI is. Every encounter feels fresh because of it.
How do you switch shoulders to aim down?
asking for a friend

I'd like to know this as well. Somehow I switched it and am now stuck over the left shoulder all the time but can't for the life of me figure out how to switch it back. This is a very simple mechanic but also a very useful one as well especially if you're a regular Division player.
I'd like to know this as well. Somehow I switched it and am now stuck over the left shoulder all the time but can't for the life of me figure out how to switch it back. This is a very simple mechanic but also a very useful one as well especially if you're a regular Division player.

if using a controller...press R1/RB while in the third person aiming view


I think it's solid but

it's just a very ubisoft kind of game

go here tag that, go here kill that .... oooo enemy placements

The division meets Far Cry a bit


The enemy AI is a lot more competent than team AI like Rebels IMO.

Its not been a huge issue for me, as they seem to mow us down in the open pretty quick.

Things like them running 1 and 1 around a corner as you kill their friends in front of them without a reaction to it, whoever, is a bit breaking.

I suppose that can be fixed but even then, I've enjoyed it :)

Depends what you define as AI, but what they got going for them, is sniper fucking accuracy.
Beyond that, they are overly blind (i can kind of excuse this, as in an open world you have to be more lenient)and walk out in the open under obvious sniper fire (mine :p) like nothing.
Common in many games, but they seem particularly bone headed here.

Even past that, the level of interaction is pretty basic (the golden standard being MGSV, here) so you can't really play with them much.

Quality of Life improvements could do a lot for this game, too (more clear communication with your team, more command options, stuff like that)
if using a controller...press R1/RB while in the third person aiming view

Alrighty then, that settles that, thanks. I thought I tried everything, I guess not. That little ability makes it feel much better. I think I'm so in tune with The Division that I kept trying to use those same controls.


I'd like to know this as well. Somehow I switched it and am now stuck over the left shoulder all the time but can't for the life of me figure out how to switch it back. This is a very simple mechanic but also a very useful one as well especially if you're a regular Division player.



Gunplay isn't satisfying. Is there a way to turn off the helicopter assists? It's constantly doing the opposite of what I want it to.

Hip Hop


33FPS average benchmark on all settings maxed with a GTX 970/i5 3570k/8GB

Edit: hmm had Vsync on. Let's see if that makes a difference.

Edit 2: 37FPS now with Shadow Distance set to just On instead of Very High.
Alrighty then, that settles that, thanks. I thought I tried everything, I guess not. That little ability makes it feel much better. I think I'm so in tune with The Division that I kept trying to use those same controls.

wish they would have just put it on clicking in the left stick like most games do for that stuff

overall the controls are ok once you get used to them...but there are some differences it takes a bit to get 100% down to memory

33FPS average benchmark on all settings maxed with a GTX 970/i5 3570k/8GB

Edit: hmm had Vsync on. Let's see if that makes a difference.

Edit 2: 37FPS now with Shadow Distance set to just On instead of Very High.

So you are surprised a 2+ year old GPU can't max a modern game at 60fps? Why?
I seem to be locked out of the beta.

Redeemed the code on the Xbox app, turned the console on and had no room to download. Cleared some stuff and no there is no way to search for the beta and it doesn't come up in my purchase history and I can't re-redeem the code.

Any ideas?
Thanks! It's not that bad actually (and it's still beta though) unless if it's with lower than high preset

Yeah it's with everything maxed except shadows down a notch. I suspect it will run better at launch.

Edit: Dropping a few things down one notch I am averaging 52fps in the benchmark, not bad.
I gotta say, it looks kind of bad in screenshots but the ps4 version actually looks nice. The draw distance in particular is kind of impressive.

Having fun with the game itself. I played through a scenario tactically and it worked out just like I planned. I also crash landed a helicopter into the middle of a story mission and that was just as fun.


I seem to be locked out of the beta.

Redeemed the code on the Xbox app, turned the console on and had no room to download. Cleared some stuff and no there is no way to search for the beta and it doesn't come up in my purchase history and I can't re-redeem the code.

