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GI: What We Loved About Our Hands-On Time With Horizon Zero Dawn

Only thing that worries me about this game is the writing/storytelling. I'd love for Guerrilla Games to show an entire sidequest like CDPR did for The Witcher 3. It's an RPG after all, and people (I, for one) would definitely appreciate a taste of what they should expect.


It sound like instead of one big map, Horizon will be few big area stitch together?
I have not problem with that, actually prefer that as long as we can freely go to each area at anytime.
It sound like instead of one big map, Horizon will be few big area stitch together?
I have not problem with that, actually prefer that as long as we can freely go to each area at anytime.

This is always good. Gives them more freedom to do different terrains and weather conditions.
I'm just really hopeful that the big giraffe robots act exactly like the towers in AC and I'm super excited for all the little collectibles scattered around the world that allow me to give slight upgrades to my player.

It's really fresh experiences like this that are the life blood of this industry.
I was more referring to actions and relative power levels. Tien punched well above his weight when it really mattered but in the end it only delayed the inevitable. Whereas the original and expected savior Goku aka Uncharted 4 made a brilliant attempt to defeat the onslaught of their green enemy but in the end failed and dropped the ball only for Gohan to explode out of nowhere to go SS2 when it was needed most with an unheralded amount of power and bad assery.
Can I get a Pokemon attack ranking on this debate between these two?


Nothing yet.

I hope Aloy can rock dual dagger like Dragon dogma.
I know it's far fetch, it'll be cool if the game have a proper pet system. Grow your own robo dino, upgrade it with loot, evolve into bigger robo dino, fight alongside, bonding and everything, like Agro in SoTC.
Only thing that worries me about this game is the writing/storytelling. I'd love for Guerrilla Games to show an entire sidequest like CDPR did for The Witcher 3. It's an RPG after all, and people (I, for one) would definitely appreciate a taste of what they should expect.

I expect towns + side quest to be the last two things they show by end of the year.


Now I get what GG meant by saying side quests won't be as expansive as TW3, it doesn't necessarily means they are fetch, it seems like they meant they won't affect the world as much, they are more about revealing lore and story, not about everything have a deeper consequence, which might be disappointing but it's not too bad, I don't think many of us expected the game to have such a rich system in that regard, if the quests are good and are not a fetch than that's great.

Seems like GI's impressions are pretty much flawless, they don't have any complain about the demo they played and the quests they did, all they have are some very light and unfounded concerns about how the story might end up, but it seems like they don't have anything negative to say at all from their play time.
Watching the ps meeting ganeplay make me really want grappling hook mechanic like uncharted 4. Come on gg, you have weapon called rope caster that basically shoot arrow with rope, just add the ability to swing around with it and it'd be perfect.


I will have to buy a PS4 for this game at some point in the future. It has everything I want:

-Good combat
-Open world (I just started to really get into open world games!)
-Great looking wilderness
-Robot enemies
-Very appealing female character - Aloy is about 50% of the reason this game even caught my eye. I love her design so much.

Nothing this generation comes even close to being so interesting to me.
Seems like GI's impressions are pretty much flawless, they don't have any complain about the demo they played and the quests they did, all they have are some very light and unfounded concerns about how the story might end up, but it seems like they don't have anything negative to say at all from their play time.

Exactly. It's flawless outside of the unfounded concerns. This one is gonna be a fresh and new take on the open world genre. I'm just imagining it now - deep in the high grass, robots unaware, how do I take this beast down.

Possibilities are endless!


Exactly. It's flawless outside of the unfounded concerns. This one is gonna be a fresh and new take on the open world genre. I'm just imagining it now - deep in the high grass, robots unaware, how do I take this beast down.

Possibilities are endless!

Not endless. Stealth, trap, melee, sit back and watch your overwrited robo fight or range filth.
I'm super stoked for this game, and the individual game aspects look amazing in the small dozes we've seen. I just hope the quality (especially of quests) holds up over 20+ hours of gameplay. I AM a bit concerned that the game won't quite live up to some of our massive expectations. My guess is more of an 85 MC (great game) than 90+ (incredible game).
I am loving that mechanically, this game sounds absolutely fantastic.

Given that story and quest design is something we haven't seen a lot of, I'm not going to set my expectations too high yet.

But if the core gameplay loop is fun, responsive and the fights playout unpredictably as it looks so far, the game is going to need a really shitty story and quest design to bring down my opinion of it.

Because holy crap, it reminds me of Monster Hunter with GG's focus on the combat so far.
My hope and dreams for this game, things that if not in the game, I hope is in the sequel.

