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Giancarlo Esposito joins NBC drama pilot "Revolution" [J.J Abrams/Eric Kripke]

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Giancarlo Esposito has been tapped for a lead role on NBC’s JJ Abrams (Lost) and Eric Kripke (Supernatural) drama pilot Revolution, directed by Jon Favreau. The high-octane action drama follows a group of people struggling to survive and reunite with loved ones in a world where all forms of energy have mysteriously ceased to exist. Esposito, repped by Domain and Principal Entertainment, will play Capt. Neville, a hard-as-steel military man with a genteel southern manner who may not always be what he seems. Esposito continues to recur on ABC’s Once Upon A Time and will guest star in an upcoming episode of NBC’s Community.



Nice to see another JJ Abrams show be canceled in two weeks.

Yeah. It's pretty strange how Abrams gets all these shows green lit when he only had one hit (Lost) and a mild success (Fringe). Does Abrams have that much pull with the networks? Or are the networks that desperate?
Yeah. It's pretty strange how Abrams gets all these shows green lit when he only had one hit (Lost) and a mild success (Fringe). Does Abrams have that much pull with the networks? Or are the networks that desperate?

Alias was pretty successful, if I remember correctly. I never watched the show, but I was under the impression that it did pretty well for itself. Maybe I'm wrong, though.


God JJ Abrams is such an egotistical hack, slapping his name on every goddamn pilot these days. How much does it even take to get a "creator" credit these days anyways? I don't think he's actually been showrunner since the Alias days... and his creative input on Lost was about as minimal as it gets, too.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
God JJ Abrams is such an egotistical hack, slapping his name on every goddamn pilot these days. How much does it even take to get a "creator" credit these days anyways? I don't think he's actually been showrunner since the Alias days... and his creative input on Lost was about as minimal as it gets, too.

Egotistical hack for trying to get things he likes / produces more publicity? The fug

I'll admit the Abrams brand has been sorely watered down post-Lost, but it's not like he's demanding his name be on this shit when others don't want it to be.


So if energy has ceased to exist then where does that leave the earth's magnetic fields/every organic being/BASICALLY THE ENTIRETY OF EXISTENCE? Or is gas and electricity just going to arbitrarily stop working because lol J.J. Abrams?


Alias was pretty successful, if I remember correctly. I never watched the show, but I was under the impression that it did pretty well for itself. Maybe I'm wrong, though.


Felicity. Alias. Lost. Fringe. Person of Interest.

So if energy has ceased to exist then where does that leave the earth's magnetic fields/every organic being/BASICALLY THE ENTIRETY OF EXISTENCE? Or is gas and electricity just going to arbitrarily stop working because lol J.J. Abrams?

It's not "energy" as much as it man-utilized energy.

Nice to see another JJ Abrams show be canceled in two weeks.

He has two bombs (Six Degrees, Undercovers), one meh (What About Brian?) and four hits (Felicity, Alias, Lost, Fringe). And before you scream "Fringe isn't a hit," any network drama than can get past 80 episodes was doing something right at some point during its run.


How about we stop saying that it's a JJ Abrams show and start saying what it really is: The first show that Eric Kripke has done since he created Supernatural.

This may be decent with Eric Kripke on board.

He's not "on-board," he wrote and created the project. Abrams, like always, is just a producer.

God JJ Abrams is such an egotistical hack, slapping his name on every goddamn pilot these days. How much does it even take to get a "creator" credit these days anyways? I don't think he's actually been showrunner since the Alias days... and his creative input on Lost was about as minimal as it gets, too.

How is he an egotistical hack? He's one of the most successful producers in Hollywood. Him and Peter Chernin are two of the biggest names in television for good reason - they continue to push out hit after hit.

In every single article that's been been written about Revolution, including this thread title, Kripke's name has been there. It's not like Alcatraz, where Lilien and Wynbrandt are never mentioned. Why jump on Alcatraz? Clearly, he's not trying to hog the spotlight from Kripke.


It's amazing how he went from a no-name supporting actor to a lead role in one of 2012's hottest pilots


What kind of man watches an NBC drama?


No man.

No man at all.

Awake is the best network drama of the year... and it's on NBC. So.

And they probably have some of my favorite dramas in development this year. Who knows if they'll be successful. But I fucking loved the Revolution script. I read it in less than 20 minutes, it was really energetic.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Ew, why are they gonna pay Jon Favreau a bunch to direct this? Dude has no style, let alone a valuable one. There's countless better and cheaper choices out there.

The premise still sounds really stupid to me, too.


Ew, why are they gonna pay Jon Favreau a bunch to direct this? Dude has no style, let alone a valuable one. There's countless better and cheaper choices out there.

The premise still sounds really stupid to me, too.

It's like The Road mixed with Supernatural. Maybe slightly lighter than that sounds, but those capture the tone of the pilot pretty well.

TJ Bennett

TJ Hooker
The casting excites me. Hopefully this means I'll get to work more than two months on the show. I'm sure NBC will find a way to make it fail.


Awake is the best network drama of the year... and it's on NBC. So.

And they probably have some of my favorite dramas in development this year. Who knows if they'll be successful. But I fucking loved the Revolution script. I read it in less than 20 minutes, it was really energetic.

Oh man, and that's starting up real soon too.

I'm also loving the hell out of Smash.

The concept for this show sounds terrible though.


ITT ivysaur corrects people's misconceptions on how TV shows work :p

Abrams may be overexposed, but there is no doubt he has a knack on picking interesting projects and talents to work with. Which is also why he's been so successful.

Count me in!


Was hoping for historical drama from JJ Abrams, instead got shitty post-apocalyptic overdone bullshit.

I'm sure the seven episodes it airs will be remembered fondly.
He has two bombs (Six Degrees, Undercovers), one meh (What About Brian?) and four hits (Felicity, Alias, Lost, Fringe). And before you scream "Fringe isn't a hit," any network drama than can get past 80 episodes was doing something right at some point during its run.

Did Alcatraz already get cancelled?


You work for WB?

TJ works in post production on Revolution.

How is Alcatraz doing? It's the only show network I bother to watch anymore.

It's not going to make it.

The casting excites me. Hopefully this means I'll get to work more than two months on the show. I'm sure NBC will find a way to make it fail.

It depends on the four real leads. Rebecca Mader is free, I think she'd be good as a Brit. The big thing will be getting a really well known, young film actress for the lead.

Did Alcatraz already get cancelled?

I mean:

13 season one-and-done:

- Six Degrees
- Undercovers
- Alcatraz (pending)


- What About Brian?

Relative hits for the network television business:

- Felicity
- Alias
- Lost
- Fringe
- Person of Interest

And he has two pilots, one at NBC (Revolution) and one at the CW (Shelter, created by Mark Schwahn of One Tree Hill).

Felicity and Armageddon came out when he was 32. He's not 45. And this isn't even counting his feature resume. The man is incredible.

TJ Bennett

TJ Hooker
You work for WB?

This is my first time working for WB. I'll be the post production supervisor on the show. The last 3 shows I worked on were all Fox shows (Playboy Club, Chicago Code, Lie to Me). It's hard to find stability in television.
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