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God of War - Road to E3 2017 (IGN)

Doesn't the cut to black there occur when you select an enemy?


When you select the first enemy there's a quick cut to black that never occurs again until it enters another cutscene.

you might be right but I don't think that is the cut. In-game, I always felt the CG transition happened when the camera pan kicks in (and there's a ton of motion blur to mask the spin) because the the post spin graphics look noticeably worse and there's aliasing around the characters that's not present in the cutscene.

Though it might be a mixture, and that could be a pre-recorded scene that transitions with the cut to black. Not sure.
I agree that it is one of the best trailers ever made. I rank it next to MGS2 reveal. GOW III reveal works best, even though you said nothing from it made it to the final game. In fact it kinda does. You can see the Boots of Hermes in action where Kratos run sideways, and you can see the gory fatality he does on the Minotaur. Then you can see him grab an enemy and use it as a battering ram (another cool feature). After he gets piled on, he uses Nemean Cestus (Hercules' weapon) and smashes through the horde. All of these items are being showcased, including the fact that the ability to ride a Cyclops has returned for GOW II. Finally, he rides a harpy and you realize the game took place on Gaia. All these made it into the game, even though the particular setpiece sequence didn't.

I didn't mean such details. I meant the whole concept of this trailer which represented the entire revolutionary idea behind the titan gameplay that was suppsoed to happen in GOW3.
Well in the first ever reveal at VGA 2008 which had parts of this trailer but in really low quality mess: low res textures and low poly models. All the fans complained and yelled at the devs who didn't approve such complaints.
And later in February 2009 they released this awesome trailer with very much improved graphics but after they said that fans forced them to choose between spending efforts and time on graphics over making the supposed gameplay in GOW3.
In this trailer and the early vision of gameplay (if they kept the bad graphics): you were supposed to ride an entire titan which was bigger than before, fighting hordes of enemies on it using its environment pieces, either to attack or to hang on when he flips upside down when climbing the mount Olympus. Titans would have been filled with dungeons and secret areas and you would spend longer time exploring them and where considered like moving levels and missions and you use harpies to travel from one titan to another at your will and the titans used to represent a big part of the game.

Nothing from this made it to the final game and the titan part was toned down to the maximum, by only keeping Gaia while the other titans where falling down like flies. And the you spent vvery little time on Gaia and the whole concepet wasn't very developed and was merely gimmick and just a tech demo while it was supposed to happen many times and not a short time just at the beginning.
Something much much more developed than Shadow Of The Colossus was going to happen in GOW3 which would have made it one of the best games of all times sadly.

I really hope this time they had enough time to make such concept with giants and especially the plants as living levels.

I wanna see a cinematic trailer, that contains gameplay. Epic as GoW III teaser. And after that, I can rest in peace.

Dude. Read this:

This is by far the best GOW trailer ever and one of the best trailers in general. I can't remember how many times I watched it or the persons to whom I made watch.
I remember calling Todd Papy (Ascension director) whether they can make a trailer as epic as this. He told me that such types of trailers need so much time and dedication to be so well orchestrated.
In fact nothing from that trailer made it to the final game.

Don't expect such trailers to happen for GOW any time soon. This is too much time and effort consuming. Cory also said that there won't be a demo (a demo may take 6 months to prepare). Such type of trailers would take much time too.
GOW3 had this type of trailer and even a demo and lost so much time on them instead of focusing on developing the original vision of the gameplay. They even didn't do LOD for the game since they didn't have time (so when Kratos even being held by a titan and looking like an ant he was still 35K polygons and his muscles still flex).

I don't think you want a trailer with this scope and a demo at the expense of better graphics or gameplay concept in the final game.

But I agree. They ened to release a trailer as pumping as this, at least close enough.
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