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GOG News and Updates 2013

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Soooo any chance for an offer today from gog.com? Check their site but there wasn't anything new ^_^;


Unconfirmed Member
First of the new year:

Cultures 1 & 2

I know absolutely nothing about it. Viking exploration-based RTS? Looking at the screenshots, it seems a little questy, too - I've not played Dawn of War, but I'm dimly aware that that's a rather more RPG-esque RTS than some. Along those lines, perhaps?

Makes me wish they would release Vikings: Strategy of Ultimate Conquest.

Not that it's a good game, in fact I'm pretty sure I remember it being terrible, but I did play a ton of it when I was younger and would love to go on the nostalgia trip.


Cultures is on Gog now? Great! I loved those games, still have them all (in different versions) on CD. It's like a slower Settlers which is exactly why I loved it so much.
I remember that I played a game of over 30 hours with my gf once until we hit some kind of barrier (I think we couldn't place any more signs or something like that).


Damn you Minsc! I just saw the thread just now and I thought Grim Fandango was finally out on GOG.

That reminds me, all those games on GOG I bought during the sale and previous sales ... I should get to those.


Hmmm, I adore GoG, but I think I have the first three Bard's Tale titles as included on the android version of the more recent game; then again, I do like GoG's approach to supplementary material. I'm torn.

In the meantime, we have releases for today:

Imperialism 2: The Age Of Exploration

King's Bounty: Crossworlds GOTY

Crossworlds GOTY includes Armored Princess and various expansions and extra campaigns too. Full-price, but a 40% discount currently.


^Heh beaten by a minute.
Brian Fargo tweets:

Great News!....for those who haven't got it from Steam yet.

I already got it from Steam during the sale =P

Well King's Bounty: AP+Crossworlds is up for $15-

I already have King's Bounty: The Legend from Steam, but is this like a seperate game of sorts? Do I need to play The Legend first if I want to play this game?

Also Imperialism 2 is now on gog.com:


It's been brought up before, I think, but anyone buying Crossworlds should be aware the Orcs on the March campaign is the Armored Princess campaign + expanded content which, in turn, kinda deprecates the vanilla AP campaign.

I already have King's Bounty: The Legend from Steam, but is this like a seperate game of sorts? Do I need to play The Legend first if I want to play this game?

It's a more refined sequel really. I wouldn't say it's necessary to play The Legend first but I'd say it lent itself to a bit more exploration early on rather than the gating via the early islands/sea charts of AP.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
^Heh beaten by a minute.

I already got it from Steam during the sale =P

Well King's Bounty: AP+Crossworlds is up for $15-

I already have King's Bounty: The Legend from Steam, but is this like a seperate game of sorts? Do I need to play The Legend first if I want to play this game?

Also Imperialism 2 is now on gog.com:

Think of the King's Bounty series like this:

The Legend is King's Bounty 1
Armoured Princess is King's Bounty 2
Crossworlds is King's Bounty 2 directors cut
Warriors of the North is King's Bounty 3


After watching Spoony's Ultima 7 vid...I don't think I'm ever gonna play that game anytime soon >_>; ...but still lol @that insane long-ass quest, it almost feels like a fetch quest...


Damn it, I am downloading Alan Wake and the game itself had a constant 5-8MB speed on the downloader but once it starts downloading the extras the speed drops down to under 300kbps and remains at that speed for the duration.


Damn it, I am downloading Alan Wake and the game itself had a constant 5-8MB speed on the downloader but once it starts downloading the extras the speed drops down to under 300kbps and remains at that speed for the duration.

With large games, it's one of those instances I wish GOG offered the option to direct install from download or to download the installer package.


Damn it, I am downloading Alan Wake and the game itself had a constant 5-8MB speed on the downloader but once it starts downloading the extras the speed drops down to under 300kbps and remains at that speed for the duration.

1. Download FlashGet
2. Install it.
3. Run it
4. Start downloading game without gog downloader in google chrome
5. Open your "downloading" tab and "copy link adress" beneath filename.
6. Open Flash Get
7. New task
8. Paste
9. Enjoy full speed.
10. profit

* - mostly it auto show after you copy link

Example : downloading drivers from creative site: 40kb/s with flashget full speed.

I don't know what it does but it is amazing.


Ok, I'll try that. I guess they drop the download speeds for the extras, on all games for some reason. Took 30 minutes to download a soundtrack from a different game when the game itself was much larger and downloaded in about that same amount of time at a faster rate.


Releases, and I'm pleased to say: More Spiderweb!

