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Grim Dawn has an expansion, Ashes of Malmouth. Launches Oct 11


After releasing Feb 16, Crate Entertainments Grim Dawn has gone on to sell over a million copies on steam. An ARPG, from the minds behind Titan Quest, it tells the story of a struggle between awakened ancient Gods, using the world of Cairn as their battleground, with the player character thrust in the middle. The base game ended on something of a cliff-hanger, with one threat seemingly dealt with but a larger one still looming.

The expansion is set to continue the tale, featuring two new acts, 2 new classes, new items, a raised level cap and much, much more for a modest $17.99

Official Trailer

Now unlike a couple of its more well known contemporaries, Grim Dawn is a more single player focused experience, featuring a handcrafted world to explore, and secrets to find, and lore to actually care about. It also encourages build experimentation with its cross class system, and best in class itemization. In fact, just by adding two new classes in the expansion, it takes the total number of class combinations from 15 to 28 and opens up even more synergys to find and tinker with.

As for the new classes the first is this guy


Who does stuff like this



Inquisitors are like a secret service of sorts. They're tasked with hunting down supernatural threats with permission to use the power of ancient artifacts to accomplish their means. As a class, they will specialize in dual wield ranged combat, with a range of elemental powers and skills

The second is this guy


Who does this sort of thing


This necromancer look set to capture the spirit, and perhaps reap a few as well, of the classic class. It has a nice selection of summoning skills, that can of course be paired with the other summon based classes for some real pet based shenanigans. If you prefer to gets your boney hands dirty, then their are plenty of options to do the job as well

Some housekeeping and things you may be wondering if you have never played before

- You will need the base game to play the expansion, and given it's a continuation of the story, need to beat it at least once. The base game can be bought here for $24.99

- No bundle announced yet, but I'm sure there will be

- Multiplayer is very much a thing but hardly the focus. Its all done peer to peer, and from the little I've done, seems to work well enough

- Endgame? There are currently faction nemesis that can be taken on, that generally require a well thought out build to be able to kill. Once you are confident doing that there are several 'uber bosses' that only the best geared, well thought out builds will even stand a chance against. The expansion is set to add both more faction nemesis and ubers to drive everyone crazy

- The real endgame is re-rolling and going again

- Crucible is optional dlc, but totally worth investing in for $5. It's my personal endgame tbh, and about the only place I play my max level characters

- As a reference here's an idea of just how much content is being added, compared to whats in game now

There's more I'm sure but its getting late.

Lastly though I just wanted to mention how Crate have become my favorite devs in the industry. Their lead dev and main point of contact to community, really gets what makes these games work and just seems like an all round awesome guy. He did this once, which is still the most awesome thing I've seen a game developer do. Not so much that he did it, but just how fast he acted on it really gets me in the feels everytime.


The reworked random Skill Bonuses to the "Ancient" versions of old gear are pushing my hype levels through the roof. I have everything gear-wise, pretty much, barring the Warborn helm ( :/ ). I welcome the forced obsolescence of 99% of my shit.


Grim Dawn never totally clicked with me but I'll probably get this because Totan Quest is my favorite one of these games ever and I want to support Crate. Maybe Necro can get me into the game more.


I bought the ridiculously expensive version of this game back when it was in EA after really enjoying what I played. I think my name is in there? I don't remember. But I should probably start playing it again.


Any updates to controller support on PC? I hated the implementation a year ago, and have held off hoping they would revamp it based on console development learnings or to push into an expansion like this.


My favorite ARPG of all time. So glad this game was a massive success for Crate, with over 1M copies sold. The devs went above and beyond all expectations. Can't wait to play the xpac.


Any updates to controller support on PC? I hated the implementation a year ago, and have held off hoping they would revamp it based on console development learnings or to push into an expansion like this.

Not tried controller, but they have confirmed an xbox one version is in the works, so I'd imagine they'll do something with it


I've never been so hyped for a game in my whole life. Thinking of all the cool builds I'll make and tweaking my existing ones with all the awesome loot I'll be picking up. Best arpg in existence by far.


How does this compare to PoE?

I like it much better. It is a much better single player game in that you actually get all the drops you need unlike POE where you trade for everything. I also like the gameplay, art and campaign much better than POE. And the builds you can make in this game are the most interesting of any ARPG ever as far as I'm concerned.

I've never been so hyped for a game in my whole life. Thinking of all the cool builds I'll make and tweaking my existing ones with all the awesome loot I'll be picking up. Best arpg in existence by far.

How does this compare to PoE?

Its level design is better, feels more like Diablo 2's I think, whereas in PoE everywhere feels like a static flat plain with different backdrops.

The loot system is simpler (not necessarily a bad thing depending on what you're looking for), the social aspect is less involved, the skill tree is pretty bad to me, the gameplay itself is good. PoE is a better gear grinding game, but its shitty aesthetics and boring levels make it a closer match between the two than it probably should be.


I've never been so hyped for a game in my whole life. Thinking of all the cool builds I'll make and tweaking my existing ones with all the awesome loot I'll be picking up. Best arpg in existence by far.