-Controlling thundermaw for melee dinobots battle
-Aerial battle while on top of GlintHawk
-controlling multiple smaller robot pack as your offensive option.
-grappling hook and spiderman style swinging as traversal option
-able to use your slow mo concentration skill to aim your bow while airborne
-glide or wingsuit, or maybe just smaller robot bird that attach to your back or something.
-more melee weapon, maybe 2 handed sword or something, but I don't mind if this never happened.


Unconfirmed Member
I just want it to be a little like monster hunter >_>. Every time I see footage I imagine a monster hunter on PS4


Sounding incredibly nice. Best of luck Guerrilla. They've been shackled to Killzone for way too long IMO as much as I enjoyed 2 and 3 (and also enjoyed Shellshock). Were they contacted for the Killzone games?
I just want it to be a little like monster hunter >_>. Every time I see footage I imagine a monster hunter on PS4

I think it'll be like MH in game design and that shows already with how much of a focus they've put on combat.

As to how much it ends up being like MH, I think that'll depend on they handle upgrades and upgrade paths for weapons, how they link them to the dinos and if there's any way to repeatedly tackle the same dinos over and over again in similar environments.

One of the great things about MH is the mission like structure but here, this is more of an open-world RPG. So realistically, we can only hope for that repetitive mission like structure to come out of side-quests or bounty boards and the like.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
My hope and dreams for this game, things that if not in the game, I hope is in the sequel.

-Controlling thundermaw for melee dinobots battle
-Aerial battle while on top of GlintHawk
-controlling multiple smaller robot pack as your offensive option.
-grappling hook and spiderman style swinging as traversal option
-able to use your slow mo concentration skill to aim your bow while airborne
-glide or wingsuit, or maybe just smaller robot bird that attach to your back or something.
-more melee weapon, maybe 2 handed sword or something, but I don't mind if this never happened.

Something I was thinking about as I saw you could get the machines under your control was a permanent companion style robot so you could play that Hunter fantasy archtype pretty hard. A robot raptor or a robotic wolf companion, maybe with a few commands like attack, return, and so on.


My hope and dreams for this game, things that if not in the game, I hope is in the sequel.

-Controlling thundermaw for melee dinobots battle
-Aerial battle while on top of GlintHawk
-controlling multiple smaller robot pack as your offensive option.
-grappling hook and spiderman style swinging as traversal option
-able to use your slow mo concentration skill to aim your bow while airborne
-glide or wingsuit, or maybe just smaller robot bird that attach to your back or something.
-more melee weapon, maybe 2 handed sword or something, but I don't mind if this never happened.

Horizon now delay to 2018.


I hope Aloy can rock dual dagger like Dragon dogma.

She won't and you know it. Bow and arrow is her playstyle and the spear is for finishers and stealth kills.

She is like the opposite of Geralt where he fights with melee weapons primarily and his crossbow is only a secondary weapon used sometimes(mostly underwater)
Something I was thinking about as I saw you could get the machines under your control was a permanent companion style robot so you could play that Hunter fantasy archtype pretty hard. A robot raptor or a robotic wolf companion, maybe with a few commands like attack, return, and so on.
That would be awesome.

I like the idea of aerial battles being expanded as well.
I'm super stoked for this game, and the individual game aspects look amazing in the small dozes we've seen. I just hope the quality (especially of quests) holds up over 20+ hours of gameplay. I AM a bit concerned that the game won't quite live up to some of our massive expectations. My guess is more of an 85 MC (great game) than 90+ (incredible game).

I'm expecting 85 or so which still damn good for their first RPG.


Dreams in Digital
Something I was thinking about as I saw you could get the machines under your control was a permanent companion style robot so you could play that Hunter fantasy archtype pretty hard. A robot raptor or a robotic wolf companion, maybe with a few commands like attack, return, and so on.

It would be an interesting addition to the game but I'm not sure they could pull it off, unless there's a type of mechanical creature that can climb and traverse the different locations as well as Aloy. If there is then that would be great, especially when you consider they won't be invulnerable and so would eventually get killed. Having to then go out to find parts to repair your companion would add an extra game loop and allow you to form a more realistic bond with your companion.
This is sounding even better and better.

My only hope is the writing and storytelling is up to snuff. I'm not expecting CDPR or Obisidan in terms of writing, just adequate enough for their first foray into RPGs.
I am loving that mechanically, this game sounds absolutely fantastic.

Given that story and quest design is something we haven't seen a lot of, I'm not going to set my expectations too high yet.

But if the core gameplay loop is fun, responsive and the fights playout unpredictably as it looks so far, the game is going to need a really shitty story and quest design to bring down my opinion of it.

Because holy crap, it reminds me of Monster Hunter with GG's focus on the combat so far.

