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giveaway: Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap for Nintendo Switch (US or EU)

You deserve to win! Made me want to replay Ori right now. Such a lovely game. You start off as a fragile cute little thing with no future and end up wooshing about like you own the place. Loved it from the first second to the very end. Pixel perfect controls, a unique way to traverse the levels, visuals that looks like artwork, beautiful music and a story that makes you cry. Among the top 5 best games of all times imo. Can't wait for the devs next game!

Everyone else has given excellent reasons for why they love their prefered Metroidvania too :) If anything this thread has got me in the mood for them! I was playing Ori and Cave Story last night.


I don't consider it a Metroidvania, but a charming sidescroller adventure in the vein of Dragon's Trap: The Frog For Whom The Bell Tolls (or Kaeru no Tameni).

In this 1992 game released by Nintendo for the Gameboy you play as Prince Sable, who must travel across the land to rescue Princess Tiramisu. Along the way you gain the ability to transform into a frog and into a snake, allowing you to overcome different scenarios. The dungeons are 2D and incorporate both platforming and puzzle solving, relying on the transformations to go on. Combat is automatic and you win encounters if your health meter and equipment is good enough, so you always have to look for these.

The plot is very wacky and was written by Yoshio Sakamoto of Metroid fame, and the soundtrack was composed by Kazumi Totaka.

The game got never released outside Japan but fortunately a fantastic fanlation was completed a few years ago. Definitely one of the best titles Gameboy has to offer.

The development team then went to make the popular Link's Awakening.


I don't consider it a Metroidvania, but a charming sidescroller adventure in the vein of Dragon's Trap: The Frog For Whom The Bell Tolls (or Kaeru no Tameni).

In this 1992 game released by Nintendo for the Gameboy you play as Prince Sable, who must travel across the land to rescue Princess Tiramisu. Along the way you gain the ability to transform into a frog and into a snake, allowing you to overcome different scenarios. The dungeons are 2D and incorporate both platforming and puzzle solving, relying on the transformations to go on. Combat is automatic and you win encounters if your health meter and equipment is good enough, so you always have to look for these.

The plot is very wacky and was written by Yoshio Sakamoto of Metroid fame, and the soundtrack was composed by Kazumi Totaka.

The game got never released outside Japan but fortunately a fantastic fanlation was completed a few years ago. Definitely one of the best titles Gameboy has to offer.

The development team then went to make the popular Link's Awakening.

I always forget about this game. I'm hoping it gets a late Western release one day, I don't know how text-heavy it is though. I am hoping my Japanese will soon be sufficiently proficient to allow me to play it.
My favorite Metroidvania transformation is Quote from Cave Story (minor spoilers ahead if you never played it), which over the years became a very personal game for me. I'll never forget the first time I played Cave Story which was late 2005 on an old 1999 year HP desktop tower PC running Win '98 and a tiny 3.2 GB hard drive on a rainy day back in my home town. Going through the opening cave and then entering Mimiga Town for the first time and hearing its beautifully melancholy music was magical. I couldn't believe this was a freeware, independently made game, the visuals and music were and still are so wonderful. It instantly reminded me of the Wonder Boy series.

Quote himself may not go through literal transformations, but his transformations are emotional and thematic. Going from waking up in the Cave and being an amnesiac to discovering your dark purpose: a surface android sent to slaughter and fight the innocent Mimiga who are being experimented on by the doctor all in a quest for the evil, coveted crown which has kept the island a dark place. Gradually finding your redemptive side as you help an old lady and her puppies, making an emotional connection with Curly Brace and the ultimate thematic transformation: escaping the Cave/floating island.

About eight months after playing the game for the first time I moved away from my hometown, I was young and headstrong and for years felt like "my home town is sooooooo boring now, I need to try new things! Grrrrrr." Typical young guff. I wasn't just leaving my hometown, I was escaping my own Cave and floating away in a dragon into the clouds.

