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Gizmodo: Xbox One is worse for everyone if Kinect not mandatory

But shutting down Kinect because of it is anti-technology, anti-future.
Every avenue leads to the future. Kinect is one way, but it's not the only way, and it's something people have shown they don't want.

I don't get Gizmodo's agenda here. Are they trying to dissuade people from buying Xbox One now, or what?

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
I can see the argument with removing Kinect from the box, restricting things in the long run. But giving people the choice to actually use it or not at all times is very much a good thing and for some people a make or break issue.


If Kinect 2.0 is so great, then Surely MS or a 2nd party will make a game or games that will become a massive hit. Then people will turn those kinects on...I doubt this is a problem.
You could always turn the thing off, from day one, in software. It would be disabled or paused.

The difference now is that you can physically unplug the thing without bricking your xbox.
Repeated for emphasis.

You could disable/pause the Kinect from the beginning, before ANY of the 180s.

This was always the case.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
As long as it still comes in the package, then everything will be fine but admittedly, I want Kinect included.


The fact that it's included in the box makes me think it'll get a lot more support than people are afraid of. The majority of people will surely connect it, if it comes in the box.
Look at how much support the Wii U tablet is getting.

I was willing to give the Kinect a chance this gen, and there wasn't a single game I enjoyed on it. I doubt that will change next gen.
This article is actually correct, the Kinect is such a huge part of the Xbox One that not having it included would seriously downgrade the experience of multitasking and easy navigation. Or am I the only one who actually thinks that's awesome? Kinect 1.0 didn't work at all...the technology in Kinect 2.0 looks amazing and I say this from the standpoint of a Computer Science person not a Gamer. I'm excited. Though it's my opinion, so I guess it's not that important.


What they don't seem to understand, is that you could easily unplug the kinect when doing something like Netflix or a XBLA game, but there's absolutely nothing stopping you from just, you know, PLUGGING it back in to play Kinect games. Gizmodo seem to think the Kinect disintigrates when you unplug it.


Unconfirmed Member
Kinect sucks. Gizmodo sucks.
If Microsoft wants "the living room", why not sell the Kinect separately? Don't force it on gamers and make them pay an extra $100 over the competition. Xbox is the only thing MS has that doesn't have a negative stigma behind it in the public eye (with gamers it's different).
If people have it and are given compelling reasons to use it they will use it. It's not like removing the requirement that it be plugged in and giving them an option to plug it in is going to completely rule out the possibility of people plugging it in. If you want people to use it give them a reason to and they will.


Concidering that you cant buy a new Xbox One without Kinect, there is no reason why developers cant take full advantage of it. Everyone who buys a Xbox One will have a Kinect anyway, so they can "force" (not sure which word to use) people to use it if they want.


What they don't seem to understand, is that you could easily unplug the kinect when doing something like Netflix or a XBLA game, but there's absolutely nothing stopping you from just, you know, PLUGGING it back in to play Kinect games. Gizmodo seem to think the Kinect disintigrates when you unplug it.

If the Kinect were "free", as in packed into a $399 bundle, I would literally leave it in the box it came in. That's the optional part. If enough people were like me then devs would rightly ignore the device except for games like Just Dance. That's the danger if you are a fan of the device.
Gizmodo can piss off. They look at the device through the lens of a gadget, we look at it as a gaming device. The two are not mutally exclusive, but the typical gadget whore is more swayed by gimmicks than the seasoned gamer who just wants solid well made games to play.

To the typical gizmodo reader/contributor I have a simple question. How many of these immersive and innovative Kinect 1 games are you still playing today? How many Shovelware Wii games? etc etc.

Do you really see in 10 years time you still playing this crap? of course not, because there will be bigger and bigger tech out there and what you are clamoring for today will be obsolete.

Forgive me for not caring about your opinon on my hobby when even your Ipad 1 is gathering dust. This industry cannot survive on tech alone, it need solid gaming experiences and these are never created by mandate.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
You could disable/pause the Kinect from the beginning, before ANY of the 180s.

Exactly. I think people are just overly concerned about privacy, but think about the outrage (and the consequent legal and economic consequences for Microsoft) if they would still use a "disabled" Kinect for stuff like ad-related profiling. Here in the EU they would be grilled, and that's putting it lightly. I can understand concerns on an emotional level, especially since the NSA scandal, but on a rational level I think people exaggerate the risks.



Everyone bought a Wii but that didn't encourage developers to think outside the box even after every other system copied them in some way. If you want to draw attention to the Kinect you need a blockbuster title and if you want a blockbuster title to get made you need money and nobody is willing to bet on Kinect nor will they ever bet on Kinect.

If you want to make Kinect a viable platform make a Halo Kinect only game and have Microsoft put their money where their mouth is. Until then they can take the Kinect and shove it.


Agreed. If you don't want Kinect then don't buy the console at all. You want the option to buy a Kinect-less console? Just buy a Playstation 4 instead, but stop this retarded bullcrap of removing Kinect 2 from the Xbox One because you don't like it.

It would just like if Nintendo bundled the Wii with a traditional controller and made the Wiimote an optional peripheral. You would have completely destroyed the idea behind the console.


I don't understand the big uproar. Kinect is still in the box which means it can be connected and turn on anytime. Thus, if game developers want to make a Kinect enable game, it would still be available to 100% of the install base. The game box and/or title screen just has to say "Kinect Required" so the user knows. I am sure a few will bitch about installing Kinect, but most will do it without any care.


