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Good samaritan helping lost toddler gets punched by father, labeled predator online

Reminds me of that movie "The Hunt". I'd be extremely cautious about helping a child who is alone. It's especially sad that a lot of fathers can't even walk out in public with their children without being accused.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I happened to see a picture of the father's baseball team. Their uniform has assault rifles, bullets, and magazines on the front 😂

Their beards and overall appearance make this look like a recruitment picture for Redneck Isis.


"The father and his friends were not satisfied with the man’s explanation or that of the police. “So, I guess in Lakeland, you can kidnap a child and get away with it,” the father said to police, local media reported. The police report, local media said, described the father as “increasingly agitated.”

According to WFLA, other media outlets and police, family members and friends went on social media and shared the man’s photo, his Facebook page and his place of business, “calling him a child predator,” WFLA said."

So I guess that this genius never thought about the possibility that the good samaritan could have protected his daughter from an actual child predator? Or just the much, much more likely scenario that she could have wandered off and hurt herself?

Of course not, that would mean that he assaulted an innocent man who was helping him, which is unthinkable.

You know if his kid ended up like that story of the girl and the trucker he'd be blamin the trucker for not stopping and helping his kid.


I had something similar happen to me. I was in Barned and Noble on my lunch break, and was reading a magazine, when i saw a little girl walking around crying. I watched her for a few minutes. After seeing no parents were coming, i asked her if she knew where her parents were. Of course she didnt know so i took her to customer service desk and asked them to page the parents. Right as the clerk was about to get on the PA, hysterical mother comes up swinging at me that i was trying to kidnap her child. She called the police and everything. Was handcuffed and questioned. The employees knew me and tried telling her and the police i wouldnt do a thing. Eventually they pulled footage and confirmed i took her straight to the customer service desk.

Didnt even get an apology from either of them.

Sorry it may be cold, but fuck that. You cant keep an eye on your kids, i stuck my neck out for the last time.


This thread has it all. Victim blaming, people "just asking questions" regarding the samaritans motives, a list of things you should and should not do to make sure you don't get assaulted or harrassed if you do decide to help a kid.
I think people are underestimating the fear that parents (and especially new parents) have. It's not limited to men. I read a mommy forum and, in the year I've been reading it, there have been multiple posts from moms, concerned about creepy women following them in Baby's R' Us or at the park. With women, the concern is that they're trying to snatch your baby to raise as their own.

I think the fear is really targeted towards any adult, that doesn't also have a child with them. And I think maybe men suffer more from this specific bias, because we're less likely to assume that men have children with them or are the ones caring for a child.

I think in general, there's a lot of people on this planet who just need to chill the fuck out.
I happened to see a picture of the father's baseball team. Their uniform has assault rifles, bullets, and magazines on the front 😂

Their beards and overall appearance make this look like a recruitment picture for Redneck Isis.

Oh, Jesus. Of course. Why am I not surprised?


The father seems like a dangerous mix of asshole and idiot. The worst type of person to deal with in any situation.


It sucks, but even if you try to do the right thing and your intentions are pure you still have to be vigilant of how you look in certain situations.

Really liked that reference to The Hunt, Waddle.
the part of the thread where I leave cause we're now in a race to prove #NotJustAmerica hates other people's kids.

USA! USA! USA! like how fragile is your identity that you're about to find every study from every country that supports their men being afraid to help children

This is an absurd overreaction even for GAF standards. This was in response to other posters saying it is, or may be, mainly an American thing.


I happened to see a picture of the father's baseball team. Their uniform has assault rifles, bullets, and magazines on the front 😂

Their beards and overall appearance make this look like a recruitment picture for Redneck Isis.

Not surprising after reading the comments the friends and family of the neglectful father, they all seemed like bottom of the bucket types.


Yeah I remember some "candid camera" type show doing a thing with a little girl dressed up like a vagrant on the street. Men would very awkwardly look around like Chris Hansen was waiting to pounce on them, and most men wouldn't even stop to try to help. Women obviously tried to help her almost every time.

Sad, but that seems to be a social stigma that just can't be stomped out.
I've gleaned from the responses to the LakelandPD Facebook post that the good Samaritan was an Indian guy. I'm sad to say but the fact it was a brown man helping probably made the situation even worse. The father just sounds like a typical backwoods Florida asshole in every regard (I say this as a dude from Florida).

There are 'family friends' in the comments right now saying that there's more to the story and how all the facts haven't come out yet



I think in general, there's a lot of people on this planet who just need to chill the fuck out.

It's such an incredible culture of fear. It starts when you're pregnant, for women. You're criticized for any and everything you do and any minimal risk you take for your child. I mean, you'll get criticized for eating a sandwich, while pregnant, because of the 0.0001% chance of listeria. So, it's little wonder people are so frightened, as the child gets older.

Our culture needs to chill out first. We're creating this environment.


Yup. Shit, the other day I drove by a couple young girls selling lemonade on their front yard. They were doing a cute little dance as people drove to get their attention, it was super cute, I was thirsty, and for a second I thought about stopping, but then I thought about the optics and just decided to nope it and kept going.