However, the reality and the challenges of living in a new town set in. Being away from my family and friends was much harder than I thought, I'll never forget the night I cried thinking I should go back right away but I thought, no I have to stick to my decision. Over the years my friends back home grew and changed and my family went through some stressful things. Even though I made many visits back to see everyone you can't keep life the way it is but ultimately they all survived. Like I did. Like Quote did. Because like Cave Story, life can be tough with some dark moments, but it's still beautiful and fun when you look for the good things and things to be thankful for.

So whenever I hear the melancholy and wistful Mimiga town theme, I get misty eyed, and for just one moment I am transported back to my hometown in 2005 with that old PC playing the game for the first time and I can live in the old, warm moments of my young life before I solemnly wake out of my brief reverie and back into the present again with all of its new joys and challenges.


My favorite metroidvania is Super Metroid which is arguably one of the best games of all time. Because of that, I rather give a shoutout to Ori and the Blind Forest. The level design in Ori is simply fantastic...the world and environments are enemies/bosses in this game basically. By learning different moves you need to get through very challenging platforming sections and basically beat the environment in order to get through. On top of that the graphics and the soundtrack are simply outstanding making the game one of the most enjoyable Metroidvania experiences you'll ever find.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
In the interests of trying to pick something different, I really like Strider from 2014.

It manages to capture the essence of the original game while following the metriodvania formula perfectly to create something that I feel was super underrated.

It's not my favourite metroidvania ever, but it's one I feel deserves more attention.

My all time favourites though are Dragon's Trap, Shadow Complex and Ori.


I'll pick a winner tomorrow around this time. Thanks all. It's been great reading the entries and learning about different games.

My favorite transformation is the squid/kid mechanic in Splatoon. Every aspect of Splatoon feels good, and traversal is no exception, helped immensely by this integral transformation. With a press of the left trigger, you immediately leave your humanoid form and become more stealthy and more mobile-- you can jump farther and even climb up walls! Your weapon reloads when swimming in your own ink, which also heals you!, further tying together the squid motif in an elegant bow. Plus, thanks to the community, quickly shifting from squid to kid emerged as Splatoon's central taunt, separate from the built-in "Come on!" and "Booyeah!"

Not bad for a game that began as a shooter that starred cubes of tofu.



My favourite monster is the impulsive idiot I turn into when a new game I want to play comes out. Leading up to the release of a lot of games I'll try to tell myself it's a stupid use of my money and that I'm not going to buy it, but then when it comes out I can't help myself and smash that buy button.

It's 2:45 AM and I just bought a 5000Y card off Amazon Japan so I could get Spelunker for Switch. The demo was fun but I'm sure by no means worth what I paid for it, but I can't control myself.

My favourite though because games are awesome and I very rarely ever regret it (even if my wife's going to be pissed when she wakes up).


My favorite transformation is the squid/kid mechanic in Splatoon. Every aspect of Splatoon feels good, and traversal is no exception, helped immensely by this integral transformation. With a press of the left trigger, you immediately leave your humanoid form and become more stealthy and more mobile-- you can jump farther and even climb up walls! Your weapon reloads when swimming in your own ink, which also heals you!, further tying together the squid motif in an elegant bow. Plus, thanks to the community, quickly shifting from squid to kid emerged as Splatoon's central taunt, separate from the built-in "Come on!" and "Booyeah!"

Not bad for a game that began as a shooter that starred cubes of tofu.

Man, I'm so glad the team figured it out with the Inklings. This game would have flopped so hard if the characters were still those boring generic rabbits or if the game where just Mario Paintball.


My first encounter with the metroidvania genre was in 1986, before I even know about Metroid, it was a game on the Amstrad CPC464 : Sacred Armour of anteriad.


The wikipedia page says
The game is notable for being one of the earliest examples of the Metroidvania genre, being developed without knowledge of and concurrently with Metroid

The game was hard, and short ... common 'qualities' of this era's games...

You can finish it in about 10min ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMecfpN-Yv0 )

I played an unbelievable amout of time, and never achieved to finish it :)


This is actually a pretty tough question.

I think I'd give it to Faxanadu for mostly nostalgic reasons.

As far as transformations, I'm going with Adventures of Pip:


Edit: Looks like I was too late. lol! Should probably read the whole thread before I reply!
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