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Gravity Daze/Rush sequel teased in tweet


Sketchbook Picasso
Ahhh, Gravity Rush... a well-done sequel would be great news, I'm happy to wait a bit for it, so the game can get the development attention it deserves. Some spinoffs, DLC for the first game, and appearing in PSASBR would be a good way to keep Kat relevant while such a game is created.

Some of the most fun I've had in an open world since Crackdown 1; the gravity powers made it's challenges actually feel like they were worth doing, similiar to how Red Faction's destruction made it's open world fun to play around in. So many open worlds make gameplay feel like an afterthought, and the world feel like the real star; GR had a good balance, that'll only improve in a sequel.

It'll be interesting to see how they take the feedback from the first game; I really hope they aren't forced into making any decisions that sacrifice any of the games charm or gameplay originality.


Ahh...Guys what if this is for the PS3/PS4 and not Vita?

Yeah I just got you thinking didn't I?

Sixaxis controls.
And you know that this would happen if they made the sequel for PS3. Prepare for an unofficial sequel to Lair.

This reminds me that I still haven't removed the blister of my Gravity Rush copy. But with LBP being just released, I'll have to wait for a few more weeks. Who said the Vita has no games?


Sketchbook Picasso
I hope they'll go with no combat, all exploration/races for a sequel.

(One can dream anyway).

... Naaaa. But It'd be nice if there was a character who was like that. Like maybe Cyanea.

Art gallery / cinematic viewer unlocked after beating the game, please! I personally have no desire for the game to be any longer (I loved the fact it had no real fluff), but maybe giving a way to change the outcome of events, for multiple endings and in-story outcomes, would work out pretty well. Complimented by a touch of character relationship building...


Subete no aware
... Naaaa. But It'd be nice if there was a character who was like that. Like maybe Cyanea.

Art gallery / cinematic viewer unlocked after beating the game, please! I personally have no desire for the game to be any longer (I loved the fact it had no real fluff), but maybe giving a way to change the outcome of events, for multiple endings and in-story outcomes, would work out pretty well. Complimented by a touch of character relationship building...

If we're doing wishlists, I'd also like a NG+ or a replay function as well. Maybe a way to fix the game so that you can restart races would be a bonus.

(I just didn't like the combat. It just dragged the game down at the end. :/)


Just started playing the first one, it's utterly exhilarating! Glad it's getting a sequel, it's stylish as hell, and loads of fun.


Ah, there it is.

@shira_sc: @K_Toyama おめでとうございました!続編期待してます!

@K_Toyama: @shira_sc ありがとうございます!続編がんばります!

To which I would say carry on celebrating. Then I just got a cryptic, perhaps snarky reply from Toyama:

@Cheesemeister3k: @K_Toyama @furyo1990 つまり、グラヴィティデイズの続編に頑張っていらっしゃいますでしょうか。
"So, you're working on a sequel to Gravity Daze?"

@K_Toyama: @Cheesemeister3k 内緒です
"It's a secret."

I guess he means it's not an official announcement yet, given his other responses.
Well, I'm guessing that the can't come out and say that it's in development since it's early in production. His tweets, however, do hint that something related to GD is in development so...


Perfect gif - news so great it makes me want to shoot through the stratosphere. Still can't decide whether Gravity Rush or Journey is my GOTY thus far, but the former is unequivocally something very special and it would be a great injustice to not follow-up on such a bold new title with an improved sequel. Give me more of that steampunk-meets-Studio-Ghibli splendour because I can't get enough, and make the world more interactive this time.

Good luck topping the soundtrack though.


Junior Member
Too little too late... the first game was great (if only I could play it for more than an hour or so at a time). I already traded my Vita in towards a Wii U and don't really regret it since the only other games I had were Katamari, which is the same as every other one and Disgaea 3... a port of a quickly transplanted PS2 game onto PS3.



Gravity Rush was a great game. Gameplay wise, there is room for improvement but the gravity mechanic/idea is awesome. Visuals/cutscenes and music were nice too.

A sequel would be fantastic news. Personally though, i wouldn't mind seeing this franchise crossing over to PS3/PS4. It is a promising new IP of which i hope to see more.


Sketchbook Picasso
If we're doing wishlists, I'd also like a NG+ or a replay function as well. Maybe a way to fix the game so that you can restart races would be a bonus.

(I just didn't like the combat. It just dragged the game down at the end. :/)

NG+ would be interesting (Especially if they did some special stuff, like level up the enemies for it, or something), and quick restarts would be great (for all challenges, it was annoying to fall of course... then have to wait to be replaced in the proper spot. Just let me restart!)

I quite enjoyed the combat personally, so I could never wish it away. Got a similiar fun out of it, as say, fighting in a 3D Zelda game. Combat and Throwing missions were the only ones I'd jump into immediately upon unlocking, (waited for races until endgame) no questions asked. And the Course / Score / Combat mechanic of those challenges just worked so well for me; gravity kicking from one cluster of enemies to the next, across sections of cityscape, falling right out of the kick and dropping into the appropiate followups as required... makes me want to do some of it again, just thinking about it.

It kind of reminds me of playing a focused, combat-infused version of Outrun; everythings for the sake of score, but it's all so fun to do, that it was very enjoyable.

Hopefully, combat can be polished in this sequel, so more people can truly appreciate it. I have so much more fun fighting in this game, than gunplay in almost any variety of modern shooter...


Lovely game.
I never had a problem with combat. There's some sort of spatial awareness needed though and that's what maybe was disliked by some.
I'll be there day 1.


Running off of Custom Firmware
It's fair to say that the first was the primary reason I bought my Vita.
I waited months and months for what turned out to be an empty, terrible experience.
The devs have a LOT to prove to me.

Maybe next time they'll bother working on making the combat and platforming physics bearable. Some actual exploration would be grand, too. Less shades of shit brown, as well, please.


Thanks, but no thanks. Game bored the shit out of me. I feel like mission 18 (Adreux's Request?) was the moment that I realised I'd been kicked in the metaphorical balls. That mission felt like a self-aware parody of the game so far.

'Go here!'
'Place a thing!'
'Fight Navi!'
'Go here!'
'Place a thing!'
'Fight Navi!'
'Go here!'
'Place a thing!'
'Fight Navi!'
'Go here!'
'Place a thing!'
'Fight Navi!'
'Go here!'
'Place a thing!'
'Fight Navi!'
'Go here!'
'Place a thing!'
'Fight Navi!'

Fuck off.


Okay, in your opinion what are 5 non-port games for the Vita worth playing?
Gravity Rush
WipEout 2048
Mutant Blobs
Super Stardust Delta
Hot Shots Golf World Invitational
Unit 13
Sound Shapes
Little Big Planet Vita
Motorstorm RC
Ragnarok Odyssey
Uncharted: Golden Abyss

So of this list you played one of them, way to give the system a real chance.

When the system's yearly sales in Japan have been out done by the 3DS XL, this surely can't be a surprise?
Should every Xbox 360 thread be about how the system has been dead from day one in Japan?

Or maybe every Wii U thread should focus on how Nintendo punted on the system after the shortest life of a Nintendo home console, with little to no first party support?

The Vita will never be a market leader, everyone knows that. It'll fall somewhere between the Dreamcast and the PSP in terms of retail success. Both were fantastic systems for people who owned them, just like the Vita is and will continue to be, so who really cares?
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