Smart. The only time I buy lemonade without the girlfriend with me is at yard sales where the parents are close at hand.

It sucks but you have to protect yourself.
I don't think I'd be able to walk away from that like the good guy. I'd wanna fuck that father's life up as much as I legally could.

This whole event is overall pretty depressing.


I had something similar happen to me. I was in Barned and Noble on my lunch break, and was reading a magazine, when i saw a little girl walking around crying. I watched her for a few minutes. After seeing no parents were coming, i asked her if she knew where her parents were. Of course she didnt know so i took her to customer service desk and asked them to page the parents. Right as the clerk was about to get on the PA, hysterical mother comes up swinging at me that i was trying to kidnap her child. She called the police and everything. Was handcuffed and questioned. The employees knew me and tried telling her and the police i wouldnt do a thing. Eventually they pulled footage and confirmed i took her straight to the customer service desk.

Didnt even get an apology from either of them.

Sorry it may be cold, but fuck that. You cant keep an eye on your kids, i stuck my neck out for the last time.

This is abhorrent. As a parent, I'd be thanking a person who tried to help my lost child.

Also [puts on judgy hat], how you gonna call the police when it was your ass who lost the kid in the first place?


It's a big issue with society today in that it's very hard for people to admit they were wrong, or apologize. Especially man to man.

Sounds like the case here. The father would rather keep on thinking the absolute worst of a guy who was trying to help his daughter than to admit he made a mistake. If he continues to truly believe he saved his daughter from a kidnap, he won't ever feel bad for beating the guy up or losing track of his daughter. So now he's doubling down on this narrative he's woven in his brain that the man is a child predator, reinforcing this anti-reality bubble to protect himself from guilt and shame.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Also [puts on judgy hat], how you gonna call the police when it was your ass who lost the kid in the first place?
I wonder what the overlap is between these folks and those who vote for the party of 'personal responsibility'...


It's a big issue with society today in that it's very hard for people to admit they were wrong, or apologize. Especially man to man.

Sounds like the case here. The father would rather keep on thinking the absolute worst of a guy who was trying to help his daughter than to admit he made a mistake. If he continues to truly believe he saved his daughter from a kidnap, he won't ever feel bad for beating the guy up. So now he's doubling down on this narrative he's woven in his brain that the man is a child predator, reinforcing this anti-reality bubble to protect himself from guilt and shame.

To admit the truth is to admit he lost his own kid and a brown skinned stranger was the most responsible adult in the situation.

I wonder if he voted for Trump.


It's a big issue with society today in that it's very hard for people to admit they were wrong, or apologize. Especially man to man.

Sounds like the case here. The father would rather keep on thinking the absolute worst of a guy who was trying to help his daughter than to admit he made a mistake. If he continues to truly believe he saved his daughter from a kidnap, he won't ever feel bad for beating the guy up or losing track of his daughter. So now he's doubling down on this narrative he's woven in his brain that the man is a child predator, reinforcing this anti-reality bubble to protect himself from guilt and shame.

Just like Trump supporters.


What a sick society we have become. :(

New rules for good Samaritans: (1) do not attempt to talk to or even approach a lost child, call authorities immediately instead. (2) Do not attempt to even follow child -- you will be taken for a stalker and predator. (3) Recruit any and all bystanders to lost child and, if you dare, approach child as a group, film the encounter, making sure to clearly state on camera that you have called authorities. (4) Assume parents will vilify and blame you, expect no thanks or praise.

A sick society, indeed.


I don't think I'd be able to walk away from that like the good guy. I'd wanna fuck that father's life up as much as I legally could.

This whole event is overall pretty depressing.

I'm gonna go out on a rather flimsy limb and guess maybe the good samaritan is Hindu and his hoping karma will run its course.

Basing this on:
-Dude's last name is Patel, so most likely from India
-About 75% of Indians practice some form of Hinduism
-Fact that he did not fight back or press charges


To admit the truth is to admit he lost his own kid and a brown skinned stranger was the most responsible adult in the situation.

I wonder if he voted for Trump.

The uniforms for the baseball team the father plays on are festooned with guns and bullets. This shouldn't even be a question, of course he voted for Trump.
and while we are at it we have new revelations about Obama's supposed "Birth Certificate".

Facebook comments are always a cesspit of stupid cuntery, but this one is just maddening to read...at least some people are trying to defend the guy.

Oh, this one from a 'family friend'.

Morgan Brea Gabrielle is it just as sad for you and others with your thought process on here willing to say that even though you don't the whole situation nor do you know either party thinking you and your judgment is not flawed and that you in fact are not the one that is wrong, goes both ways babygirl! Not for one single second has it crossed my mind as an overreaction, I wish it would go to court just so he can be proven guilty after the 100's of eye witnesses can have a chance to speak their side and the entire case was reevaluated you and people like you can eat your words

Morgan Brea Jason Lucht yeahhhhhh 2 "eye witnesses" to the 50 that confirmed otherwise- we should jump right on their side because 2 vs. 50 must mean those 2 are right

I just don't know what to say. This isn't alternate facts, this is straight up delusion that makes me worry about their mental health and the safety of the daughter.


