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God! Nolan's Dark Knight Rises is such a terrible movie!

Another TDKR bashing thread? We have like a million of those already. TDKR is definitely a "flawed film", but I still think it's a magnificent movie nonetheless. For one thing I always saw it as logical conclusion to his trilogy. Bruce's character journey throughout the film makes sense for a story perspective, yes there are contradiction and it's not always the most concise of tales, but I think it fits well into the narrative.

Also I don't think the performances are terrible. In fact Hardy was a great Bane, even if he was in-name only, and you could barely understand him, but he did bring the physicality and was "rough" in the role, for example.

He abandoned the Howard Hughes after Scorsese made The Aviator, that was supposed to be his follow-up to Insomnia. In fact Jim Carrey was set to play Howard Hughes.

People also get bent out of shape because of how Bane died but it thematically made perfect sense. He was a nobody rogue mercenary the entire time and Talia was pulling the strings.


I really disliked Dark Knight Rises. Batman Begins and Dark Knight on the other hand will forever remain two of my favourite superhero movies of all time.
The worst of TDK trilogy would still be the creme de la creme of the likes of the MCU.

It's statements like this that makes discussing superhero films so tiresome. Instead of people discussing a film in isolation they just start throwing shit at other films and it starts an endless cycle of bickering and fanboyism.

TDKR is an ok film but a disappointing cap to the trilogy.
It could be better but it absolutely has one of the best epilogues to a trilogy. The way they wrap it up is perfect. Especially the eulogy and the statue unveiling. Only thing I would change is the bit near the end when alfred looks and nods. I will just keep that and remove the footage of bruce and Selina, so the ending become more mysterious like Inception.





Un Rama
People also get bent out of shape because of how Bane died but it thematically made perfect sense. He was a nobody rogue mercenary the entire time and Talia was pulling the strings.

That was all awful. Selling your main villain down the river in the most anticlimactic way for a plot twist people called when she was cast was really really bad.


It wasn't nearly as good as the first two films but I still enjoyed it. Also still better than any of the DCU movies that have come out since.


yeah it's pretty weak. everything t do with the reactor and why Bruce would even build it the first place makes no sense, and the reactor kinda drives the whole film. There would be no Bane takeover without it.

He obviously knew about the flaw to make it a bomb before construction started otherwise there is no reason to have it built in an underground supervillian lairand he built it with the intention of never using it funnelling all the profits of his company to do so(which we learn from the orphanage funding and his dealings with tahlia)?

I like to think at the end of the movie he isn't retiring from being Batman because he has found peace or whatever but instead is on the run for building an unlicensed unsupervised nuclear reactor underneath one of Americas largest cities.


People also get bent out of shape because of how Bane died but it thematically made perfect sense. He was a nobody rogue mercenary the entire time and Talia was pulling the strings.

Plus he already got 'beaten' by Batman just moments before, he didn't need a drawn out defeat since he already had one.

Then why did Nolan want to film right in the middle of protests?

Because the film was going to include protests and poor overthrowing the rich anyway, so why not use real life footage of a similar event happening?
I guess we do? I'm confused why this is a thing as it isn't bad but not great

You know what we need every few months though? A TPM episode 1 bash threads

Nah I feel bad for Jake Lloyd.

I can use a thread lament at how bad the remakes/reboots are (Conan, Robocop etc).
People also get bent out of shape because of how Bane died but it thematically made perfect sense. He was a nobody rogue mercenary the entire time and Talia was pulling the strings.

Yeah Bane was tough, but he was pretty clearly not the "ringmaster". I know a lot of people think that weakened his character, and I can't say I entirely disagree with them either, but at the same time context wise I think it made sense.

Also the more and more I watch it, I actually think the real-world bomb climax in terms of suspense, and dread, outdoes a lot of CGI big-fight superhero climaxes. It's certainly impressive how they filmed it anyway.


I had to drop by with my two cents.

Been on the forum for quite some time, see this movie getting bashed a lot. It's unwarranted and makes no sense at all. I can understand not liking it, I can understand being disappointed by it, heck I can even understand saying certain parts of it aren't the best...but it's a good movie. C'mon people.


You don't get to bring friends.
Nah I feel bad for Jake Lloyd.

I can use a thread lament at how bad the remakes/reboots are (Conan, Robocop etc).

Pfft I wouldn't hate Llyod, has enough shit to deal with

Everything else in the movie though is open season...

I support your reboot thread idea though
It could be better but it absolutely has one of the best epilogues to a trilogy. The way they wrap it up is perfect. Especially the eulogy and the statue unveiling. Only thing I would change is the bit near the end when alfred looks and nods. I will just keep that and remove the footage of bruce and Selina, so the ending become more mysterious like Inception.

I can't take that fucking statue seriously given how The Postman ended the same way.


pfft yeah right. Better than Thor 2, Hulk and Iron Man 3 for sure but not even touching the others. DKR isnt even remotely in the league of The Dark Knight.

Say what you will but these cinematic universes tend to have a bloat problem anyway... sure the MCU will have a couple gems here and there but there isn't the same anchor holding it together that you get from a single vision, like with Nolan's trilogy -- imo even MCU's high mid-tiers lose points 'cause of that. Winter Soldier and Guardians are definitely some of their best, heck I'm even a sucker for The Incredible Hulk, but that's 'cause they have a weight to them the rest of it seems to lack. TDKR could've been way better but it still had a sense of stakes, character, and complexity, etc.
Walking out of the theater, I thought it was my favorite of the trilogy.

5 years later, I'm probably back on my original Begins = TDK >>> TDKR opinion.