I know when i buy things, i want to spend $100 extra so that it's POSSIBLE other people will have a better experience with something i don't care about.
Exactly. I think people are just overly concerned about privacy, but think about the outrage (and the consequent legal and economic consequences for Microsoft) if they would still use a "disabled" Kinect for stuff like ad-related profiling. Here in the EU they would be grilled, and that's putting it lightly. I can understand concerns on an emotional level, especially since the NSA scandal, but on a rational level I think people exaggerate the risks.
Well I *am* glad you can physically disconnect the thing now, but that's just a physical analog to what you could always do in software, for people who want absolute certainty the damn thing is off.

Which means the bone was designed for scenarios where the Kinect is not available/enabled/online, so I'm not sure why people are considering it to be more optional now. It was never a requirement that the Kinect be always enabled, not as far as we've ever seen.

Is it easier for MS to ship a version of the bone without Kinect if they wanted to? Sure, but that hasn't happened. With the changes we know about, nothing significant has changed from a Kinect software/adoption point of view.
Everything Kyle Wagner has written about the Xbox One being a lesser device post-"180" seems mostly based on assumptions and hypotheticals. That NSA quote is telling.


I definitely agree that multiple SKUs is an absolutely horrible idea. That said, Kinect being mandatory to power the system on is a separate issue.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I will buy an Xbox One and leave the kinect unplugged

I don't get it, why? If you don't care about Kinect at all, why not just buy a PS4 and spare yourself the wasted money on Kinect. If you still want an Xbox because of exclusives (or whatever) the games won't change just because you haven't Kinect plugged in. They will still have the gimmicky "better with Kinect" features, hopefully optional ones. Just disable it in the preferences or disallow it for games where you don't want it.


Please don't try to tell me that I would be better served by being forced to use a device that I have no use for.

it's still in every box so I don't see the big problem here... developers still have the option to use it or not... making it mandatory for every game wasn't one of the options to begin with I believe it just that it worked with the OS which would be running as you played the game


better chance

er, if it's ok with you, I'd prefer not to spend money on a 'chance'. MS had their chance with Kinect 1 and failed to deliver, and now I'm supposed to believe it'll all be different this time?


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Please don't try to tell me that I would be better served by being forced to use a device that I have no use for.

It is still forced since it'll be in every box and you'll have to pay for it.
I kind of agree with this. Developers would have had a better reason to integrate Kinect functionality into their games. Now it is the same as it always was -- they no longer can assume it'll be connected.
Just because he wrote a positive article on the One he's a shill? As if there's not enough positive PS4 articles out there. As for WiiU, nothing can save it.
No, he's written MANY articles defending the Xbone's anti-consumer policies and then whining at the gaming community for 'making the Xbox One worse' when its policies were reversed. He penned "You don't hate the Xbox One, you're just jealous". He is awful and Gizmodo is awful for publishing his clickbait garbage.


This article is actually correct, the Kinect is such a huge part of the Xbox One that not having it included would seriously downgrade the experience of multitasking and easy navigation. Or am I the only one who actually thinks that's awesome? Kinect 1.0 didn't work at all...the technology in Kinect 2.0 looks amazing and I say this from the standpoint of a Computer Science person not a Gamer. I'm excited. Though it's my opinion, so I guess it's not that important.

you might be the only one that thinks the only way to multitask is to use kinect. You will be able to do that just fine with a controller. Frankly I don't want to make the screen bigger by doing a goatse gesture to my TV.
Perhaps Microsoft should make two systems. One aimed at a more mainstream audience with heavy focus on Kinect motion control (no controller in the box) and video/app consumption, require mandatory online and the hybrid disc/digital system or no disc drive. Sell that system for $250 like the Wii.

Then make a high end graphics system with controller in box, optional Kinect, optional online, no linking of disc and digital. Sell this for $400. This would allow them to develop Kinect in parallel of the systems and adopt forward thinking designs before core gamers are ready to accept them.
Only because they didn't give you the option to use your own hard drive.
No, because devs couldn't count on a HDD being in every console. It was a bad decision.

I kind of agree with this. Developers would have had a better reason to integrate Kinect functionality into their games. Now it is the same as it always was -- they no longer can assume it'll be connected.
But even if it was connected devs couldn't assume it would be enabled. You could always turn it off in software.


It is still forced since it'll be in every box and you'll have to pay for it.

Indeed, we are still being forced to buy it even though it is not mandatory. I would rather pocket that $100 and maybe spend some of it on a game. Just another reason why I will be getting a PS4 first without hesitation.


If the Kinect were "free", as in packed into a $399 bundle, I would literally leave it in the box it came in. That's the optional part. If enough people were like me then devs would rightly ignore the device except for games like Just Dance. That's the danger if you are a fan of the device.

I'd imagine people buying the One will maybe put the Kinect aside at first, but I'm sure they would eventually try it out and maybe like it. At the end of the day, it isn't going to appeal to everyone, and those people were never going to buy kinect games in the first place. The vast majority of people will probably just leave it connected though, and everyone will have one, so the userbase is there for kinect games. I'll wait for the PC version of kinect 2.0, as it looks like a useful device to have in combination with an Oculus Rift.


I forgot Gizmodo was a website until now, removed it from all my bookmarks 2 years ago.

Now I remember why I removed it!
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