This is GG, so the likelihood of a crappy story is pretty high. They're tech wizards and make good games but they're unable to create a likeable character or tell a compelling story. Even the silent protagonist of KZ:M was kind of a douchebag.

That said I've enjoyed their games despite the crappy stories and characters. I'm glad to hear they hired someone to help them but I'm kind of expecting a good game where I tune out the dialog and story.


Lot of great stuff there.

Will this game have parts where you team up with other people in the game? Like guest party members?

Also, I wonder if it'll have romancing?


The whole talking to herself thing better not be in the final game.

Shit is annoying as fuck.
What is really crazy is how she says things you are going to do before you even do them! Get out of my mind Aloy, ahhhh...

Lot of great stuff there.

Will this game have parts where you team up with other people in the game? Like guest party members?

Also, I wonder if it'll have romancing?
No multiplayer is in it. They haven't talked about romance. Aloy is young, let her enjoy the single life.
Batman, Geralt, Drake, Lara blablabla with themselves. It's not a biggie, at least for me. Would you guys tolerate it more if it was displayed "as thoughts" like Geralt in TW3? I mean that they give her that sound effect that reflects the characters thoughts.


What is really crazy is how she says things you are going to do before you even do them! Get out of my mind Aloy, ahhhh...


No multiplayer is in it. They haven't talked about romance. Aloy is young, let her enjoy the single life.

I'm not talking about multiplayer I'm talking about fighting with other guest members and npcs to take down one beast. This is a single player game, I'm not expecting multiplayer in any form.

She is young as of the beginning of the game, we don't know how old she will be by the end of it.


I'm not talking about multiplayer I'm talking about fighting with other guest members and npcs to take down one beast. This is a single player game, I'm not expecting multiplayer in any form.
What does guest members mean? Like party members? One of first image showed NPCs working with MC to take down a Dino. I am not sure that stuff made it into final game. Things to do in future sequels, hopefully.


What does guest members mean? Like party members? One of first image showed NPCs working with MC to take down a Dino. I am not sure that stuff made it into final game. Things to do in future sequels, hopefully.

Yes, like party members. But only temporarily. Either player controlled or AI controlled like in Persona 3FES.


The whole talking to herself thing better not be in the final game.

Shit is annoying as fuck.

I like it. I've always liked it. Gives the main character some personality. Don't like silent protagonists or generic gruff white men. Hopefully they keep it in the final game though obviously some of it was for demo purposes.
Guerrilla wants this game to be accessible to everyone, so it doesn’t go super deep with the upgrade system, but you find different modifications for you armor and weapons that can greatly improve them.

I've actually always wondered how the devs in general come up with these systems' difficulty.
Just how accessible do the rpg mechanics/skill upgrades have to be in order to get approval? Do they test it with focus groups or what?

It wouldnt be a bad thing,but since pretty much every game has skill system/rpg elements nowadays (Far Cry,Shadow of Mordor,Tomb Raider etc),I feel it doesnt do enough to differentiate itself and actually stand out as an RPG.
I don't necessarily want people to be clutching their calculators in one hand while they make decisions whether to wear the epic codpiece of +1.7 intellect or the panties of +2% crit chance but pretty much everyone looks identical stat/skillwise by the endgame in these games simply because the skill upgrade system is actually just a checklist and the only choice you're capable of making is the order you decide to unlock those abilities.
The way I see it,in more traditional rpgs,its the exclusivity of the various abilties,the stuff you choose at the expense of others that give your character actual "personality" and uniqueness.I sure as hell never spent as much time trying to decide which abilities am I gonna choose in the aforementioned games as I did in Fallouts (mostly pre-4) for example because I knew I can just get the other thing at the next level up and not lose out on anything. This is it though,isnt it? They don't wanna make content only a small % of the players would experience.

The dialogue system could be the way to the rpg roots,but iirc someone said most of the options are just flavor texts? Lore,additional info about quests etc. I'm still holding out that info was wrong tho.

The game has me with the combat and the world alone already,so it doesnt really factor into my purchasing decision,nevertheless I'd really like to be pleasantly surprised in the upcoming months if they show more of it.
Puzzle design and art direction-wise Horizon might come short of Zelda. Otherwise, I think the combat and more or less every other aspect look much more impressive.
I was just making fun of that "Is Horizon the best looking open world game?" thread and how it devolved into a Horizon vs Zelda thread.
This game sounds and looks sooo good

I'm just holding out hope they really nail the story. It's the only thing that could potentially hold it back in a good way. Even if it's no Baldurs Gate, as long as it's fundamentally interesting and the narrative is pushing you through the game in an interesting way I'm up for it.

I'm hoping the story is more about Aloy than about the word and dinobots. They will have a place in the story, but hopefully take a backseat to making it a character driven story
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