TDKR was probably too bloated, and maybe needed a second movie to really make everything have an impact and let things breathe. It never felt like Batman was gone for 8 years, and it never felt like Gotham was occupied that long by Bane.

Plus, Gordon's and Alfred's roles were highly diminished, which annoyed me at the time and maybe even more now.
The movie is a mixed bag, some parts are awful and amateurish, others are pretty great.
The terrible fights, the nonsensical plot and the rightwing propaganda bring it down for me.
But it's dumb fun nontheless.
It's not a terrible movie but it has some pretty questionable content. Worst of all it's a thematic mess that retreads itself and ends with an unearned twist that merely serves to wrap up the series in a nice callback package. Subpar fight scenes and weird takes just add to something that should have been the conclusion to a great trilogy. It's especially baffling because it's the kind of movie you'd expect Nolan to nail in his sleep. But alas, it wasn't meant to be.
I don't actually even think it's bad, it just feels literally unfinished. Like they did a rough cut of a first draft of the screenplay and were like "alright, we good." There's a lot of really fantastic stuff in there, and it's super ambitious, but it just makes the incredibly rough elements stick out all the more.

It still has more clarity of purpose, narrative justification for even existing, and aesthetic identity than most super hero movies.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
That was all awful. Selling your main villain down the river in the most anticlimactic way for a plot twist people called when she was cast was really really bad.

*has minor Iron Man 3 flashbacks*
*has major Star Trek Into Darkness flashback*

Although that revelation in Iron Man has grown on me. It's different. But Bane getting killed off was so unsatisfying. I'm ambivalent about the Talia reveal. I really like how it ties things back to Begins and we see that she was the one that climbed out...but her modern day persona just didn't click for me.


Begins is still the best batman movie by far.

I need to watch rise again. Its been since home video release.

My problem with rise was everything felt unfinished top to bottom. It was rushed or something.

If heath hadnt died, ae could have gotten an insane trilogy,
I'm never going to convince people who hate it that it's good, but I really enjoyed it.

Tom Hardy as Bane was great. Anne Hathaway as Salena was great. The opening scene is so fun.

It has problems, but I'm glad they took the risk and went big.


I was done with this movie when they sent the entire city's police force down into the sewers.

Fuck off with that nonsense, Nolan. Come on.


New exciting thread!

Exclamation marks!

Couple of lines!

End of story!


Uhm... no, not really. It's not a terrible movie. The Room is a terrible movie.
I was done with this movie when they sent the entire city's police force down into the sewers.

Fuck off with that nonsense, Nolan. Come on.

Having said police force charge an encamped enemy that was emptying AUTOMATIC WEAPONS into them and seeing only a couple guys fall down instead of...all of them, is what made me write off the movie.


What a mess this movie is. From the terrible performances to idiotic dialogue throughout.

I feel the movie gets worse the more you watch it. The thematic angle of his "rise" is so laughably bad in how It's handled I dont think it needs to be said.

I completely agree. Everytime I watch, it only gets worse.
Can't blame him - This wasn't the movie he wanted to make, his narrative was destroyed with the death of Ledger, if you expect him to pull something out of his ass and still be consistent with the first two movies, good luck.

Do we know that for a fact, though? Has he actually gone on record saying his narrative changed dramatically with the death of Heath Ledger?

I managed to get the ultimate collector's edition box set (that crazy, hulking $150 one) on sale on Amazon for $35, and I'm hoping the extras reveal more insights into the process behind these films and Nolan's thoughts on Ledger's performance and how that fit into his vision, both before and after his death.

I noticed how Warner Brothers axed interviews and stuff on Ledger from the initial blu ray release due to his passing.

Maybe Bobby Roberts has some knowledge on this stuff?
I love how the OP reveals two things:

1) His ability to comprehend relatively simple plot lines is asking too much.

2) He thankfully found a GF with the same mental threshold and I guarantee they will live happily ever after


Some real hyperbole.

I think it's a great movie but I feel it's a better sequel to Batman Begins than The Dark Knight in some ways. I get why some people might be disappointing in it as a sequel to The Dark Knight specifically. The presence of the Joker was so huge you can't help but feel his absence throughout when you watch them all in succession. But I'm not sure what Joker would have contributed to the story either.

The Dark Knight probably would have even worked as the conclusion to a trilogy on its own.

I will say the absolute worst moment of the movie and of the trilogy is Hathway shooting Bane. Wait, I forgot Talia's death.


It took suspension of disbelief to new heights.

A massive mess. At least it left us with the hilarious first scene with the plane


Nah I can think of at least a dozen worse superhero movies. I don't think DKR is even in the bottom 20.

It has it's flaws but it's no where near as you people claim. Nolan just set the bar so high with Dark Knight that there was no way he could top that so everyone just loves to shit on Rises.
It's a terrible movie made by an amazing film maker and excellent cast which almost makes something competent out of itself despite the crappy script and most of them just phoning it in.
With the Dark Knight's "hey, the Patriot Act is necessary to save lives" thing and TDKR framing Occupy Wall St as the bad guys, Chris Nolan has some weird-ass politics.

I don't think the scene was intended as an affirmation of the Patriot Act.

It was supposed to be a thematic representation of the Lucius-Caesar allegory which occurred earlier in the film when Bruce, Harvey, and Rachel were having dinner. It's very on the nose when you think about it. Lucius Fox is given overwhelming emergency powers to save the city, and once it's saved he relinquishes it.

If anything, Nolan's opinion on the matter is probably reflected in Fox's. The power shouldn't exist, it's ripe for exploitation, and any use should be relegated to the most extreme of circumstances. Fox's very own caveat to using it is that he destroys it afterward to ensure that it can't be misused in the future.
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