Yup. It's my most anticipated gaming related thing this year, easy. I can easily see me doubling the 1700 or so hours I have so far


Have they mentioned how they will distribute the expansion keys? I was a kickstarter backer who chose the game + expansion option, and I don't remember how I got the base game key.


Have they mentioned how they will distribute the expansion keys? I was a kickstarter backer who chose the game + expansion option, and I don't remember how I got the base game key.

If it's anything like the crucible that early backers received, then they'll be distributed via humble. You can then redeem the key on steam or gog.

Card Boy

From the Steam store page

Ashes of Malmouth picks up where Grim Dawn leaves off, expanding the world and story with two new chapters in the epic struggle to free humankind from the horrors of the Aetherials. Deep within the fallen city of Malmouth, the Shaper of Flesh crafts grotesque living weapons that could deal a final blow to the human resistance. You must forge new alliances as you push forward through deep forest, the void and into the city itself in a heroic effort to end the Aetherial terror. Venture into dangerous new parts of the world as you discover unique items, empower your characters and make difficult choices that have a lasting impact on the people of Cairn.

Key Features:

  • Level Cap Increased to 100 - Reach for ever greater power with an increased level cap of 100 and an increased Devotion cap of 55!
  • Two New Class Masteries – Unleash your vengeance upon the enemies of humanity with two new Masteries: the Inquisitor and the Necromancer, both of which can be combined with the base game’s Masteries, nearly doubling the possible combinations!
  • Two Story Chapters - Confront the devious Aetherials and their twisted abominations in the fallen city of Malmouth as you push forward alongside the Black Legion and Inquisitor Creed in two epic Chapters!
  • Transform Your Appearance – A brand-new Illusionist Service NPC enables you to transform the appearance of your equipment and customize your ideal look! Draw upon every item in your collection across all characters!
  • New Environments - Explore new parts of Cairn to the north of Burrwitch and beyond! Traverse the treacherous forest of Gloomwald and the murky Ugdenbog as you seek passage to the fallen city of Malmouth.
  • Four Factions - New Factions provide more opportunities to make allies…and enemies. Earn their favor to unlock unique rewards, or become a nemesis to spawn powerful foes.
  • 14 Constellations - Unleash the might of the Arkovian Gods with 14 new Devotion Constellations that open up even more combinations in Grim Dawn’s massive constellation map.
  • Collect Hundreds of New Items - Dozens of new Monster Infrequents and Hundreds of Epic and Legendary items are waiting to be added to your collection! Combine them with the new Illusion System to create a look unique to you!
  • Item Skill Modifiers - Transmute and empower your Mastery skills using new modifiers found exclusively on equipment.
  • New Nemesis and Super Bosses - Tackle all-new vicious threats and earn their unique loot. Discover Cairn’s secrets to summon supremely powerful foes.
  • A New Rogue-Like Dungeon - A fourth Rogue-Like dungeon is coming in a free update, shortly after release, featuring the corrupting presence of the Aetherials and the Chthonians upon the beasts of Cairn.
  • Expanded Stash - Stow away precious treasure with a vastly expanded Personal Stash and an additional Shared Stash Tab.
  • Reset Your Attributes and Mastery Bar - Find a new type of potion that allows you reset your Attribute Points. Speak to a Spirit Guide to unlearn the Mastery Bar down to one point.

This game is really good, surprised I don't see more talk about it on gaf. Didn't realize the expansion is out in just a few days, awesome!


Will pick it up, but man I don't have time for more games. There is way too much good stuff out/coming out.


Hell yes. Been waiting for this for some time. Demo+Inquis dual gunslinger. It's made to be.

I have been waiting for this promise to be fulfilled since very early Beta.

Best $75 I've ever tossed at a Kickstarter.

Or was it $150? I forget... the actual packages changed, after they got going, lol.

Regardless, I've had this paid for, for a few years.
Bring on my Demo-Inq. More Demo in my Demo.


No bows. There are crossbows though. Other then that, ranged is made up of rifles and pistols

Will pick it up, but man I don't have time for more games. There is way too much good stuff out/coming out.

I see this sentiment around a bit, but it's a pretty slow year for me. There's nothing later this year thats screaming 'play me' and the only two things I really got into from this year are Prey (loved) and Horizon (liked). It's sort of telling that my 2 most anticipated game things are this (an expansion) and a free (big) update due out quite soon as well in Warframe.

Can't complain though. Thats a grand total of $18 for potentially hundreds, if not thousands of hours of fun between the two


How is the end-game? I know people still don't like Diablo 3, but since RoS + QoL updates, the game has been fantastic. Seasons are really good. I actually deleted the game from my PS4 otherwise I won't be able to play all the stuff coming out.


How is the end-game? I know people still don't like Diablo 3, but since RoS + QoL updates, the game has been fantastic. Seasons are really good. I actually deleted the game from my PS4 otherwise I won't be able to play all the stuff coming out.

