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Gizmodo: Xbox One is worse for everyone if Kinect not mandatory

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community

Gizmodo is trying to convince everyone that XBOX One was perfect since the 180 they did. Lots and lots of people don't care about Kinect, it's only fair to give them the choice of not wanting one.

Pretty much.

Guess Gizmodo's pay-per-article product line is booming hah!


This makes no sense every xbox one sold will have the kinect. What does it being plugged up have to do anything? The xbox one also comes with an off switch should developers not make games because some people my never actually. Turn the system on?
Yeah, until Kinect malfunctions or breaks and your system is pointlessly a brick til you get a new one.

Not giving them the clicks. I'm glad MS backtracked on that all or nothing policy.
Not worse me at all, not sure why the writer loves the Kinect so much. All I'm waiting for now is a Kinect-less SKU with a lower price, and I can finally start to consider it for launch.


Hugely better chance of being developed for in a meaningful way? Hugely? Because reasons.




No difference in its prospects for meaningful development.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
I totally see where they're coming from, but if everyone that owns an Xbox One also owns a Kinect 2.0, we're not really on the same page as current gen.


Yeah, until Kinect malfunctions or breaks and your system is pointlessly a brick til you get a new one.

Not giving them the clicks. I'm glad MS backtracked on that all or nothing policy.

I am happy, too, but the non-stop flow of articles flowing out that paint consumers as the bad guys and Microsoft as some sort of victim is getting pretty fucking annoying.


The fact that it's included in the box makes me think it'll get a lot more support than people are afraid of. The majority of people will surely connect it, if it comes in the box.

This. I for one am glad that it is included. Gamers want innovation right? I can't wait to see some creative use. Especially by indies...
Hypothetically, if the Xbox One originally announced its Kinect support in the way it is now - bundled in every box, but able to be disabled in software and physically disconnected - would we be seeing articles like this asking MS to brick the Xbox if the Kinect was disconnected or broken?

Because I have a very hard time believing that.


It would just like if Nintendo bundled the Wii with a traditional controller and made the Wiimote an optional peripheral. You would have completely destroyed the idea behind the console.

Casual, Fad, Waggle, Shovelware. Besides sales, what did Wiimote do to advance gaming?

Besides Wii Sports, what (good) Wii game would have been ruined by using a standard controller?


I would agree if Kinect wasn't shipping with every box. Right now, developers can still be sure that every Xbox owner has a Kinect at home, and if their software is compelling enough, that will push them to use it.

But yea, not one Kinect game was announced at the E3 conference. Microsoft aren't exactly doing a good job promoting Kinect for gaming.
Indeed, we are still being forced to buy it even though it is not mandatory. I would rather pocket that $100 and maybe spend some of it on a game. Just another reason why I will be getting a PS4 first without hesitation.

Much of the cost of a device is the research and development. There is no $100 for you to pocket. The device itself probably costs more than $100 to manufacture and definitely more than $100 per unit to create. $100 is an artificial number based upon the original Kinect and the difference in price between X1 and PS4. X1 at $399 without Kinect is a bad deal relative to PS4. You have worse RAM and GPU at the same price. X1 would be forced down to $349 at least. Microsoft put most of its research and development into Kinect, if they dump the Kinect they've lost their main selling point and wasted their budget. They might as well start planning a quick exit like they did with the OG Xbox if that is the path they are on.
Hypothetically, if the Xbox One originally announced its Kinect support in the way it is now - ie. bundled in every box, but able to be disabled in software and physically disconnected - would we be seeing articles like this asking MS to brick the Xbox if the Kinect was disconnected or broken?

Because I have a very hard time believing that.

Bravo sir. This article is click bait and nothing more.


MS has guaranteed 100% adoption with Kinect in every box. Want to play a Kinect game? Plug it the fuck back in. If people get rid of their Kinect, then that means they weren't going to play your dumb Kinect game anyway.