Any ideas?
Did you check the "Ready to install" section under your "Games & apps" tab?
I get 55 fps with an RX470 4gb on lowest settings and 30 on medium. Not sure how this is going to get better in a month. The division beta ran and played much better than this.
How's the performance of the Xbox One version holding up? Any native in-game screenshots around for that version?

Have an Xbox One friend that will definitely be in to this and the co-op nature and while the benchmark says my i7 6700, GTX 1070, 16 GB RAM, etc is running 51 FPS at max settings it does feel weird to say the least.

A couple things about the visuals, when it turns night it is super dark (yeah, yeah, night-vision googles) and some of lighting actually physically made my head hurt like in the morning sunrise or a rainy half sunlit/half cloudy scenario made the lighting really, well, harsh is the only way I can describe it concerning contrast and saturation.


Played a few hours, mostly in co-op with randoms and it's pretty fun. As others have said, its MGSV + Far Cry with a "tier one special ops" kind of slant to it. The overall goal of dismantling the cartel reminds me a bit of Mercenaries or Crackdown as well.

I do like that they give you some teammates when playing solo but they aren't that smart and it will be up to you to do most of the work. Peformance wasn't too hot on Xbox One either but hopefully that can be ironed out.

Looking forward to playing some more later but I think this is a game that absolutely benefits from bringing some buddies along with you.


Ehhhhh, not hugely impressed on ps4. It looks nice, but the world is only vaguely interesting, driving cars etc is fun...but the controls feel a bit stiff and clunky and sort of off, the shooting is fairly bland and maybe I'm being dumb but I can't really make much sense of the interface and what's going on. I jumped straight into co-op so might have missed some tutorial stuff though.

I can see it being fun for a bit with friends, but I don't think that fun would come from playing the game particularly tactically, more from dicking about in cars etc.

It needs a big old layer of polish, appreciate this is a beta though, but I think back to both The Division betas which were brilliant and really grabbed me, this one is all a bit janky and muddled.


What is the deal with performance?

On a 2600k @ 4.4
1070 amp extreme
8gb ram

Getting terrible stutters and slow downs, even if I lower shadows/AA, etc. Game defaults at very high for me also.


controls feel a bit chunky even after adjusting the sensitivity and just seems a bit bland overall.

I get that it is open world but first impression was boring and that's with my brother playing.

though it did get a little better when he learned to parachute out my chopper and I hung around waiting for him to complete tasks.


No how much you guys fuddle with the sensitivity on consoles, it won't change a thing. Thus game has huge input lag. Just try hitting your movement stick quickly in one direction and see how long it takes for the character to react.


What is the deal with performance?

On a 2600k @ 4.4
1070 amp extreme
8gb ram

Getting terrible stutters and slow downs, even if I lower shadows/AA, etc. Game defaults at very high for me also.

I bet it's your CPU choking life out of your system / GPU here. Friend has 4690k and he complained about it choking game performance, his GPU won't go above ~40-50% of usage because of it.

For comparison I have i5 6600K @ 4.2 and 980Ti, both at ~99% when playing WL.
Im tired of hearing
'cock holster!" myself.
A friend was complaining about that exact phrase earlier. The writing is truly atrocious. My pick for the worst was the conversation someone was having about some dead guy's rotting penis (I guess he was hanging in a town square or something), and one of the descriptions they passed back and forth was "like a piece of chorizo rolled in dog hair".

Seriously, what the fuck Ubisoft.


Performance is absolutely fucked on PC. i7 6700k, 1080, Can't play it at all past the opening, and that opening had such god awful cringe-worthy dialogue that maybe it's a good thing.

Even at all settings high and no hbao+ or subsurface it still stuttered like crazy. They haven't optimized this at all and for a game one month out the port is in very bad shape.


Performance is absolutely fucked on PC. i7 6700k, 1080, Can't play it at all past the opening, and that opening had such god awful cringe-worthy dialogue that maybe it's a good thing.

Even at all settings high and no hbao+ or subsurface it still stuttered like crazy. They haven't optimized this at all and for a game one month out the port is in very bad shape.

Same setup here with same result: unplayable stuttering especially when using mouse to look around. I can keep dropping settings to get few fps here and there but fps alone isn't the issue.

Surprised I enjoyed what little I managed to play. The Division didn't do much for me but personally I see more potential here.
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