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God of War, Ghost of Tsushima or Horizion Zero Dawn?


Seeing this talk of God of War on PS5 etc, got me thinking, which game is best to pick up first out of these 3? I've never played any of the God of War games, its Mortal Kombat level of violence never did it for me, seeing God of War 5 though seems to be more of a story driven adventure than before....Also never been a HUGE fan of the likes of Ninja Gaiden etc...which is the sort of vibe I am getting from Ghosts...and Horizon you can now get at a low price.....so which one wins out??

**excuse the typo in horizon in the title.. :messenger_grinning_smiling:
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thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
I think they’re must play games of course you play god of war.
god of war GIF
Boy! Play GOW.

But if you do, you’ll have a hard time sticking with the others afterward. So maybe HZD then GOW. I was not a fan of GhoT.


Neo Member
Hi, I'm a big fan of God of War games and I highly recommend you to play that game first. But if you don't like games like Ghost of Tsushima and GoW, then Horizon would be a good selection for you.

But you consider three of them. You can play Horizon first, for example, but in any time in the future you try God of War too. I think you will be enjoying the game.

My list would be like this:

1-) God of War
2-) Horizon
3-) Ghost
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I can wholeheartedly recommend Ghost of Tsushima, I still believe it's the best exclusive PS4 game and a really cool thing to end the PS4 generation with. I dropped God of War after some hours because it's not what I want out of a God of War game, I also don't like the dad and son dynamic. Haven't played Horizon because the trailers and screenshots just didn't do anything for me, so I can't comment on its gameplay qualities.
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I can wholeheartedly recommend Ghost of Tsushima, I still believe it's the best exclusive PS4 game and a really cool thing to end the PS4 generation with. I dropped God of War after some hours because it's not what I want out of a God of War game, I also don't like the dad and son dynamic. Haven't played Horizon because the trailers and screenshots just didn't do anything for me, so I can't comment on its gameplay qualities.
Well for me, I'm only just getting into the PS4 Pro generation, as I am not planning to get a PS5 anytime soon....


All 3 are must-plays in my opinion, bit I think God of War just about wins out as the best one (only God of War I've ever played).

Also I'm not a fan of Ninja Gaiden but Ghosts is nothing like that. The combat is completely different.


All 3 are must-plays in my opinion, bit I think God of War just about wins out as the best one (only God of War I've ever played).

Also I'm not a fan of Ninja Gaiden but Ghosts is nothing like that. The combat is completely different.
Cool, these along with Miles Morales are on my "to-playlist"


God Of War
Ghost of Tsushima

Horizon Zero Dawn

That's the order I'd go with, GOW and GoT are two of the best games of that generation, Horizon is a good experience but isn't as memorable as the other two for me, however it's still a fun time and may leave an impact on you.

God Of War is my favourite game of all time do I'd recommend that above all else, Ghost Of Tsushima is an amazing title with some very minor flaws but is worth the price of admission alone just to see the mesmerising open world before your own eyes, controller in hand.

Horizon is more play for a fun time then be done with it, for me anyway, story wasn't good, characters were mainly lacklustre, and the sidequests were mind numbingly dull, leaving you with not much to do after the main game and the DLC, however, the combat is fun, the world itself is gorgeous to explore and the enemy design is great.

All three are good-amazing experiences so pick up whichever catches your eye the most OP, you won't regret whichever one you pick I'm sure!
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
God of War is a 9, the other two are 8s. So that, but they're all worth playing.

Personally I found God of War's weird semi-open world more interesting than the others. Horizon and Ghost are beautiful, but there's still a lot of empty space to run through, GoW is quite dense. Ghost has way more Ubisoft style "run around map crossing things off" than the others if that's your bag.
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God of War, next Ghost.

I would recommend Horizon Zero Dawn, but no PS5 patch kill any chance.


Horizon does nothing new or interesting. Still the same hide in a thing to stealth and climb a tall thing to reveal a map that we've been playing for 10 years. Lance Reddick is the only part of the game that isn't boring garbage.