Article is pretty much correct. I would argue that you'd have the same results if it was just a pack-in and not something that had to be plugged in in order for the system to operate, but the bottom line is that the only way Kinect stands a chance of being well-utilized is if developers see an incentive in doing so, and that means having as many units out there as possible. Can't make a game that revolves around the cool stuff that Kinect does when only a fraction of the install base actually has one.


Nah it's good. Less development money spent on something that only one platform would have as standard is good, and that wasn't particularly interesting is good.


No, he's written MANY articles defending the Xbone's anti-consumer policies and then whining at the gaming community for 'making the Xbox One worse' when its policies were reversed. He penned "You don't hate the Xbox One, you're just jealous". He is awful and Gizmodo is awful for publishing his clickbait garbage.

Oh THAT guy. Ignore my last post!


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
This is one thing I can get behind.

One of the only reasons I am still hyped for my Xbox One.(aStill less than my PS4), is the mandatory Kinect 2.0 integration. UI navigation will be awesome, and hopefully we will see more voice commands build into games like Halo, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, etc.

Playing Skyrim is so much quicker and efficient with Kinect, which sucks for me because I play the PC version.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
By the way, I wouldn't count on the silent assumption being true that every feature of the XB1's OS will be usable (or even navigable) without Kinect. Or has that been confirmed?


Article is pretty much correct. I would argue that you'd have the same results if it was just a pack-in and not something that had to be plugged in in order for the system to operate, but the bottom line is that the only way Kinect stands a chance of being well-utilized is if developers see an incentive in doing so, and that means having as many units out there as possible. Can't make a game that revolves around the cool stuff that Kinect does when only a fraction of the install base actually has one.

It's in every goddamn box.
Its going to be very few people that are not going to have it connected. I would imagine under 10%

If I can get rid of mine or trade it in I will do so as soon as possible. Don't need it, don't want it. The Xbox One comes with a great looking controller. That's all I want. I buy systems to play games on, and other things I may do like Netflix or whatever, I'm pretty sure I can navigate it with the controller.

If there is some kind of secret sauce that is going to make Kinect so amazing, so worthwhile to have plugged in, they didn't reveal it during the Xbox 360 era and they've yet to do so with the Xbox One. Microsoft has utterly failed in every way to convince me that this thing is worth more than approximately one fuck.
As a standard-issue, always-on-and-enabled FEATURE of the Xbox One, Kinect was something that had a hugely better chance (not a guarantee, but a good chance) of being developed for in a meaningful way.

Develop meaningful things for Kinect first before bitching about people not wanting it.


Drunky McMurder
MS has guaranteed 100% adoption with Kinect in every box. Want to play a Kinect game? Plug it the fuck back in. If people get rid of their Kinect, then that means they weren't going to play your dumb Kinect game anyway.

But now they aren't forced to see the GENIUS of Kinect 2! It's totally not an incremental upgrade to a shitty fad product! And now you damned ungrateful entitled internet hipster bastards ruined it for everybody. Kinect was going to cure cancer, and now it's your fault that it will shoot your grandma.


But so many people won't, willfully, or simply don't give a shit enough to plug it in, because beyond voice controls, there really aren't many compelling reasons to really use the thing aside from that one time a year your friends come over and dance like idiots and spill wine on your rug.

But how do you really feel?

It really tied the room together.


Casual, Fad, Waggle, Shovelware. Besides sales, what did Wiimote do to advance gaming?

Besides Wii Sports, what (good) Wii game would have been ruined by using a standard controller?

PES Wii.

Dunno about ruined but a lot of games were improved by it; Godfather, RE4, Mario Galaxy. The controls in Skate It made a lot more sense than in regular Skate.

In general, if your game was using the pointer, it was an improvement over the standard controller. Motion controls are hit or miss but a lot of small motion shortcuts over pressing buttons were ok, like swiping the controller to use the knife in RE4.


The only thing that really matters is the install base of the kinect.

This is the key point. They will not throw the kinect out. They might disconnect it. Then a major release comes out and people talk about how the kinect integration works amazingly, they plug it in, and everyone is happy. Some never used the packed in headset, but it was there to use.
Bullshit. If a developer has a great idea and use for Kinect, it would show in the game itself. I'd rather have them develop a great game because they want to use Kinect rather than just tack on menu uses or other useless crap for it.