Avernum: The Complete Saga

Now, this is complicated. Spiderweb made an Ultima 6-esque RPG series named Exile. Three individual games making up a trilogy with recurring storylines, plus Blades of Exile - three shorter scenarios plus a scenario editor to create your own.

Following on from that, Exile was remade into Avernum. Exile 1-3 were remade into Avernum 1-3, and Blades of Avernum was also produced. Then, however, they went on to produce a followup trilogy, Avernum 4-6, set long after the first trilogy. That's what this pack contains; those seven games.

But before you dive in, a cautionary word of warning: Spiderweb are now remaking Avernum... and calling it Avernum again. There's "Avernum: Escape from the Pit", which is a remake of Avernum 1. That's all that's been released thus far of the re-remade games; unsure if more is on the way. It'll probably be some time before there's as much content available in the re-remade engine as there is in this one, though!

I've played a couple of the Exile titles in Shareware form, and they were very promising little RPGs. I'm not sure how much better (or otherwise) the remakes are, though.

Also released, one I know nowt about:

O.R.B: Offworld Resource Base

Looks somewhat Homeworld-y, but don't quote me on that.


Also released, one I know nowt about:

O.R.B: Offworld Resource Base

Looks somewhat Homeworld-y, but don't quote me on that.

I bought this back when it was released in the hope of it at least being a decent space RTS, but unfortunately O.R.B. has an incredibly large focus on resources. The units aren't particularly interesting and the gameplay mostly revolves around securing resource points.

I'd strongly recommend Nexus over O.R.B (or instead of Nexus; Homeworld 1, Cataclysm or 2 if you can get it for cheap).


Was hoping the soundtrack was with this, don't see much reason to bother when I have it on Steam as it is.

FWIW the soundtrack comes actually with the Steam version (or any version I guess). It's contained in the installation folders as .ogg files but can be easily converted if you so desire.


Didn't realise 'til I read the news for the preorder they've just put up (for Omerta: City of Gangsters): Today is the 500th release, so apparently there's something a bit special on the cards. Should be up any second now.


I sort of hope they keep the age protection in. Even more challenging these days (who are these people?)

Unlike the other Sierra titles, I don't think LSL put in any appearance on Steam when Steam got the other packs, did it?

Edit: Actually, weren't the Steam releases only King's and Space Quest? I thought they were more expansive than I thought, but then I ran through the list of Sierra stuff that's not on there and it's longer than I thought.


I sort of hope they keep the age protection in. Even more challenging these days (who are these people?)

Rather google would trivialize it so it wouldn't be all that much of an impediment while retaining the old flavor.


Yo hold up, if I do all the options in that box, that means I get around 8 chances at getting games that are worth $10, and I can do that AGAIN the next day to increase my chances?
*Checks his Wishlist for $10 games*



I'm not sure I get it, I'm supposed to share this link? It's for the GOG contest.

It's a random thing right?

It just redirects to gog.com, dunno what purpose it serves unless that link is connected to your gog account and in turn adds a counter for anyone who views the link, which increases your chances of winning.


Leisure Suit Larry 7 is a windows game. Very install to install under Seven, but i bet it will get its own release, since it looks ok (hires) even by today standards.


Is there any way of getting a heads up from GOG when a certain game goes on sale? Can't believe I missed the GK bundle. And I actually own the (mouldy) CDs, so I'm not really willing to pay full price.


Sad that 7 isn't available yet.
Still 1-6 for 9.99 is awesome.

Mandatory Question:
Why no I have no mouth and I must scream on GOG yet? I'd pay a nice price for it.


So the new offer for the week is...
stuff nobody's ever bought on gog.com before

I bought guilty gear X2 #Reload on a lark before. Shame it had PS2 button prompts and wasn't the version that could be modded for online play


Seeing as some of these games are on gog.com, I'd like feedback on Jack Orlando, Enclave & Gorky 17.
Gorky 17 is a really cool turn-based tactical game that should appeal to anyone who's into X-Com or Japanese SRPGs. I've only played it for an hour and the difficulty ramps up really quickly. Although I'm sure it's manageable once you get to know the game a bit better.


Bring Syndicate Wars, please!


That'd be glorious. Still got the original release but I wouldn't even want to try and run it on my current system.

Fun story: I pretty much broke the '.' key of my first keyboard because of the money cheat in Syndicate Wars. Each time you pressed '.', you got $10k deposited into your account. $10k in SW is complete chump change, so I left the game on with a hockey puck pressing on the key while I went off to do something. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but it made the key hyper-sensitive and made typi..........ng.. ver..y. aw...kwar..d.
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