Sort of agree but not really re D3. It reached a pretty sweet spot right around when they added the cube a while back. That along with LoN really showed some potential to do some different, interesting things with builds. But since then, even they've been funneled into 'Bliz approved builds' and they really only seem interested in adding a zero or 3 to damage numbers, and upping torment levels. I played the first season on console earlier in the year and had fun, but unless something drastic changes with the direction of it, I'm not sure I'll be back. Wasn't even interested in their necro, where GD's necro has had me doing a lot of theorycrafting in my head, in anticipation of its release.

Endgame in GD, at least for me is re-rolling and messing around with another (usually self styled) build, and then seeing how far I can take it in the crucible. Gladiator difficulty is no joke, and not all builds can handle it very well, which leads to endless tweaking and tinkering trying to get it right. Aside from that, some people like to hunt and farm nemesis and some of the uber bosses, and one shot dungeon bosses for gear they drop.


Started downloading, although I might wait to play it until some mods increasing difficulty come out.

EDIT: I have over 300 hours in the base game, but stopped playing in anticipation of the expansion. Necromancer hype!


Looking at the page I see it has full controller support, if it's any good I'd like to give the game a try.

Also, I see it's co-op. Anyone know if the co-op is any good?
Looking at the page I see it has full controller support, if it's any good I'd like to give the game a try.

Also, I see it's co-op. Anyone know if the co-op is any good?

The controller support in this game is great, IMO. I've used both my steam controller and now my Xbox1 Windows controller which works really well.

Expansion is out now too! This is a crazy week.
Looking at the page I see it has full controller support, if it's any good I'd like to give the game a try.

Also, I see it's co-op. Anyone know if the co-op is any good?

OH MAH GOD theres controller support?!

Excuse me while I try it out

edit: oof, it's a little rough to get used to. I might just stick with mouse and keyboard for now.
Was Grim Dawn the first game to use a crowd-funding model? I honestly can't remember one doing so previously.

well, I couldn't tell you if they were the first, but they certainly did have a crowd-funding model in place well before it became what it is now. I paid for a Legendary version of the game I believe.


I bought this game back when dinosaurs ruled the earth and I still haven't gotten around to it, but this looks like a great reason to start. Hopefully I chose the game + expansion bundle, honestly can't remember.
I'll be getting this for sure. I have a level 84 character in Ultimate, which I haven't beaten yet. Is act 5 unlocked for each difficulty for that character?


I bought this game back when dinosaurs ruled the earth and I still haven't gotten around to it, but this looks like a great reason to start. Hopefully I chose the game + expansion bundle, honestly can't remember.

Same boat here. Looks like they have about balanced this game for all classes too.


It's been awhile since I touched the game, or even remember the game. All I remember was that by the end, my Conjurer was procing doom bolt and other lightning skills at a stupidly high rate while my minions killed off the rest. And it was amazing.


So, I used to play on my Surface Pro 2 back at launch. I booted this up and now it's rendering at 720p, but will not fill my screen.

Game cannot handle being at 1080p. It used to be 720 and fill my 1080 display. What happened? How do I fix it?


Can you play the new classes right away in a first playthrough of the base game?

You can. The only thing you need is to own the expansion. The actual new acts you'll need to beat the base game first though obviously

edit - I posted this in the OT but prob worth posting here too. If anyone is having issues with performance or even starting the game after the update, try the below. Fixed it for me

New Renderer Common Issues
Rest assured that top men are absorbing any and all reports and making sure any issues that arise are resolved as soon as possible.

That said, for anyone having issues launching the game after the latest V1.0.2.0 update or have experienced problems with visuals or loss of FPS, please try the following:

1) Verify Game Files in Steam
2) Run Repair.exe located in your Grim Dawn install folder.

If neither of those work, add "/d3d9" to your launch options for the game.

How to set Launch Options:

If none of these solutions work, please continue to report your issues with as much detailed info as possible, including system specs if possible.

Thank you and apologies if you are stuck instead of enjoying the new content.



Double post but screw it, not editing again.

To those wondering about controller support, its in game at the moment but from what I hear it's not great.

However in a recent dev stream, they mentioned they have been refining it, and it should be a lot better soon. They're working on an xbox one version, so they want it improved before that releases
Double post but screw it, not editing again.

To those wondering about controller support, its in game at the moment but from what I hear it's not great.

However in a recent dev stream, they mentioned they have been refining it, and it should be a lot better soon. They're working on an xbox one version, so they want it improved before that releases

Thats because the game was never built or designed for a controller. One of the devs built a tacked on hack by himself due to steam forums crying for one. From what i gather its some sort of you press something to enter cursor mode so you can select stuff, then switch it back to be able to move, stuff like that. Its not controller support, its a forced feature that was never tested or had the game made for.


Thats because the game was never built or designed for a controller. One of the devs built a tacked on hack by himself due to steam forums crying for one. From what i gather its some sort of you press something to enter cursor mode so you can select stuff, then switch it back to be able to move, stuff like that. Its not controller support, its a forced feature that was never tested or had the game made for.

Oh. Ok. Did not know.

I've never tried it and only heard that you could play with a controller and it wasn't great. The stream the other day was pretty funny though. The guy streaming said he had a suprise for everyone and was going to show off some new fandangled controller support, but he had no batteries for his controller, so it ended up being a bit of a cock tease.

Sounds like they've already done a bit of work with it though
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