I would agree if Kinect wasn't shipping with every box. Right now, developers can still be sure that every Xbox owner has a Kinect at home, and if their software is compelling enough, that will push them to use it.

But yea, not one Kinect game was announced at the E3 conference. Microsoft aren't exactly doing a good job promoting Kinect for gaming.

WOW, so you can actually PUSH consumers to use Kinect.

I think Microsoft should hire you ASAP.

Because they are scratching their heads about how to CONVINCE people that Kinect is fun to play with!


No I dont think this is going to lower the install base of kinect at all, it may even increase it.

People might be buying an X1 now that kinect is no longer required, and If kinect was still required people would not buy an X1 or just choose not to buy kinect games . Just because its required does not mean someone who does not want to play kinect games is going to buy software for it.

for example

out of the 100mill potential consumers of the X1 75 mill want kinect and 25mill dont, having it required or not is not going to effect the 25million gamers decision in supporting it, it just makes life more awkward for those 25mil.

With kinect being included with the X1 i think it will increase the software buying install base from being 25% (with kinect one and 360) to 75% regardless if its required or not, the sheer fact its in the box is what matters.

stupid gizmondo.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State

Gizmodo is trying to convince everyone that XBOX One was perfect since the 180 they did. Lots and lots of people don't care about Kinect, it's only fair to give them the choice of not wanting one.

This would doom kinect to be a side thought again. Some of us don't want that.
It's in the box. Everybody has one.

It's up to Microsoft/Developers to want to get people to fucking use it.

that fucking simple.

even if it was mandatory, that shit would have been sitting behind my tv gathering dust.


Much of the cost of a device is the research and development. There is no $100 for you to pocket. The device itself probably costs more than $100 to manufacture and definitely more than $100 per unit to create. $100 is an artificial number based upon the original Kinect and the difference in price between X1 and PS4. X1 at $399 without Kinect is a bad deal relative to PS4. You have worse RAM and GPU at the same price. X1 would be forced down to $349 at least. Microsoft put most of its research and development into Kinect, if they dump the Kinect they've lost their main selling point and wasted their budget. They might as well start planning a quick exit like they did with the OG Xbox if that is the path they are on.

Either way, it is added cost for something that I don't want and is now not even mandatory, so I should not have to pay for it. All I want is the console, and it is damn sure not something I feel is worth $500.00 alone when I can get the more powerful PS4 for $100 less, and with no such attachments I don't need in the box.


Joke post?

Nope. For most users and most purposes I think a basic webcam will be sufficient. The Kinect is obviously technically superior but there's not doubt that the PS4 will get the Just Dance games or whatever takes their place and people probably won't notice the difference.

REV 09

Thanks internet, I guess.

yep. I still feel that the original vision that MS had was more compelling that what we're left with, but hey, maybe Amazon will step up with a digital only steambox/hybrid that will fill the void.

The internet feels like Tea Party conservatives in our digital gaming future. They absolutely despise progress and want iterative versions of what we have now or even better...for things to be rolled back to the good ole days. These new boxes may be too stuck in the past and too weighed down by the current to stay viable for future success. The vita for instance, is the hardcore's dream handheld gaming device...and it's dead. I'm not sure what the hardcore wants is sustainable anymore.

At least i have Steam.
I don't get it, why? If you don't care about Kinect at all, why not just buy a PS4 and spare yourself the wasted money on Kinect. If you still want an Xbox because of exclusives (or whatever) the games won't change just because you haven't Kinect plugged in. They will still have the gimmicky "better with Kinect" features, hopefully optional ones. Just disable it in the preferences or disallow it for games where you don't want it.

So when I do buy an Xbox, and don't use Kinect, why have it plugged in at all? Why not just leave it in the box? I certainly won't be using the fucking thing. Why disable the optional features and leave the camera plugged in?

I have no interest in kinect, move, Wii U gamepad or any other gimmicky shit. Give me a controller and a game and im good.
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