God of War, next Ghost.

I would recommend Horizon Zero Dawn, but no PS5 patch kill any chance.
Yeah as mentioned I am not planning to get a PS5 a.s.a.p, at somepoint in the future yeah, recently purchased a PS4 Pro so I would be checking these games out on that platform, this is where a Sony GamePass would have come in handy, had these games out 15-20 years ago, you were more than likely to get a demo for at LEAST one of them...before you committed to a purchase..
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Horizon is a borderline borefest at times and it hasn't had a PS5 patch, so prioritize last. GOW is a solid pick. Never played GOT (waiting for deep sale).


I'm going to have to say God of War despite not liking it myself. I think it's a 7/10, but I'm in the vocal minority. The game is adored and the production value is massive.


All are great. I think I’d take GoT over GoW by a hair. I keep going back and forth. Horizon is definitely third, but it’s awesome.


Gold Member
You can't go wrong with any of those but I think GoW is the best followed by HZD and even closer by Ghost.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
All of them are must plays, IMO. I honestly can't pick one. I guess I'd say God of War since its available for on PS+ for no additional cost on PS5. All of them should be played at one point.


They are all great. But I agree people placing HZD last on the list. Personally I enjoyed Ghost of Tsushima the most, but I love samurai/ninja stuff. It helped that its set in the countryside of Japan. If you are feeling more fantasy then go with GoW first. GoT is very straightforward, and more reality based.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
For me? Horizon was shit, Ghost was cool and fun but only for a while, and God of War was really great.


Yeah as mentioned I am not planning to get a PS5 a.s.a.p, at somepoint in the future yeah, recently purchased a PS4 Pro so I would be checking these games out on that platform, this is where a Sony GamePass would have come in handy, had these games out 15-20 years ago, you were more than likely to get a demo for at LEAST one of them...before you committed to a purchase..

Ow, ok. Horizon Zero Dawn is by far the best HDR implementation on PRO. If this help. I would recommend get both the game and the DLC.
For me it's easy: God of War. The other two, honestly, bored me too much to even complete. I have tried 3 times with Horizon and twice with Ghosts, and they are just bland, boring and lifeless to me. Obviously I'm in the minority as they're both very popular and successful, but they were just too boring for me.


No Silksong? = Delivering the pain.
All three are must plays. I recently got the platinum trophy for Ghost of Tsushima and I thought that game was quite incredible and beautiful.

Horizon is the most unique of the three and the combat, world, and story are amazing.

God of War has some of the best gameplay of the generation.

You can’t go wrong no matter what.

I’d recommend Horizon because of its uniqueness.
Horizon is a by the numbers mediocre 5/10 game. Its a lower budget game that feels lower budget (very short, empty world and activities and one note combat) that just rips every popular game ever. Tsushima is a ubisoft clone from 2013, when they were bad. God of War seems the only somewhat decent one of the bunch, but dont expect something above a 7/10 even for that


None of them are that great imo, and all three are close to the same tier of experience, so, I don't really think you can make a mistake here.

I would phrase my advice financially and say if you can get all three for $60-80 go ahead and do that. If you're only getting one just get the cheapest one.

Having played God of war and HZD I can assure you that GoW is a thousand way better. HZD is a mediocre game with no production values whatsoever. The side quest are all repetitive, the combat is boring and the direction of the game is just plain awful.
God of War is fantastic, so definitely that first. Horizon is great as a mindless podcast game but it's repetitive and the story is pretty wack. Not played Ghost yet.


God of War is the best of the three. Ghost of tsushima is good but not as good as God of War and horizon was fun but middling compared to the other two games. It really is fun, and the beginning of the game was fantastic. But after a while it gets tedious and once you have come across all the animal types it loses a lot of the allure. It has a lot of potential though and I think the next game will be way better. Also maybe consider death stranding if you haven't played it. But God of War for sure. It is way different than the ps2/ps3 era God of War and way better.
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God of War is the best Sony first party game on PS4. I liked Horizon very much even with its flaws (like bad exploration), but God of War is much better and is the game (with Bloodborne) to absolutely play on PS4 while I'd say Horizon belongs to the top 30 best games on PS4.