This shit is why I let my fiancé deal with a parent less
Child walking around. As a male I have no doubt this would happen to me if I tried to help a little one. Double standards suck, oh well.
the part of the thread where I leave cause we're now in a race to prove #NotJustAmerica hates other people's kids.

USA! USA! USA! like how fragile is your identity that you're about to find every study from every country that supports their men being afraid to help children

It's pretty adorable how emotional you're getting over someone correcting straight up lies. :lol :lol Talk about fragile identities
I had something similar happen to me. I was in Barned and Noble on my lunch break, and was reading a magazine, when i saw a little girl walking around crying. I watched her for a few minutes. After seeing no parents were coming, i asked her if she knew where her parents were. Of course she didnt know so i took her to customer service desk and asked them to page the parents. Right as the clerk was about to get on the PA, hysterical mother comes up swinging at me that i was trying to kidnap her child. She called the police and everything. Was handcuffed and questioned. The employees knew me and tried telling her and the police i wouldnt do a thing. Eventually they pulled footage and confirmed i took her straight to the customer service desk.

Didnt even get an apology from either of them.

Sorry it may be cold, but fuck that. You cant keep an eye on your kids, i stuck my neck out for the last time.

Really? This woman thought you were about to kidnap her child but stopped off at customer service to get the location of the nearest white van rental service or something?

I feel so sad reading a lot of these stories in here. These parents usually aren't paying attention to their kids, kid wanders or doesn't follow when they're supposed to, they look up and notice they're gone but instead assume that someone snatched the kid instead of the situation being due to their own inattentiveness.
Years ago I was arriving home and there was a toddler (2 years old) in the very middle of the suburban road in front of my house. I knew the child lived a few houses down because she was Asian and they were the only Asian family in the near vicinity. I parked my car and talked the girl into walking back in the other direction, and as I walked up her driveway, the father came running out and grabbed the daughter. I told him she was wandering in the street and he just gave me a look and backed away.

If I wasn't nervous about approaching kids(and I was) that only made it worse. I felt good about helping her over all though.


Obviously the father overreacted and shouldn't have physically attacked this man (or attacked his character on Facebook), but at the same time, if it looked like a stranger was walking with my child towards the parking lot, away from the location we were at, I'd absolutely assume the worst. So, I don't blame his initial skepticism and anger.

Walking around with the child was a bad idea. Just stand still out in the open and call the cops on your cellphone so people won't think you are kidnapping the child.

Edit. And DON'T pick up the child. I have 3 kids and when I take them to the playground I don't touch other people's kids, not even to give them a boost to get on the swings.
I've gleaned from the responses to the LakelandPD Facebook post that the good Samaritan was an Indian guy. I'm sad to say but the fact it was a brown man helping probably made the situation even worse. The father just sounds like a typical backwoods Florida asshole in every regard (I say this as a dude from Florida).
Sigh. Of course it was.

Im sure that little girl will hear the story of how the big bad brown man almost kidnapped her for the rest of her life and form wonderful opinions od people of color as a result

Fuck these parents man.


So fucking terrible, and is anyone fucking with the father for letting his kid get away from him in the first place? He won't even believe the police and is still talking shit. This kind of sexist bullshit is going to leave kids vulnerable, because a man isn't going to want to ruin his life for some kid he doesn't know.

Edit: and the victim is brown too? Oh fuck...


I'd still try to help a lost little kid.

The principle doesn't change even though you risk a punch to the face. The more important thing is that the kid didn't get hurt.


There are 'family friends' in the comments right now saying that there's more to the story and how all the facts haven't come out yet


You dont understand. The man was a terrorist. He was brown... and just believe me. He wanted to brainwash that kid. Believe me.

Obvious /s

Fuck the father, fuck his friends and fuck his family. They should all be sued, father in jail and child services called.
I'm gonna go out on a rather flimsy limb and guess maybe the good samaritan is Hindu and his hoping karma will run its course.

Basing this on:
-Dude's last name is Patel, so most likely from India
-About 75% of Indians practice some form of Hinduism
-Fact that he did not fight back or press charges

I guess he's doing a better job of following his religion than the father is doing his.


You dont understand. The man was a terrorist. He was brown... and just believe me. He wanted to braimwash that kid. Believe me.

Obvious /s

Fuck the father, fuck his friends and fuck his family. They should all be sued, father in jail and child services called.

I hope karma works out in the end and the father gets what's coming to him.
The old lost baby trick? Not today.


What show is this from exactly?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
He was heading towards the parking lot, geez.

It just takes one sustained incident and boom, your baby might not be seen again. Child kidnapping is real folks.

In the moment, would you not always assume the worst?

theres a huge difference between assuming the worse in the moment and then cooling off after the police get there and actually determine the guy meant no harm.

This guy reminds of someone who is wrong, is mad at them-self because they're wrong and taking it out on someone else. Instead of just admitting they made a mistake by A letting their kid get out of sight and lost and B doubling down by accusing the guy of being a child predator.
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