1 - Bloodborne
2 - God of War
~30 - Horizon


Definitely Ghost of Tsushima.

The gameplay of Zero Horizon Down is boring, but the story is interesting.
God of War has fun gameplay and an interesting story, but it's very linear.
Ghost of Tsushima has fun gameplay, interesting story and it's very open, but it has a lot of similar side quests.

I vote for ghost of Tsushima because it's story is miles better and interesting, and throughout the game do you keep unlocking new stuff. I had a lot more fun with this game than the other 2 games.


GOW is my GOTG, absolutely incredible game, from the layers of gameplay it gradually adds to some of the enemy design (Revenants, Travelers and Wulvers etc) the level of production and a return to more linear, no bloat experience. So that would be my number one pick!

Ghost of Tsushima was my GOTY for last year, the combat is so gratifying, especially perfect parry's. The opening is spectacular, the island is so beautiful and the mystic quests are some of my favorite missions in any game. There are somethings that need improvement in a sequel, like the stealth is too easy but overall it's an excellent game (Maybe a few too many fox dens if you go for platinum) Number 2 for me.

Horizon has an interesting story, it's layered in the present and past of that world. The highlight of the game is combat against robots and the different robot designs.
However human combat is not very satisfying at all and exploration is like Uncharted climbing but just on an open world map. Traversal isn't that good in it either, the mounts just don't feel that good, it really needs a flying mount or something really weird to make it more interesting.
But it is worth it if you can get through the opening few hours to fight some of the bigger robots, like the thunderjaw. (as many have stated, this game is not nearly as good as the other two)

Death Stranding has a far more interestingly realized world than Horizon, if you have not played it. Many people attacked it for being a delivery simulator but it's actually an incredible game if you are a thoughtful and introspective kind of person.
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In my opinion:

Ghost is a more complete game because it has a coop mode that is amazing, but quality wise you just can't go wrong with Ghost and God of War, they are incredible.

Horizon is just a good game that is a nice beginning for a potential incredible sequel/series.


GOW is my GOTG, absolutely incredible game, from the layers of gameplay it gradually adds to some of the enemy design (Revenants, Travelers and Wulvers etc) the level of production and a return to more linear, no bloat experience. So that would be my number one pick!

Ghost of Tsushima was my GOTY for last year, the combat is so gratifying, especially perfect parry's. The opening is spectacular, the island is so beautiful and the mystic quests are some of my favorite missions in any game. There are somethings that need improvement in a sequel, like the stealth is too easy but overall it's an excellent game (Maybe a few too many fox dens if you go for platinum) Number 2 for me.

Horizon has an interesting story, it's layered in the present and past of that world. The highlight of the game is combat against robots and the different robot designs.
However human combat is not very satisfying at all and exploration is like Uncharted climbing but just on an open world map. Traversal isn't that good in it either, the mounts just don't feel that good, it really needs a flying mount or something really weird to make it more interesting.
But it is worth it if you can get through the opening few hours to fight some of the bigger robots, like the thunderjaw. (as many have stated, this game is not nearly as good as the other two)

Death Stranding has a far more interestingly realized world than Horizon, if you have not played it. Many people attacked it for being a delivery simulator but it's actually an incredible game if you are a thoughtful and introspective kind of person.
Nope, no Death Standing for me, I'd rather play the sequel to Policenauts than that game...so Horizion Zero comes in at 3, with the other two markedly better.....and somewhere amidst all that Miles Morales comes in...


God of war by far.
Horizon is good it has lot of diverse combat situation (outside human ones) and a lively open world (thank to robot dino)
Ghost has the main story, setting and a good combat system...it's good played like a linear game. the open world on the other hand is still as empty as the ones they did before (4 games and zero improvment on that front)


God of War


Ghost of Tsushima

Maybe move Ghost a bit higher if you can tolerate Ubisoft open world games. If you are gonna play it, probably just mainline it.
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